

think arifes from his not having taken a proper view of what is meant by modern theorists when they use this term. It is not inconfiftent with liberty to be governed by laws which we ourfelves frame; and what is done by the reprefentatives we appoint, who are equally amenable to thefe laws, is done by ourfelves. Liberty, he fuppofed, is a relative term, as it implies a controuling power. In this too we fufpect he is mistaken. It has become a relative term, in confequence of controul; but we might call the emanations of the fun, light, and enjoy it, though the great luminary which bestowed it never fet. In fhort, our author feems to have written and printed in a hurry; which we regret the more, because he has in fome degree betrayed a good caufe. His remarks on fome parts of the conduct of the national affembly fhow him to be ingenious and acute. Remarkable Extracts felected from a Work printed in the Year 1687, by Peter Juricu, entitled the Accomplishment of the Scripture Prophecies, c. By Edward May. Evo., 15. Darton.

The Nonconformists of the last century fo often prophecied of the downfall of the Whore of Babylon, this naughty old woman who had perverted fo many princes, and deprived the faints of fo many good things, that it is not furprifing to find traces of fome great revolution in their works. But honeft Peter foretold all about it,' and particularly referred the difturbances alluded to in the Apocalypfe to France: fo that while we have been blaming the national affembly for robbing the clergy and infulting the king, we did not reflect that they were under the impulfe of dire neceffity, that it might be fulfilled.' The Sexes of Plants vindicated: in a Letter to Mr. William Smcllie; containing, a Refutation of his Arguments against the Sexes of Plants. And Remarks on certain Paffages of his Philofophy of Natural Hiftory. By John Rotheram, M. D. 8vo. 15. 6d. Cadell.

We did not take any particular notice in our review of the Philofophy of Natural Hiftory,' of the chapter on the fexes of plants. It was a juvenile work, and remembered perhaps with the fondness which we all feel for our carly efforts. Dr. Rotheram pays it, we think, more attention than it probably deferved, and hows that it contains fome futile objections, fome inconclufive obfervations, and arguments already confuted. This little pamphlet is the work of an able and intelligent fupporter of the fexual fyftem, and deferves great attention from thofe who ftill retain any doubts. We remember being lately in a garden where the gardener was expatiating on this fyftem, to fome gentlemen whole views had been differently directed, and to whom his remarks were in a great degree new, How, fays one of the auditors, will the dust reach the top of this part, which you call the piffil, (it was an orange lily, where the anthere are below the ftigma) as, from its fituation, it appears to be little calculated for the office you afcribe to it. Do you ob



ferve, fays the gardener, this little portion of dust on the fide of the piftil? yes: remark then its diftance from the top, and p eferve it accurately in your mind. Catching at this obfervation, we drew nearer, and attentively obferved it. On returning from our walk, the gardener fhewed it to us again, and the little grains which were peculiarly difpofed in a triangle, had certainly advanced much nearer to the top. We mention this fingular remark for future obfervers. Our attention was called away to other fubjects, and we have not purfued the experiment; but the gardener was confident of the event, and had, he said, often remarked it. If true, the phenomenon is new and fingular. Anecdotes of the Life, Adventures, and Vindication of a Medical Character metaphorically defunct. Publifhed for the Benefit of the Tin-Miners in Cornwall. By Benjamin Goofequill and Pe ter Paragraph. 8vo. 5s Bateman.

The Anecdotes relate to Dr. Mackit erick, who has lately called himself Adair, and has been the terror of quacks, the antagonist of lady-doctors, a volunteer phyfician, and a popular eflayift. We at first received his works with fome attention and refpect, an attention which he feemed to acknowledge, and a refpect which we thought he deferved. As he drinks of two waters*,' we shall add no more, than that appearances are faved by the fubftitution of an editor, and that he very candidly ac cufes himself, (for it is admitted that he furnished the materials) of 'every virtue under heaven.'

