
27. Articulation is the cutting out and shaping, in a perfectly distinct and appropriate manner, with the organs of speech, all the simple and compound sounds which our twenty-six letters represent. It is to the ear what a fair hand-writing is to the eye, and relates, of course, to the sounds, not to the names, of both vowels and consonants. It depends on the exact positions and correct operations, of the vocal powers, and on the ability to vary them with rapidty, precision and effect: thus, articulation is purely an intellectual act, and belongs not to any of the brute creation.

Anecdote. Accommodating. A Physi cian-advertised, that at the request of his friends, he had moved near the church-yard; and trusted that his removal would accommodate many of his patients. No doubt of it.

Proverbs. 1. A thousand probabilities will not make one truth. 2. A hand-saw is a good thing, but not to shave with. 3. Gentility, without ability, is worse than beggary. 4. A man may talk like a wise man, and yet act like a fool. 5. If we would succeed in any thing, we must use the proper means. 6. A liar should have a good memory. 7. Charity begins at home, but does

28. The second sound of I is short: not end there. 8. An ounce of mother wit is

[I in ILL.]

IL; inn, imp; the ser-vile
spir-it of a rep-tile lib-er-tine is
hos-tile to fem-i-nine fi-del-i-
ty; the pu-er-ile dis-ci-pline
of mer-can-tile chi-cane-ry, is
the ar-tif-i-cer of mil-i-ta-ry
des-po-tism; the fer-tile eg-
lan-tine is des-tin'd for a ju-ve-nile gift; the
gen-u-ine pro-file of Cap-tain White-field is
the an-tip-o-des of in-di-vi-si-bil-i-ty; the
wind, in the vi-cin-i-ty of mount Lib-a-nus,
is a me-di-ci-nal for the con-spir-a-cy of the
brig-and; the pris-tine foun-tains of the
ad-a-man-tine spring is sul-lied with the
guilty guil-o-tine; man is an ex-quis-ite
e-pit-o-me of the in-fi-nite Di-vin-i-ty, and
should be stud-ied as def-i-nite-ly as pos-

29. Two grand objects are, to correct bad nabits, and form good ones; which may be done by the practice of analysis and synthesis: that is, taking compound sounds, syllables, words, and sentences into pieces; or, resolving them into their component parts, and then recombining, or putting them together again. Error must be eradicated, cr truth cannot be received; we must cease to do evil, and learn to do well: what is true can be received only in proportion as its opposite false is removed.

worth a pound of learning. 9. Short reckonings make long friends. 10. Custom is the plague of wise men, and the idol of fools. 11. Every one knows best where his own shoe pinches. A faint heart never won a fair lady.

Freedom. When freedom is spoken of, every one has an idea of what is meant ; for every one has known what it is to live in freedom, and also what it is to live, and ac: under restraint. But then it is obvious that different persons feel in freedom, according to circumstances; things which restrain and infringe upon the freedom of some, have no such effect upon others. So that in the same situation in which one would feel free, another would feel himself in bondage. Hence, it is evident that tho' all have a general idea of what freedom is, yet all have not the same idea of it. For the same circumstances, it follows, that freeas different persons would not all be free in dom itself is not the same thing to all. Of course, the kinds of freedom are as many and various as the kinds of love are by which we are all governed and our freedom is genuine or not genuine, according as our ruling love is good or evil.

Varieties. 1. Did you ever consider how many millions of people-live, and die, igno30. Irregulars. A, E, O, U, and Y, in a rant of themselves and the world? 2. Stinfew words, have this sound: as-the hom-age giness soon becomes a confirmed habit, and giv-en to pret-ty wom-en has been the rich-est increases with our years. 3. The man, who bus-'ness of pet-ty tyr-an-ny, since the English is just, and firm in his purpose, cannot be proph-e-cy of Py-thag-o-rus; the styg-i-an fur-shaken in his deterinined mind, either by nace of bus-y Wal-lace, in Hon-ey al-ley, is a threats or promises. 4. By continually scol med-ley of pyr-i-tes, and the treb-le cyn-o-sure ding children and domestics, for small faults, of cyg-nets, hys-sop, and syn-o-nyms. Notes. 1. Beware of Mr. Walker's error, in giving the sound of long E to the final unaccented I and Y of syllables and words, which is always short: as,-as-per-ee-tee, for as-per-i-ty, mee-nor-ee-tee, for minor-i-ty; char-ee-tee for char-i-ty; pos-see

al-ee-tee, for pos-si-bil-i-ty, &c. 2. Some give the short sound of

A in the unaccented syllables of-ad-age, cab-bage, pos-tage, bon-dage, u-sage, &c., which is agreeable to the authorities, and to give the a as in af, savors of affectation. 3. / is silent in evil, devil, cousin, basin, &c. 4. I, in final unaccented syllables, not ending a word, is generally short; xi-mûl-i-tude, fi-del-i-ty_mi mor-i-ty.

