

Note.-Most of the works under this section are historical; but original treatises by Oriental, ancient Greek and Roman, Jewish and Mohammedan authors are also placed here.


1254. Sharastâni, or Sheristâni, 10741153. Abu-'l-Fath' Muhammad asch-Schahrastani's Religionspartheien und PhilosophenSchulen. Zum ersten Male vollständig aus dem arabischen übersetzt und mit erklärenden Anmerkungen versehen von Dr. Theodor Haarbrücker. 2 Theile. Halle, 1850-51, 8°.

Jer Theil. Die muh'amniadanischen, jüdischen, christlichen und dualistischen Religionsparthelen. pp. xx., 299.

IIer Theil. Die Sabäer, die Philosophen, die alten Araber und die Inder. pp. x., 464.

An edition of this celebrated work in the original Arabic was publ. by the "Oriental Text Society" in two Parts, London, 1842-46, 8o. A.

1255. Montaigne, Michel de. Essais. First ed. (of the first two Books), Bourdeaux, 1580, 8o.

The last part of Livre II. Ch. xil. (Tome III. pp. 252-286 of Duval's ed., Paris, 1820. 80, H.) contains curious matter concerning ancient opinions ou the soul.

1255. Galantes, Livius. 1627. See No. 1572. 1256. Nessel, Mart. Meditationes Novissi

morum ex Mente Veterum Gentilium Sapientium. Bremae, 1646, 12o.

David Shea

1257. Dabistán (The), or School of Manners [rather, Sects], translated from the Original Persian, with Notes and Illustrations, by and Anthony Troyer ...; edited, with a Preliminary Discourse, by the latter. 3 vol. Paris, Oriental Translation Fund, 1843, 8o. B., H.

Ascribed by some to Mohsan Fant, who flourished A.D. 1650, which is at any rate not far from the date of the work. Vol. I. treats of the Parsis; Vol. II., of the Hindus, Tibetans, Jews, Christians, and Mohammedans; Vol. III., of the Sadikiahs, Roshenians, Ilahiahs," Philosophers," and Sufis. See reviews by C. Lassen, in his Zeitschrift f. d. Kunde d. Morgenl., 1844. V. 473-487 (H.), and by F. Spiegel, Jahrb. f. wiss. Krit. for Aug. 1844, coll. 241-267. H. 1257. Clasen, or Classen, Daniel. Theologia Gentilis Magdeburgi, 1653, 4o.

Also Francof. 1684, 4o, and in Gronovil Thes. Graec. Antiq. VII. 1-132. (H.) The larger part of the work treats of opinions concerning the future life. 1258. Blount, Charles. Anima Mundi: or, An Historical Narration of the Opinions of the Ancients concerning Man's Soul after this Life: according to Unenlightened Nature. London, 1679, 12°. pp. 133. F.

Also in his Miscellaneous Works, 1695, 12°. H.



1259. Pfanner, Tobias. Systema Theologlæ Gentilis purioris, qua quàm prope ad veram Religionem Gentiles accesserunt, per cuncta fere ejus capita, ex ipsis præcipuè illorum Scriptis ostenditur. Basileæ, 1679, 4°. pp. 536 +. D.

Cap. XVII., De Morte; XVIII., De Fine Mundi; XIX., De Resurrectione; XX., De Extremo Judicio; XXI., De Coclo et Inferno; XXII., seu Appendix de Salute Gentilium.

1260. Löffler, Friedr. Sim. De iis, qui inter Gentes in Vitam rediisse perhibentur. Lipsiae, 1694, 4°. (5 sh.)

An abstract of this curious dissertation is given by Paulus on John xi. 39; Comm. IV. i, 568-574. H.

1261. Schleussner, Friedr. Wilh. Dissertatio de Quaestione an et quatenus Novissima MIKрокоσμоV Gentilibus fuerint cognita. Lipsine, 1703, 4°.

1262. Toland, John. Letters to Serena: con


taining II. The History of the Soul's Immortality among the Heathens. ... London, 1704, 8°. pp. 239 +. H.

1263. Morin, Henri. De l'usage de la prière pour les morts parmi les payens. 1711. Histre de l'Acad. Roy. des Inser., etc. III. 84-89.) H.

1264. Bocris, Joh. Heinr., the elder. Coelum Gentilium, sive Dissertatio historico-philoso phica de coelesti Beatitudine, quam sibi Gentiles finxerunt. Swinfurti, 1716, 4.