Efays on Fashionable Difcafes, the dangerous Effects of hot and crowded Rooms, &c. &c. By James M. Adair, formerly M. D. With a Dedication to Philip Thickneffe. To which is added, a Dramatic Dialogue. Published for the benefit of the Tin-Miners in Cornwall. By Benjamin Gosfequill and Peter Paragraph. 8vo. 45. Bateman,

A new edition of the Medical Cautions,' with fome farther account of quacks, and the quack-medicines of reputation. In truth, we fee little difference between repeatedly advertising trifling books and trifling medicines, only that the loss is not equally great. As a man may be a bigot in opposition to enthusiasm, a man may be a quack in his violence against fecret remedies. Dr. M. A. has, however, the consolation of reflecting that he is not the only regular phyfician in this predica


Unanfiverable Arguments against the Abolition of the Slave-Trade,

with a Defence of the Proprietors of the British Sugar-Colonies. Published for the benefit of the starving Tin-Miners in Cornwall, By James M. Adair, formerly M. D. 8vo. 8vo. 45. Bateman. Our author first attacks captain Thomson, M. Luffman, Mr. Newton, &c. who have given an unfavourable reprefentation

See Bruce's Travels, Vol. I.



of the manners and conduct of the Creoles and British inhabitants of the Leeward Iflands. In thefe refpects he has paid a debt of gratitude and refpect: his defence we know to be in general just and proper. His arguments against the abolition of the flave trade are able, and we think well founded. They certainly deferve the particular attention of the legislature, for they are the refult of his perfonal obfervations, in part derived from his knowledge of the planter's business, and the negro's conftitution. It is enough for us to remark, that Dr. M. A. feems not to object to a regulation of the trade, with a view to its abo lition at a more distant period.

An Efay on a Non-defcript, or Newly-invented Difcafe, its Nature, Caufis, and Means of Relief. With fome very important Obfervations on the powerful and moft furprising effects of Animal Magnetin in the Cure of the faid Difcafe. By F. G. Published for the benefit of the Tin-Miners in Cornwall.


8vo. 15. bd.

This Effay, we fufpect, to have been almost wholly written by Jenny. It is intended to raise a laugh against Animal Magnetilim; but Scriblerus would call the flyle too prurient : and from a man of fixty, croffed in love, with a head and heart ach,' almoft finking under a nervous fever in Winchester jail! Fye for fhame Dr. M. A!

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A candid Enquiry into the truth of certain Charges of the dangerous Confequences of the Suttonian, or Cooling Regimen, under Inoculation for the Small Pox. By James M. Adair, formerly M. D. 8.vo. 15. Bateman.

In this Enquiry,' it is fhown, (but who has doubted it ?) that the Suttonian regimen has been carried too far, and various chronic difeafes have been the confequence. The Hungarian practice is taken from Dr. Fifcher's treatife, which was many yea's fince analyfed in the Gentleman's Magazine, and the principles of his practice clearly explained.

Who fares bef? The Chriflian, or the Man of the World? or the Advantages of a Life of real Piety, to a Life of Fashionable Difipation. By a Marine Officer. 8vo. 15. Matthews.

The question in this dialogue relates to the comparative advantage of the Christian and the man of the world. The author, who affumes the title of a marine officer, may indeed be a man of principle, but he evidently betrays an uncommon degree of enthusiasm.

For the character of Jenny and these different circumstances, fee • Anecdotes His confinement, the prolific parent of these varieus publications (for idleness, we are told, is the root of all evil), we ought to add, was not for any crime, but only for a breach of the peace in fending à chal leage.

A Ca.

A Catalogue of the Pictures, &c. in the Shakspeare Gallery, Pall Mall, 8vo. 1. 6d. Sold at the Place of Exhibition. The progrefs which is making in the plan of illuftrating our immortal bard, by the exhibition of pictures portrayed by his own imagination, muft afford the greatest pleasure to all the lovers of the imitative arts of dramatic poetry. The excellence of fome of the fpecimens which have already been fubmitted to the public, leave no room to question the admirable display which will be made when the whole is completed. It is impoffible for us to furvey the noble collection already in the Shakf peare Gallery, without congratulating our country on the genius of thofe artists who have contributed their various efforts towards accomplishing so great an undertaking.

