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IRELAND: LUSIGNAN (cliv. 155). Burke's Peerage' (1925) states that the Earl of Kenmare is the representative of the "noble family of Browne," and derives it from Sir Valentine Browne, an Englishman, living in 1583. The family of Lord Oranmore and Browne, according to the same authority, is descended (but how it is not stated) from a Sir David le Brun, who died in 1303; but as the same author in his General Armory records the assignment to this family of certain arms as late as 1836, it is obvious that they are unable to prove a male desent from the celebrated Comtes de la Marche.

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C. S. C. (B/C.)


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118).—Rollo, or Hrolf, Duke of Normandy was the son of Rognvald Jarl of Moere and Orkney, who was the son of Eisten Glumru, whose mother was the daughter of an earlier Eisten Glumru, son of Halfdan, son of Eisten (three successive kings of Trondheim). This Eisten's mother was daughter of Sigurd Hring, king of Sweden, son of Randver, whose mother's father was Ivar, king of the Danes, son of Halfdan Sniale, son of Olaf, the Sharp-Eyed" king of Rerik. Eisten Glumru first mentioned above was son of Ivar, son of Halfdan “the Aged," son of Sveide the Viking.

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Authorities for the foregoing are Wiffen's House of Russell,' 1833, and Roland Saint Clair's St. Clairs of the Isles,' 1898.

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The Library.

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Eustathius of Antioch. By R. V. Sellers. (Cambridge University Press. 8s. 6d. net). whose work EUSTATIUS of Antioch, of there remain to us several fragments and the treatise de Engastrimytho contra Origenem,' was а foremost thinker and theologian at the time when the Church, having grappled more or less with the problems and the dangers presented by Sabellianism, was called to confront the rising menace of a subtler and more pervasive heresy. The Council of Nicaea falls but a few months after his elevation to the see of Antioch: he was present at it, and. in virtue of the prominence of his see, it is very probable, as our author shows, that he was that bishop seated in the chief place in the right division of the assembly stantine, and when he had taken his seat, prowho, upon the appearance of Connounced the inaugural address. The Church of the early centuries reverenced him highly and esteemed his orthodoxy unquestionable. He was, however, a fiery disputant, and an within unflinching antagonist of a new development the Hellenic tradition of theology which, taking its rise among the followers of Lucian, was erelong to display itself Eusebius of Nicomedia, at the head of them. Arianism. The Lucianists were powerful: raged by Eustathius's uncompromising treathad at that time the Emperor's ear, and, enment of members of their party at Antioch, they brought about his deposition and banishment. Of the three charges against him one voice of antiquity, and to the opinion of was Sabellianism. Contrary to the united majority of modern students, Mr. Sellers is inclined to believe that this charge was in itself not altogether without foundation, though he refers it partly to vigorous reaction from the opinions of men whose doctrines showed their failure to recognize the unity partly to a certain old-fashionedness, in that and majesty and impassibility of God, and he was not fully abreast even of contemporary thought in his use of the formula of Sonshipas more adequate than the Logos formula-in the doctrine of the Second Person of the


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Blessed Trinity. Mr. Sellers brings forward a good deal of well weighed and skilfully marshalled evidence from Eustathius's writings to

show that for him the Logos was an energy or manifestation of God, and impersonal. We do not, however, feel quite sure that this is reading Eustathius according to his own sense of the matter, or according to that in which his yet a little more, doubtful when we first readers understood him. and we become first, on the slender remains, by which alone we know his doctrine, and then, on the respect in which he was held by men of acute minds well-trained in theological argument and its implications and having all his writings to judge him by. Nevertheless, Mr. Sellers's opinion, which receives support from some recent scholars, is worth considering in itself, and

in this book, gives occasion for a clear and comprehensive, though brief, account of the position, as between the Hellenic and the Syrian traditions of Christian thought in the first half of the fourth century-a valuable piece of work. Among minor points of interest, we observe that Mr. Sellers favours the suggestion that the Lucian of whom Eusebius of Nicomedia, and Leontius, and Arius, and other active minds of the day were disciples, was a different person from Lucian the martyr, with whom he has been generally identified. This is a very good book. A Catalogue of British Family Histories, Compiled by T. R. Thomson. (John Murray, 78. 6d. net). THERE is no need to labour recommendation of this useful list to readers of N. & Q.'; they know well how many a tiresome half hour of search it may save them, and how many a good suggestion it may start. It purports to be complete as regards British Family Histories, though not including works Produced in America, even if these deal wholly with British families. Mr. Thomson asks for

