
dits, called upon to experience the honour of presenting themselves to the audience. All here are zealous and enthusiastic in praise of our Manheim actors; and Grossmann's company, so lately deemed unrivalled, are now compelled to yield the palm of skill and excellence to our admirable theatrical associates. We are here kindly involved in such an unceasing round of revelry and feasting, that I can with difficulty snatch some quiet moments from the bustle, to write you a few lines. Grossmann charges me for you with many kind expressions of affection and regard, which I must, however, delay to communicate till we meet. The play for this evening is the "Father's Revenge," and, on Monday, my " Cabal and Love," a mark of honour and respect to myself, which, however amiable and flattering, I would willingly wave, that I might thus escape the torture of hearing violence done to my poetical sentiments. The misplaced and excessively declamatory efforts of the actress who performs the part of the heroine, I feel to be extremely irksome and painful. The truly chaste and adinirable performance of your lady has, in this, rendered me discerning and fastidious. But I reserve to myself the satisfaction, when we meet, of communicating to you the particulars of the performance. Meanwhile, continue to number me among the most affectionate and sincere of your friends, &c. &c.

Schiller to Von Dalberg.

Manheim, 7th June, 1784The singular and somewhat suspicious circumstance, in regard to my manuscript, has been fully explained to my satisfaction. I have it again safely in my possession; it seems, however, never once to have occurred to us, that a mischievous and improper use might possibly have been made of it. I attended the last meeting of our Society *, and may venture

to say this much, that its members now only await your final proposition, to determine decisively between the merits of the two proposals. Were it the wish of your Excellency, and did you feel solicitous to aid and participate in the reputation of the Society, I think it probable that a part, at least, of the proposed plan might be successfully accomplished. In my view of the matter, it ought to be explicitly resolved and established, that a small committee of the members of the Society, perhaps, not exceeding six in number, should be formed; and which should return in writing its candid and impartial decision, drawn from the collective intelligence of its members, upon the merits of those dramatic pieces submitted to their attention, and whether or not they may seem calculated for successful representation. In this limited selection of members, your Excellency would of necessity fall to be included, and I may also add myself; otherwise it might possibly happen, that partial and prejudiced critics among our number, and hostile to our theatre, might have it in their power to sway the committee, and to reject what in itself might be strikingly and intrinsically excellent. Among our members, I believe Schwan, Keibel, Professor Günther, Reichert, Klein, and Sambuga, the most peculiarly qualified for the province and labours of the committee; and I feel assured they would engage in them with the utmost zeal and alacrity. Your Excellency, I feel persuaded, will at once see the propriety, that each member, in forming his opinion, should consider the whole constituent parts and characteristics of the piece, and its capability or unfitness for representation, in their inseparable connection and dependence upon each other; and not allow himself to be led astray, by viewing alone some partial and detached features of the dramatic production, and allowing

This was the learned and scientific Society of this Palatinate, of which Schiller in this year, (1784,) was admitted a member. It seems to have been his more im-, mediate and closer intercourse, by this means, with many from whom he believed he might derive the most zealous and effective aid and co-operation, in his literary de signs, which led Schiller to entertain the thought of elevating and improving the Manheim stage, by the monthly publication of a " Dramaturgy," or Journal devoted to subjects connected with the Drama.

these to guide him, rather than a comprehensive consideration of the power and presumed effect of the whole, in the connection and disposition of its parts. Were this proposition of a committee to be brought to bear, I should then eagerly desire of your Excellency, that I might be nominated mutual Secretary, to convey the decisions of the Society to the Theatrical Committee of Management, and, in return, to submit again the answers or queries of the latter to the further consideration and decision of our selected number. In this way, may I be permitted to say, that, through my humble instrumentality, both Societies would be brought into a fitting dependence upon each other, and, in their respective powers and capacities, harmoniously and inseparably incorporated.

