
ducing such an appearance as would arise from tying the neck of a round bag, and turning it into the body.

The motions of these creatures in the water were slow and graceful, and not accompanied by any visible contraction of their bodies. After death they always subsided to the bottom of the vessel.

From the sparkling light afforded by this species, I shall distinguish it by the name of medusa scintillans.

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The night following that, on which I discovered the preceding animal, I caught the two other luminous species. One of these I shall call the beroe fulgens.

This most elegant creature is of a colour changing between purple, violet, and pale blue; the body is truncated before, and pointed behind; but the form is difficult to assign, as it is varied by partial contractions, at the animal's pleasure. I have represented the two extremes of form that I have seen this creature assume: the first is somewhat that of a cucumber, which as being the one it takes when at rest, should perhaps be considered as its proper shape: the other resembles a pear, and is the figure it has in the most contracted state. The body is hollow, or forms internally an infundibular cavity, which has a wide opening before, and appears also to have a small aperture, posteriorly through which it discharges its excrement. The posterior two-thirds of the body are ornamented with eight longitudinal ciliated ribs, the processes of which are kept in such a rapid rotatory motion, while the animal is swimming, that they appear like the continual passage of a fluid along the ribs. The ciliated ribs have been described by Professor Mitchell, as arteries, in a luminous beroe, which I suspect was no other than the species I am now giving an account of.

When the beroe fulgens swam gently near the surface of the water, its whole body became occasionally illuminated in a slight degree; during its contractions, a stronger light issued from the ribs, and when a sudden shock was communicated to the water, in which several of these animals were placed, a vivid flash was thrown out. If the body were broken, the fragments continued luminous for some seconds, and being rubbed on the hand, left a light like that of phos phorus: this however, as well as every other mode of emitting light, ceased after the death of the animal.

The hemispherical species that I discovered, had a very faint purple colour. The largest that I found measured about three quarters of an inch in diameter. The margin of the umbella was undivided, and surrounded internally by a row of pale brown spots, and numerous small twisted tentacula: four opaque lines crossed in an arched manner from


the circumference, towards the center of the animal; an opaque irregular shaped process hung down from the middle of the umbella: when this part was examined with a lens: of high powers, I discovered that it was inclosed in a sheath in which it moved, and that the extremity of the process was divided into four tentacula, covered with little cups or suck-. ers, like those on the tentacula of the cuttle-fish.

This species of medusa bears a striking resemblance to the figures of the medusa hemispherica, published by Gronovius and Muller; indeed it differs as little from these figures, as they do from each other. Its luminous property, however, was not observed by these naturalists, which is the more extraordinary, as Muller examined it at night, and says it is so transparent, that it can only be seen with the light of a lamp/ If it should be still considered as a distinct species, or as a variety of the hemispherica, I would propose to call it the medusa lucida.

In this species, the central part, and the spot round the margin, are commonly seen to shine on lifting the animal out of the water into the air, presenting the an Ppearance c illuminated wheel, and when it is exposed to the usual percussion of the water, the transparent parts of its body are alone luminous.

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In the month of September, 1805, I again visited Herne Bay, and frequently had opportunities of witnessing the luminous appearance of the sea. I caught many of the hemispherical and minute species of medusa, but not one of the beroe fulgens. I observed that these luminous animals always retreated from the surface of the water, as soon as the moon rose. I found also, that exposure to the day-light took away their property of shining, which was revived by placing them for some time in a dark situation.


In that season I had two opportunities of seeing an extended illumination of the sea, produced by the above animals.The first night I saw this singular phenomenon, was extremely dark; many of the medusa scintillans, and me

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dusa hemispherica had been observed at water, but on

the return of the tide, they had suddenly disappeared. On looking towards the sea, I was astonished to perceive a flashi of light of about six yards broad extend from the shore, for apparently the distance of a mile and a half along the surface of the water. The second time that I saw this sort of light proceed from the sea, it did not take the same form, but was diffused over the surface of the waves next the shore, and was so strong, that I could for the moment distinctly see my servant, who stood at a little distance from me he also perceived it," and called out to me at the same instant. On both


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these occasions the flash was visible for about four or five seconds, and although I watched for a considerable time, I did not see it repeated.

A diffused luminous appearance of the sea, in some respects different from what I have seen, has been described by several navigators.

Godeheu de Riville saw the sea assume the appearance of a plain of snow on the coast of Malabar.*

Captain Horsburgh, in the notes he gave to Sir Joseph Banks, says, there is a peculiar phenomenon sometimes seen within a few degrees distance of the coast of Malabar, during the rainy monsoon, which he had an opportunity of observ ing. At midnight, the weather was cloudy, and the sea was particularly dark, when suddenly it changed to a white flaming colour all around. This bore no resemblance to the sparkling or glowing appearance he had observed on other occasions in seas near the equator, but was a regular white colour, like milk, and did not continue more than ten minutes. A similar phenomenon, he says, is frequently seen in the Banda sea, and is very alarming to those who have never perceived or heard of such an appearance. before.

