
By humility and the fear of the Lord, are riches, and honor, and life. Prov. xxii, 4.

What is Piety?—Mr. A. and Mr. B.-Why is Mr. A. pious?-He fears God-He loves
God-Loves to pray to him-Loves to read the Bible-Loves to do good-The Heart
must be right-Little Emily-Christians have the Spirit of Christ-Of Self-sacrifice
-Of Long-suffering-Of Love-Of active Benevolence-What Piety does-Enables
us to live well-Little William-The Old Lady-Her pious little Granddaughter
-Piety enables us to diffuse Happiness-To resist Evil-Willie-I didn't take any
-The two Boys-Piety will make us Happy-"You have nothing"-Happy Mary
-The little Blind Girl-Piety will enable us to die triumphantly-The Dying Boy
-"Pa, won't you go with me ?"-Juliette and Clara-William F.-Happy Death-
Piety leads to Honor-Why-The Counterfeit Coin-True Honor founded upon
Merit-Rich Man and Lazarus-They died-Which the honored one-Sin leads to
Ruin-POETRY: "Divine Guidance"


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First Step- Obedience.

Honor thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.-Exod. xx, 12.

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T was Thanksgiving-day morning, and Henry Stanton had been looking forward to it for many weeks, with much impatience at the sluggish pace with which the days seemed to pass by; for he had received word from

James Bickford, his city cousin, that he would come and spend the day with him. James was

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