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the Life, has occupied several years of constant labour, and has been pursued unremittingly, and at the sacrifice of health, by a regular devotion to it, of all the time, that could be spared from professional duties.

In preparing the Memoir, the Life by Dr. Hopkins, which is the testimony of an eye-witness, has been incorporated; and the quotations are marked in the usual way, except where the paragraphs are seriously altered by the insertion of new matter. In the last chapter, free use is made of a brief sketch of the Life and Character of Mr. Edwards, (also the testimony of an eye-witness,) by a gentleman connected with the college at Princeton, probably Dr. Finley, inserted in the first edition of the Treatise on Original Sin; as well as of a well written review of the Worcester Edition of his works, in the Christian Spectator. To a friend I am indebted, for the very brief account of the two Treatises on Original Sin, and the Freedom of the Will.

The works, heretofore published, are taken from the English Edition, as far as it contained them, without alterations of the language. The notes of its editor, Dr. Williams, are marked with a W. at the end, and have been retained by request.




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