1265. [Lévesque de Burigny, Jean]. Histoire de la philosophie payenne, ou Sentimens des philosophes et des peuples payens les plus célèbres sur Dieu, sur l'âme et sur les devoirs de l'homme. 2 tom. La Haye, 1724, 12. H.

"Livre fort intéressant."- Hoefer. Chap. XL. treats of retribution in the future life: Ch. XIIIXV., Tome I. pp. 263-350, of the spirituality, impor tality, and origin of the soul. A new ed., in proved, was published at Paris in 1745 and 1754, 2 vol. 12, under the author's name, with the title Theologie payenne," etc.

1266. Törner, Fabian. De Sensu Immortalitatis inter Gentes. [Resp. Joh. Schedvin.] Upsal. 1724, 8°. (24 sh.)

1267. Zobel, Nic. Ernst. Cacozelia Gentium

in tradendis Doctrinis de Generis humani Mentisque humanae Origine et Resurrectione Mortuorum. Lipsiæ, 1787, 8°. pp. 113.

1268. Fénel, Jean Baptiste Paschal. Premier Mémoire sur ce que les anciens payens ont pensé de la résurrection. 1744. (Mémoires de l'Acad. des Inscr., etc. 1753, 4o, XIX. 311326.) H.

A German translation, in M. Hissmann's Nagaria d. Philos., II. 351, ff.

1269. Franz, Adam Wilh. Kritische Ge schichte der Lehre von der Unsterblichkeit der Seelen in Absicht der Zeiten vor Christi Geburt, als eine Einleitung zu der übersetzten Schrift Sherlocks von der Unsterblichkeit der Seelen. Lübeck, 1747, 8, pp. 328.

See Herrich, Sylloge, p. 62.

1270. Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim. Wie die Alten den Tod gebildet: eine Untersuchung. Berlin, 1769, 4o. pp. (8), 88. A.

Also in his Sammtliche Schriften, Lachmann's ed., VIII. 210-263. H.

1271. Faber, Joh. Melchior. Oratio de Animorum Immortalitate Ethnicis propria. Co burgi, 1770, 4°. pp. 12.

1272. Harles, Gottlieb (Lat. Theophilus) Christoph. De Opinione Veterum de Anime hujusque post Mortem Fatis.- De Antutus Piorum ad Coelestem Musicam redeuntilus. (In his Opuscula, etc. Halae, 1773, 8. pp. 13170.) F

1273. Meiners, Christoph. Betrachtungen über den Tod und Trostgründe der Alten wider die Schrecken desselben. (In his Vers mischte Schriften, II. 166–264, Leipz. 1776, 8°.) F.

1274. Voigt, C. T. Unde Populi, a Judaică Religione alieni, Scientiam Rerum Divinaruna, imprimis Opinionem de Immortalitate Animi arripuerint? Lipsiæ, 1778, 8, 3 gr.

1588. Pettavel, Fr. De Argumentis, quibus apud Platonem Animorum Immortalitas defenditur. Berolini, 1815, 4°. pp. iv., 41.

1589. Kunhardt, Heinr. Platons Phädon, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Unsterblichkeitslehre erläutert und beurtheilt. Lübeck, 1817, 8°. pp. 72 +. F. 1590. Taylor, Thomas. Platonic Demonstration of the Immortality of the Soul. (Classical Jour. for June and Sept., 1820; XXI. 201-230, and XXII. 40-51.) H. 1591. Seager, Rev. John. Observations on the Phædo of Plato. (Classical Jour. for June, 1825; XXXI. 209-217.) H. 1592. Schmidt, Adalb. Argumenta pro Immortalitate Animarum in Platonis Phaedone explicita. Halae, 1827, 8°. 1593. Rettig, Heinr. Christian Mich. Quaestiones Platonicae. I. Quam cognoscendae verae Animi Naturae Viam Plato commonstraverit. [Progr.] Gissae


[Büdingen], 1831, 8°. th. 1594. Braut, J. W. Bemerkungen über die platonische Lehre vom Lernen als einer Wiedererinnerung (áváμvŋσis). Brandenburg, 1832, 8°.

