
payment of a not very moderate fee, is not quite clear. That it has been so placed will probably serve as a warning to intending subscribers to future memorials, not only to inquire into the character of the memorial, but the site it is to occupy.

Our national monuments to Nelson and Wellington still make no visible progress: but Landseer has, it seems, completed the model of the lion that, with a little modification, will serve for the four, and, according to the enthusiastic critic who made the announcement to the world, it surpasses all the lions in bronze or marble of ancient and modern times.

The Wellington Memorial at Liverpool, recently completed, consists of a Doric column, 10 feet in diameter at the base and 80 feet high, with a bronze statue of the Duke, in a general's undress uniform, 14 feet high, on the summit. The memorial, which is in all 132 feet high, was designed by Mr. A. Lawson of Edinburgh: the statue is by his brother, Mr. G. Lawson of Liverpool.

cost was about 5,000l.

The entire

At St. Paul's statues have been erected of our great landscape painter, Turner, by Mr. Macdowell; the historian Hallam, by Mr. Theed; Sir Henry Lawrence, by Mr. Lough; Lord Lyons, by Mr. Noble; and General Sir W. Napier, by Mr. Adams-but neither of them calls for particular notice. At Westminster Abbey a place has been refused to a statue of Macaulay, but a bust of Sir G. C. Lewis is to be admitted on payment of 2007. Perhaps it would be as well that the old Abbey ceased to be encumbered with modern statues ; but there ought to be a clear statement made of the principle upon which admission is given or refused. For the statue of Sir Charles Barry, to be placed in the vestibule of the House of Commons, Mr. Foley has produced a seated model.

Marochetti's statue of Lord Herbert has been erected in the Market Place, Salisbury, and is well spoken of. It is of bronze, 9 feet high, and stands on a pedestal of polished marble, 10 feet high, which bears the simple inscription, "Sidney Herbert." He is represented as addressing the House of Commons, and holds in one hand the plan of the Herbert Hospital. The statue of Josiah Wedgwood has been placed on its pedestal at Stoke-upon-Trent; and at Burslem is to be erected a Wedgwood Memorial Institute, to which it is proposed to give characteristic_decoration by introducing in the façade "the ceramic art of the Potteries, in the form of terra-cotta mouldings, tile mosaics, Della Robbia panels, &c." At Gloucester a statue of Bishop Hooper, by Mr. E. W. Thornhill, has been erected, as near as possible to the place of his martyrdom, by the church of St. Mary-de-Lode. The bishop is represented preaching. The statue is of Portland stone, and is covered by a canopy of the same material. A somewhat similar memorial by Mr. Teulon is being raised to the martyr Tyndale. A seated marble statue of the Queen, by Mr. Earle, has been placed in the People's Park at Hull. A marble statue of the late Earl Fortescue, by Mr. E. B. Stephens, has been erected in the Castle Yard, Exeter. A colossal bronze group, by Mr. Philip, in memory of Richard Oastler, the celebrated advocate of the Ten-hours Factory Bill, is to be erected in Bradford. We might go on; but

these will probably suffice as examples of what is doing in this line. If there are not many great works there is much good intention.


London underwent this summer the panic of a threatened invasion. Not an invasion, however, of Zouaves and Imperial Guards, but of railway engineers and navvies-foes more peaceful, but hardly less destructive in their operations. The good citizens had heard with an easy sort of incredulity that a railway was to be brought into the very heart of the City, and, by a huge viaduct over Ludgate Hill, block out the western view of their greatest pride, St. Paul's. They heard also that other lines were to go hither and thither, seemingly almost at random, about the outskirts of the City, and even pierce in some instances into its interior. But they counted the cost, and-wondering who could be expected to take shares in such adventures-dismissed the subject from their minds. Soon, however, on their way to their suburban villas, they saw surveyors busily at work, lines being chalked out, houses destroyed, and presently some huge and hideous contrivance, resembling most a monstrous iron packing-case, being fixed across one and another broad thoroughfare, the line all the while approaching with slow and stealthy but unhalting steps towards the doomed city. Then as the time drew near when plans for new lines were to be deposited, preliminary to applications to Parliament, they learned that hawks and vultures, engineers and attorneys, scenting their prey from afar, were hastening from all the airts to feast on the carcase they fancied was abandoned to their fell pleasures. But this aroused the slumbering lion; and, though unable to rid himself of the marks left on him by those who had come upon him unawares and sleeping, he made short work of their less cautious followers. Of nearly three dozen London lines for which application was made to Parliament in 1863, not more than two or three escaped summary slaughter.

