NUMBER OF PERSONS COMMITTED for TRIAL or BAILED, in the UNITED KINGDOM, in the Year 1848. * Transportation for life-they were for attempts to murder, and solicitation to murder. + The four sentenced to death were for high treason: the return does not state how it was sentence was executed. There are 50 commutations of sentence in the tables, and 43 free pardons, but they are not upon sentences of death. § of one capital conviction, shooting with intent to kill, the result is not given. LORD'S DAY ACT.-Within the Year 1848, and the first Three Months of 1849, there were 151 convictions under this act, of which 5 only were in the Metropolis, 8 in Wales, and the remainder in various parts of England. IN IRELAND the numbers of Prisoners actually in custody on January 1, 1849, including Convicts not yet removed to the depots, was 10,663; the Gaols in which they were confined were only built for the reception of 7,230. Cork County Prison and Roscommon Prison were the most crowded. Cork Prison, built for the reception of 500 Prisoners, contained 1,184, and Roscommon Prison, built for the reception of 92 prisoners, contained 266. V.-Poor Law and Police. The annual value of the Property rated to the POOR RATE in ENGLAND, for the year ending March 25, 1848, was 67,320,5877.; the Expenditure for the Relief and Maintenance of the Poor was 6,180,7657., being an average rate of 1s. 10d. in the pound. The total number of Paupers relieved, including casual poor, was 1,876,541, at an average per head of 37.5s. 10d. In IRELAND, for the same period, the annual value of property rated was 13,187,4217.; the Expenditure on the Poor was 1,216,6791., being an average rate of 1s. 101d. in the pound. The total number of Paupers relieved was 1,457,194, at an average per head of 16s. 84d. In SCOTLAND, for the year ending May 14, 1848, the annual value of property rated was 9,320,7847.; the Expenditure on the Poor was 544,3347. (exclu sive of cottages and gardens granted in Highland parishes, rent-free, to paupers), being an average rate of 11-16ths. in the pound. The total number of Paupers relieved was 227,647, at an average per head of 21.78.94d. SUMMARY of a RETURN of the Number of CHILDREN in WORKHOUSES in England and Wales, on March 15, 1849; with the numbers capable of entering upon Service. The Number of Persons under eighteen years of age in the Workhouses in Ireland, on May 3, 1849, was-) -Males, 62,514; Females, 66,285: Total, 128,799. The total Amount of Receipts for the SERVICE of the METROPOLITAN POLICE for the year ending December 31, 1848, was 437,441l. 14s. 8d. The total expenditure was 374,9297. 17s. 8d.; the balance in hand was 62,5117. 17s. The total Number of Persons employed was 5513. Within the METROPOLITAN POLICE DISTRICT, from January 1, 1839, to July 31, 1849, 1652 new streets were formed, occupying a length of 200 miles, and containing 64,058 houses. The amount of Expenditure during the same period for the CITY OF LONDON POLICE, which is entirely distinct, was 40,4531. 7s. The amount of the force is not stated. The total number of POLICE CONSTABLES for ENGLAND AND WALES is 2,716. The amount of expenditure was 163,9447. There are only 21 counties in England (exclusive of those to which the Metropolitan Police extends) and five counties in Wales in which the Police force is established. The CONSTABULARY FORCE of IRELAND consisted on January 1, 1849, of 12,828 men of all ranks, including 70 magistrates, and of 344 horses. The total expenditure for the year 1848 was 562,5067. 10s.; of which 525,3867. 8s. was charged on the Consolidated Fund, and 37,1207. 2s. was borne by the counties, cities, and towns. VI.-Miscellaneous. The Number of EMIGRANTS from the UNITED KINGDOM in 1846 was 129,851, of whom 87,611 were from England, 3,427 from Scotland, and 38,813 from Ireland. Of these 82,239 went to the United States, 43,439 to our North American Colonies, 488 to the British West Indies, 2,277 to our Australian Colonies, and the remainder to various places, Foreign and British. In 1847, the total Number of Emigrants was 258,270, of whom 153,898 were from England, 8,616 from Scotland, and 95,756 from Ireland. Of these, 142,154 went to the United States, 109,680 to our North American Colonies, 364 to the British West Indies, 4,949 to our Australian Colonies, and the remainder to various other places. In 1848, the total Number of Emigrants was 248,089, of whom 176,883 were from England, 11,505 from Scotland, and 59,701 from Ireland. Of these, 188,233 went to the United States, 31,065 to our North American Colonies, 855 to the British West Indies, 23,622 to our Australian Colonies, 1,180 to the East Indies, 1,445 to the Cape of Good Hope, and the remainder to various places in very small numbers. ACCOUNT of SUMS voted for CIVIL SERVICES for the years 1848 and 1849. From an ABSTRACT of the ACCOUNTS of MUNICIPAL BOROUGHS in England and Wales for one year, but not including London, it appears that from Sept. 1, 1847, to Aug. 1, 1848, the receipts were, from Borough Rates, 311,1987. 15s. 101d.; other sources, 781,1537. 4s. 64d.: Total, with the balance in Treasurers' hands on Sept. 1, 1,195,3487. 12s. The expenditure within the same period was 1,170,4417. 6s. 2d. POST-OFFICE.-The gross revenue of the Post-office for the year ending Jan. 5, 1849, was 2,192,4787.; the cost of management, 1,386,8537.; the net revenue, after deducting charges other than management, was 740,4297. The number of MONEY ORDERS issued was 4,203,727, the amount of them being 8,151,2957. The amount of commission on the issue was 70,190.; the amount of expense incurred was 75,9351. The gross total number of Letters delivered in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland was, for the week ending Jan. 21, 1849, 6,641,796; for the week ending Feb. 21, it was 6,849,196. NUMBER OF DEPOSITORS and AMOUNT of DEPOSITS in SAVINGS BANKS on There are also 6,368 annuities granted to the amount of 100,0627. The number of officers employed, paid and unpaid, is 1,775, and the total annual expense of management is 103,1037. The amount of the Fund for MILITARY SAVINGS BANKS up to March 28, 1848, was 86,8327. belonging to 6,365 depositors. The deposits in the year had been 45,8857., and the withdrawals were only 2,9457. By an ANALYSIS of the Returns furnished by the Commissioners of RAILWAYS, it appears that 208 persons were killed and 195 injured, on all the Railways of Great Britain and Ireland, during the year ending June 30, 1849. Of these there were In the first half-year the number of Passengers amounted to 31,524,641, in the second to 28,761,895. The miles of railway open on June 30, 1849, was 5,4474. |