1595. Deycks, Ferd. Platonis de Animorum Migratione Doctrina. Confluent. 1834, 8°.

1596. Crome, C. De Mythis Platonicis imprimis de Necyiis. Düsseldorf, 1835, 4o. 1597. Meiring, —. De Mythis Platonicis inprimis de Necyiis. [Progr.] Düsseldorf, 1835, 4o.

Are Nos. 1596 and 1597 titles of the same essay? I give them as I find them in Engelmann's Bibl. Script. Class.

1598. Schmidt, Adalb. Ueber die Ideen

des Plato und die darauf beruhende Unsterblichkeitslehre desselben. [Progr.] Halae, 1835, 4°. pp. 58 (29).

1598. Sigwart, Heinr. Christian Wilh. von. Die platonischen Mythen von der menschlichen Seele im Zusammenhange dargestellt. (Appended to his Geschichte der Philosophie, II. 453-515, Stuttg. u. Tub. 1844, 8°.) B.

1599. Voigtländer, J. A. Chr. Platonis Sententia de Animorum Praeexistentia. Pars I. De Principio Philosophiae Platonicae. [Diss.] Berolini, 1844, 8°. pp. 25. 1600. Fischer, Carl Philipp. De Platonica de Animi Immortalitate Doctrina.

[ocr errors]

Erlangae, 1845, 8°. pp. 14. F. 1601. Schmidt, Herm. Duorum Phaedonis Platonici Locorum Explicatio (p. 66. B. et de universa Argumentatione, in qua ex ipsa Auimi Forma quasi ac Specie Immortalitas ejus deducitur). [Progr.] Wittenbergae, 1845, 4°. pp. 21. 1602. [King, Thomas Starr]. Plato's Views of Immortality. (Universalist Quar. for Jan. 1847; IV. 73-107.) H. 1603. Szostakowski, Jos. Platonis de Animo Placita. [Progr.] Ostrowo, 1847, 4o. pp. 15.

1604. Lachmann, Karl Heinrich. Ueber die Unsterblichkeit der menschlichen Seele, nach den Vorstellungen des Philosophen Platon und des Apostels Paulos.


Landeshut, 1848, 8o. pp. 32. F. 1605. Ahlander, Joh. Aug. Dissertatio Veterum in Genere Philosophorum præcipueque Platonis de Animi Vi et Immortalitate Sententias breviter adumbrans


[Resp. Pet. Otto Wiberg.] Pars I. Lundæ, [18-] 8°. pp. 16.

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Also in the Zeitschrift f. Philos. u. kath. Theol., 1852, Heft 82, or N. F., XIII. ii. pp. 1-18. B. 1608. Gsell-Fels, J. T. Dissertatio qua Psychologiae Platonicae atque Aristoteleae. Explicatio et Comparatio instituitur. Wirceburgi, 1854, 8°. pp. 106.

1609. Müller, L. H. O. Die Eschatologie Platon's und Cicero's in ihrem Verhältnisse zum Christenthume. 1854, 4°. pp. 44. F.



1610. Kahlert, A. J. Ueber die platonischen Beweise der Unsterblichkeit der Seele. [Gymn. Progr.] [Wien,] 1855, 4°. 1611. Susemihl, Franz. Die genetische Entwickelung der platonischen Philosophie einleitend dargestellt. 2 Theile. Leipzig, 1855-60, 8°. pp. xvi., 486; xii., 1-312, xxviii., 313-696. H.

1612. Schmidt, Hermann. Zu Platons Phaedon. [On the concluding argument, p. 100 A-106 E, ed. Steph.] (Jahn's Neue Jahrb. f. Philol., 1856, LXXIII. 42-48.) H.

For other illustrations of the Phado by Schmidt, see Engelmann's Bibl. Script. Class., 6° Aufl., p. 287.

1613. Susemihl, Franz. Ueber die Schluszbeweis in Platons Phaedon. (Jahn's

Neue Jahrb. f. Philol., 1856, LXXIII. 236-240.) H.

1614. Williams, N. M. The Phædon. (Christian Rev. for Oct. 1857; XXII. 507532.) BA.

1615. Michelis, Fr. Die Philosophie Platons in ihrer inneren Beziehung zur geoffenbarten Wahrheit kritisch aus den Quellen dargestellt 2 Abth. Mün

ster, 1859-60, 8o. H.

[ocr errors]

1616. Volquardsen, C. R. Platon's Idee des persönlichen Geistes und seine Lehre über Erziehung Berlin, 1860, 8°.

pp. viii., 192.

