RETURN of the Number of PATIENTS Admitted into and Discharged from all the LUNATIC ASYLUMS in England and Wales in the Years 1846, 1847, and 1848. Of the total number admitted in the three years, 17,838,-9,026 were males, and 8,812 females. Of the total number dircharged or died, 15,113, --7,731 were males, and 7,382 females. A RETURN of the NUMBER of VISITORS to the BRITISH MUSEUM in the Year 1848. To the General Collection 897,985 To the Reading Room 65,867 To the Galleries of Sculpture, for purposes of study.. 3,694 5,813 NUMBER OF VISITORS to the State Apartments at HAMPTON COURT PALACE, and WINDSOR CASTLE, and to the BOTANIC GARDENS at KEW, in the years 1847 and 1848. NUMBER OF MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, and DEATHS, registered in England in the year 1847. XIII-CHRONICLE OF THE SESSION OF PARLIAMENT, 1849. Feb. [12-13 Victoriæ.] (LORDS.) Parliament was opened by the Queen in person. In the speech from the throne Her Majesty said, that the joint 1. intervention of England and France in the affairs of Sicily was undertaken in the hope of stopping the further effusion of blood, and that a negotiation was going forward with the King of Naples on the part of England and France calculated to produce a permanent settlement of affairs in Sicily." Having referred to the rebellion in the Punjaub, and expressed a conviction that peace would soon be restored, Her Majesty recommended the serious re-consideration of the Navigation Laws with a view to" the repeal or modification of their provisions." On the subject of the Estimates for the public service, Her Majesty remarked that the present aspect of affairs would enable them to make large reductions. Her Majesty then lamented that the state of Ireland called for a continuance of those powers which, in the last session, were deemed necessary for the preservation of the public tranquillity. With reference to the commerce of the country and the revenue, Her Majesty had "great satisfaction in stating that the former was reviving, and that the latter showed signs of progressive improvement." On the subject of the laws for the relief of the poor in Ireland, Her Majesty informed Parliament that they would form a subject of inquiry, with the view to their amendment. In conclusion, Her Majesty referred "with pride and thankfulness" to the loyalty of her subjects during a period of commercial difficulty, want, and foreign political revolution," and called down the Divine blessing "for favour in our continued progress." Lord Bruce moved and Lord Bateman seconded the address in answer to the speech from the throne, which, after a protracted debate, was agreed to without amendment. (COMMONS.) Lord H. Vane moved, and Mr. E. H. Bunbury seconded, the address; whereupon Mr. B. Disraeli in a long speech proposed an amendment; the debate upon which was adjourned at a late hour. An amendment proposed by Mr. Grattan on the Irish paragraph of the speech was rejected. Feb. (COMMONS.) The adjourned debate on the address was resumed; and Lord Palmerston replied in a lucid statement to Mr. 2. Disraeli's speech of the previous evening, so far as it referred to the Sicilian question. Mr. Disraeli finally withdrew his amendment and the address was agreed to. The Chancellor of the Exchequer obtained leave to bring in a Bill to consolidate the Boards of Excise and Taxes into one Board of Commissioners of Inland Revenue, and to make provision for the collection of such revenue. Viscount Duncan moved for a Select Committee to inquire into the expenditure and management of the Woods and Forests and Land Revenues of the Crown, and to report to the House whether any reduction could be made in that branch of the public expenditure, which was agreed to. (LORDS.) Her Majesty's answer to the address was brought up Feb. by Earl Fortescue, and ordered to be printed with the votes. 5. Lord Monteagle brought forward the case of the North Wales Railway Company, who had neglected to obey an order made during the last session to produce certain documents. The parties were called in, and, after giving an explanation, the debate was adjourned. (COMMONS.) On the House moving to vote the sessional orders, Lord John Russell consented to withdraw the 14th and 15th resolutions, and Mr. M. Gibson moved, as an amendment on the 14th resolution which proposed to give precedence to orders of the day over notices of motion after the 1st of May, that the duration of all speeches be limited to one hour except in the case of a member introducing an original motion, or a minister of the Crown speaking in reply. Lord John Russell, Sir Robert Peel, Sir H. Inglis, spoke in opposition to the motion, and Mr. Hume and Mr. Cobden in its favour on a division it was lost by a majority of 96 to 62. Lord H. Vane brought up the report on the address in answer to Her Majesty's speech, which after a long debate was adopted without amendment. Sir W. Somerville moved the appointment of a Select Committee on the Irish Poor Law, which was agreed to after an animated discussion, in which Mr. Bright, Sir G. Grey, Mr. Grattan, and Sir L. O'Brien, took