397. MODULATION CONTINUED. The Maxims. 1. A broad hat-does not always cover a wise head. 2. Burn not your house-10 frighten away the mice. 3. Drinking water, nerther makes a man sick, nor his wife a widow. 4 He has riches enough, who need neither borrow or flatter. 5. True wisdom is to know what is best worth knowing, and to do what is best worth doing. 6. Many things appear too bad to keep, and too good to throw away. 7. Keep a thing seven years, and you will find use for it. 8. We cannot pluck thorns from another's bosom, without placing roses in our own. 9. Better a half loaf than no bread. 10. Draw not thy bow before the arrow situation of the public reader and speaker, guide them all. He will endeavor to be Experience. By what strange fatality heard by the most distant hearers, without is it, that having examples before our eyes, we offending the ear of the nearest one, by mak- do not profit by them? Why is our experiing all his tones audible, distinct and na-ence, with regard to the misfortunes of others, tural. Friendship! thou soft, propitious power, Ambition is, at a distance, Resolves and re-resolves-then, dies the same. 398. Some tell us, that when commencing an address, the voice should be directed to those most distant; but this is evidently wrong. At the beginning, the mind is naturally clear and serene, the passions unawa kened; if the speaker adopt this high pitch, how can it be elevated, afterwards, agreeably to those emotions and sentiments, which re quire still higher pitches! To strain the voice thus, destroys all solemnity, weight and dignity, and gives, to what one says, a squeaking effeminacy, unbecoming a manly and impressive speaker; it makes the voice harsh and unmusical, and also produces hoarseness. Anecdote. Speculation. A capitalist, and shrewd observer of men and things, being asked, what he thought of the speculations now afloat, replied "They are like a cold bath, to derive any benefit from which, it is necessary to be very quick in, and very soon out." Not to the ensanguin'd field of death alone In the deliberate council; sagely scans of so little use? In a word, why is it, that we are to learn wisdom and prudence at our own expense? Yet such is the fate of man! Surrounded by misfortunes, we are supplied with means to escape them; but, blinded by caprice, prejudice and pride, we neglect the proffered aid, and it is only by the tears we shed, in consequence of our own errors, that we learn to detest them. Varieties. 1. Give to all persons, whoın you respect, (with whom you walk, or whom you may meet,) especially ladies, the wall side of the walk or street. 2. If we think our evil allowable, tho' we do it not, it is appropriated to us. 3. Why does the pendulum of a clock-continue to move! Because of the uniform operation of gravitation. What is gravitation? 4. Humility is the child of wisdom: therefore, beware of selfconceit, and an unteachable disposition. 5. Psychology is the science, that treats of the essence--and nature of the human soul, and of the mode--by which it flows into the actions of the body. 6. The true way to store the memory is to develop the affections. 7. The only way to shun evils, or sins, is to fight against them. 8. Reading and obser vation-are the food of the young intellect, and indispensable to its growth. 9. Is it pos sible, that heart-friends will ever separate? 10. All effects are produced by life, and na ture. Now vivid stars shine out, in brightening files, And boundless æther glows, till the fair moon Against the day of temp 'st perilous? PRINCIPLES OF ELOCUTION. 399. STRENGTH OF VOICE. The voice is weak, or strong, in proportion to the less, or greater, number of organs and muscles, that are brought into action. If one uses only the upper part of the chest, his voice will be weak: if he uses the whole body, as ne should do, (not in the most powerful manner, of course, on common occasions,) his voice will be strong. Hence, to strengthen a weak voice, the student must practice expelling the vowel sounds, using all the abdominal and dorsal nerves and muscles: in addition to which, he should read and recite when standing or sitting, and walking on a level plain, and up hill: success will be the result of faithful practice. So soft, so elegant, so fair, Sure, something more than human 's there. she de [nies; If little labor, little are our gains; 400. Demosthenes-had three particular defects; first, weakness of the voice; which he strengthened by declaiming on the seashore, amid the roar of waters; which effort would tend directly to bring into use the lower parts of the body; second, shortness of breath; which he remedied by repeating his orations as he walked up hill; which act serves to bring into use the appropriate or gans, and fully inflate the lungs: and third, a thick, mumbling way of speaking; which he overcame by reading and reciting with pebbles in his mouth; which required him to make a greater effort from below, and open his mouth wider. Examine yourself and act accordingly. Inconsistency. Montaigue-condemns cruelty, as the most odious of all vices; yet he confesses, that hunting-was his favorite diversion. He acknowledges the inconsist ency of man's conduct, but he does not ascribe it to the right cause; which is the predominance, at the time, of those associations it awakens, conducing to pleasure. If he had not been accustomed to it, the associations of hunting, would have been painful, and his aversion to cruelty in the abstract, would have been realized in the concrete and particulars. Then, pilgrim, turn, thy cares forego; BRONSON. 