
beast co-operating with the ten-horned or secular Roman beast, p.284.-Points of resemblance between the two-horned beast and the Papacy, p. 285.-His two borns, p. 288.His first horn symbolizes the regular clergy, p. 291.-His second horn, the secular clergy, p. 295.-His making of an image for the ten-horned beast is the revival of idolatry by the Pope, p. 311.-Reasons why the image cannot be either the Pope, the Carlovingian empire, or the Inquisition, p. 326. -The prophetic description of the name of the beast must be carefully attended to, in order to discover what it is: for it is not sufficient merely to discover a name that comprehends the number 666, and thence to infer that that name is the name of the beast, p. 331.-The opinion of Ireneus upon this point is perfectly just, p. 336.-Latinus is the name of the beast; both because it contains the number 666 because it is the name of a man, because it is the name of an empire, and because it is the gentile name of every individual in that empire, p. 337.-The mark of the beast is the cross, as abused by the secular Latin empire to the purposes of cruelty and superstition, p. 340.-The two apocalyptic beasts in short are the two contemporary Latin empires, secular and spiritual, p. 347.-To shew their close connection with each other yet further, St. John afterwards represents them jointly under one great compound symbol, a harlot or apostate church, riding upon a seven-headed and ten-horned temporal beast, p. 348.


The history of the true Church during the period of the great Apostasy-The harvest and vintage of God's wrath.

Under the image of 144,000 sealed servants of God standing and exulting on the mount Zion, is represented the desolate church in the wilderness, sorrowful yet always rejoicing,

during the period of the 1260 years, p. 354.-The 144,Dom are the same as the two mystic witnesses; and they peculiarly represent the internal state of the church previous to the era of the Reformation, although the witnesses will continue more or less to prophesy in sackcloth to the very time of the end, p. 355.-Their joy is purely of a spiritual nature and subsists along with great temporal distress, p. 356.After describing the 144,000, the prophet suddenly introduces an angel flying in the midst of heaven and bearing the everlasting Gospel, p. 359.-By this angel Luther and his followers seem to be intended, through whose instrumentality the Reformation was most unexpectedly begun, p. 360.— The first angel is followed by a second, prophetically denouncing the destruction of the mystic Babylon, p. 362.— By this angel Calvin, and the different reformed continental churches of his persuasion, appear to be meant, p. 363.— The second angel is followed by a third, denouncing everlasting misery to those, who shall continue to worship the beast and his image,and to receive his mark, p. 366.-By this third angel, the third great branch of the Reformation, the church of England, which is not professedly either Lutheran or Calvinistic, seems to be represented, p. 366.-The great persecutions at the era of the Reformation predicted, p. 367.—Having passed the epoch of the Reformation, the prophet describes in brief the events of the third woe-trumpet under the types of a harvest and a vintage; for this last chapter. of the little book, like the preceding ones extends through the whole period of the 1260 days, p. 368.-The history of the third wee-trampet however the prophet details at large in the greater book of the Revelation, dividing it into the seven periods of the seven vials, p 371.-These vials must be arranged in three classes, in order that they may be made to synchronize with the harvest and the vintage: namely, the vials of the harvest; the intermediate vials; and the vial of the vintage, p. 374.


Concerning the effects of the last woe-trumpet, the pouring out of the seven vials, and the restoration of the Jews.

At the sounding of the last woe-trumpet, the seven vials fuil of the last plagues are poured out, p. 375.-The seven vials are all posterior to the 12th of August, 1792, when the third woe-trumpet began to sound, and when Antichrist was revealed, p. 376.-They more or less affect both the East and the West, p. 377.-Though they succeed each other in regular chronological order, no intimation is given, that one shall be completely emptied, before another begins to be poured out, p. 378.-The harvest comprehends the three first vials, and symbolizes the miseries inflicted upon mankind by the tyranny of Antichrist during the madness of the French Revolution, p.378.-The vintage synchronizes with the seventh vial, and relates to the final destruction of all God's enemies in the land of Palestine, p. 379.-The remaining three vials occupy the intermediate space between the harvest and the vintage, p. 379.


Concerning the vials of the harvest.

The harvest may be considered as commencing, not merely with the first vial, but with the earliest blast of the third and the downfal of the tenth part of the great city be esteemed the first fruits of it, p. 380.-The harvest describes



describes the miseries, both internal and external, produced by the frantic anarchy of the French Revolution; and comprehends the three first vials, p. 381.-At the pouring out of the first vial on the 26th of August, 1792, the noisome sore of atheism breaks out, or publicly makes its appearance, in France and throughout the whole Latin earth, p. 381.At the pouring out of the second vial in the beginning, of September, 1792, the horrible and long protracted massacres, prepetrated during what was called the reign of terror, commence, p. 385.-At the pouring out of the third vial, the regularly established governments of the Latin empire experienced dreadful devastation from the arms of Republican France during a series of bloody and unsuccessful campaigns, the issue of which has been a tremendous aggrandizement of that Infidel power, p. 389-The figurative harvest having been gathered in when France once more became a monarchy, and when a general peace was made in the year 1801, the affairs of the world have in some measure returned to their old channel, p. 393.


Concerning the three intermediate vials.

The period between the harvest and the vintage is marked by the pouring out of three vials, the last of which is the precursor of the vintage, p. 394.—At the pouring out of the fourth vial, the sun of the Latin firmament, or the nowexisting principal government of the divided Papal Roman empire, scorches men with the intolerable heat of a systematic military tyranny, p. 395.-This government is that of France, under the present despotic usurper; and the blaze of his tyranny extends not merely to France, but likewise to Holland, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, and all the west of Ger


many, p.396.-The influence of this vial will probably continue to the days of the vintage, and the military tyranny produced by it be the principal immediate instrument of forming the great confederacy, p. 399.-We must not look for any further Reformation from Popery, p. 400.-Reasons for thinking, that there will be no fresh general persecution of Protestantism; or at least that no attempt of that nature will prove successful, p. 401.—All the remaining vials are as yet future. At the pouring out of the fifth vial, some great temporary calamity will fall upon the empire of the secular beast; but, what event may be alluded to, or what power will then be the last head of the beast, it is impossible at present to determine, p. 403.—At the pouring out of the sixth vial, the waters of the mystic Euphrates, which symbolize the Turkish monarchy, will be completely dried up, in order that a way may be prepared for the kings from the East, p. 406.-These waters have already begun to experience a rapid and great exhaustion; whence we may infer, that the era of the sixth vial, or the downfal of the Ottoman power, cannot be very far distant, p. 409.-The kings from the East are most probably the ten tribes of Israel, for the restoration of which the overthrow of the Turkish empire will prepare a way, p. 412.-Under this vial, the kings of the Latin earth will begin to be gathered together to the great battle of Armageddon by the beast and the false prophet, p. 415.


Concerning the vial of the vintage.

The vintage is the catastrophe of the great drama of the 1260 years, and synchronizes with the last vial, or the vial of consummation, p. 418.-At the pouring out of the seventh vial, four important events take place: the earthquake, by which


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