This singular phenomenon appears to be explained by some observations communicated to me by Mr. Langstaff, a surgeon in the city, who formerly made several voyages. In going from New Holland to China, about half an hour after sunset, every person on board was astonished by a milky appearance of the sea: the ship seemed to be sur rounded by ice covered with snow. Some of the company supposed they were in soundings, and that coral bottom gave this curious reflection, but on sounding with 70 fathoms of line no bottom was met with. A bucket of water being hauled up, Mr. Langstaff examined it in the dark, and discovered a great number of globular bodies, each about the size of a pin's head, linked together. The chains thus formed did not exceed three inches in length, and emitted a pale phosphoric light. By introducing his hand into the water, Mr. Langstaff raised upon it several chains of the luminous globules, which were separated by opening the fingers, but readily re-united on being brought again into contact, like.. globules of quicksilver. The globules, he says, were so transparent, that they could not be perceived when the hand was taken into the light.

This extraordinary appearance of the sea was visible for

* Mem. Etrang. de l'Acad. des Sc. Tom. 3.


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two nights. As soon as the moon exerted her influence, the sea changed to its natural dark colour, and exhibited distinct glittering points, as at other times. The phenomenon, he says, had never been witnessed before by any of the company on board, although some of the crew had been two or three times round the globe.

I consider this account of Mr. Langstaff very interesting and important, as it proves that the diffused light of the sea is produced by an assemblage of minute medusæ on the surface of the water.

In June, 1806, I found the sea at Margate more richly stored with the small luminous medusa, than I have ever seen it. A bucket of the water being set by for some time, the animals sought the surface, and kept up a continual sparkling, which must have been occasioned by the motions of individuals, as the water was perfectly at rest. A small quantity of the luminous water was put into a glass jar, and on standing some time, the medusa collected at the top of the jar, and formed a gelatinous mass, one inch and a half thick, and of a reddish or mud colour, leaving the water underneath perfectly clear.

In order to ascertain if these animals would materially alter their size, or assume the figure of any other known species of medusa, I kept them alive for twenty-five days, by carefully changing the water in which they were placed; during which time, although they appeared as vigorous as when first taken, their form was not in the slightest degree altered, and their size but little increased. By this in the opinion of their being a distinct species, as the young actina and medusæ exhibit the form of the parent in a much shorter period than the above.

experiment I was confZ

In September 1806, I took at Sandgate a number of the beroc fulgens, but no other species: they were of various dimensions, from the full size down to that of the medusa scintillans: they could however be clearly distinguished from the latter species, by their figure.

Since that time, I have frequently met with the medusa scintillans on different parts of the coast of Sussex, at Tenby, and at Milford-haven. I have likewise seen this species in the bay's of Dublin and Carlingford in Ireland.

In the month of April, last year, I caught a number of the beroe fulgens in the sea at Hastings; they were of various sizes, from about the half of an inch in length, to the bulk of the head of a large pin. I found many of them adhering together in the sea; some, of the larger sort were covered with small ones, which fell off when the animals were (No. 147.) handled,

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handled, and by a person unaccustomed to observe these creatures, would have been taken for a phosphoric substance. On putting a number of them into a glass, containing clear sea water, they still shewed a disposition to congregate upon the surface. I observed that when they adhered together, they shewed no contractile inotion in any part of their body, which explains the cause of the pale or white colour of the diffused light of the ocean. The flashes of light which I saw come from the sea at Herne bay, were probably produced by a sudden and general effort of the medusa to separate from each other, and descend in the water.

The medusa scintillans almost constantly exists in the different branches of Milford-haven that are called pills. I have sometimes found these animals collected in such vast numbers in those situations, that they bore a considerable proportion to the yolume of the water in which they were contained thus, from a gallon of sea water in a luminous state, I have strained above a pint of these medusæ. I havd found the sea under such circumstances to yield me more support in swimming, and the water to taste more disagree ably than usual; probably the difference of density, that has been remarked at different times in the water of the sea, may be referred to this cause.

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All my own observations lead me to conclude, that the medusa scintillans is the most frequent source of the light of the sea around this country, and by comparing the ac counts of others with each other, and with what I bave myself seen, I am persuaded that it is so likewise in other parts of the world. Many observers appear to have mistaken this species for the nereis noctiluca, which was very natural, as they were prepossessed with the idea of the frequent existence of the one, and had no knowledge of the other. Some navi gators have actually described this species of medusa, with out being aware of its nature. Mr. Bajon, during his voy age from France to Cayenne, collected many luminous points in the sea, which, he says, when examined by a lens, were found to be minute spheres. They disappeared in the air. Doctor Le Roy, in sailing from Naples to France, observed the sparkling appearance of the sea, which is usually produced by the medusa scintillans. By filtering the water, he separated luminous particles from it, which he preserved in spirits of wine; they were, he says, like the head of a pin, and did not at all resemble the nereis noctiluca, described by Vianelli; their colour approached a yellow brown, and their substance was extremely tender, and fragile. Notwithstanding this striking resemblance to the medusa scintillans, Le Roy, in consequence of a preconceived theory, did not sup

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