



[12 and 13 Victoriæ.]

1. Numerical Abstract of the Petitions and Private Bills for the Session


Petitions presented to the Commons and Bills brought from the Lords 185 Bills read a first time

Bills read a second time

Bills read a third time

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Bills which received the Royal Assent

. 179

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The number of Bills was 87 less than in 1848, and the number which received the Royal Assent was 65 less, and is the smallest number passed for many years.

II. Comparative Classification of Bills for Ten Years :

Bills passed.

1840. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846 1847 1848 1849.

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43 36 47

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49 26 50

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79 58 42


Internal Commųnication Navigation, &c.

Private Regulation

59 48 50 42 51 127 277 190 95 46

13 18


16 15 25 24 18 10

47 38 54 38 30 35

Totals. 187 176 171 151 161 245 455 335 197 129

Average number of Private Bills passed annually from 1840 to 1844 inclusive, 169; and from 1845 to 1849 inclusive, 272.

III. Abstract of Petitions and Private Bills, Session 1849:

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*These figures are taken from the Private Bill Table, published by direction of the House of Commons, but three have been declared Public Acts since the Dublin Im. provement Act, the Greenwich Market Act, and the Brighton Pavilion Act. There are therefore but 129 Private Acts, as given in the following tables,

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Inclosure Acts are now in general removed from the Private Bills, and are provided for by public Acts. In this session, 43 places have been included in these Acts, as noticed at pages 128 and 136.

To amend and extend the provisions of certain Acts for inclosing lands in the parishes of Binbrooke Saint Mary and Binbrooke Saint Gabriel, in the county of Lincoln, and to vary the awards made thereunder, and to unite the said parishes.

For improving the drainage of Feltwell second district, in the county of Norfolk, and for amending the Acts relating to the same.

To amend an Act of the twelfth year of the reign of King George the Third, for embanking, draining, and preserving certain fen lands and low grounds in the parish of Ramsey, in the county of Huntingdon, and in the parishes of Doddington, March, Benwick, Wimblington, and Chatteris, within the Isle of Ely and county of Cambridge, so far as relates to the lower or fifth district, and to annex other lands thereto.

For altering the mode of assessing the drainage rates authorized by the Act for draining and improving Marshland Smeeth and Marshland Fen, in the country of Marshland, in the county of Norfolk, and to provide for the repair of roads within the limits of the said Act.

To alter and amend the provisions of the several Acts relating to the Black Sluice drainage, to extend the time by "The Black Sluice Drainage Act, 1846," limited for the completion of the works, to authorize the levying and raising of further rates and moneys, to alter existing rates and tolls, and for other purposes.

For the incorporation of the General Land Drainage and Improvement Company, and for facilitating the execution of land drainage and other improvements.

To amend the "Norfolk Estuary Act, 1846," and to enable the Eau Brink Commissioners and the Corporation of King's Lynn to contribute towards the undertaking, and for other purposes connected therewith.

II. COMPANIES.-To incorporate the Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society; to enable the said society to sue and be sued, and to take and hold property; and for other purposes relating to the said society.

For confirming and carrying into effect an arrangement made by the Court of Chancery concerning the proprietors of the Bowling Iron Company, and for granting certain powers to the said company.

To confer certain powers on the Railway Passengers Assurance Company. For better enabling the Rock Life Assurance Company to sue and be sued, and to alter certain provisions of their deed of settlement, and to give further powers to the company.

III. IMPROVEMENTS IN TOWNS AND DISTRICTS. General Improvements. For the further improvement of the borough of Ashton-underL ne.

To amend and extend and partly repeal the provisions of an Act of Parliament for erecting the town of Airdrie into a burgh; to provide for the municipal and police government of the said burgh, and for the better paving, watching, lighting, and cleansing, and for regulating the police, and managing the statute labour of the said burgh; for consolidating the provisions of other Acts; and for other purposes relating thereto.

For defining the boundaries of the parishes of Whittlesey Saint Mary and Whittlesey Saint Andrew, in the Isle of Ely, in the county of Cambridge, for ecclesiastical purposes, for the union of the said parishes for other purposes, and for better paving, lighting, watching, cleansing, and otherwise regulating and improving the town of Whittlesey.

Gas. For incorporating the Bury Saint Edmund's Gas Company, and for better supplying the town and borough of Bury Saint Edmund's, in the county of Suffolk, with gas.

For supplying the district of Brierley Hill, in the parish of Kingswinford, in the county of Stafford, with gas.

For granting further powers to the London Gas Light Company.

For lighting with gas, and supplying with water, the town and borough of Darlington, and the suburbs thereof, in the county of Durham.

For amending an Act passed in the tenth year of the reign of her present Majesty, for lighting with gas, and supplying with water, the town of Hartlepool, and the neighbourhood thereof, in the county of Durham.

For enabling the Nottingham Gaslight and Coke Company to raise a further sum of money, and for amending some of the provisions of the Act relating to such company.

Water. To enable the Blackburn Waterworks Company to raise a further sum of money; and to amend the Act relating thereto.

To extend the provisions and enlarge the powers of the Staffordshire Potteries Waterworks Acts, 1847.

To authorize the Warrington Waterworks Company to raise a further sum of money.

For better supplying with water the borough of Macclesfield, in the county of Chester, and for other purposes connected with the said borough. For enabling the Sunderland Water Company to raise a further sum of money, and for amending and enlarging the provisions of the Act relating to such Company.

For authorizing the Bradford Waterworks Company to raise a further sum of money.

For better supplying the town, port, and harbour of Whitehaven, and other places with water.

