444. There are also three great divisions in POETRY, which is closely allied to music; and both of them originate in the WILL, or affections: and hence, the words of the psalm, hymn, poem, and the music in which they are sung, chanted, or played, constitute the forms, or mediums, through which the affections and sentiments are bodied forth. Is not genuine music from heaven? and does it Who fights With passions, and overcomes them, is endued Nature-to each-allots his proper sphere; Thick waters-show no images of things; Maxims. 1. Want of punctuality is a species of falsehood. 2. Pay as you go, and keep from small scores. 3. He, that has his heart in his learning, will soon have his learning in his heart. 4. The empty stomach has no cars. 5. A man may talk like a wise man, and yet act like a fool. 6. Rather improve by the errors of others, than find fault with them. 7. The devil turns his back, when he finds the door shut against him. 8. Better be upright, with poverty, than depraved with abundance. 9. The value of things, is never them. 10. None are so deaf as those who will so strongly realized, as when we are deprived of not hear. Reform. He, that looks back to the his tory of mankind, will often see, that in politics, jurisprudence, religion, and all the great concerns of society, reform-has usually been the work of reason, slowly awakenally acquiring confidence in her own strength, ing from the lethargy of ignorance, graduand ultimately triumphing over the dominion of prejudice and custom. Varieties. 1. What is mercy and its Friends-are each others' mirrors, and should be uses? 2. Individuals and nations, fail in Clearer than crystal, or the mountain springs, 'Tis virtue, that they want; and wanting its Honor-no garments to their backs can fit. 445. THE USES OF ELOQUENCE. In every situation, in all the pursuits of life, may be seen the usefulness and benefits of eloquence. In whatever light we view this subject, it is evident that oratory is not a mere castle in the air: a fairy palace of frost-work; destitute of substance and support. It is like a magnificent temple of Parian marble, exhibiting the most exact and admirable symmetry, and combining all the orders, varieties, and beauties of architecture. Habits of Industry. It is highly important, that children should be taught to acquire habits of industry; for whatever be their habits while young, such, for the most part, must they continue to be in after life. Children-are apt to think it a great hardship, to be obliged to devote so much time to occupations, at present perhaps, disagreeable to them; but they ought to be made to believe, that their tasks are not only intended for the informing of their minds, but for the bending of their wills. Good habits are as easily acquired as bad ones; with the great advantage of being the only true way to prosperity and happiness. Anecdote. Conciseness. Louis XIV. who loved a concise style, one day met a priest on the round, whom he asked hastily-"Whence come you? where are you going? what do you want?" The other immediately replied, From Bruges, To Paris, -A Benefice." "You shall have it," replied the king. Servile doubt Argues an impotence of mind, that says,一 nothing they boldly attempt, when sustained by virtuous purpose, and determined resolu tion. 3. Some persons' heads are like beehives: not because they are all in a buzz, but that they have separate cells for every kind of store. 4. What nature offers, with a smiling face, fruit, herb, and grain-are just what man's pure instinct would choose for food. 5. The majority-ought never to trample on the feelings, or violate the just rights of the minority; they should not triumph over the fallen, nor make any but temperate and equitable use of their power 6. Death is the enacted penalty of nature's violated laws. 7. Was it causeless, that washing-was introduced, as a religious rite, secing that its observance is so essential to the preservation of health? And when the soul is fullest, the hushed tongue, There's beauty in the deep. 446. OUR FIELD. The orator's field is the niverse of mind and matter, and his subjects, all that is known of God and man. Study the principles of things, and never rest satisfied with the results and applications. All distinguished speakers, whether they ever paid any systematic attention to the principles of elocution or not, in their most successful efforts, conform to them; and their imperfections are the results of deviations from these principles. Think correctly-rather than finely; sound conclusions are much better than beautiful conceptions. Be useful, rather than showy; and speak to the purpose, or not speak at all. Persons become eminent, by the force of mind-the power of thinking comprehensively, deeply, closely, usefully. Rest more on the thought, feeling, and expression, than on the style; for language is like the atmosphere-a medium of vision, intended not to be seen itself, but to make other objects seen; the more transparent however, the better. Maxims. 