See Biblioth. Sacra, XVIII. 222–227. 1616. [Martineau, James]. Plato: his Physics and Metaphysics. (National Rev. for April, 1861; XII. 457-488.) H. 1616. Bucher, J. Ueber Platons speculative Beweise für die Unsterblichkeit der menschlichen Seele. Inaugural-Dissertation. Göttingen, 1861, 8°. pp. 30. 1617. Aristoteles, B.C. 384-322. De Anima Libri tres. Ad Interpretum Graecorum Auctoritatem et Codicum Fidem recognovit, Commentariis illustravit Fr. Ad. Trendelenburg. Jenae, 1833, 8°. 23 th.

1618. Treatise on the Soul, etc. translated by T. Taylor. London, 1808, 4°.

1619. Psychologie d'Aristote-Traité de l'âme traduit en français pour la première fois et accompagné de Notes perpétuelles par J. Barthélemy-Saint-Hilaire Paris, 1846, 8°. pp. cxxi., 392. H.



The translator maintains Pref. pp. xxxix.-xlvii.) that Aristotle did not believe in the immortality of the soul. See also, to the same purpose, Mosheim's notes on Cudworth's Intel. System, I. 98, 99, III. 470472 (Harrison's edition.)

1619. Simplicius, fil. A.d. 530. ... Commentaria in tres libros Aristotelis de anima. ... Gr. [Venice, A. Asulanus, 1527,] fol. ff. 187.

1620. Vargas, Alfonso, of Toledo, Abp.

of Seville. Quæstiones super Libros Aristotelis de Anima. Florentiæ, 1477, fol. Also Venetiis, 1565-66, fol.; Vicentiæ, 1608, fol.; Romæ, 1609, fol. 1621. Vio, Tommaso da, Cardinal Gaetano (Lat. Cajetanus). Commentaria in tres Libros Aristotelis de Anima.

First published, with the text, at Vicenza, 1486, fol.; separately, Venice, 1514, fol., and elsewhere. 1621. Spina, Bartolommeo di. Propugnaculum Aristotelis, etc. 1515. See No. 574.

[blocks in formation]

tile 1623. Odoni, Rinaldo. Discorso


per uia Peripatetica, oue si dimostra, se l'anima, secondo Aristotile, è mortale, o immortale. Venetia, 1557, 4°. ff. 40.-Also ibid. 1560, 4°. BL.

1624. Villalpando, Gaspar Cardillo de. Apologia Aristotelis adversus eos, qui ajunt eum sensisse Auimanı cum Corpore extingui Compluti, 1560, 8°.

1625. Martinez de Brea, Pedro. In Libros tres Aristotelis de Anima Commentarius. Cui accessit Tractatus, quo ex Peripatetica Schola Animæ Immortalitas asseritur & probatur. Segontiæ, 1575, fol.

1626. Quintianus, Vincentius. Dilucidationes trium Librorum Aristotelis de Anima. Nec non. S. Doctoris Thomae Aquinatis in eosdem Commentarii. Cum Textu duplici Bononiae, 1575, 4o.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

1631. Schröter, Joh. Friedr. Quaestio utrum Aristoteles Intellectus nostri Immortalitatem cognoverit. Jenae, 1585, 4°. 1632. Pontanus, Hieronymus. De Immortalitate Animæ, ex Sententia Aristotelis, Libri septem. Romæ, 1597, 4°. 1633. Guarinoni (Lat. Guarinonius Fontanus), Cristoforo. Sententiarum Aristotelis de Animo seu Mente humana Explicatio. Francofurti, 1601, 4o. 1633. Zabarella, Jacopo, Count. In tres Aristotelis Libros de Anima Commen

tarii ... Venet. 1605, fol. BL.-Also

Francof. 1606, 4o.

Maintains that the doctrine of immortality can. not be proved by Aristotle's philosophy. 1634. La Galla, Giulio Cesare. De Immortalitate Animorum ex Aristotelis Sententia Libri tres. Romae, 1621, 4°. Also Utini, 1646, 4°.

Maintains that Aristotle believed in immor. tality. 1635. Liceti, Fortunio. De Animorum rationalium Immortalitate secundum Opinionem Aristotelis Libri quatuor. Patavii, 1629, fol. BL.

