Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical HerbsLlewellyn Worldwide, 1985 - 318 oldal Hoping to meet that special someone? Wear a sprig of maidenhair fern. Having problems with your cash flow? Burn cloves as incense to attract riches. Want to enhance your psychic abilities? Brew up some dandelion root tea. In days gone by our ancestors lived in harmony with the earth. They knew which plants could heal and which ones could kill. They also knew that plants harbored magical powers, forces that could be harnessed and directed to fulfill a need -- anything from protecting a house to finding true love. Magical herbalism is the use of these powers to create positive changes. This revised and updated fifteenth anniversary edition contains the folklore and magical properties of over 400 herbs. Far from concentrating on esoteric, unobtainable plants, many of those mentioned within are old friends. The magical properties of onions, cashews, apples, rice, lettuce -- as well as dill, basil, fennel, garlic, and parsley are described. Extensive tables, a cross-reference of folk names, glossary, and annotated bibliography make this a comprehensive and valuable guide to the practice of magical herbalism. Book jacket. |
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1 - 5 találat összesen 53 találatból.
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Sajnáljuk, az oldal tartalma korlátozott hozzáférésű..
5. oldal
Sajnáljuk, az oldal tartalma korlátozott hozzáférésű..
Sajnáljuk, az oldal tartalma korlátozott hozzáférésű..
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Sajnáljuk, az oldal tartalma korlátozott hozzáférésű..
Sajnáljuk, az oldal tartalma korlátozott hozzáférésű..
8. oldal
Sajnáljuk, az oldal tartalma korlátozott hozzáférésű..
Sajnáljuk, az oldal tartalma korlátozott hozzáférésű..
9. oldal
Sajnáljuk, az oldal tartalma korlátozott hozzáférésű..
Sajnáljuk, az oldal tartalma korlátozott hozzáférésű..
The Powers of Herbs | 3 |
Magical Ways | 7 |
Spells and Procedures | 11 |
Magical Intentions | 17 |
The Herbs | 21 |
Health Codes Used with the Herbs | 266 |
Tables Appendices | 267 |
Gender | 269 |
Magical Intentions | 276 |
Colors and their Magical Uses | 284 |
Glossary | 285 |
MailOrder Supplies | 287 |
The Magical Properties of Oils | 288 |
Folk Names CrossReference | 289 |
308 | |
324 | |
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Gyakori szavak és kifejezések
Air Deities Air Powers Apple Asafoetida attract love attract money Balm bath Benzoin Broom burned carried to attract Cinquefoil Clover Comfrey Cowslip Datura Devil's Divination dried Earth Powers Elder enchanted ensure Exorcism Feminine Planet Fern Fertility Fire Deities Fire Powers flowers Foxglove G Folk Names G Gender Galangal garden Gender Grass Henbane herb herb magic herbal Hex-Breaking hexes hung incenses Indian infusion Jupiter Element Lady's Lavender Leaf leaves Lemon Lily Lovage Love Magical love sachets love spells luck Lust Mandrake Marigold Marjoram Mars Element Masculine Planet Masterwort Meadowsweet Mercury Element Mistletoe mixtures Money Magical money spells Moon Element Mugwort Mullein Pansy Parsley Pepper pillow Poison Folk Names poppets Prophetic Dreams Protection Magical Psychic Powers Purification Ritual Root Rosemary Sandalwood Saturn Element seeds sleep Southernwood sprinkled Sun Element Sweet Thistle Tormentil Tree Valerian Venus Element Vervain Violet Water Deities Water Powers Weed wish Witches wood worn Yarrow Yerba