1. Poverty of mind is often cоть cealed under the garb of splendor. 2. Vice-is infamous, even in a prince; and virtue, honorable, even in a peasant. 3. Prefer loss-to unjust gain, and solid sense-to wit. 4. He, that would be well spoken of himself, must speak well of others. 5. If every one would mend himself, we should all be mended. 6. A sound mind is not to be shaken with popular applause. 7. The best way to see divine light, is to put out our own 8. Some blame themselves for the purpose of being praised. 9. Nothing needs a trick, but a trick; sincerity loathes one. 10. As virtue has its own reward, so vice has its own punishment. What is Worth: The spirit of the age says,-" Worth-means wealth; and wisDOM-the art of getting it." To be rich is considered, by most persons-a merit; to be poor, an offence. By this false standard, it is not so important to be wise and good, as to be rich in worldly wealth; thus it is, every thing, as well as every person, has its price, and may be bought or sold; and thus-do we coin our hearts into gold, and exchange our souls for earthly gain. Hence, it is said, "a man is worth so much;"-i. e. worth just as much as his property or money, amount to, and no more. Thus, wealth, worth, or gain, is not applied to science, to knowledge, virtue, or happiness; but to pecuniary acquisition; as if nothing but gold were gain, Hast thou, in feverish, and unquiet sleep,- Not e'en a bush-to save thee, shouldst thou sweep and everything else were dross. Thus the Adown the black descent; that then, the hand body-is Dives, clothed in purple and fine linen, and faring sumptuously every day; while the mind is Lazarus, lying in rags at the gate, and fed with the crumbs, that fall from the tables of Time and Sense. And jagged ridge above, that seems as sand, 447. VOCAL MUSIC. In vocal music, there a union of music and language-the language of affection and thought; which indudes the whole man. Poetry and music are sister arts; their relationship being one of heaven-like intimacy. The essence of poetry consists in fine perceptions, and vivid expressions, of that subtle and mysterious analogy, that exists between the physical and moral world; and it derives its power from the correspondence of natural things with spiritual. Its effect is to elevate the thoughts and affections toward a higher state of existence. Anecdote. A powerful Stimulous. When Lord Erskine made his debut, at the bar, his agitation almost overcame him, and he was Tis not enough your counsel still be true; Varieties. 1. Instead of dividing mankind into the wise and foolish, the good and wicked, would it not be better to divide them into more or less wise and foolish, more or less good or wicked? 2. It was a proof of low origin, among the ancient Romans, to make mistakes in pronouncing words; for it indicated that one had not been instructed by a nursury maid: what is the inference? That those maids were well educated; particularly, in the pronunciation of the Latin language, and were treated by families as favorites. How many nursery maids of our day enjoy such a reputation, and exert such an influence? Indeed, how many mothers occupy such a pre-eminence? Let wisdom and affection answer, and furnish the remedy. 3. The purest and best of precepts and ex amples should be exhibited to our youth, in the development of their minds, and the for mation of their characters. The seas are quiet, when the winds are o'er; 448. THE HUMAN VOICE. Among all | Maxims. 1. Blind men must not undertake to the wonderful varieties of artificial instru- judge of colors. 2. Gamesters and race horses nevments, which discourse excellent music, er last long. 3. Forgiveness and smiles are the where shall we find one that can be compared to the human voice? And where can we find an instrument comparable to the human mind? upon whose stops the real musician, the poet, and the orator, sometimes lays his hands, and avails himself of the entire compass of its magnificent capacities! Oh! the length, the breadth, the height, and the depth of music and eloquence! They are high as heaven, deep as hell, and broad as the uni verse. THE POWER OF IMAGINATION. The lunatic, the lover, and the poet, The POET's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling, [HEAVEN; The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen, 449. CICERO AND DEMOSTHENES. An orator, addressing himself more to the passions, naturally has much passionate ardor; whilst another, possessing an elevation of style and majestic gravity, is never cold, though he has not the same vehemence: in this respect do these great orators differ. Demosthenes-abounds in concise sublimity; Cicero, in diffuseness: the former, on account of his destroying, and consuming everything by his violence, rapidity, strength, and vehemence, may be compared to a hurricane, or thunderbolt: the latter, to a wide extended conflagration, spreading in every direction, with a great, constant, and irresistible flame. Anecdote. Envy and Jealousy. Colonel Thornton, of the British army, could not bear to hear the Americans praised. When he was at Charleston, S. C., some ladies were eulogising Washington; to which he replied, with a scornful air, "I should be very glad to get a sight of your Col. Washington; I have heard much talk about him, but have never seen him." "Had you looked behind you, at the battle of Cowpens," rejoined one of the ladies, "you might easily have enjoyed that pleasure." With illustration simple, yet profound, and with unfaltering zeal In passioned ferver-of a mind, deep fraught The farmers patient care-and toil best revenge. 