A bark, at midnight, sent alone-
To drift upon a moonless sea,-
A lute, whose leading chord-is
A wounded bird, that has but one
Imperfect wing-to soar upon,—

Is like what I am-wi hout thee.

they finally become accustomed to it, and de
Spise the reproof. 5. Good books-are not
only a nourishment to the mind, but they en-
lighten and expand it. 6. Why do we turn
from those living in this world, to those who
have left it, for the evidences of genuine love?
7. All principles love their nearest relatives,
and seek fellowship and conjunction with

There are some bosoms-dark and drear
Which an unwater'd desert are;
Yet there, a curious eye, may trace
Some smiling spot, some verdant place,
Where little flowers, the weeds between
Spend their soft fragrance-ill unseen.

Natural Philosophy—includes all substances that affect our five senses,—hearing, seeing, tasting, smc'ling and feeling; which substances are called matter, and exist in three states, or conditions,-solid, when the

31. The organs of speech are, the dorsal | and abdominal muscles, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, the thorax or chest, the lungs, the trachea or wind-pipe, the larynx, (composed of five elastic cartilages, the upper one being the epiglottis,) the glot-particles cohere together, so as not to be easily tis, palate, tongue, teeth, lips and nose: separated; as rocks, wood, trees, &c.: liquid, but, in all efforts, we must use the whole body. All vowel sounds are made in the when they cohere slightly, and separate larynx, or vocal box, and all the consonant freely; as water: and gaseous, or aeriform sounds above this organ. state, when they not only separate freely, but tend to recede from each other, as far as

32. O has three regular sounds: first, the space they occupy, or their pressure will

its NAME sound, or long: OLD;
the sloth-ful doge copes with the
fo-rist before Pha-raoh, and
Bows on-ly yel-low oats and o-
sier; the home-ly por-trait of the
a-tro-cious gold-smith is the yeo-
man-ry's pil-low; Job won't go [0 m OLD.]
to Rome and pour tal-low o-ver the broach
of the pre-co-cious wid-ow Gross; the
whole corps of for-gers tore the tro-phy
from the fel-low's nose, and told him to
store it under the po-ten-tate's so-fa, where
the de-co-rus pa-trol pour'd the hoa-ry min-


permit,-as air, &c.

Educators, and Education. We all must serve an apprenticeship to the five senses; and, at every step, we need assistance in learning our trade: gentleness, patience, and love-are almost every thing in education: they constitute a mild and bless. ed atmosphere, which enters into a child's soul, like sunshine into the rosebud, slowly, but surely expanding it into vigor and beauty. Parents and Teachers must govern their own feelings, and keep their hearts and consciences pure, following principle, 33. A correct and pure articulation, is instead of impulse. The cultivation of the indispensable to the public speaker, and es- affections and the development of the body's sential in private conversation: every one, senses, begin together. The first effort of therefore, should make himself master of it. intellect is to associate the names of objects All, who are resolved to acquire such an with the sight of them; hence, the necesarticulation, and faithfully use the means, sity of early habits of observation-of pay. (which are here furnished in abundance,) ing attention to surrounding things and will most certainly succeed, though opposed events; and enquiring the whys and whereby slight organic defects; for the mind may fores of every thing; this will lead to the qualobtain supreme control over the whole body.ities, shapes, and states of inanimate sub34. Irregulars. Au, Eau, and Ew, have stances; such as hard, soft, round, square, this sound in a few words: The beau Ros-bles, afterwards of animals; and finally, of hot, cold, swift, slow, &c.; then of vegeta seau, with mourn-ful hau-teur, stole the hautboy, bu-reau, cha-teau and flam-beaux, and human character, we must not proceed as In forming the poked them into his port-manteau, before the the sculptor does, in the formation of a sta belle sowed his toe to the har-row, for strew-tue, working sometimes on one part, then ing the shew-bread on the plat-eau.