1636. Dannhauer, or Dannhawer,

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See Fabricius, Bill. Græc. IV. 293, 294. 1640. Posner, Casp. De Palingenesia, sive Reditu Corporum in Vitam secundum Aristotelem impossibili. Jenae, 1686. 1641. Schütz, Christian Gottfr. Super Aristotelis de Anima Sententia brevis Commentatio. Halae, 1771, 4°. pp. 20. 1642. Deinhardt, Joh. Heinr. Der Begriff der Seele mit Rücksicht auf Aristoteles.... Hamburg, 1840, 4°. (47 sh.) 1643. Hartenstein, Gust. De Psychologiae vulgaris Origine ab Aristotele repetenda. Lips. 1840, 4°. pp. 19.

1644. Fischer, Carl Philipp. De Principiis Aristotelicae de Anima Doctrinae. Erlangae, 1845, 8°. pp. 14.

1644. Waddington-Kastus, Char-
les. De la psychologie d'Aristote. Paris,
1848, 8o. 4 fr.

1645. Wolff, W. Von dem Begriffe des
Aristoteles über die Seele und dessen
Anwendung auf die heutige Psychologie.
Bayreuth, 1848, 4°. pp. 16.

1645. Pansch, Carl. De Aristotelis Animae Definitione. Dissertatio inauguralis Gryph. 1861, 8°. pp. iii, 66. 1646. Lucretius Carus, Titus, fl. B.C. 60. De Rerum Natura Libri Sex Carolus Lachmannus recensuit et emendavit Editio altera Berolini, 1853, 8°. pp. 252.


Lib. III. denies the immortality of the soul. 1646. Polignac, Melchior de, Card. 1747. Anti-Lucretius. See No. 147. 647. Maercker, F. A. Titus Lucretius Carus über die Natur der Dinge und die Unsterblichkeit der Seele. Vortrag Berlin, 1851, 80. pp. 32. F.

1648. Reisacker, A. J. Epicuri de Animorum Natura Doctrinam a Lucretio Discipulo tractatam exposuit


niae Agrippinensium, 1855, 4°. pp. 36.

Reviewed by Wilh. Christ in Jahn's New Jahrb. f. Philol., 1856, LXXIII. 247-51. H 1649. Suckau, E. de. De Lucretii metaphysica et morali Doctrina. Parisiis, 1857, 8. pp. xii., 63.

1650. Cicero, Marcus Tullius, B.C. 107-43. The Tusculan Disputations, Book First De contemnenda Mortel; the Dream of Scipio: and Extracts from the Dialogues on Old Age and Friendship. Lat. With English Notes, by Thomas Chase Cambridge [Mass.),

1851, 12°. pp. xviii., 207. H.

The Introduction discusses the question of Cicero's belief in the immoriality of the soul.

1651. Cicero on the Immortality of the Soul. [Book I. of the Tusculan Questions, translated by J. N. Bellows.) (Christian Exam. for Nov. 1842, and Jan. 1843; XXXIIL 129-150, 316-338.) H.

1652. Wunderlich, Casp. Jul. Cicero
de Anima Platonizans. [Resp. Andr.
Schmaler.] Viteb. 1714, 4°. ff. 8.
1653. Törner, Fabian. De Sententia Cice-
roniana de Immortalitate Animae. [Resp.
Laur. Wenzel.] Upsal. 1730, 8°. (2 sh.)
1654. Pisanski, Georg Christoph. Dis-
sertatio expendens Argumenta pro Im-
mortalitate Animae a Cicerone allata.
Regiomonti, 1759, 4o. pp. 24.

1655. Wehren, or Wehrn, Joh. Gott-
fried von. Ueber das Alter und die Un-
sterblichkeit der Seele, nach dem Cicero
frey bearbeitet und mit einigen Zusätzen
vermehrt. Göttingen, 1819, 8o. pp. 77.
1656. Siemers,
De Loco quodam e
Ciceronis Catone Majore, ubi de Animo-
rum Immortalitate agitur. [Progr.] Mo-
nasterii, 1848, 4o. pp. 14.

1657. Virgilius or Vergilius Maro,
Publius, B.C. 70-19. See particularly Eneid.
Lib. VI., and Georg. IV. 467, et seqq.

Eneas his descent into Hell ...
Made English by John Boys...; together
with an ample and learned Comment upon
the same
London, 1661, 4o. pp. 248.
1658. Warburton, William, Bp. The
Divine Legation of Moses demonstrated,
etc. See No. 1799,

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

In Book II. Sect. IV. of this work, Warburton maintains the ingenious paradox that the descent of Eneas into the inferual regions as described by Virgil is a figurative description of an initiation into the Eleusinian mysteries. See his Works, II. 78-169. H.

