
From A. D. 235.



Biography, requested permission to contend for the prize of wrestling. Severus, unwilling to hazard the reputation of the Soldiers in an unequal combat, sought an antagonist for Maximinus among the followers of the Camp; and upon seeing him throw down sixteen of the stoutest without any effort or symptom of fatigue, he rewarded his success with some trifling ornaments of silver, and a request to enlist in the legions. Two days afterwards, when the Emperor appeared among the troops, the young recruit placed himself in his way; when the former, either to rid himself of the freedoms which he apprehended on the part of the victorious wrestler, or to put his astonishing swiftness to the test, gallopped off at full speed. Maximinus kept close at the horse's side, without any diminution of vigour or alacrity. "Thracian," said Severus, "would it not give you pleasure to have a bout of wrestling after your race?" "It would indeed," replied the indefatigable youth, and he forthwith cast to the ground seven of the strongest soldiers that were in the whole Army. This feat was immediately acknowledged by the gift of a splendid gorget, and a place in the Imperial Guards.*



The stature of Maximinus is said to have exceeded eight feet. His strength, as we have seen, was in proportion to the magnitude of his body; and if we may believe the statement of Capitolinus, his appetite and powers of digestion were not less extraordinary. Forty pounds of flesh and seven gallons of wine supplied the materials of his daily meals. Nor was his courage inferior to his prodigious physical energies. In his early youth, while occupied with the cares of a herdsman, he was chosen by his companions to take the command of their troop when employed against the robbers by whom their country was infested. The same qualities of coolness and resolution secured his promotion in the more regular service of the Roman armies; and accordingly we find, that in the reign of Caracalla he had risen to the respectable rank of Centurion. Disgusted with the murder of this Prince, he refused to serve under Macrinus; but retiring into his native Province made a purchase of land, and devoted himself for a time to the arts of peace. The accession of Heliogabalus opened a path for his return to military life; and during the succeeding Government of Alexander, he continued to rise in his favourite profession until at length he attained to the command of a legion, the personal friendship of the Emperor, and the respect of the whole Army.t

Aspires to But his ambition did not fail to keep pace with his the Throne. preferment, and even to outstrip all legitimate means for augmenting his fortunes. He cast his eye on the Imperial Throne; thinking it not too much that he who could wield the affections of the Soldiers and train them to victory, should likewise have the power of remunerating their toils. Though a stranger to real wisdom, he was not devoid of that selfish cunning which can point out to the least instructed mind the proper occasion for pursuing its own interests. He saw that amidst the casualties of actual war, Alexander was gradually losing the hold which he had once possessed upon the reverence of the Army. He improved this change of sentiment among the men, and endeavoured to inspire them with contempt for a Prince whom he represented as a child still under the direction

Capitolin. in Maxim. c. 2, 3.

+ Ibid. c. 4. Herodian. lib. vii.

[blocks in formation]

death of

The event has been already mentioned: Alexander Dissimulaand his mother were assassinated by the disaffected tion on the Soldiers, and Maximinus was immediately saluted Em- Alexander. peror. Some time passed, it is said, before the Army in general was aware that the death of their late Sovereign was attributable to the machinations of his successor. To conceal the share which he had in that atrocious crime, he affected to bewail the loss of a master so virtuous and gentle, and even to honour his memory with all the tokens of regard which friendship and the sense of obligation are wont to confer upon departed worth. A magnificent sepulchre was erected in Gaul, and the Royal ashes were conveyed to Rome with every mark of reverence and affection.