Anecdote. A Narrow Escape. A pedantic English traveler, boasting that he had been so fortunate, as to escape Mr. Jefferson's celebrated non-importation law, was told by a Yankee lady, "he was a very lucky nian: for she understood that the non-importation law prohibited the importing of goods, of which brass-was the chief composition."

men, angels, and God.

on another; but as nature does in forming a flower, or any other production; throwing out altogether the whole system of being. and all the rudiments of every part.

in spite of envy. Varieties. 1. The just man will flourish 2. Disappointment and suffering, are the school of wisdom. 3. Is corporeal punishment necessary in the school, army and navy? 4. Every thing within the Proverbs. 1. Affairs, like salt-fish, should scope of human power, can be accomplished bs a long time soaking. 2. A fool's tongue, like by weli-directed efforts. 5. WOMAN-the a nonkey's tail, designates the animal. 3. All morning-star of our youth, the day-star of are not thieves that dogs bark at. 4. An ant may our manhood, and the evening-star of our age. work its heart out, but it can never make honey. 6. When Newton was asked-by what means 5. Better go around, than fall into the ditch. 6. he made his discoveries in science; he replied, Church work generally goes on slowly. 7. Those," by thinking." 7. Infinity-can never be whom guilt contaminates, it renders equal. 8. received fully-by any recipient, either in Force, without forecast, is little worth. 9. Gen-heaven, or on earth.

tility, without ability, is worse than plain beg-The silver eel, in shining volumes roll'd,

gary. 10. Invite, rather than avoid labor. He'll go to law, at the wagging of a straw. Hi son's choice,-that, or none.



The yellow carp, in scales bedropp'd with gold;
Round broken columns, clasping ivy twin'd,
And o'er the ruins-stalk'd the stately hind.

'Tis not, indeed, my talent-to engage In lofty trifles; or, to swell my pageWith wind, and noise.

O cursed thirst of gold ! when, for thy sake, The fool-throws up his interest in both worlds; First, starv'd in this, then, damn'd-in that to come.


35. Attend to the quantity and quality of | the sounds, which you and others make; that is, the volume and purity of voice, the time occupied, and the manner of enunciating letters, words, and sentences: also, learn their differences and distinctions, and make your voice produce, and your ear observe them. Get clear and distinct ideas and conceptions of things and principles, both as respects spirit, and matter; or you will grope in darkness.

36. The second sound of O is close: OOZE; do stoop, and choose to ac-cou-tre the gour-mand and trou-ba-dour, with boots and shoes; the soot-y cou-ri-er broods a youth-ful boor to gamboge the goose for a dou-ceur; 10 in OOZE.] Brougham, (Broom,) proves the uncouth dra-goon to be a wound-ed tou-rist by his droop-ing sur-tout; it be-hoves the boo-by to shoot his bou-sy noo-dle soon, lest, buo-yant with soup, the fool moor his poor ca-noe to the roof of the moon.

37. The difference between expulsion and explosion is, that the latter calls into use, principally, the lungs, or thorax: i. e. the effort is made too much above the diaphragm the former requires the combined action of the muscles below the midriff; this is favorable to voice and health; that is deleterious, generally, to both: many a one has injured his voice, by this unnatural process, and others have exploded their health, and some their life; beware of it.

Notes. 1. Au, in some French words, have this sound; as-chef-d'eau-vre, (she-doovr, a master stroke ;) also, Eu; as-maneu-vre; coup-d'œil, (coo-dale, first, or slight view;) coup-demain, (a sudden attack ;) and coup-de-grace, (coo-de-gras, the finishing stroke). 2 Beware of Walker's erroneous notation in proo,

nouncing oo in book, cook, took, look, &c., like the second sound of
as in boon, pool, tooth, &c. In these first examples, the oo is like u in
pull; and in the latter the o is close. In the word to, in the following,

when it constitutes a part of the verb, the o is close: as-"in the

examples alluded to;" "attend t the exceptions." 3. In concert practice, many will let out their voices, who would read so low as not to be heard, if reading individually.

Proverbs. 1. A fog-cannot be dispelled with a fan. 2. A good tale-is often marr'd in telling. 3. Diligence-makes all things appear easy. 4. A good name-is better than riches. 5. A man may even say his prayers out of time. 6. A-pel-les-was not a painter in a day. 7. A plaster is a small amends for a broken head. 8. All are not saints that go to church. 9. A man may live upon little, but he cannot live upon nothing at all. 10. A rolling stone gathers no moss. 11. Patience is a bitter seed; but it yields sweet fruit. 12. The longest life must have an end.