Thoughts on the probable Influence of the French Revolution to Great Britain. 8vo. IS. Debrett.

The author of this pamphlet appears to be an enthusiastic admirer of the French revolution, and anticipates, from that extraordinary event, the most beneficial confequences to this country. There is reafon for thinking that he is much too fanguine in his hopes; and had he carried his anticipations to what may yet happen in France, the government, introduced by the late revolution, is not likely to prove fo permanent as he expects. A little time ought always to be allowed for the confolidation of new establishments, especially fuch as are produced by any fudden convulfion.

A Difcourfe by M. L'Abbé Fauchet, on the Liberty of France. Tranflated from the French, by William Harveft. 8vo. 15.


The difcourfe, of which this is a tranflation, was delivered on the 5th of August 1789, in the parish of St. Jaques, and of the S. S. Innocens, at a folemn fervice, facred to the memory of thofe citizens who fell at the taking of the Baftile, in the defence of their country. The abbé Fauchet appears to be ani, mated with all the enthusiasm of liberty; and he celebrates the patriotic exertions of the defroyers of the Baftile in the warmeft effufions of rhetorical declamation. Happy will it be for the establishment of public freedom, if his countrymen fhall continue to be actuated with the generous fentiments which he endeavours to infpire.

Four Letters on the Subject of Mr. Stockdale's Trial. By a Briton. 8vo. Is. 6d. Stockdale.

The author of thefe Letters, after congratulating the public on the iffue of Mr. Stockdale's trial, as highly favourable to the liberty of the prefs, proceeds to examine the merit of the pamphlet which was the fubject of the profecution. He arraigns, in very fevere terms, the conduct of the managers of the impeachment against Mr. Haftings; and he even cenfures that of the minister and his friends, in voting for the measure.


He pronounces the impeachment to be founded in injustice, and carried on at an expence prejudicial to the public, and oppreffive to the late governor-general.

The whole Proceedings on the Trial of an Information exhibited ex officio, by the King's Attorney-General, cgainst John Stockdale. 8vo. 55. Boards. Stockdale.

The information which produced this trial was filed by the attorney-general, for a libel on the houfe of commons, contained in a pamphlet entitled, A Review of the principal Charges against Warien Haftings, Efq.' The author of the pamphlet imputed the profecution of Mr Hattings to partial and vindictive motives. This charge was reprefented as highly injurious to the honour and juice of the house of commons, But Mr. Erfkine, counfel for the defendant, repelled by ftrong arguments the propriety of any fuch inference; and Mr. Stockdale, in confequence, was acquitted.

The Addrefs of William Bull, Gent. to William Poole, Efq. By the Rev. W. Keate. 8vo. 15. Dilly.

A myftical, allegorical, whimfical production, feemingly in imitation of Swift, but without the humour of that celebrated original.

The Spanish Pretensions fairly difcuffed. By A. Dalrymple. 8vo. 15. Elmfly.

Mr. Dalrymple refutes the validity of the Spanish pretenfions by very juft obfervations. But happily, the difpute is now terminated, at least by a compromife, which has, in effect, the fame validity with a renunciation of former pretenfions on the part of Spain.

An Account of the Mutinous Seizure of the Bounty; with the fucceeding Hardships of the Crew. 8vo. 25. Bell and Taylor.

The account of the feizure of the Bounty is compiled from Heut. Bligh's narrative, noticed in the prefent Number. To render the pamphlet more intereiling, the compiler has added what he calls fecret anecdotes of the Otaheitean females; but fo far from being fecret, they were publifhed in Hawkefworth's Collection of Voyages many years ago.

Additions and Corrections to the First Volume of the Hiftory of Greece. By William Mitford, Esq. 4to. 25. Cadell.

Thefe Additions, published in the fecond edition of the hif tory, are extensive and valuable, and must, therefore, be highly acceptable to the purchafers of the firft. Mr. Mitford, in thus accommodating thofe readers with a feparate publication of the Additions, performs an at which reflects much honour on his conduct.


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