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Penny Cyclopædia, the, 341. PERPETUAL CURATE, THE, Part XIII., 111-Part XIV., 199-Conclusion, 255.
Personal and peculiar, 397.
Pettie, J., George Fox by, 88. Phillip, J., La Gloria by, 89-portrait by, 92.
Phonetic system, Max Müller on the, 407.
Photius, the Greek Lexicon of, 326. Piatra, the town of, 39.
Pickett, General, at Gettysburg, 662. Poetry, Victor Hugo on, 168.
Polyanthea Nova, the, 330.
Pope, the, policy of Napoleon toward, 591.
Pope, General, the defeats of, 632. Portsmouth, the Royal Naval Academy at, 18* et seq.
Prague, male and female reformatories at, 534.
Preraphaelitism, extinction of, 98.
PRINCIPALITIES, LETTERS FROM THE, No. II. Society and politics in Mol- davia, 39-No. III. Prince Couza's coup d'etat, 351.
Private tutor system, the, at Harrow and Rugby, 223. Protestantism, recent gains of, 73. Provis, A., painting by, 94. Prussia, conduct of, toward Denmark, 194.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS REPORT, THE-II. Har- row and Rugby, 219-III. The Lon- don schools, 449-Conclusion, Win- chester and Shrewsbury, 696.
Puebla, the siege of, 80. Pugilists, the diet of, 613. Punishments, system of, at Harrow and Rugby, 229. Quacks, influence of, in Germany, 536. Rail, security on the, 385.
Railway accident insurance, O'Dowd on, 16.
Railway refreshment-rooms, German as compared with English, 520. Ratisbon, the Scottish monastery at, 739.
Ree's Encyclopædia, 347. Reformatories, O'Dowd on, 596. Religion, ion, the relations of art to, 573. Rénan's Life of Jesus, on, 417. Rhine district, the, district, Richmond, Mr, Comus by, 89-G., por- trait by, 92. Richmond, U.S., sketches at, 649. Roberts, David, The Mausoleum of Au- gustus by, 95.
Robertson, W., the Phrase-book of, 333. -his Greek and Hebrew Diction- aries, 334.
Roebuck, Mr, on the vote of censure, 243.
Roman Catacombs, the early Christian remains in the, 579.
Romish Church, the, its views on mar- riage, 6-recent losses of the, 73.
Rossini, anecdote of, 395. Roumania, the proposed kingdom of, 44. Royal Academy, abuses of the, 94. Royal Exchange, the, 368, 369--busi- ness carried on at, 374.
Royal Naval Academy, institution, &c. of the, 18* et seq.
Rugby, the Public Schools Report on, 219.
Russians, travelled, on, 603. Rule Nisi, the, 6.
Russell, Lord, and the vote of censure, 244 et seq.
Russia, French policy of, 45-as the re- presentative of the Greek Church, 73.
Rylance, Ralph, 328.
St Hilaire on Aristotle, 155. St Paul's, the Public Schools Report
Salzburg, the town of, 725. Sandys, F., the works of, 92. Sanscrit, relations of, to Greek, &c., 402. Science, the dawn and progress of, 159. Scientific congresses, 755. Scott, the novels of, 186. Sea-dreams, Tennyson's, 562. Security on the rail, 385. Senior, Nassau, anecdote of, 477. Serials and three volumes, 184. Servants, O'Dowd on, 594. SHAKESPEARE, VICTOR HUGO ON, 164. Shakespeare Commemoration, the, 394. Shrewsbury, the Public Schools Report on, 704.
Simpson, Mr, the Indian drawings of, 99.
Sinai, monastery of, its revenue, 43. Smoking, prevalence of, in Germany, 526.
South American tribes, varieties of lan- guage among, 405.
Spanish conquest of Mexico, the, 76
Stock broking and jobbing, how con- ducted, 376.
Storey, Wm., painting by, 88. Supernatural, Tennyson's employment of the, 557.
Sweeps and statesmen, O'Dowd on, 9. SYMBOLS, 448.
Tahitians, custom of, as regards lan- guage, 405. Take care of the pence, &c., 392. Talleyrand, anecdote of, 280. Taverns, German, and their frequenters, 523.
Taylor, F., the paintings of, 97. Temple, Dr, on the public school sys- tem, 220.
TENNYSON'S ENOCH ARDEN, review of, 555.
Theft, rarity of, in Germany, and causes of this, 533.
Thomas, G. H., The Royal Marriage by, 96.
THREE-FOOT RULE, THE, 618. Tidey, Mr, The Night of the Betrayal by, 96. Times, the, on Ireland, 188. Tithonus, Tennyson's, 570. Tobacco, the use and abuse of, 526. TONY BUTLER, Part X., 55- Part XI., 131-Part XII., 309 - Part XIII., 432-Part XIV., 537-Part XV., 671. Topham, Mr, the paintings of, 97. TRADE, OUR, 492.
Training-ship for the navy, the course of instruction in, 22 et seq. Trevoux Dictionary, the, 341.
Turin, from, to Rome via Florence, 590.
Tyrol, sketches in the, 719 et seq. Tytler, James, sketch of, 348.
United States, spoliation of Mexico by, 79.
Unlucky number, the, 194. Useful Knowledge Society's Biographi- cal Dictionary, the, 343. VACATION EXCURSION, MY LATEST, 517-Part II., 718. VOTE OF CENSURE, THE, 243.
W. W. S., Padre Bandelli and Leonar- do da Vinci, by, 103-Art, by, 240- Giulietta, 241-In the Garden, by, 447-Symbols, 448.
Walker, F., the paintings of, 98. Wallachia, sketches in, 351. Wallachians, hatred of the, in Moldavia, 49.
Ward, Mrs, the Princes in the Tower by, 88.
Water-colour paintings, the Exhibitions of, 96.
Watts, Mr, Time and Oblivion by, 86. Webster, T., paintings by, 94. Weigall, H., portrait of the Princess of Wales by, 92. Weimar, sketch of, thirty years ago, 291. Wells, H. T., portraits by, 92. Westminster School, the Public Schools
Report on, 450 et seq. WHATELY, RICHARD, MEMOIRS OF, 472 -Early intimacy of Newman with, 300, 302.
White, Blanco, early intimacy of New- man with, 301-and Whately, 478. Wilkins's scheme for a universal lan- guage, on, 408.
Winchester, the Public Schools Report on, 646.
Winchester, U.S., sketches at, 652. Women, condition of, in Germany, 531. Yeamer, W. F., La Reine Malheureuse by, 88.
Zedler's Universal Lexicon, 346.
Printed by William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh.
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