The Acts of the Parliament of Western Australia, 1. kötetGovernment Printer, South Africa, 1971 |
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Act Amendment Act Act is amended advice and consent agreed Agreement alumina amended by adding amount apply appointed arbitration Assembly of Western Assented authorised bauxite behalf Board certificate child cited Clause commencement Commissioner Common Seal Commonwealth Company Company's costs Court deemed Delete linseed determined Director dollars easement employer enacted Excellent Majesty Fire District follows Fremantle Port Authority Fund Governor granted hereunder Joint Venturers Kalgoorlie Land Act Legislative Assembly Legislative Council liable license means ment mineral lease Mining Act mining areas Minister for Mines months Narrogin notice Notwithstanding offence officer paragraph pay-roll tax payable period person Poseidon prescribed present Parliament assembled principal Act proposals provisions purposes pursuant Queen's Most Excellent Railways Commission reasonable referred refinery relation repealed respect Salaries and Allowances Salaries Salaries Schedule Shire Short title specified subclause subsection substituting taxable wages thereof tion Western Australia word