10 Proverbs. 1. To subdue a trifting erior, de not incur a greater. 2. Anger and haste-hinder good counsel. 3. All complain of want of memory, but none of want of judgment. 4. Good men are a public good, and bad men-a public calamity 5. Human laws reach not our thoughts. 6. Rulers-have no power over souls. 7. No one ever suffered-by not speaking ill of others. 8. Silly people are generally pleased with silly things. 9. Zeal, without knowledge, is religious wildfire. 10 The example of a good man-is visible philosophy. Anecdote. Clients' Bones. A certain mechanic, having occasion to boil some cattle's feet, emptied the bones near the court house. A lawyer, observing them, inquired of a bystander, what they were. "I believe they are clients' bones," replied the wit, "as/ they appear to be well picked." The Deceiver. A Base Character. Must not that man be abandoned, even to all manner of humanity, who can deceive a woman with appearances of affection and kindness, for no other end, but to torment her with more ease and authority? Is anything more unlike a gentleman, than, when his honor is engaged for the performing his promises, because nothing but that can oblige him to it, to become afterwards false to his word, and be alone, the occasion of misery to one, whose happiness he but lately pretended was dearer to him than his own? Ought such a one to be trusted in his common affairs? or treated, but as one whose honesty-consisted only in his capacity of being otherwise. Varieties. 1. Is it strange, that beautiful flowers should wither and die? 2. Trust thyself; every heart vibrates to that iron string. 3. Our American character is marked by a more than average delight-in accurate perception; which is shown by the currency of the by-word-" no mistake." 4. In sickness, and languor, give us a strain of poetry, or a profound sentence, and we are refreshed; when the great Herder was dying, he said to his friends, who were weeping around him : "Give me some great thought." Blessed are they, who minister to the cry of the soul. 5. The christian sees, in all that befalls the human race, whether it be good or evil, only the manifestations of Divine Love, as exercised in training and preparing souls. for the approach of that perfection, which they are one day destined to realize. 6. For every friend, that we lose for truth, God gives us a better one. The love of praise, howe'er concealed by art, Reigns, more or less, and glows in every heart: The proud to gain it-toils on toils endure, The modest-shun it, but to make it sure; O'er globes and sceptres, now on thrones it swells, Now trims the midnight lamp-in college cells. Tis tory, whig; it plots, prays, preaches, pleads. Harangues in senates, speaks in masquerade It aids the dancer's heel, the writer's head, And heaps the plain with mountains of the dead, Nor ends with life; but nods-in sable pluma, Adorns our hearse, and flatters on our tombs. 401. TRANSITION-means, in speech, the changes of pitch, from one note to another; as from the eighth to the third: or from the sixth to the first; and vice versa; to correspond in variety and character, to the sentiment and emotion. In singing, it means changing the place of the key-note, so as to keep the tune within the scale of twenty-two degrees. In transition-the pitches of voice are not only changed, but its qualities, agreeably to the nature and object of the composi Proverbs. 1. Be just to others, that you may be just to yourself. 2. The mind of the idlernever knows what it wishes for. 3. Every rose has its thorn. 4. There is nothing good, that may not be converted to evil purposes. 5. Few persons are aware of the importance of rigid economy. 6. Do not suffer yourself to be deceived -by outward appearances. 7. Never take advantage of another man's ignorance. 8. The word, that has gone forth-can never be recalled. tion; however, there must never be any sac- cheerfulness. 11. Virtue is the forerunner o rifice of other principles-all the proportions must be preserved. Example: An hour passed on; the Turk awoke, That (6) bright dream-(3) was his last. (8) Strike! till the last armed foe expires; 402. To succeed in these higher parts of oratory, one must throw himself into the condition, and shape, he wishes to fill, or be, and bring the body into perfect subjection: by assuming the appropriate language of action and earnestness, he may work himself into any frame of mind, that the subject demands. He must be sure to keep up the life, spirit, and energy of the composition; and let there be a light and glow in his style. He must also cultivate a bold and determined manner; for if he takes no special interest in what he is reading or speaking, he may rest assured others will not. Lo! from the regions of the north, The reddening storm of battle pours, (5) Rolls along the trembling earth, (6) Fastens on the Olynthian towers; (8) Where rests the sword? Where sleep the (9) Awake (8) Cecropia's ally save (6) From the fury of the blast; (8) Burst the storm-on Phoci's walls; (10) Rise, or Greece (8) forever falls: (12) Up! or (10) freedom-breathes her (6) last. (4) The jarring states-obsequious now, (5) View the patriot's hand on high; (2) Thunder-gathering on his brow, 46) Lightning-flashing from his eye: 9. A bird in the hand, is worth two in the bush. 10. That load appears light, which is borne with happiness. 