Some of these lines were rather amusing in their audacity. One undertook to link Regent-circus with King's Cross, and in order to do so that section of London being of little account-proposed to block up some of the streets altogether, darken others, raise the level of Euston-road at one point eleven feet, and cut through four of the main lines of sewers-all mere trifles, of course, to railway directors. Another proposed to start from the Great Western Station at Paddington, skirt the Serpentine through Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park, and proceed by way of Piccadilly to the new station at Charing Cross. A third, coming from Hammersmith, would have skirted the south side of Hyde Park and the north side of the Green Park, and then have proceeded by a line parallel to that of the railway last mentioned to the same terminus. The Great Eastern, in like manner, wanted to carry a new line (starting from their old line at Edmonton) by a course parallel with that from Kingsland, for which an Act had been obtained by the North London Company, and pervert the green oasis, Finsbury-circus, into a vast terminus. The little East London and Rotherhithe line displayed a curiously jaunty off-hand mode of procedure. To reach Rotherhithe it must pass through the Thames

Tunnel; and in order to arrive at that it coolly proposed to proceed for some distance over Gravel-lane, making that busy line of riverside traffic traverse a narrow tunnel an eighth of a mile long; reduce the width of several other streets; cross the London Docks by an opening bridge; cut a main sewer or two in half, and finally descend into the Thames Tunnel by an incline of 1 in 17, with many other equally pleasant freaks. Rotherhithe itself appeared likely to become a very nexus of railways intended to connect the Grand Surrey Docks and Canal with the Brighton, the South-Eastern, and the London, Dover, and Chatham Railways, and, by means of the East London line just mentioned, with the Blackwall Railway and the northern system generally. The London and Greenwich, the London, Chatham and Dover, and the South London scared the Astronomer Royal by putting forward three distinct projects for passing through Greenwich Park, that of the South London threatening to run close by the Observatory. But instead of wasting more words on rejected suitors, let us notice shortly the schemes of the successful ones, and see what progress they are making.

First in immediate interest is the London, Dover, and Chatham line, which is completed as far as the Elephant and Castle, and is being carried thence northward. It will cross the Thames by a bridge running parallel to the New Blackfriars Bridge. The two bridges are being constructed close to each other, consist of the same number of arches of about the same span, are by the same engineer, and, judging by his exhibited designs, will be of about equal, though very dissimilar, ugliness. Happily, each will hide one side of the other. The line will then be carried over Ludgate Hill to the terminus just beyond, by the notorious Ludgate Hill viaduct-a work which will be a standing disgrace to the City, a discredit to the company, and, with the other bridges on the same line, bequeath to the engineer the fame of having done more to disfigure the metropolis than any man of his generation. The directors have feebly sought to deny the imputation on their taste, but it is indisputable that the bridge will_for_ever destroy the most remarkable piece of street scenery in London. By way of softening the ire of the civic authorities, the company have settled with the city surveyor to increase the width of Ludgate Hill to 60 feet from the Old Bailey to Bridgestreet, to decorate the sides of the bridge with a great deal of surface ornamentation, and to throw out on each side of it a light trellised foot-bridge, so as to afford a safe means of crossing Ludgate Hill at that spot.

And this points to a suggestion of some importance. Not only are these tubular railway viaducts an offence to the eye, but they are in crowded thoroughfares a source of constant inconvenience and frequent danger. The noise of trains rumbling over head along these iron tubes is at all times annoying to the equine mind; but if the viaduct be near a station the addition of the screaming of the railway whistle quite upsets the equanimity of all but very old stagers. As horses are apt to give outward expression to their irritation there ensues at least alarm to timid wayfarers, and sometimes serious, sometimes fatal, accidents. Railway viaducts being a necessity, there

might well be enacted, in order to afford a very desirable security to passengers wishing to cross the street near one of these bridges, a general clause making it imperative when an iron viaduct is carried over an important civic thoroughfare to attach an exterior foot-way to each side of the viaduct for the free use of foot-passengers. It has

the additional recommendation that, if designed with a modicum of taste, one of these foot-bridges would, better than anything else, relieve the blank deformity of the iron walls.