As to the publication to be conducted by the joint aids and contributions of the Society, you have, I presume, by this time, considered the written opinion of Schwan. He has communicated to me his letter to you. Nothing occurs to me farther to add to it, unless the suggestion, that our stage would be much more highly and immediately benefited, were the "Dramaturgy" limited to the treatment and exposition of topics connected with the stage, and published at certain short periodical intervals, than if it were merely made the wide and extensive repository of treatises and contributions, of a more general and scientific kind, —many of them unavoidably tedious -and did it only issue from the press after the long interval of a year. I may indeed assume the freedom to say, that the Journal of the Society would most likely lose the greater portion of its interest and attraction, were I to decline to undertake the superintendance of that part of it set apart for topics regarding the drama. Besides, I feel almost assured that Schwan would be averse to encounter the pecuniary risk of its publication, were this important addition to its contents omitted. I must, indeed, ingenuously own, that the introduction of such topics and disquisitions, connected with the draina, appear to me so indispensable in the publication, that in my anxious and zealous wish for the

improvement of our stage, I have fervently longed, that my pecuniary circumstances were such as might enable me to give to the world the Dramaturgy, from myself, as its sole conductor. When, however, I am assured by your Excellency, that your theatrical establishment wholly decline, in this, to aid or assist me, and when I find how vain it is to look to the booksellers for any adequate remuneration of my industry and exertions, I altogether despair of accomplishing, in this form, the projected publication, in which I would otherwise have so zealously and fondly engaged. I cannot disguise from you that it grieves me, in common with the most eminent and intelligent of our actors, that a projected arrangement, which opened up such splendid and exhilarating prospects of advantage and amelioration to our drama, should at once be defeated by so slight and inconsiderable a hindrance. And it still more distresses, and fills me with deep regret, while I feel within myself the proud consciousness, how much, by my own enthusiastic and zealous endeavours, I might thus have contributed to advance the name and celebrity of our stage.

A few days ago, I experienced a most agreeable and flattering surprise, in an occurrence which I cannot refrain from imparting to you, as I know well your affectionate interest will eagerly lead you to participate in my satisfaction. I received letters from Leipsic, each accompanied by a small package, from four persons wholly unknown me, and written in the most enthusiastic terms of commendation, and overflowing with the warmest expressions of admiration for my poetic talents. These epistles were accompanied by four miniature portraits; two of which are those of females of striking beauty; and also by a pocketbook, finished and ornamented in the most elegant taste. So estimable and pleasing an offering, from persons wholly strangers to me, who could in this be influenced by no other motive than the generous wish of expressing towards me their sentiments of favourable regard, and their thanks for some hours of enjoyment afforded them, I must candidly confess

deeply impressed me by its value; and I doubt, indeed, if the loudest and most unequivocal voice of the public approbation could ever have imparted to me so lively and delicious a satisfaction. When your Excellency again honours me with a visit, I shall have the happiness of shewing you these elegant and cherished testimonials of favour and respect.

The musical drama of "Dido," so long in preparation, was at length brought out last evening. I am inclined to doubt if it will ever grow much into popular favour. I must own, I cannot bestow upon it my approbation. The poetry and the music equally failed of touching or impressing me; and I suspect that this private feeling will be found to be pretty nearly the general one. I pretend not, however, to be a practised critic in the musical drama, and, even as one of its fond and attached votaries, I ought not, in this, to assume to myself the right of deciding. The representation and performance of the piece, however, went off well. Mademoiselle Baumann and Madame Beck are at present indisposed, which might, it is possible, occasion some slight difficulty and embarrassment in the arrangement and disposal of the parts. I have thought it needless to converse farther with Madame Gensicke, as your Excellency intimated to me your intention of writing to her yourself. The public are warmly prepossessed in her favour; and should you be unable to conclude any engagement with her, it assuredly will be the more urgent and indispensable that her successor here should be of such eminence and celebrity as may guard our theatre from any imputations which might otherwise be thrown upon the liberality of its management.