12. Foresight-is the eye of prudence. Anecdote. Obey Orders. A brave veteran officer, reconnoitering a battery, which was considered impregnable, and which it was necessary to storm, laconically answered the engineers, who were endeavoring to dissuade him from the attempt;-"Gentlemen, you may think and say what you please: all I know, is, that the American flagmust be hoisted on the ramparts to-morrow morning; for I have the order in my pocket." Effects of Perseverance. All the performances of human art, at which we look with praise or wonder, are instances of the resistless force of perseverance; it is by this that the quarry becomes a pyramid, and that distant countries are united with canals and rail-roads. If a man was to compare the effect of a single stroke of a pickaxe, or of one impression of the spade, with the general design and last result, he would be overwhelm ed by the sense of their disproportion; yet those petty operations, incessantly continued, in time, surmount the greatest difficulties, and mountains are levelled, and oceans bounded by the slender force of human beings. Varieties. 1. Can Omnipotence do things incompatible and contradictory? 2. St. Augustine described the nature of God, as a circle, whose centre was everywhere, and his circumference nowhere. 3. The walls of rude minds are scrawled all over with facts and with thoughts; then shall one bring a lan [brave? tern, and read the inscriptions? 4. "My chil dren," said an old man to his boys, scared by a figure in the dark entry, "you will never see anything worse than yourselves." 5. Some one says, "There are no prodigies, but the first death, and the first night, that deserve astonishment and sadness!" 6. When we have broken our god of Tradition, and ceased from our god of Persuasion, then, God may fire our hearts, with his own presence; but not before. 7. No love can be bound by oath, or covenant, to secure it against a highe love. (8) Grasp the shield-and draw the (6) sword: (9) Lead us to (8) Philippi's lord; (6) Let as (10) conquer him,-(5) or (2) die. THE BIBLE. Behold the Book, whose leaves display God-scatters love-on every side, 403. MALE AND FEMALE VOICES. The Maxims. 1. Bad counsel confounds the advoices of men--are generally an octave lower viser. 2. No one can do wrong, without suffering than those of women; or, comparatively, men's voices are like the bass viol, and women's voices like the violin. The voice is made grave, that is, to run on lower pitches, by elongating, and enlarging the vocal chords; and it is made acute, that is, to run on higher pitches, by shortening and diminishing them; in connection, however, with the size of the chest, which always has its influence. Few are aware of the extent to which the voice is capable of being cultivated; and hence, we should beware of setting limits to it. If every one's internal care Would fully prove, that while concealed, Their lot appears the best. Sleeping-in bright tranquillity. 404. To acquire the ability to change, at will, your pitch of voice, so as to be able o adapt the manner to the matter, pracice throwing the voice on different pitches, varying from one to five, five to eight, eight to one, and in other ways; also, recite such pieces as have a number and variety of speakers, as found in dialogues; and imitate the voice and manner of each, as far as possible. But remember, no one can accomplish much, without committing the examples to memory; thus, after long practice in this way, you may make the book talk and speak. All developments are from within-out, not from without-in. Miscellaneous. 1. Two things are incumbent on the historian; to avoid stating what is false, and fully and fairly to place before us the truth. 2. One of the greatest blunders an orator can commit is, to deviate into abstruse expressions, and out of the beaten track. 3. Man-was created for a state of order, and he was in order, till he fell, or became depraved; or, what is the same thing, disordered-i. e. the reverse of order. 4. Man is in order, when he acts from supreme love to the Lord, and charity towards his neighbor, in obedience to the Divine Will; but he is depraved, and disordered, in the degree he acts from the love of self, and the love of the world. 5. No man is compelled to evil; his consent only makes it his. A dia.nond, wrong. 3. He is greatest, who is most useful. 4. Love-and you shall be loved. 5 A great manis willing to be little. 6. Blame is safer than praise. 7. All the devils respect virtue. 8. A sincere word was never lost. 9. Curses-always recoil upon the head of him, who imprecates them. 10. God-will not make himself manifest to compards. 11. The love of society is natural. Anecdote. An old alderman, after having lived for fifty years on the fat of the land, and losing his great toe with a mortification, insisted, to his dying day, that he owed it to two grapes, which he ate one day, after dinner; he said, he felt them lie cold at his stomach the moment they were eaten. Education. The time, which we usually bestow on the instruction of our children-in principles, the reasons of which they do not understand, is worse than lost; it is teaching them to resign their faculties to authority; it is improving their memories, instead of their understandings; it is giving them credulity instead of knowledge, and it is preparing them for any kind of slavery which can be imposed on them. Whereas, if we assisted them in making experiments on themselves, induced them to attend to the consequence of every action, to adjust their little deviations, and fairly and freely to exercise their powers, they would collect facts which nothing could controvert. These facts they would deposit in their memories, as secure and eternal treasures; they would be materials for reflection, and, in time, be formed into principles of conduct, which no circumstances or temptations could remove. This would be a method of forming a man, who would answer the end of his being, and make himself and others happy. Varieties. 