The Charing Cross extension of the South-Eastern Railway is approaching completion; and the Cannon-street branch, intended to give a central City terminus to the South-Eastern line, is commenced. The passage of the Charing Cross Railway across Wellington - street, Southwark, is perhaps the most remarkable illustration yet perpetrated of the way in which railway engineers are doing their best to deface the metropolis. From Southwark was one of the most striking of the approaches to the great city. On your right was the large and stately pile of St. Thomas's Hospital, grouping with which was a portion of the collected London Bridge Railway Termini. On your left you saw the long-drawn aisles and venerable towers of St. Mary's Overy, one of the most famous, the largest, and the grandest of the Gothic parish churches remaining in London. In the centre of the roadway was the modern Gothic Wellington Memorial, breaking picturesquely the main line of thoroughfare. Before you stretched the broad open space of our noble London Bridge, with Wren's Monument towering aloft at its farther end. Whilst on the right you caught a glimpse of the forest of masts which marks the line of the Thames, and the square keep of the Tower of London; and across the river to the left an endless array of city spires, crowned westward by the glorious dome of St. Paul's. All this is changed now, and changed by the Charing Cross Railway. St. Thomas's Hospital is demolished. An iron railway tube, of enormous length and height, and of unmitigated ugliness, stretches at an oblique angle across the broad road, close against the Wellington Cross, the upper part of which it conceals from view, and but a little way in front of St. Mary's Church, the view of which it equally cuts off. All beyond is hidden, or partially disclosed in a like broken fashion. Nothing, in fact, is seen or thought of but the railway viaduct. Over the roadway leading to the stations is another prodigious iron bridge.

Following the course of the railway we shall find it keeps well the promise it makes at starting. After quitting St. Mary's Overy, its first step is to strike right across the Borough Market, which it cuts into two unequal parts. It then reaches the new street, which the Metropolitan Board of Works has been for so many years constructing from Southwark to Blackfriars. This it crosses by an ungainly tube, thus for ever rendering hideous what we have been told to look for as the model street-pattern for all coming ages. The City Branch here diverges northwards, and will cross the Thames, by a bridge now in course of construction, midway between London and Southwark Bridges. Following the main line, we pass by Unionstreet and a multitude of smaller streets, across Blackfriars-road, Waterloo-road, where again we have two unsightly tubes set at most

awkward angles to each other and to the houses; and onwards to the Thames. The greater part of its route is through dirty back streets, and into these it has been said it lets light and air; but an inspection of the line will hardly confirm this view of the matter. A patient examination of its course, step by step, would suggest to our legislators some useful safeguards applicable to all future railways that may be carried through London or other populous towns.

The bridge by which the line is carried across the Thames to its terminus occupies, as is well known, the site of Hungerford Suspension Bridge, for which, in a picturesque point of view, it need not be said it forms a sorry substitute. But as an engineering work the bridge is regarded as of more than average merit. Under the severest tests the deflection has been of the minutest kind-ths of an inch with a load of 700 tons; and it has been constructed with very little interference with the traffic on the river, and without stopping the passenger traffic for a single day. The bridge has on either side a pathway 7 feet wide for foot passengers, with an ornamental balustrade. Along the bridge there will be four lines of rail, expanding fan-wise into seven lines on approaching the terminus. The station will be one of the most extensive in the metropolis. It will cover the whole of Hungerford Market, and stretch from Craven-street to Villiersstreet. The front will be set back 120 feet from the Strand, so as to allow unimpeded access and afford ample space for vehicles. The locomotive part will be covered with a lofty semicircular roof of iron and glass, of about 170 feet span. Along the Strand and Villiersstreet will stretch the Charing Cross Hotel, a vast structure, having a frontage some 300 feet long and five stories high, designed by Mr. E. M. Barry, A.R.A. Though less pretentious than the Grosvenor Hotel, the Langham, and some others of recent erection, it promises to be a building of satisfactory architectural character as well as imposing from its magnitude.

The bridge for carrying the railway across the Thames to the City terminus will be similar to the Charing Cross bridge, but 12 feet wider. For the City terminus the whole of the Old Steel Yard, a frontage of 200 feet along the Thames, and reaching back to Upper Thames-street, with the houses lying between it and Cannon-street, will be taken. The station itself will be still larger than the Charing Cross Station, and the span of the iron and glass roof 20 feet wider. In Cannonstreet the station will occupy the site where now stands the Unity Bank and Offices, opposite St. Swithin's Church-a church which antiquarian readers will remember from its having let into its front wall the "London Stone," by some supposed to have been the central miliarium of Roman London.

Another line which will enter the City is the North London, which, in order to save the long journey by Hackney, Bow, and Stepney, has obtained power to form a direct line from Kingsland to Finsbury. This line will cross Kingsland-road south of the present station, keep on the east of the road nearly to Shoreditch, when it will again cross the main road and continue west of Shoreditch, Norton Folgate and Bishopsgate-street to Liverpool-street, by Finsbury-circus. Here will be the terminus, which, as may be seen by

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