I could have wished that your Excellency had sent to us here something new from the Leipsic fair, which might have relished as an elegant and tasteful desert; or at least that you had pointed out to our notice some recent drama of merit ;but my curiosity will now very speedily be gratified, as the waggon arrives early next morning with books for Schwan. My "Cabal and Love"

has been favourably noticed in the Gotha newspaper, but in so slight and superficial a manner, that it can afford no information to the curious and intelligent reader. I am at present more perplexed and embarrassed than ever as to my new dramatic work ;-were I, in this, to follow the wishes and kind incentives of my friends, I ought to select some noble and impressive historical subject for my dramatic labours, and especially to proceed zealously with the composition of my "Don Carlos," the plan of which I have already submitted to the discriminating attention of Gotter, who honours it with his valuable and most earnest commendation. It must, indeed, I think, be allowed, that a dramatic subject, which soars not above the more familiar objects and relations of middle life, however felicitously and finely developed, can never possess, in the minds of the great-thirsting after the delineation of more elevated and uncommon incident-that impressive and commanding interest, which awaits the bolder and more dignified efforts of the dramatic poet. I may also add, that a drama of this more elevated and striking cast of incident earns, for the poet, and the theatre for which he writes, a greater and more rapidly-established celebrity than might perhaps have been acquired by three pieces of more domestic and unpretending incident. In this state of indecision, I eagerly desire the valuable opinion of your Excellency to determine me, finally, as to what description of dramatic subject I ought to choose for my poetical exertions. I may here venture to assure you, that "Carlos" will in nothing partake of the colder and less-inviting features of a political drama. It is rather my great aim to pourtray the singular and striking domestic incidents of a Royal House,-to develope suitably the terrible situation of a father, who finds, in his own son, the object of his dark and cruel jealousy, and the yet more pitiable and agonizing picture of the son, who, with all the splendour and power of his title to the most potent and magnificent kingdom in the world, yet fondly loves, without hope, and at last falls the unhappy victim of the most stern and unrelenting

paternal vengeance. Such situation, so striking and impressive, I should imagine, if unfolded with corresponding dramatic power, could not fail to beget an interest of a very high and dignified kind. In the treatment of this drama, I shall most studiously seek to avoid whatever, in the incidents, or their poetical colouring, might have the slightest tendency to shock or revolt the feelings.

I conclude by expressing the earnest wish, not only of myself, but of all our friends of the Society, that we may very speedily have again the happiness of seeing you in the midst of us. With the truest respect, &c.

Schiller to the same.

Manheim, 2d July 1784.

I now send your Excellency, inclosed, agreeably to your wish, my short-written plan, or prospectus, for the Manheim Dramaturgy, upon which I am so zealously bent to engage. Should this work, as I feel assured, form an epoch in our stage, and prove the noble and effective means of raising into importance our national drama, and giving to it an enduring and splendid celebrity, I shall not-I may with ardent truth affirm-allow the smallness of the pecuniary recompence to lead me afterwards to turn aside from the undertaking. Without, howeyer, such pecuniary aid, my present circumstances render it wholly impossible for me to enter upon the work; and the fond and delightful anticipations in which I have so eagerly indulged, must at once fail of their accomplishment. I desire to hear from your Excellency, as speedily as possible, in return, that, should your opinion prove favourable to my wishes, I may at once proceed to take the proper and necessary measures for entering upon the work; and for this purpose send off several letters, which now lie before me al

ready written. Ever with the sincerest respect, &c. &c.

Frederick Schiller engages, for the yearly remuneration of fifty ducats, to publish a Dramaturgy of the Manheim National Theatre, and to deliver to the Committee of Management, of the Electoral Theatre, a stipulated number of copies *.

Impressed with the most lively conviction of the extensive benefit which the National Theatre at Manheim would derive from the publication of a Monthly Dramaturgy, which shall lay before the public a full detail of its regular business and transactions, and also of the circumstances and peculiarities of its internal management, I have determined to engage in this work, and to devote myself zealously to its accomplishments.

As to the necessary and separate divisions of the Journal, my views are simply these:

1st. It ought to be prefaced, by way of introduction, by an historical account of our Theatre in Manheim, from the period of its first establishment, to the present time, and of the chief revolutions by which it has been effected. A just tribute of commendation ought here also to be paid to its distinguished manager.

2d. A general review of the management, economy, and policy of the stage; and, at the same time, of the enlightened and guiding taste by which these are so effectively directed.