But while the fierce Maximinus was thus amusing the grief of the better part of the Army, he neglected no means for establishing the power to which his intrigues had raised him. He had a son, a young man of high promise in all the qualities which recommend a Prince to the favour of a warlike people; handsome, accomplished, and brave. Him he forthwith invested with the rank and title of Cæsar, and placed at the head of the noble youths who had formed themselves into a body to study the Arts, and acquire the habits of military life. He also wrote a submissive Letter to the Senate, entreating that they would confirm the election of the Army; a boon which it was no longer in their power to refuse. He gave or promised a large donative to the Soldiers, praised their loyalty, and held out to them the prospects of numerous triumphs in the war upon which they had just entered. Under various pretences, He gains too, he dismissed from all employments near his person the Army. those individuals upon whose attachment he had not the fullest reliance. He sent into distant parts of the Empire every one who had attracted the regard or merited the friendship of Alexander; or if there were any whom he suspected of cherishing in their minds a feeling of detestation for the treacherous cruelty by which that amiable Prince had been cut off, he hesitated not to remove his fears and to gratify his revenge, by putting them to instant death. It is said, moreover, that he manifested the utmost impatience of the society of such Officers as had witnessed his progress through the different ranks of the service, and were acquainted with the meanness of his origin. Though he depended on the affection of the Soldiers, who really loved him for virtues like their own, he was conscious that his low birth, his rude manners, and his total ignorance of the Arts and refinement of civilized life, formed a very unfavourable contrast with the high lineage and accomplished character of his predecessor. For this reason, he took away the lives of several distinguished men, who were chargeable with no other crime besides that of having known the Emperor when

*Capitolin. in Maxim. c. 7.

Biography. a poor and savage Thracian, or of having relieved his wants and aided his promotion.*

From A. D.


to 238.

His cruelties.

His severi

to rebel.

A conspiracy, for the detection of which he gave
honour to his own vigilance and penetration, supplied
him with an opportunity of glutting his revenge against
some of the noblest and most meritorious of his
subjects. Magnus, a man of Consular rank, was ac-
cused of having corrupted the fidelity of several sol-
diers and Centurions, who were to kill Maximinus and
raise himself to the Throne. Whether such an intention
was ever seriously entertained, no means have been left
whereby to determine; for no persons were examined
in regard to it, no evidence was collected or recorded;
the voice of the Emperor alone declared that Magnus,
with four thousand accomplices, had plotted against
his life and Government, and that the punishment of
death must be inflicted upon every individual conspi-
rator. Some of the unfortunate sufferers were crucified,
others were sewed up in the hides of slaughtered ani-
mals, several were exposed to wild beasts, and many
were beaten to death with clubs.†

Nor was his cruelty confined to the hour of domestic
treason and danger. Even after a successful campaign
in Germany, in which his vanity was flattered by nume-
rous victories over the Barbarians, he filled his camp
with legal murders, and the whole Empire with suspi-
cion and alarm. He sent forth a host of spies, whom
he incited to torment the People with false accusations.
Occurrences which had slept in oblivion for more than
a hundred years, were revived by the ministers of his
rapacity, in order to plunder the rich, or to punish the
suspected. To be charged with an offence and to be
found guilty were the same thing; for every one who
was tried was sure to be condemned.
ties were so far from being a protection, that on the
Age and digni-
slightest surmise of disloyalty, the greatest and most
venerable persons in the State, even those who had
commanded armies, governed Provinces, and had en-
joyed the Consular and Triumphal ornaments, were
seized, thrown into close carriages, and hurried away,
day and night, to the head-quarters of the tyrant, where,
after enduring every species of contumely and outrage,
they were usually put to death.

The brutal ferocity of Maximinus realized on more
ties produce than one occasion the very evils which he dreaded. A
a reaction, body of Osrhoënians, whom the late Emperor had en-
and dispose listed in the East, and carried with him into Gaul, upon
the Troops
learning that the life of their master had been sacrificed
to the ambition of the Thracian peasant, conceived
against the latter the most violent resentment, and re-
solved to avenge upon his person and interests the cause
of their beloved Prince. For this purpose they cast their
eyes upon Titus Quartinus, an Officer who had not only
discharged the duties of Consul, but had also attained
a high place in the regard of Alexander, and him they
invited to assume the Purple. Aware of the fatal conse-
quences which must attend such a step, he endeavoured
to dissuade them from adopting it; but his refusal and his
remonstrances made no impression, and they proceeded
by main force to invest him with the usual ensigns of
the Imperial dignity. The result corresponded with
the anticipations of the unfortunate Senator; for at the
end of six days a perfidious friend, who had used his
utmost influence to prevail upon him to comply with
the desire of the Army, attacked him while he slept,
+ Ibid. c. 10,