There is a pleasure-in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture-on the lonely shore,
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep Sea, and music-in its rear:
I love not Man-the less, but Nature-more,
From these our interviews, in which I steal
From all I may be, or have been before,
To mingle-with the Universe, and feel-
What I can ne'er express, yet cannot all conceal.

Causes of Greek Perfection. All Greek Philologists have failed to account satisfac torily, for the form, harmony, power, and superiority of that language. The reason seems to be, that they have sought for a thing where it is not to be found; they have look'd into books, to see what was never written in books; but which alone could be heard. They learned to read by ear, and not by letters; and, instead of having manuscripts before them, they memorized their contents, and made the thoughts their own, by actual appropriation. When an author wished to have his work published, he used the living voice of himself, or of a public orator, for the printer and bookseller: and the public speaker, who was the best qualified for the task, would get the most business: the greater effect they produced, the higher their reputation. The human voice, being the grand instrument, highest perfection. Beware of dead book was developed, cultivated, and tuned to the knowledge, and seek for living, moving nature: touch the letter-only to make it alive with the eternal soul.

which is similar to the phrase-catching Anecdote. I hold a wolf by the ears: a Tartar; supposed to have arisen from a trooper, meeting a Tarter in the woods, and exclaiming, that he had caught one: to which his companion replied, Bring him along, then;"-he answered, "I can't;" "Then come yourself;"-" He won't let


The meaning of which is, to represent a man grappling with such difficulties, that he knows not how to advance or recede.

such beautiful flowers-should spring from Varieties. 1. Is it not strange, that the dust, on which we tread? 2. Patient, persevering thought-has done more to enlighten and improve mankind, than all the sudden and brilliant efforts of genius. 3. It is astonishing, how much a little added to a little, will, in time, amount to. 4. The hap piest state of man-is-that of doing good, for its own sake. 5. It is much safer, to think-what we say, than to say-what we think. 6. In affairs of the heart, the only trafic is-love for love; and the exchangeall for all. 7. There are as many orders of truth, as there are of created objects of order in the world; and as many orders of goodproper to such truth.

There is a spell-in every flower,
A sweetness-in each spray,
And every simple bird-hath power-
To please me, with its lay.

And there is music-on the breeze,

Th't sports along the glade,

The crystal dew-drops-on the trees,
Are gems-by fancy made.

O, there is joy and happiness-
In every thing I see,

Which bids my soul rise up, and bless
The God, th't blesses me.

38. Oratory-in all its refinement, and Analogies. Light-is used in all lannecessary circumstances, belongs to no par-guages, as the representative of truth in its ticular people, to the exclusion of others; power of illustrating the understanding. nor is it the gift of nature alone; but, like Sheep, lambs, doves, &c., are analogous to, other acquirements, it is the reward of ardu- or represent certain principles and affections us efforts, under the guidance of consummate of the mind, which are pure and innocent, skill. Perfection, in this art, as well as in all tives of such affections: while, on the other and hence, we select them as fit representa others, is the work of time and labor, prompt-hand, bears, wolves, serpents, and the like, ed by true feeling, and guided by correct thought.

are thought to represent their like affections. In painting and sculpture it is the artist's

39. The third sound of O is short: great aim, to represent, by sensible colors,

[O in ON.]

ON; fore-head, prod-uce; the
dol-o-rous coll-ier trode on the
bronz'd ob-e-lisk, and his sol-
ace was a com-bat for om-lets
made of gor-geous cor-als; the
vol-a-tile pro-cess of making
ros-in glob-ules of trop-i-cal mon-ades is ex-
traor-di-na-ry; the doc-ile George for-got
the joc-und copse in his som-bre prog-ress
to the moss broth in yon-der trough of
knowl-edge; beyond the flor-id frosts of
morn-ing are the sop-o-rif-ic prod-ucts of
the hol-y-days.

