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" The territorial waters of Her Majesty's dominions, in reference to the sea, means such part of the sea adjacent to the coast of the United Kingdom, or the coast of some other part of Her Majesty's dominions... "
A Treatise on Crimes and Misdemeanors - 15. oldal
szerző: Sir William Oldnall Russell, Horace Smith, Alfred Percival Perceval Keep - 1896 - 844 oldal
Teljes nézet - Információ erről a könyvről

Statutes at Large ...

Great Britain - 1878 - 760 oldal
...adjacent islands : 'The territorial waters of Her Majesty's dominions," in reference to the sea, means such part of the sea adjacent to the coast of the...within the territorial sovereignty of Her Majesty ; for the purpose of any offence declared by this Act to within the jurisdiction of the Admiral, any...

The Law Times, 65. kötet

1878 - 556 oldal
...and within one marine league of any part of the coast of England measured from low •water-mark, or deemed by international law to be within the territorial sovereignty of Her Majesty by reason of its adjacency to the said coast." The question of jurisdiction within three miles of the...

Parliamentary Papers, 2. kötet

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1878 - 632 oldal
...within one marine league of any part of the coast AD, 1878. of England measured from low-water mark, or deemed by international law to be within the territorial sovereignty of Her Majesty by reason of its adjacency to the said coast. (b.) To all acts done by any person, whether a natural-born...

Commentaries Upon International Law, 1. kötet

Robert Phillimore, Reginald James Mure - 1879 - 864 oldal
...adjacent islands. " ' The territorial waters of her Majesty's dominions,' in " reference to the sea, means such part of the sea adjacent " to the coast of the...of her Majesty ; and for the purpose of any offence de" clared by this Act to be within the jurisdiction of the " Admiral, any part of the open sea within...

Criminal Code (indictable Offences): A Bill, as Amended in Committee, to ...

Great Britain - 1879 - 260 oldal
...committed by any person in England or Ireland, or on such part of the sea adjacent to the coast of 5 any part of Her Majesty's dominions as is deemed by international...within the territorial sovereignty of Her Majesty, or as is within one marine league of the coast of any part of Her Majesty's dominions measured from...

Commentaries Upon International Law, 1. kötet

Robert Phillimore, Reginald James Mure - 1879 - 810 oldal
...should be " instituted. " 4. On the trial of any person who is not a subject 01 " her Majesty for an offence declared by this Act to be " within the jurisdiction of the Admiral, it shall not be neces" sary to aver in any indictment or information on such " trial that such consent...

A Treatise on the Conflict of Laws: Or, Private International Law

Francis Wharton - 1881 - 878 oldal
...definitions : " The territorial jurisdiction of her Majesty's dominions, in reference to the sea, means such part of the sea adjacent to the coast of the...other part of her Majesty's dominions, as is deemed hy international law to be within the territorial sovereignty of her Majesty; and for the purpose of...

The Canadian Law Times, 40. kötet

Edward B. Brown - 1920 - 1086 oldal
...Waters as " Such parts of the sea adjacent to the coast of the United Kingdom or other part of HM's dominions as is deemed by International law to be...Majesty ; and for the purpose of any offence declared to be within the jurisdiction of the Admiral, any part of the open sea within one marine league of...

A Compendium of the Law of Merchant Shipping: With an Appendix ..., 2. kötet

Frederic Philip Maude, Charles Edward Pollock - 1881 - 812 oldal
...reference to "Territorial the sea, means such part of the sea adjacent to the coast of the waters of her United Kingdom, or the coast of some other part of her Majesty's Majesty's dominions, as is deemed by international law to be within the don"nions:" territorial sovereignty...

Reports of Cases in Criminal Law: Argued and Determined in All ..., 14. kötet

Edward William Cox - 1882 - 758 oldal
...proceedings should be instituted. 4. On the trial of any person who is not a subject of Her Majesty for an offence declared by this Act to be within the jurisdiction of the Admiral, it shall not be necessary to aver in any indictment or information 41 & 42 Vim. on snob trial that...

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