4. They, are not our best friends, The Trine in Man. There are three things of which human beings consist, the soul, the mind and the body; the inmost is the soul, the mediate is the mind, and the ultimate the body: the first is that which receives life from Him, who is life itself; the second, is the sphere of the activities of that life; and the third, is the medium through which those activities are manifested: but it should be remembered, that there is, as the apostle says, " a natural body, and there is a spiritual body." Varieties. 1. Nature-makes no emendations; she labors for all: her's is not mosaic work. 2. The more there is prosaic iu orators, poets and artists, the less are they natural; the less do they resemble the copious streams of the fountain. 3. The more there is of progression, the more there is of truth, and nature; and the more extensive, general, durable, and noble is the effect: thus is formed the least plant, and the most exalted man. 4. Nature is everywhere similar to herself; she never acts arbitrarily, never contrary to her laws: the same wisdom and power produce all varieties, agree ble to one law, one will. Either all thing are subject to the law of order, or nothing is Home! how that blessed word-thrills the ear' In it-what recollections blend! It tells of childhood's scenes so dear, And speaks-of many a cherished friend. The bird, that soars to yonder skies, Though nigh to heaven, still seems unblessed; Downward to its own much-loved nest. Should friendship-linger round my tomb; When given by those of "home, sweet home." Maxims. 1. It is better to do and not promise, than to promise and not perform. 2. A benefit is a common tie between the giver and receiver. 3. The consciousness of well doing is an ample reward. 4. As benevolence is the most sociable of all virtues, so it is the most extensive. 5. Do not postpone until to morrow, what ought to be done 450. POETRY-may be written in rhyme, Orank verse. Rhyme is the correspondence of sounds, in the ending of two (or mere successive or alternate words or syllaoles of two or more lines, forming a couplet triplet: see the various examples given. Rythmus, in the poetic art, means the relative duration of the time occupied in pro- to-day. 6. Without a friend, the world is but a nouncing the syllables; in the art of music it signifies the relative duration of the sound, that enters into the musical composition: see measures of speech and song. Lo! the poor Indian, whose untutored mind, under the perfect command of the mind, you will see that it changes its pitch, by leaps of one or more notes, in passing from word to word. and sometimes from syllable to syllable, and also slides upwards and downwards; which skips and slides are almost infinitely diversified, expressing all the shades of tho't and feeling, and playing upon the minds of the listeners, with a kind of supernatural power, the whole range of tunes from grave to gay, from gentle to severe. The worlds of mind and matter are full of music and oratory. Even age itself-is cheered with music; Calls back past joys, and warms us into transports. Nature is the glass-reflecting God, The night Hath been to me-a more familiar face I learned the language of another world. creating something-out of nothing; and he maintains, that the proposition, conveying this idea, is ouly relatively absurd, and not absolutely. But it is absolutely absurd. When God said, "Let there be light, and there was light," light cannot be said to have been created out of nothing, but from God himself; not out of God, but by his Divine Will, through his Divine Truth. So, we may conceive, that God, by his Will, made atmospheric matter, and then created it in form. Enough to live in tempest; die in port. wilderness. 7. The more we know our hearts, the less shall we be disposed to trust in ourselves. 8. Obedience is better than sacrifice, and is insepera bly wedded to happiness. 9. We should not run out of the path of duty, lest we run into the path of danger. 