40. Dean Kirwan, a celebrated pulpit orator, was so thoroughly convinced of the mmportance of manner, as an instrument of doing good, that he carefully studied all his tones and gestures; and his well modulated and commanding voice, his striking attitudes, and his varied emphatic action, greatly aided his wing-ed words, in instructing, melting, inflaming, terrifying and overwhelming his auditors.

and to embody under material forms, cer tain ideas, or principles, which belong to the mind, and give form to his conceptions on canvass, or on marble: and, if his execution be equal to his conception, there will be a perfect correspondence, or analogy, between his picture, or statue, and the ideas, which he had endeavored therein to express. The works of the greatest masters in poetry, and those which will live the longest, contain the most of pure correspondences; for genuine poetry is identical with truth; and it is the truth, in such works, which is their living principle, and the source of their power over the mind.

been praised for his quickness of reply, a Anecdote. Ready Wit. A boy, having gentleman observed," When children are so keen in their youth, they are generally stupid when they become advanced in years." "What a very sensible boy you must have been, sir, "-replied the lad.

Varieties. 1. Why is a thinking person like a mirror? because he reflects. 2. Self41. Irregulars. A sometimes has this sufficiency-is a rock, on which thousands sound: For what was the wad-dling swan perish; while diffidence, with a proper sense quar-rel-ing with the wasp wan-der-ing and of our strength, and worthiness, generally wab-bling in the swamp? it was in a quan- ensures success. 3. Industry-is the law of da-ry for the quan-ti-ty of wars be-tween our being; it is the demand of nature, of reathe squash and wash-tub, I war-rant you. son, and of God. 4. The generality of manNotes. I. Theo in nor is like o in on and or: and the rea-kind-spend the early part of their lives ir. son why it appears to be different, is that the letter r, when smooth, contributing to render the latter part miserapartakes more of the properties of the vowel than the rest. 2. oble. 5. When we do wrong, being convincis silent in the final syllables of pris-on, bi-son, dam-son, ma-son, par-son, sex-ton, ar-son, bla-zon, glut-ton, par-don, but-ton, rea-son,

being formed the lowest in the throat of any of the consonants,

mut-ton, ba-con, trea-son, reck-on, sea-son, u-ni-son, he-ri-zon, crim

son, les-son, per-son, Mil-ton, John-son, Thomp-son, &c.

Proverbs. 1. A man of gladness-seldom falls into madness. 2. A new broom sweeps clean. 3. A whetstone-can't itself cut, yet it makes tools cut. 4. Better go around, than fall into the ditch. 5. Religion-is an excellent armor, but a bad cloke. 6. The early bird-catches the worm. 7. Every one's faults are not written in their fore-heads. 8. Fire and water-are excellent servants, but bad masters. 9. Fools and obstinate people, make lawyers rich. 10. Good counsel has no price. 11. Great barkers-are no biters. 12. Regard the interests of others, as well as your own.

"Tis liberty, alone, that gives the flower
Of fleeting life its lustre, and perfume;
And we are weeds without it.

Man's soul-in a perpetual motion flows,
And to no outward cause-that motion owes.

ed of it-is the first step towards amendment. 6. The style of writing, adopted by persons of equal education and intelligence, is the criterion of correct language. 7. To go against reason and its dictates, when pure, is to go against God: such reason-is the divine governor of man's life: it is the very voice of God.


Those evening bells, those evening bells!
How many a tale-their music tells
Of youth, and home, and native clime,
When I last heard their soothing chime.
Those pleasant hours have passed away,
And many & hear, that then was gay,
Within the tomb -now darkly dwells,
And hearn more those evening bells.
And so it wut be when I am gone;
That tuneful peal-will still ring on,
When other bards-shall walk these delle,
And sing your praise, sweet evening bells.

42. Yield implicit obedience to all rules and principles, that are founded in nature and science; because, ease, gracefulness, and effu iency, always follow accuracy; but rules may be dispensed with, when you have become divested of bad habits, and have perfected yourself in this useful art. Do not, however, destroy the scaffold, until you have erected the building; and do not raise the super-struct-ure, till you have dug deep, and laid its foundation stones upon a rock.

Proverbs. 1. Fools make fashions, and other people follow them. 2. From nothing, nothing can come. 3. Give but rope enough, and he will hang himself. 4. Punishment may be tardy, but it is sure to overtake the guilty. 5. He that plants trees, loves others, besides himself. 6. If a fool have success, it always ruins him. 7. It is more easy to threaten, than to do. 8. Learning-makes a man fit company for kimself, as well as others. 9 Little strokes fe great oaks. 10. Make the best of a bad bargain. 11. The more we have, the more we desire. 12. Genteel society-is not always good society.