part. (LORDS.) Lord Campbell re-introduced the Bill for amending Feb. the law of marriage in Scotland, and the Bill for registering births, 6. marriages, and deaths, in Scotland. On the motion of Lord Monteagle the investigation in the matter of the North Wales Railway Company was proceeded with. (COMMONS.) Lord John Russell announced that in the course of the session he would introduce a Bill, altering the constitution of the Ecclesiastical Commission, and providing for a severance of the episcopal and common funds. Sir George Grey, in moving to bring in a Bill to continue the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act in Ireland, acknowledged the gravity of the proposition, and regretted the necessity for its continuance. He contended that the measure had done much to stifle the rebellion. In asking for a continuance of the law, he urged that it was unnecessary to establish the same series of facts which it would be their duty to prove if they were requiring a new enactment. The question simply was, whether it was safe to take off all restraint upon agitation, and to run the risk of a repetition of last year's occurrences. He proposed to continue the enforcement of this measure for six months, which would give Parliament an opportunity of again reviewing the subject before the prorogation. Mr. John O'Connell moved as an amendment that a Committee of 21 members be chosen by ballot to report whether it was necessary to the tranquillity of Ireland that this measure should continue in force, which, after an animated debate, in which the Irish members inveighed warmly against the government, was lost by a majority of 221 to 18. Leave was then given to bring in the Bill, and Mr. Grattan intimated that he should move the call of the House upon the second reading. (COMMONS.) The Inland Revenue Bill was read a second time. Feb. In Committee the Chancellor of the Exchequer proposed a grant 7. of 50,000l. for the relief of Irish distress in those unions where, owing to the severity of that distress, a sufficient rate could not be collected. From the Relief Commission and repayments of advances from unions there was a balance of 284,0007., 184,000l. of which would be available. Mr. P. Scrope moved as an amendment that the money be advanced in the shape of a loan, and on the distinct understanding that it was to be expended on reproductive labour. A long debate ensued in which Messrs. Hume and Christopher spoke in opposition both to the ministerial proposition and the amendment, and Sir James Graham supported the ministers on the distinct understanding that this "was the last vote of the kind;" the debate was then adjourned. Feb. (LORDS.) Lord Grey, in answer to Lord Stanley, stated that the tax on emigrants to the British North American Colonies was imposed by the colonists to guard themselves against a recur 9. rence of the horrors of 1847; and that the money so levied was expended in conveying them into the interior. Lord Elgin however felt bound to state in his despatch that emigrants should not be recommended to proceed to Canada during the current year. The Marquess of Lansdowne moved the appointment of a Select Committee on the administration of the Poor Law in Ireland, which was agreed to. (COMMONS.) The second reading of the Habeas Corpus Suspension (Ireland) Act, after a debate in which Col. Thompson, Mr. B. Osborne, Mr. Hume, Mr. Disraeli, Sir Robert Peel, (who supported the measure with reluctance,) and Lord John Russell took part, was carried on a division, by a majority of 275 to 33. Feb. 12. to. (LORDS.) Lord Monteagle moved for a Committee of Inquiry on the subject of the North Wales Railway, which was agreed (COMMONS.) Mr. Labouchere expressed a hope that those companies which refused to convey passengers on Sundays would alter their practice, and so obviate the necessity for legislation in the matter. Mr. Baines, in reply to Lord Drumlanrig, intimated his intention, in reference to the Tooting establishment, of introducing a Bill to provide for the more effectual control of such places. Mr. Labouchere intimated that the Government contemplated the union of the railway department of the Admiralty with the Railway Commission, which would be amalgamated with the Board of Trade. On going into Committee on the Suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act (Ireland), Messrs. John O'Connell and Chisholm Anstey proposed amendments which were negatived by large majorities, and the Bill passed through Committee without alteration. In the Committee on the vote for the Relief of Irish Distress, Mr. Grattan moved that the Crown and quitrents be henceforth appropriated to the relief of the distressed Loor Law Unions; and Mr. A. Stafford moved an amendment demanding an estimate of the probable total sum wanted, and declaring that the continued application of the taxes of this country to the relief of Irish distress was vicious in principle; which was negatived by a majority of 245 to 125. The House divided on the grant, when it was carried by a majority of 220 against 143. Strong opposition was manifested to the addition of