Markets. For regulating and maintaining markets in the town of Torquay, in the county of Devon, and for constructing convenient market places therein.

For better establishing and maintaining the market place and markets at Longton, heretofore called Lane End, in the parish of Stoke-upon-Trent, in the county of Stafford.

For regulating and improving the markets and fairs in the borough of Louth, in the county of Lincoln.

Municipal Regulations. For better assessing the poor rates on small tenements in certain parishes and places within the union of Kidderminster.

For the management and disposal of the freemen's pastures in the parish of Great Grimsby, in the parts of Lindsey, in the county of Lincoln; and for other purposes.

To incorporate the governors of the Hospital for Consumption and Diseases of the Chest, and to authorize the establishment of a chapel in con

nexion with the said hospital, and to enable the said governors the better to carry on their charitable designs.

For more effectually assessing and collecting the poor rate and all other rates and assessments in the parish of Epsom, in the county of Surrey, and for the better management of the business and affairs of the said parish; and for other purposes relating thereto.

For making the parish of Richmond, in the county of Surrey, a district vicarage, by dividing the vicarage of Kingston-upon-Thames and Sheen, otherwise Richmond, into two separate vicarages, and for providing a stipend and residence for the vicar of Richmond aforesaid, and for extinguishing the vicarial tithes in the parish of Richmond, and for other purposes relating to such vicarages.

For amending an Act passed in the thirty-fifth year of the reign of his Majesty King George III., for dividing and leasing or letting certain commons or waste grounds within the borough and township of Congleton, in the county of Chester, and for applying the profits of part of the same in aid of the poor's rate, or other taxes, or public expenses within the said township.

To facilitate the prosecution of criminal offences before her Majesty's justices of the peace in the county of Renfrew, and to simplify the proceedings therein, and lessen the costs thereof.

To amend an Act passed in the eleventh year of the reign of King George I., for regulating elections within the City of London, and for preserving the peace, good order, and government, of the said city.

INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS. Roads. For repairing the road leading from Chatteris Ferry to Wisbech, and from thence to Tid Gote, in the Isle of Ely, and to Downham Bridge, in the county of Norfolk, and to authorize the conversion of the Wisbech and March low road into turnpike.

For more effectually repairing and maintaining certain roads in the counties of Roxburgh and Berwick.

For more effectually managing and repairing the road leading from Flimwell Vent, in the county of Sussex, to the town and port of Hastings, in the said county.

To extend the present Tinsley and Doncaster turnpike road from Tinsley to Sheffield, and for other purposes.

For improving the approaches to the Charing Cross Bridge on the Surrey side thereof, and for amending the Acts relating thereto; for authorizing the raising of a further sum of money; and for other purposes.

For consolidating the trusts of the Truro turnpike roads and the Penryn and Redruth turnpike roads, in the county of Cornwall, and for making a new turnpike road from Bosvigo Bridge to the turnpike road from Truro to Redruth, and for making the road or highway from Ferris Town to Bosvigo Bridge a turnpike road, and for maintaining all such roads; and for other purposes.

To alter and amend an Act passed in the 9th George IV., intituled an Act for more effectually amending the road leading from the Stones End in Blackman-street, in the borough of Southwark, in the county of Surrey, to Highgate, in the county of Sussex, and several other roads therein mentioned, and for other purposes relating thereto.

For maintaining, improving, and keeping in repair certain roads in the county of Lanark, to be called "The East and West Lanarkshire turnpike roads."

For continuing the term of an Act passed in the 3d William IV., intituled an Act for continuing certain powers to the trustees of the New North Road,

leading from the south end of Highbury-place, Islington, to Haberdashers' Walk, in the parish of Saint Leonard, Shoreditch, in the county of Middlesex, and for vesting the management of the said road in the metropolis roads commissioners, for the purpose of paying off the debt due thereon.

To continue and amend the powers of an Act for repairing and improving the roads from Dublin, by Ashbourne, to Slane and Drogheda.

For more effectually repairing the Commercial Road, and other roads connected therewith, in the counties of Middlesex and Essex.

The Acts passed respecting Railways, 35 in number, are noticed at page 62. NAVIGATION. Harbours, Docks, &c.— For enlarging, improving, and maintaining the harbour of Kirkcaldy, in the county of Fife, for regulating the petty customs of the burgh of Kirkcaldy, and for other purposes relating to the said harbour and burgh.

To amend and equalize the rates and duties leviable at the port and harbour of Perth, to authorize the borrowing of an additional sum of money, and for other purposes in relation thereto.

To amend the Sunderland Dock Act, 1846, and for other purposes.

For making and maintaining docks near to Wareham, in the county of Dorset, with an entrance thereto from Wareham Channel.

To amend an Act for the better regulating and improving the port and harbour of New Ross, in the counties of Wexford and Kilkenny.

For the improvement of the haven, bridge, and navigation of Great Yarmouth, in the county of Norfolk.

For enabling the Dock Company at Kingston-upon-Hull to raise a further sum of money; and for amending some of the provisions of the Acts relating to such company.

Canals. To vest the Stainforth and Keadby canal in the company of proprietors of the navigation of the river Dun.

For the dissolution of the Argyll canal company, and for the abandonment of their undertaking.

To transfer the Sheffield canal to the company of proprietors of the navigation of the river Dun.

Of the 35 Acts for Private Regulation, the only one requiring notice is for incorporating "The Aberdeen Destitute Female Orphan Asylum.”

Session 12 and 13 Victoriæ.


Kensington, &c. Parishes, for returning two Members

to Parliament

Parliamentary Oaths Bill, against..

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for alteration
in favour

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Suffrage, &c., for extension

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