1659. Beyckert, Dan. Joh. Philipp. Dis-
sertatio explanans Psychologiam Virgilii
L. VI. Aeneid. v. 724-751. Argentorati,
1751, 4o. pp. 20.

1659. Jortin, John. Six Dissertations,
etc. 1755. See No. 1526.
16596. [Gibbon, Edward]. Critical Ob-
servations on the Sixth Book of the
Eneid. ... London, 1770, 8°. pp. 56.


Also in his Miscel. Works, London, 1837, 8°, pp. 670-692. (H.) In opposition to Warburton. 1660. Heyne, Christian Gottlob, 17291812.

See his Excursus on the Sixth Book of Virgil's
Eneid, particularly Exc. I., VIII-XIII.
1661. Jorio, Andrea de.
Viaggio di
Enea all'Inferno, ed agli Elisii, secondo
Virgilio. 2 ed. Napoli, (...) 1825, 8°.

A French translation, from the third edition
of the original, Douai, 1847, 8, pp. 74.

1662. Plutarchus, fil. A.D. 90.

[ocr errors]

On ancient opinions concerning the soul, see De Placitis Philosophorum, Lib. IV. cc. 2-8. But the genuineness of this treatise is doubted. 1663. Plutarch on the Delay of the Deity in the Punishment of the Wicked. Gr. With Notes, by H. B. Hackett ... Andover, 1844, 120. pp. 171. 1664. Sur les délais de la justice divine Nouvellement traduit, avec des additions et des notes, par M. le comte de Maistre, suivi de la traduction du même traité, par Amyot Paris, 1816, 8°. pp. 228. Numerous later eds. Forming also Tome II. of the Euvres of Count Joseph de Maistre.

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

1665. Schreiter, Theodor Hilmar. Doc-
trina Plutarchi et theologica et moralis.
Commentatio ... (Illgen's Zeitschrift
f. d. hist. Theol., 1836, VI. i. 1-144.) H.
See particularly pp. 50-53, 114, 115.
1666. Tyler, William Seymour. Plutarch's
Theology. Methodist Quar. Rev. for July,
1852; XXXV. 383-415.) H.

1667. Hackett, Horatio Balch. Plutarch
on the Delay of Providence in punishing

the Wicked. [Abstract.] (Biblioth. Sacra for July, 1856; XIII. 609-630.) H. 1667. Lucianus, Samosatensis, fl. A.D. 170.

See his Dialogi Mortuorum, Menippus, Cataplus, Vera Historia, and the treatise De Luctu, for ridi. cule of the popular notions concerning the infernal 1668. Alexander Aphrodisiensis, fl. a.d. 200. regions. Libri duo de Anima. Gr. and Lat. (Appended to Themistius, Opera, Venet. 1534, fol.)

"Maintains the annihilation of souls, and contends that this was Aristotle's opinion."- Mosheim, note on Cudworth, Book I. Ch. I. ad fin., who also refers to his Comm. ad Lib. II. Topicor. Aristot. pp. 72, 77.


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1669. Les Ennéades de Plotin
duites pour la première fois en français accom-
pagnés de sommaires, de notes et d'éclaircis-
sements et précédées de la vie de Plotin
par M. N. Bouillet
[With fragments of
Porphyry, Jamblichus, and other Neo-Plato-
nists, translated by E. Lévêque.] 3 tom.
Paris, 1857-61, 8°. H.

[ocr errors]

The notes on the Fourth Ennead, examining the relation of Plotinus to various preceding and succeeding writers, occupy pp. 565-609 of Tome II. The extracts from Porphyry, Jamblichus, and Eneas Gazæus are appended to Tome II. with the halftitle:"Fragments de psychologie néoplatonicienne traduits pour la première fois en français par Eng. Lévêque." For the treatise of Jamblichus, see Stobæus, Eclog. Phys., Lib. I. c. 52, 28-39, pp. 858926, ed. Heeren. H.