10. He doeth much, that doeth a thing well. Anecdote. Moro, duke of Milan, having displayed before the foreign embassadors his magnificence and his riches, which excelled those of every other prince, said to them: "Has a man, possessed of so much wealth and prosperity, anything to desire in this world?" "One thing only," said one of them, "a nail to fix the wheel of fortune." Swearing. Of all the crimes, that ever disgraced society, that of swearing admits of the least palliation. No possible benefit can be derived from it; and nothing but perverse. ness and depravity of human nature, would ever have suggested it; yet such is its prevalence, that by many, it is mistaken for a fashionable acquirement, and considered, by unreflecting persons, as indicative of energy and decision character. Varieties. 1. Duty sounds sweetly, to those who are in the love, and under the influence of truth and goodness: its path does not lead thro' thorny places, and over cheerless wastes; but winds pleasantly, amid green meadows and shady groves. 2. A new truth is, to some, as impossible of discovery, as the new world was to the faithless cotemporaries of Columbus; they do not believe in such a thing; and more than this, they will not believe in it: yet they will sit in judgment on those who do believe in such a contraband article, and condemn them without mercy. THE FALLS OF NIAGARA. The thoughts are strange that crowd into my brain, Deep-calleth unto deep. And what are we, Say, what can Chloe want? she wants a heart 1 452. OBSERVATIONS. No one can ever Maxims. 1. A people's education-is a na become a good reader, or speaker, by reading in a book; because what is thus acquired is more from thought than from feeling ; and of course, has less of freedom in it; and we are, from the necessity of the case, more or less constrained and mechanical. What we hear, enters more directly into the affectuous part of the mind, than what we see, and becomes more readily a part of ourselves, i. e. becomes conjoined instead of being adjoined: relatively, as the food which we eat, digests and is appropriated, and a plaster that is merely stuck on the body. Thus, we can see a philosophic reason why faith is said to come by hearing, and that we walk by faith, and not by sight: i. e. from love, that casts out the fear that hath torment; that fear which enslaves body and mind, instead of making both free. Ever distinguish substances-from sound; His peace-branch--o'er a flood of sorrow. tion's best defence. 2. Let not the sun go down upon your wrath. 3. Who aims at excellence, will be above mediocrity; and who aims at mediocrity, will fall short of it. 4. Forbearance is a domestic jewel. 5. The affection of parents is best shown to their children, by teaching them what is good and true. 6. Feeble are the efforts in which the heart has no share. 7. By taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; bat in passing it over-he is superior. 8. Loveliness needs not the aid of ornament; but is, when un adorned, adorned the most. 9. No one ever did, nor ever can, do any one an injury, without doing a greater injury to himself. 10. It is better not to know the truth, than to know it, and not do it. Pursuit of Knowledge. He, that enlarges his curiosity after the works of nature, demonstrably multiplies the inlets to happiness; therefore, we should cherish ardor in the pursuit of useful knowledge, and remember, that a blighted spring makes a barren year, and that the vernal flowers, however beautiful and gay, are only intended by nature as preparatives to autumnal fruits. Varieties. 1. Business letters should always be written with great clearness and perspicuity: every paragraph should be so plain, that the dullest fellow cannot mistake it, nor be obliged to read it twice, to under. stand it. 2. Lawyers and their clients remind one of two rows of persons at a fire; one-passing full buckets, the other return 453. CONQUERING-LOVE. To learn al-ing empty ones. 3. The bump of self-esteem nost any art, or science, appears arduous, or difficult, at first; but if we have a heart for any work, it soon becomes comparatively easy. To make a common watch, or a watch worn in a ring; to sail over the vast ocean, &c., seems at first, almost impossible; yet they are constantly practiced. The grand secret of simplifying a science is analyzing it; in beginning with what is easy, and proceeding to the combinations, difficult, most difficult: by this method, miracles may be wrought: the hill of science must be ascended step by step. Conceptions. Would it not be well for metaphysicians - to distinguish between the conception of abstract truth, and the conception of past perception, by calling the latter-mental perception, as contradistinguished from all other? Anecdote. Rouge. A female, praising the beautiful color, used by the artist on her miniature, was told by him, that he did not doubt she was a woman of good taste; for they both bought their rouge at the same shop. True philosophy discerns A ray of heavenly light-gilding all forms Terrestrial,-in the vast, the minute, The unambiguous footsteps of a God, Who gives his lustre-to an insect's wing, And wheels his throne, upon the rolling worlds. is so prominent on some men's heads, that The dumb shall sing, the lame his crutch forego, Slander-meets no regards from noble minde; If I lose mine honor, I lose myself; |