3d. What immediately and personally relates to the performers ;some traits of their history, their peculiar range of characters, their salaries, and a variety of other incidental matters.

4th. An enumeration of the dramatic pieces of most merit and celebrity, which have hitherto appeared on our stage; accompanied by some remarks on their representation at the time, and their reception by the public.

• The following plan was laid before the Society of the Palatinate, with the view, if possible, of obtaining for the work their aid and sanction. We here give the Prospectus of the intended Journal; as it cannot assuredly be devoid of high interest, to see what, in the judgment of so distinguished and zealous a cultivator of the drama, were those leading heads and divisions of topics, which seemed to him proper to characterise a work of this description.

5th. The theatrical business and occurrences of each month, with the critical awards of the select Committee of the Society, or the Theatrical Body of Management.

6th. Essays and disquisitions relative to the dramatic art, which, in my view, would, it is probable, embrace the whole system of the art.

7th. The solution of questions relative to the drama, proposed by the Theatrical Committee of Manage


Sth. A particular portion of the Journal shall be set apart, under the title of Miscellanies or Additions, for anecdotes, poetical pieces, extracts, and all those other topics and matters which do not naturally fall under any of the other marked divisions of the publication.

To enable the editor of the work to devote to it the full exercise of his talents, and, at the same time, to deliver, without restraint, his candid and unbiassed views on dramatic art, he conceives it indispensable, that, by the allowance of a moderate compensation from the theatre, he should be thrown wholly free from any dependence on the selfishness or ca

price of the publisher or bookseller. Should the Theatrical Body of Management not regard the numerous and striking advantages which would result to them, from the establishment of this work, as too dearly purchased by the expence of fifty ducats, then the plan may be said to be not far from its successful completion; and I eagerly and solemnly engage to devote myself to the task, and to give to it the most zealous and unremitting exertions of my industry and my talents. I promise, that the Journal shall first appear in the beginning of August, 1784; that the Theatrical Management shall be freed from all other expence and concern in its publication; and that, each month, I shall deliver to them, free of charge, a stipulated number of impressions of the work. The Committee of the Electoral Theatre shall, in short, be in no way implicated in the risk of the undertaking, but shall merely affix to the work the sanction of their signature, to guard the Editor against the piracy of his Journal *.

F. SCHILLER. At Manheim, 2d July 1784.

This zealous and patriotic attempt of Schiller, to reform and elevate the national drama, would seem to have failed, because refused the countenance and support of the Scientific Society of the Palatinate. In a letter to his friend Ritter v. Klein, Schiller has these words :-"The views of Dalberg and myself, which we shortly laid before the Society, were received in a manner extremely opposite to what our eager wishes had led us to expect; and from the conduct and demeanour of several of the members, I have been led, with chagrin, to remark, that all measures for the advancement of the Belles Lettres, and the more refined cultivation of art, find little countenance or favour from those purely scientific men, who seem to deem it below the dignity of their nature to foster or encourage any attempts of this kind." Schiller, however, shortly afterwards accomplished, in part, the design of his proposed Dramaturgy, by becoming the conductor of a periodical work entitled "Rheinische Thalia." In the prefatory announcement of this publication, Schiller, it may be presumed, having still in his mind the desertion of his late friends of the Society, says, with a noble and dignified reliance on the extent of his own powers, "All my connections are now dissolved,-the public is to me now every thing,-my great incentive to exertion,-my sovereign guide, my confident and all-powerful adviser,to it I now wholly resign myself,-to the authority of this tribunal alone do I desire to bow, which, while it inspires me with dread, I respectfully reverence. The secret and strong impulse of something great and elevated within me, irresistibly urges me, in all that pertains to imagination and poetic conception, to shake from me every deadening or minute entanglement, and alone to listen to the decision of the world,➡ to appeal to no other throne than the human heart, and its passions and affections. Posterity willingly disregard a writer, who, in his narrower views, has remained callous and insensible to the noble incentives of the general voice. I must candidly own, that, in taking upon myself the management and direction of the Rheinische Thalia,' my most powerful and decisive inducement was to create, between the public and myself, a kindly and endearing bond of union."




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