1. Did not the Greek philosophy--corrupt the simplicity of the christian religion? 2. There are two sorts of popular corruption; one, when the people do not observe the laws; the other, when they are corrupted by the laws. 3. Cesar--added the punishment of confiscation, for this reason; lest the rich, by preserving their estates, should become bolder in the perpetration of crime. 4. No localities can bound the dominion, or the superiority of man. 5. What constitutes a church? Divine goodness and truth, conjoined by love, and exemplified in the life. 6. Madame de Stael's idea, that architecture -is like frozen music, must have been suggested on a cold day. 7. We are often made to feel, that there is another youth and age, than that which is measured from the year of our natural birth; some thoughts always find us young, and keep us so; such a thought is the love of the Universal and Eternal Beauty. 1 405. STYLE-comprehends all the principles of elocution, and denotes the manner in which different kinds of composition should be read, or spoken: of course, there are as many kinds of style, as there are of composition; and unless a person has command of body and mind, he cannot harmonize his manner and matter. If in writing, stylemeans proper words, in proper places; in speaking, it must signify, proper sounds in proper places. Ex. What is wit? a meteor, bright and rare, O the eye's eloquence, (Twin-born with thought,) outstrips the tardy voice; True courage but from opposition grows, 406. What causeth the earth to bring forth Proverbs. 1. A good word for a bad oneworth much, and costs little. 2. He, who knows not when to be silent, knows not when to speak. 3. Oppression-causes rebellion. 4. Where content is, there is a feast. 5. The drunkard continually assaults his own life. 6. Show me a liar, and I will show you a thief. 7. That which helps one man, may hinder another. 8. A good educa tion is the foundation of happiness. 9. Must follies owe their origin to self-love. 10. No tree--takes so deep a root as prejudice. 11. Inform yourself, and instruct others. 12. Truth is the only bond of friendship. Learning. We have been often told, that "a little learning is a dangerous thing," and we may be just as well assured, that a little bread is not the safest of all things; it would be far better to have plenty of both: but the sophism of those who use this argument, is, that they represent the choice between little and much; whereas our election must be made between little and none at all; if the choice is to be-between a small portion of information, or of food, and absolute ignorance, or starvation, common sense gives it is better than no bread." and yield her increase? Is it not the light decision in the homely proverb half a loa and heat of the sun, that unlocks her native energies and gives them their power? In an analogous manner should the light of the thought, and the heat of its accompanying affection, act upon the mind, which will communicate the influence received to the whole body, and the body to the voice and actions, This is what is meant by imbibing the author's feelings, and bringing before you all the circumstances, and plunging amid the living scenes, and feeling that whatever you describe, is actually present, and passing before your mind. 407. Lyceums and Debating societies, are admirable associations for the improvement of mind, and cultivation of talent, for public or private speaking. Franklin and Roger Sherman, (the one a printer, and the other a shoe-muker,) rose from obscurity to great eminence, and usefulness, by their own efforts: so may we, by using the proper means. It was in a debating society, that Lord Brougham first displayed his superior talents and unrivaled eloquence; and there, Varieties. 1. The best and surest course is never to have recourse to deception, but prove ourselves, in every circumstance of life, equally upright and sincere. 2. The most consummate hypocrite-cannot, at al times conceal the workings of his mind. 3. When we employ money to good purposes, it is a great blessing; but when we use it for evel and wicked ends, or become so devoted to n as to endeavor to acquire it by dishones means, it is a great curse. 4. None are so fond of secrets, as those who do not mean to keep them: such persons covet them, as spendthrifts do mony, for the purpose of cir culation. 5. Burke-called the French revolutionists, "the ablest architects of ruin, that the world ever saw." 6. Trifles always require exuberance of ornament; the build. ing that has no strength, can be valued only for the grace of its decorations. 7. We can not part with our heart-friends: we cannot let our angels go. Nor fame I slight, nor for her favors call; Then, teach me. heaven, to scorn the guilty bays; |