1670. Priscianus, Lydus. Solutiones eorum de quibus dubitavit Chosroes Persarum Rex. Ex Codice Sangermanensi edidit Fr. Dübner. (Appended to Plotini Enneades, etc. Parisiis, Didot, 1855, 8, pp. 545-579.) H.

The first Question is on the nature and immortality of the soul. The original Greek is lost.

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1673. Exploratio Immortalitatis humani Animi secundum Philosophos. Mediolani, 1505, 4°.

1674. Steuchus (Ital. Steuco), Augustinus, Eugubinus. De perenni Philosophia Libri X. Lugduni, 1540, fol.-Basil. 1542, fol.

Also in Tom. III. of his Opera. Par. 1577, and Venet. 1591, fol. Lib. IX. treats of the opinions of the ancients concerning the immortality of the soul; Lib. X., of future rewards and punishments. See Fabricius, Delectus, etc. pp. 428, 634, 635. According to Jocher, J. C. Scaliger ranked this book next to the Bible.

1675. Lipsius, Justus. ... Physiologiae Stoicorvm Libri tres ... Parisiis, 1604, 8°. pp. 152+. H.


Also in his Opera (var. edd.), Tom. IV. (H.) Lib. III., Diss. VIII.-XIX., treats of the doctrine of the Stoics concerning the origin, nature, and transmigra tion of the soul.

1675. Gutherius (Fr. Guthierres), Jac. De Jure Manium, seu de Ritu, More et Legibus prisci Funeris Libri tres ... Paris, 1615, 4°.

BL.- Also Lips. 1671, 8°.

Also in Grævius's Thes. Ant. Rom. XII. 1077-1336. H.

1675b. Saumaise (Lat. Salmasius), Claude de. Notae et Animadversiones in Epictetum et Simplicium. Lugd. Batav. 1640, 4o. pp. 329 +.

"Magna cum industria Veterum Philosophorum, Aristotelis, Pythagoræ, Platonis, Epicuri, sententias de anima, ejus partibus, potentiis, origine, prip vxwou, inimortalitate, congessit."-Morhof. 1676. Thomasius, Jac. Exercitatio de Stoica Mundi Exustione: cui accesserunt Dissertationes XXI. ... Lipsiæ, 1676, 4o. pp. 255 +. H.

"Stoicorum Homines redi Stoica Animarum Morta Fons Animarum."

Diss. X. pp. 156-159, vivi; XV. pp. 227-232, litas;" XXI. pp. 249-255, 1677. Sonntag, Joh. Mich. Dissertatio de Palingenesia Stoicorum. Jenae, 1700, 4°. 1678. Mourgues, Michel. Plan théologique du Pythagorisme, et des autres sectes sçavantes de la Grèce Avec la traduction de la Thérapeutique de Théodoret ... 2 tom. Tom. I. (Toulouse, 1712,) Amsterdam, 1714; Tom. II., Toulouse, 1712, 8°. F.

The 11th Letter of Tome I., pp. 431-540, treats of the immortality of the soul, the judgment of the dead, and the metempsychosis; comp. the 5th aud 11th Discours" of the Thérapeutique. 1679. Fourmont, Étienne. De l'enfer poétique. 1714. (Histoire de l'Acad. Roy. des Inscr., etc. III. 5-9.) H.

1680. Simon, Richard. Dissertation sur les Lemures, ou les âmes des morts. (Mémoires de l'Acad. Roy. des Inscr., etc., 1717, 4o, I. 2639.) H.

1680. Montfaucon, Bernard de. L'antiquité expliquée et représentée en figures.

2e édition, revue et corrigée. 5 tom. in 10 pt. Paris, (1719,) 1722, fol. B.

See Tome V. Livre iv. pp. 134-170, "Les Enfers, la descente des ames, les champs Elysiens, & les Apotheoses." An English translation, 5 vol. London, 1721, etc. fol. H.

1680b. Warburton, William, Bp. The Divine Legation of Moses. 1738-41. See No. 1799. 1681. [Tillard, John]. Future Rewards and Punishments believed by the Ancients; particularly the Philosophers. Wherein some Objections of the Revd. Mr. Warburton, in his Divine Legation of Moses, are considered.

London, 1740, 8°. pp. x., 230. U.- Also ibid. 1742, 8°. pp. x., 230. G.

Replied to by Warburton in the Appendix to the first ed. of his Divine Legation," etc. Vol. II. Part II. (H.) See Nichols's Lit. Anecdotes, II. 153, 154, note, and V. 572.


