
shall also send a report for the preceding year in which shall be shown the sources, the amount, and the distribution of the income of this Fund; and, in addition thereto for information, the average of the allowances paid, house rent excluded, for the support of the Effective Members in each Annual Conference during the preceding year.

§ 2. The Treasurer designated by the Annual Conference to receive the allowance from this amount, when remitting to the Treasurer of the Board of Conference Claimants the five per cent designated for the Connectional Fund, shall forward therewith a certified copy of the Report of the Conference Board of Stewards as adopted by the Conference, in which shall be shown the allowance made to and the amount received by each Conference Claimant, together with the following additional data for the guidance of the Board of Conference Claimants in making the distribution of the Connectional Fund:


1. The total amount Estimated for Conference Claimants by the Annual Conference, Board Stewards.

2. The total amount Received for Conference Claimants from each of the several sources of income.

3. The total amount of the Allowance made to the several Conference Claimants by the Board of Stewards.

4. The total amount Paid to Conference Claimants. 5. The Average of the Support paid to the Effective Members of the Annual Conference (house rent excluded).

6. A copy of "Statistics No. III."

[For Claims and Apportionment of Conference Claimants, Administration of Conference Funds, etc., see TT 309-312.]



I. General Object

428. The work of the Freedmen's Aid Society shall be the establishment and maintenance of institutions for Christian education among the colored people in the Southern States and elsewhere. The instruction in these institutions shall include such literary, professional, and biblical courses of study, and such industrial training as will tend to develop the highest Christian character. These institutions shall be located with reference to an educational system comprising collegiate centers and coöperative preparatory academies, so that with the greatest economy the educational needs of the people may be most fully met. Contributions shall be taken through the Church for the maintenance and support of this work, and for this purpose Lincoln's birthday shall be observed wherever practicable. The schools shall be made self-supporting as rapidly as, the financial condition of the people will permit. Special efforts shall be made to secure permanent endowments for the various institutions, and the control of any of said schools may be conveyed to a local Board of Trustees by the Board of Managers whenever it is satisfied that the support will be ample and that the property will be perpetuated and maintained.

II. Board of Managers

429. There shall be a Board of Managers consisting of three Bishops, twelve Ministers, and twelve Laymen, to be elected quadrennially by the General Conference, whose term of service shall begin on the second Wednesday in June following their election, and continue until their successors shall enter upon their duties. At the first election six Ministers and six Laymen shall be chosen for four years, the three Bishops, six Ministers, and six Laymen for eight years, and thereafter all regular elections shall be for eight years; but an interim vacancy shall be filled by the Bishops until the session of the ensuing General Conference, when it shall elect for the unexpired term. Said Board of Managers, being incorporated according to law, shall be subject to the control of the General Conference and the provisions of the Discipline, and shall have such powers and prerogatives as are needed to conduct the work of the Society, except such matters as are placed under the authority of the General Committee. Eleven members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business, except the appropriation or disposition of funds not under the control of the General Committee and the purchase and sale of real estate, in which cases a majority of the members shall be a quorum and the concurring vote of eleven members shall be necessary to complete any such transaction. The Board shall make a quadrennial report to the General Conference, and shall publish quarterly, or oftener, full information concerning its work.

III. Officers

430, § 1. The Officers of the Board shall be a President, three or more Vice-Presidents, two COordinate Corresponding Secretaries, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Assistant Treasurer, all of whom, except the Corresponding Secretary, shall be elected by the Board at its annual meeting each year, but a vacancy may be filled at any meeting.

§ 2. The Corresponding Secretaries shall be elected by the General Conference, and as administrative Officers, shall be in all official acts subject to the authority and control of the Board of Managers and the direction of the General Committee. Their time shall be occupied under the direction of the Board in promoting the interests of the Society by conducting the correspondence and office work, traveling through the Church, giving general supervision to the institutions of learning under the care of the Society, and other needful forms of service. In case of vacancy by death, resignation,

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fix and pay the respective salaries of all its salaried Officers.

§ 3. The senior Book Agent at Cincinnati shall be the Treasurer of this Society, and the Board of Managers may appoint such Assistant Treasurers as it deems wise.

IV. General Committee

431. There shall be a General Committee of the Freedmen's Aid Society, composed as follows: (1) The Bishops; (2) the Corresponding Secretaries,

Treasurer, and Recording Secretary of the Board of Managers, who shall be ex officio Secretary of the General Committee; (3) the two representatives of each General Conference District elected by the General Conference to the General Committee on Foreign Missions; (4) an equal number of representatives, to be selected by the Board of Managers from its own body. The General Committee shall meet annually in such place and on such day in November as shall be fixed by the Corresponding Secretary: to receive and consider the annual report of the Board of Managers; to designate what institutions shall receive aid for the ensuing year, and, as far as practicable, the amount each school shall receive; to determine the total amount to be expended in the support of the schools and for administrative purposes; to fix what amount shall be apportioned to each Annual Conference to be raised for the use of the Board, and to counsel and direct the Board in the general administration of its affairs. It shall have authority, for neglect of official duties, or for other cause, to declare vacant the seat of any member of the Board of Managers. If a vacancy shall occur in the General Committee by death, resignation, removal from the District, or otherwise, the Bishops shall fill it. Expenses incurred by this Committee in the discharge of its duties shall be paid by the Treasurer of the Board.

V. Duties of District Superintendents and Pastors ¶ 432, § 1. Each District Superintendent shall, as early in the Conference year as possible, inform each Pastor in his District of the amount to be raised in

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