notification of omissions and mistakes. So far as we have tested the list we have observed only one omission, that of a history of the Jenkinson family which was in our hands some years ago, of which, however, we are not, from memory, prepared to say that it was not produced in America! Reprints from genealogical magazines, biographies or printed pedigree sheets are not included in the scheme only books strictly speaking; and a search in these pages seems to show that the amount of genealogical work published in book-form is relatively small. A few old names are illustrated by a good array of books, but many are absent altogether. We should expect a second edition to be called for, and when the time comes would like to suggest to Mr. Thomson to add, to the entries of books not privately printed, a note of the publisher, particularly in the case of those published in London. The particulars given are title, author, place and date of publication, size (if not octavo) and number of copies printed if the issue is limited. To be sure, for most ordinary purposes these suffice-and our suggestion is not to be taken as arguing lack of appreciation for this handy and attractive help to genealogical studies, which must have cost the compiler no little time and pains. Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association. Vol. xiii. Collected by Caroline F. E. Spurgeon. (Oxford, the Clarendon Press. 78. 6d. net.).


LL of these essays are interesting and two or three of them are brilliant. Dr. Bertha Phillpotts contributes a penetrating interpretation of our forefathers' philosophy of life in Wyrd and Providence in AngloSaxon Thought.' Miss Helen Waddell's 'John of Salisbury,' if disputable here and there in some judgments of contemporary characters, is a delightful protrait of John, and admir

Printed and Published by The Bucks Free

ably seized. Mr. John M. Manly in 'Sir Thopas: a Satire' proposes to transform the mark of Chaucer's fun from romances to the inhabitants of Flanders: showing good reason for it. M. Emile Legouis' discussion of Mr. Stoll's attacks on Shakespeare (La Réaction contre la Critique romantique de Shakespeare') in itself sound, we are persuaded, and discriminating, gains yet further value from the detachment of different nationality and the special quality of French criticism. Mr. H. J. C. Grierson writes about Scott and Carlyle: he is good on Carlyle and still better on Scott. Miss Marjory A. Bald's essay Shelley's Mental Progress' is perhaps a little one-sided in that she does not give due place to the reflection in Shelley of ideas in the air of his time: but so far as she goes she is interesting and suggestive, not without hitting truth here and there, we think. The last essay is Lord which, on the whole, seems to us needlessly Dunsany's England Language conditions!' pessimistic and in though we heartily share his great grievance details mistaken stantives as adjectives. over the portentously increasing use of sub



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W Nicoll's History of Restoration Drama, E see with pleasure that Mr. Allardyce study which was at once generally acclaimed as excellent, now appears in a second edition (Cambridge University Press, 16s.). Mr. Nicoll tells us, in his preface to this, that, while no new documentary matter on the subject has been printed since 1923, when the book first issued, research into the work of particular authors has revealed some fresh facts, principally concerned with the dating of plays, and that the text of the book has been throughout revisel and corrected so as to bring the survey of drama from 1660 to 1700 up to date. It was reviewed in our columns at cxlvi. 37.



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Seventy-Ninth Year.

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A Bibliography of Lord Macartney's Embassy to China, 1792-1794, 201-Unpublished Letters of Warren Hastings, 204 Thomas Harrison, the regicide, 205-The King's Ships, 206-Old Yule customs still practised-halley Family-The Forest of Arden, 208. QUERIES:-Blaise de Montluc-"Mortimer and Freedom" English Bards and Scotch Reviewers '-Queen Adelaide and Barton-uponIrwell-Nicolas (Nicholas) Cox-" Finger-metal -The Broad Arrow-Somervell Family-Smythe: Errington, 209-Wright: Franck-Artificial stone -Rod Family-Morgan Jones, Anglesey Sheriff, 1782-3 Israfel "-Authors wanted, 210. REPLIES:-St. Dunstan's in the west: eighteenth century_tombs, 210-Seventeenth century tokens -Mrs. Hunn, mother of George Canning-Unpublished Letters of Warren Hastings: pass admitting to trial-The Doukhobors, 211-Gavelkind: borough England St. Donatian at Bruges The Roses of York and Lancaster Japanese Heraldry Blotting paper and inkstands-Trial of Dame Alice Lisle-Royal arms on the title-page of morning newspapers, 212River-water used for drinking-The New Annual Register-Bank notes-John Antrobus-Joseph Harrath-"Kyd," illustrator of Dickens, 213Pyke (Pike) family of London and GreenwichSt. Longinus-Durham Church plate, 214. THE LIBRARY: 'The Outdoor Monuments of London'-'Thomas Hobbes: The Elements of Law, Natural and Politic 'Shakespeare, Jonson and Wilkins as Borrowers Franciscans and Dominicans of Exeter Liverpool.'