A Reply to Mr. Warburton's Appendix in his Second Volume of the Divine Legation ... London, 1742, 8°.

1683. Bott, Thomas. An Answer to the Reverend Mr. Warburton's Divine Legation of Moses ... London, 1743, 80. pp. 302 +. H.

A large part of this volume treats of the opinions of the ancients concerning a future state. 1684. Struchtmeyer, Joh. Christoph. Theologia Mythica, sive de Origine Tartari et Elysii Libri Quinque. Harderovici, 1743, 8°. pp. 768+. A., F.-Also Hage Comitum, 1753, 80.

See Nova Acta Erud., Suppl., VIII. 232-240. BA. 1685. Sykes, Arthur Ashley. An Examina

tion of Mr. Warburton's Account of the Conduct of the Antient Legislators, of the Double Doctrine of the Old Philosophers, of the Theecracy of the Jews, and of Sir Isaac Newton's Chronology. London, 1744, 8o. pp. 364. H.

1685. A Defence of the Examination of Mr. Warburton's Account of the Theocracy of the Jews being, An Answer to his Kemarks, so far as they concern Dr. Sykes. London, 1746, 8°. pp. 100. H.

1686. Bate, Julius. Remarks upon Mr. Warburton's Kemarks, &c. tending to show that the Ancients knew there was a Future State: and that the Jews were not under an equal Providence. London, 1745, S.

1687. [Towne, John]. A Critical Inquiry into the Opinions and Practice of the Ancient Philosophers, concerning the Nature of the Soul and a Future State, and their Method of teaching by the Double Doctrine. In which are examin'd the Notion of Mr. Jackson and With a Dr. Sykes concerning these Matters. Preface by the Author of the Divine Legation, &c. London, 1747, 8°. pp. x., 102 F.— 2d Ed., 1748.

1688. Jackson, John, of Leicester. A Farther Defence of the Ancient Philosophers, concerning their Doctrine and Belief of a Future State, against the Mis-representations of a Critical Enquiry .. London, 1747, 8. PP.



See Nos, 1807, 1808.

1689. [Sykes, Arthur Ashley]. A Vindication of the Account of the Double Doctrine of the Ancients. In Answer to a Critical Enquiry London, 1747, 8o. pp. 38. H 1690. Gesner, Joh. Matthias. Dogma de perenni Animorum Natura per Sacra praecipue Eleusinia propagata. Gottingae, 1755, 4o.

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Also in his Biogr. Acad. Goiting., Vol. II. No. 8. 1691. Leland, John. The Advantage and Necessity of the Christian Revelation, shewn from the State of Religion in the Ancient Heathen World: especially with respect to the Knowledge and Worship of the One True God: a Rule of Moral Duty: and a State of Future Rewards and Punishments.... 2 vol. London, 1764, 4°. H.-Also 1768, 89, and later editions.

"A work of uncommon trustworthiness and value.” -Andrews Norton.

1692. Meiners, Christoph. Commentarius, quo Stoicorum Sententiæ de Animarum pst Mortem Statu et Fatis illustrantur. (In his Vermischte Schriften, II. 265–300, Leipz. 1766, 80.) F.

1693. Heyne, Christian Gottlob. De Animabus siccis, ex Heracliteo Placito, optime ad Sapientiam et Virtutem instructis. Gottingae, 1781, fol.

Also in his Opuscula, III. 93–107. H. 1694. Wyttenbach, Daniel, the younger. De Quaestione, quae fuerit veterum Philosophorum, inde a Thalete et Pythagora, usque ad Senecam, Sententia de Vita et Statu Animorum post Mortem Corporis. Amst. 1783, +.

Also in his Opuscula, 11. 483-663. — A valuable


1695. Sainte-Croix, Guillaume Em. Jos. Guilhem de Clermont-Lodève, Baron de. Recherches historiques et cri tiques sur les mystères du Paganisme éd., revue et corrigée par M. le baron Silves tre de Sacy. 2 tom. Paris, (1784,) 1817, 9. H. 1695. Heeren, Arn. Herm. Ludw. Entwicke lung des Begriffs von Vergeltung bei den Griechen. (Berliner Monatschrift, Mai, 178J 1695b. Bodenburg, —. Ueber das Elysium der Griechen. (Deutsche Nonatschrijfh Sept. 1791.)

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