43. U has three regular sounds: first, NAME sound, or long: MUTE; June re-fu-ses as-tute Ju-ly the juice due to cu-cum-ber; this feudal con-nois-sieur is a suit-a-ble co-ad-ju-tor for the cu-ri-ous man-tua-ma-ker; the a-gue and [U in MUTE.] fe-ver is a sin-gu-lar nui-sance to the a-cumen of the mu-lat-to; the cu-rate cal-culates to ed-u-cate this lieu-ten-ant for the tri-ror of the court, the cabinet, or the camp. bu-nal of the Duke's ju-di-cat-ure.

The Innocent and Guilty. If those, only, who sow to the wind-reap the whirl wind, it would be well: but the mischief is-that the blindness of bigotry, the madness of ambition, and the miscalculation of diplomacy-seek their victims, principally,. amongst the innocent and unoffending. The cottage is sure to suffer, for every er

44. Elocution, is reading, and speaking, with science, and effect. It consists of two parts: the Science, or its true principles, and the Art, or the method of presenting them. Science is the knowledge of Art, and Art is the practice of Science. By science, or knowledge, we know how to do a thing; and the doing of it is the art. Or, science is the parent, and art is the offspring; or, science

is the seed, and art the plant.

45. Irregulars. Ew, has sometimes this diphthongal sound, which is made by commencing with a conformation of organs much like that required in short e, as in ell, terminating with the sound of o, in ooze; see the engraving. Re-view the dew-y Jew a-new, while the cat mews for the stew. In pronouncing the single sounds, the mouth is in one condition; but, in giving the diphthong, or double sound, it changes in conformity to them.

Notes. 1. U, when long, at the beginning of a word, or syllable, is preceded by the consonant sound of y: i. e. it has this consonant and its own vowel sound: as; u-ni-verse, (yu-ni-verse,) pen-u-ry, (pen-yu-ry,) stat-u-a-ry, (stat-yu-a-ry,) ewe, (yu,) vol-ume, (vol-yume,) na-ture, (nat-yure,) &c.: but not in col-umn, al-um, &c., where the u is short. 2. Never pronounce duty, dooty; tune, toon; news, noos; blue, bloo; slew, sloo; dews, doos; Jews, Joos; Tuesday, Toosday; gratitude, gratitoode, &c. 3. Sound all the syllables full, for a time, regardless of sense, and make every let

ter that is not silent, tell truly and fully on the ear: there is no danger that you will not clip them enough in practice.

Anecdote. A Dear Wife. A certain extravagant speculator, who failed soon after, informed a relation one evening, that he had that day purchased an elegant set of jewels for his dear wife, which cost him two thousand dollars. She is a dear wife, indeed," was the laconic reply.


in heads, replete with thoughts of other men ; WISDOM, in minds attentive to their own.

When error sits in the seat of power and authority, and is generated in high places, it may be compared to that torrent, which originates indeed, in the mountain, but commits its devastation in the vale below.

Eternal Joy. The delight of the soulis derived from love and wisdom from the Lord; and because love is effective through wisdom, they are both fixed in the effect, which is use: this delight from the Lord the superiors and inferiors of the mind-inflows into the soul, and descends through to all the senses of the body, and fulfills it. self in them; and thence joy-becomes joy, and also eternal-from the Eternal.

Varieties. 1. Gaming, like quicksand, may swallow up a man in a moment. 2. Real independence-is living within our means. 3. Envy-has slain its thousands; but neglect, its tens of thousands. 4. Is not a sectarian spirit-the devil's wedge-to separate christians from each other? 5. That man is little to be envied, whose patriotismwould not gain force on the plains of Marathon; or whose piety would not grow warmer among the ruins of Ionia. 6. Rational evidence-is stronger than any miracle whenever it convinces the understanding; which miracles do not. 7. Man, in his sal vation, has the power of an omnipotent Go to fight for him; but in his damnation, he must fight against it, as being ever in the ef fort to save him.


These, as they change, Almighty Father! these
Are but the varied God. The rolling year
Is full of thee. Forth in the pleasing spring
Thy beauty walks, thy tenderness and love.
Wide flush the fields; the soft'ning air is balm ;
Echo the mountains round; the forest smiles,
And ev'ry sense, and ev'ry heart is joy.

Even from the body's purity-the mind-
Receives a secret, sympathetic aid

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