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No. 2-Jan. 8, 1916 (Vol. i).
No. 53-Dec. 30, 1916 (Vol. ii).
No. 67-Apr. 14, 1917 (Vol. iii).
No. 86-November 1917 (Vol. iv).
No. 128-Sept. 25, 1920 (Vol. vii).
No. 148-Feb. 12, 1921 (Vol. viii).
No. 168-July 2, 1921 (Vol. ix).
No. 185-Oct.. 29, 1921 (Vol. ix).
No. 194- Dec. 31, 1921 (Vol. ix).

No. 228-Aug. 26, 1922 (Vol. xi).
Indices to Vol. vi (Jan.-June, 1920) and
Vol. ix (July-Dec., 1921).

Please send offers to-" NOTES & QUERIES," 20, High Street, High Wycombe, Bucks.

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NOTES AND QUERIES is published every Friday, at 20, High Street, High Wycombe, Bucks (Telephone: Wycombe 306). Subscriptions (£2 28. a year, U.S.A. $10.50, including postage, two half-yearly indexes and two cloth binding cases, or £1 15s. 4d a year, U.S.A. $9, without binding cases) should be sent to the Manager. The London Office is at 14, Burleigh Street, W.C.2 (Telephone: Chancery 8766), where the current issue is on sale. Orders for back numbers, indexes and bound volumes should be

sent either to London or to Wycombe; letters

for the Editor to the London Office.



WE would ask our readers to note that the London Office of N. & Q.' is now at 14, Burleigh Street, W.C.2. THE new number of Antiquity begins with the important article, by Mr. C. Leonard Woolley, on the Royal Tombs of Ur. The press has already made the world familiar with an outline of the significance of these discoveries, and with a good deal of the detail of the finds. In this paper, besides description of sites and contents, Mr. Woolley states again the arguments-which at present rest on the depth of the grave-for assigning to these royal graves a date as remote as 3500 B.C. Mr. H. R. Hall also contributes a paper on this question, setting forth both the great importance of the work at Ur and the reasons for giving to Sumerian civilization seniority over that of Egypt of the first Dynasty. Other papers are Mr. T. Zammit's Pre-historic Cart-tracks in Malta'; Mr. D. Ranall-MacIver's Fore-runners of the Romans'; Mr. V. Gordon Childe's The Lausitz Culture'; Herr Friedrich Wagner's "Pre-historic Fortifications in Bavaria, and a study of Roman Malton by Mr. Philip Corder and Mr. John L. Kirk.

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A CCORDING to a writer in the Italian Mail of Mar. 17, Florence must be rather a ghostly city. He tells us that Giotto walks about his Campanile; that Dante haunts people who have a copy of his work and do not like it, and that Michelangelo is given to laughing in a disconcerting way at ladies who try to paint. Then there are a goblin who has his midnight station on the Ponte Vecchio; and the red porphyrz shafts at the Baptistery which are really magic mirrors

betwitched by Saracens; and the story that a magic ring, or stone with a hole in it, will enable you to see the figures on the famous bronze doors of Ghiberti come alive. The stray cats which abound in the cloisters of San

Lorenzo are really witches and wizards seeking sanctuary; and there is a story of stonethrowing like that of Demalion and Pyrrha. Without taking all, or any, of this seriously as folk-belief, it would be interesting to know whether, apart from stories served up to naïve tourists, there are any genuine ghost-stories in Florence which have attained the status of true folk-lore.

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Icate with the Rector and Churchwardens. Some of our readers may be glad to know of this. The earliest brass involved is that of Richard and Johanna Prate (1478), and the earliest burial R. H. (1717).

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WE have received from Cambridge Reference relating to Carto-Bibliography and Handlist of Catalogues and Works of Kindred Subjects for Great Britain and Ireland,' compiled by Sir Herbert George Fordham. The works listed date from 1720 to 1927-nay, to 1928, for three, "to appear shortly," form the tail-piece. The first-published in 1720-is Dr. Richard Rawlinson's The English Topographer,' which seems to have had no successor till 1736, when John Worrall brought out his Bibliotheca Topographica Anglicana.' After thirty-two years came Gough's 'Anecdotes of British Topography'; and thirty-four years passed between Gough's second book, of 1780, and the Rev. Bulkley Bandinel's Catalogue of the books bequeathed by Gough to the Bodleian. In 1840 Sir Henry Ellis and John Bowyer Nichols published Catalogues; Mark Lower, of Sussex fame, comes next in 1870. that the growing mass of topographical work brings forth some kind of list, or piece of carto-bibliography, every few years.


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