The British Almanac: Containing Astronomical, Official and Other Information Relating to the British Isles, the Dominions Oversea and Foreign CountriesStationers' Company, 1850 |
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1 - 5 találat összesen 14 találatból.
1. oldal
... CALENDAR ... 14-37 Hebrew and Mohamme- dan Calendars ... 14-36 MISCELLANEOUS REGIS- TER . The Royal Family Chief Officers of the Queen's Household Page East India Coll . , Haileybury ( 9 Foundation Schools ... 70 Scotch Universities ...
... CALENDAR ... 14-37 Hebrew and Mohamme- dan Calendars ... 14-36 MISCELLANEOUS REGIS- TER . The Royal Family Chief Officers of the Queen's Household Page East India Coll . , Haileybury ( 9 Foundation Schools ... 70 Scotch Universities ...
16. oldal
... Hebrew Calendar . 5610 . 1850 . Feb. 1 19 Sebat . 13 1 Adar . 25 13 ,, Fast of Esther 26 14 ,, Feast of 27 15 ,, Purim . Mohammedan Calendar . 1850. Hegira 1266 . Feb. 1 18 Rabiu 1 . 14 1 Rabiu II . 26 13 27 14 28 15 Fortunate Days ...
... Hebrew Calendar . 5610 . 1850 . Feb. 1 19 Sebat . 13 1 Adar . 25 13 ,, Fast of Esther 26 14 ,, Feast of 27 15 ,, Purim . Mohammedan Calendar . 1850. Hegira 1266 . Feb. 1 18 Rabiu 1 . 14 1 Rabiu II . 26 13 27 14 28 15 Fortunate Days ...
14. oldal
... Hebrew Calendar . 1850 . 5610 . Jan. 1 17 Thebet . 14 1 Sebat . Mohammedan Calendar . 1850. Hegira , 1266 . Jan. 1 16 Saphar . 1 Rabiu I. 28 M 28 29 Tu 29 .. 30 W 30 King Charles I. Martyr . 15 25 11 29 27 13 28 14 ,, Birth of Moham ...
... Hebrew Calendar . 1850 . 5610 . Jan. 1 17 Thebet . 14 1 Sebat . Mohammedan Calendar . 1850. Hegira , 1266 . Jan. 1 16 Saphar . 1 Rabiu I. 28 M 28 29 Tu 29 .. 30 W 30 King Charles I. Martyr . 15 25 11 29 27 13 28 14 ,, Birth of Moham ...
16. oldal
... Hebrew Calendar . 1850 . 5610 . Feb. 1 19 Sebat . 13 1 Adar . 25 13 ,, Fast of Esther 26 14 ,, Feast of 27 15 ,, Purim . Mohammedan Calendar . 1850. Hegira 1266 . Feb. 1 18 Rabiu 1 . 14 1 Rabiu II . 26 13 ) Fortunate 27 14 28 15 Days ...
... Hebrew Calendar . 1850 . 5610 . Feb. 1 19 Sebat . 13 1 Adar . 25 13 ,, Fast of Esther 26 14 ,, Feast of 27 15 ,, Purim . Mohammedan Calendar . 1850. Hegira 1266 . Feb. 1 18 Rabiu 1 . 14 1 Rabiu II . 26 13 ) Fortunate 27 14 28 15 Days ...
18. oldal
... Hebrew Calendar . 1850 . 5610 . Mar. 1 17 Adar . 14 1 Nisan . Mohammedan Calendar . 1850. Hegira , 1266 . Mar.1 16 Rabiu II . 15 1 Jomadhi I. 28 15 29 16 " " 99 Passover . 2nd day . 27 13 28 14 29 15 Fortu- " 9 99 nate Days . 1 Highest ...
... Hebrew Calendar . 1850 . 5610 . Mar. 1 17 Adar . 14 1 Nisan . Mohammedan Calendar . 1850. Hegira , 1266 . Mar.1 16 Rabiu II . 15 1 Jomadhi I. 28 15 29 16 " " 99 Passover . 2nd day . 27 13 28 14 29 15 Fortu- " 9 99 nate Days . 1 Highest ...
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adjourned adjourned debate advanced a stage amendment April Bank Bart Bill passed Bill was read Bills were advanced Bills were read Borough British Chancellor Cholera clauses coal Colonies Commissioners Committee of Supply COMMONS Company constellation Consumptn County Court debate districts Ditto Dublin duty Earl East ending England Exchequer fish Fisheries Foreign Grey Hebrew Calendar House resumed Hume India Irish July June Justices Ireland land leap-year London Lord Brougham Lord John Russell Lord Monteagle Lord Palmerston majority March Marquess Marquess of Granby Marquess of Lansdowne ment month morn motion negatived North Office Parliament passed through Committee passengers persons Poor Relief Ireland Railway read a second read a third read that day reckoning reply Royal Scotland second reading Sessions ship Sir G Sunday Tauri Thames tion tons total number Treason Ireland Trinity United Kingdom Vessels Visc
Népszerű szakaszok
3. oldal - ADAMS. But, Sir, how can you do this in three years ? JOHNSON. Sir, I have no doubt that I can do it in three years. ADAMS. But the French Academy, which consists of forty members, took forty years to compile their Dictionary.
151. oldal - An Act to defray the Charge of the Pay, Clothing, and contingent and other Expenses of the Disembodied Militia in Great Britain and Ireland ; to grant allowances in certain Cases to Subaltern Officers, Adjutants, Paymasters, Quartermasters, Surgeons, Assistant Surgeons, Surgeons' Mates, and Serjeant Majors of the Militia; and to authorize the Employment of the Non-commissioned Officers.
92. oldal - By comparing the number of grains in the Avoirdupois and Troy pound and ounce respectively, it appears that the Troy pound is less than the Avoirdupois, in the proportion of 14 to 17 nearly ; but the Troy ounce is greater than the Avoirdupois, in the proportion of 79 to 72 nearly.
91. oldal - CUBIC MEASURE 1728 cubic inches = 1 cubic foot 27 cubic feet = 1 cubic yard...
151. oldal - means the Act of the session of the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter forty-three, intituled " An Act to facilitate the performance of the duties of justices of the peace out of sessions within England and Wales, with respect to summary convictions and orders...
142. oldal - Merchandize by way of Bargaining, Exchange, Bartering, Commission, Consignment or otherwise, in Gross or by Retail ; and all Persons who, either for themselves, or as Agents or Factors for others, seek their Living by buying and selling, or by buying and letting for Hire, or by the Workmanship of Goods or Commodities, shall be. deemed Traders liable to become Bankrupt...
190. oldal - For the motion 14 ; against it 24. (COMMONS.) On the order of the day for the third reading of the Irish Tithe Bill, Mr.
147. oldal - If the bankrupt shall, during his trading, have wilfully and with intent to conceal the true state of his affairs, have omitted to keep proper books of account...
218. oldal - Act for amending an Act passed in the Tenth Year of the reign of Her present Majesty...
152. oldal - An Act to provide for the Prosecution and Trial in Her Majesty's Colonies of Offences committed within the jurisdiction of the Admiralty.