Mr. Bright's name as one of the Committee on the Irish Poor Law; but on a division it was retained by a majority of 129 to 74. Feb. (LORDS.) On the motion of Lord Monteagle, a Select Com13. mittee on the system of auditing railway accounts was appointed. (COMMONS.) Mr. Chisholm Anstey moved for and obtained a Select Committee to inquire into the state of the Inland Fisheries and Navigation of Ireland. Leave was given to Mr. H. Drummond to bring in a Bill to facilitate the transfer of real property; to Sir J. Pakington to introduce a Bill for the better prevention of Bribery and Corruption at Elections; to Mr. C. Lewis to introduce a Bill to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to Public Roads in England; to Sir W. Somerville to bring in two Bills, one to amend the laws for regulating the Qualification and Registration of Voters in Ireland; the other for Shortening the Duration of Elections in Ireland, and for establishing additional Polling Places. Feb. 14. (COMMONS.) The House met at noon. Mr. Moffatt moved the second reading of the Insolvent Members Bill, which, after a short discussion, was, at the suggestion of Mr. Ewart, postponed for a fortnight. Lord John Russell in reply to a question from Mr. Gladstone stated, that Government had accepted the services of Mr. Baines on the distinct understanding that he might vote against the repeal of the Navigation Laws. The House having resolved itself into Committee, Mr. Labouchere, in an able argumentative speech, moved his resolution with the view to the amend ment of the Navigation Laws, which, after a debate in which Mr. Drum mond, Mr. Bankes, Mr. Hildyard, Mr. Ricardo, and the Marquess of Granby, spoke in opposition, and Mr. Hume, Col. Thompson, and Mr. J. O'Connell, in favour of the motion, was carried, and a Bill founded upon it ordered to be brought in. The House went into Committee of Ways and Means. On the order of the day for the consideration of the Report on the Habeas Corpus Suspension (Ireland) Bill being read, Mr. J. O'Connell obtained its adjournment by occupying the time of the House to the time of its rising at 6 o'clock, p. m. (LORDS.) The Bishop of London re-introduced the Prevention Feb. of Seduction Bill. The Bankrupt Laws Consolidation Bill and 15. the Criminal Law Consolidation Bill were, on the motion of Lord Brougham, read a second time and referred to a Select Committee. Lord Campbell moved the second reading of the Larceny Act Amendment Bill, which was opposed by the Marquess of Salisbury, the Duke of Richmond, and Lord Stanley; supported by Earl Grey, and carried without a divi sion. Feb. 16. (COMMONS.) The Bill for the Amendment of the Navigation Laws was read a first time. The Reports of the Committee of Supply and of the Committee of Ways and Means were brought up and adopted after a short discussion. On the motion that the Report on the Habeas Corpus Suspension (Ireland) Bill be read a second time, Mr. J. O'Connell moved the insertion of clauses protecting the right to hold meetings to petition for the redress of grievances and the alteration of laws, which was lost by a majority of 94 to 12, after which the Bill was reported. On the Report of the vote of 50,000l., Mr. P. Scrope renewed his proposal for limiting the advance to a loan, which after a lengthened debate was withdrawn, whereupon Sir W. Barron moved the adjournment of the debate, which was negatived by 174 to 9; and an amendment proposed by Lord D. Stuart was subsequently negatived by 157 to 9. The House then divided on the main question, which was carried by 128 to 39. The Inland Navigation Bill was read a third time, and passed. Feb. 19. The (LORDS.) The Clerk of the Crown in Ireland returned the writ of error, at the bar, in the case of W. S. O'Brien. Lord Chancellor moved the second reading of the Corrupt Practices at Elections Bill, which was carried after a brief debate in opposition, supported by Lords Denman and Stanley. Lord Campbell moved the second reading of the Marriage, and the Registration of Births (Scotland) Bills, which was carried. (COMMONS.) On the order of the day for the third reading of the Habeas Corpus Suspension Act (Ireland), amendments were proposed by Mr. S. Crawford and Lord Nugent, and negatived on division by large majorities, and the Bill passed. Lord John Russell in a speech of historical details moved for a Committee of the whole House on the subject of Parliamentary Oaths. Mr. Newdegate moved the adjournment of the debate, which was negatived by a majority of 214 to 111. The House then went into Committee, and Lord John Russell in deference to the opinion of some hon. members, consented to an adjournment till the following Friday. (LORDS.) The Conveyance of Real Property Bill was com Feb. mitted; the Habeas Corpus Act Suspension (Ireland) Bill was 20. brought up from the Commons, and on the motion of the Marquess of Lansdowne read a first time. (COMMONS.) Mr. Baillie, in a speech replete with documentary evidence, moved for a Select Committee to inquire into the grievances complained of in the Crown Colonies of Ceylon and British Guiana, and was seconded by |