* Capitolin. in Maxim. c. 9.

and carried his head to Maximinus. The jealous Em-
from the danger with which he had been threatened;
peror was pleased at obtaining so easy a deliverance
but reflecting that the individual to whose treachery he
rebellion of the Asiatic auxiliaries, and judging besides
was indebted for it, had been active in fomenting the
had betrayed the most sacred feelings of private life,
that he could not put any confidence in a man who
gave orders that he should be instantly put to death.*



Verus Maximinus.

From A. D.




and gains

preparations for the war against the Germans. Having the war These occurrences did not in any degree relax his He begins Mamaa had collected on the Rhine, he crossed that added considerably to the Army which the son of against the river, and advanced to attack the Barbarians in their repeated Germans, forests and marshes. to be measured by his own estimate of his exploits, as If the extent of his success were victories. transmitted to the Senate, it could not be denied that he had, by his valour and skill, entirely eclipsed the fame of Julius Cæsar. "It is not in the power of language," said he, "to do justice to our achievements. We have laid waste forty miles of the country, swept slain every man who carried arms. away the flocks, taken multitudes of prisoners, and period, I have finished more wars than any hero of In a very short ceeds all expectation; and the soil of Italy could not antiquity ever waged. The booty sent to Rome exsupply room for the captives who have fallen into our hands." To assist the comprehension of the Senators, he ordered a picture to be executed, in which he himself was represented fighting up to the breast in a bog, and hewing down with his own hand some of the natives, whom he had pursued into that retreat. This piece of Art was forwarded to Rome, and hung up in the Senate-house; but it did not long insult the eyes lius, for it was taken down and destroyed with the of the descendants of Piso, of Lollius, and of Corneother monuments erected in honour of Maximinus, at the moment when they first resolved to oppose him in the field.

The triumphs of which he boasted, however, afforded Extends his to the People of Rome no compensation for the nume- oppressions rous indignities and sufferings to which the most dis- to the long, indeed, as the cruelty of Maximinus was confined sions tinguished of their Body were constantly subjected. As and occaProvinces, to the illustrious Senators, or even to such adventurers tumults. caprice of fortune, the mass of the Citizens viewed his as, in the Court or Army, exposed themselves to the tyrannical measures with a less intense degree of sorrow or indignation. But his avarice, stimulated by the insatiable demands of the Military, at length attacked of the Empire was possessed of an independent rethe Public property. It is well known, that every city venue, set apart for the purchase of corn, and to supply ments. By a single edict, unauthorized either by the the expenses of the Games, and other public entertainSenate or the People, this immense stock of wealth was Temples were stripped of their most valuable offerings confiscated for the use of the Imperial treasury. The of gold and silver; while the Statues of Gods, Heroes, and Emperors, were melted down, and coined into

* Capitolin. in Maxim, c. 11. Herodian. lib. vii.


+ Non possumus tantum, Paires Conscripti, loqui, quantum feci-
Per madraginta millia Germanorum vicos incendimus, &c.
Brevi tempore, tot bella gessi quot nemo veterum.
in Romanum so,'um uttuli quantum speravi non potuit. Tantum cap-
Tantum præda
tivorum adduxi ut vix sola Romana sufficiant, Capitolin, in Maxim.
c. 12, 13,

Biography, money. Such impious proceedings could not be effected without tumults and massacres ; as in many places the inhabitants chose rather to die in defence of their altars, than to behold their Religion exposed to the violation of war, by the hands of their own soldiers, who were bound to protect it.

From A. D. 235.



His Procurator in

and an


A scene of this nature, which occurred in Africa, led to events which shook the Throne of Maximinus. Africa slain, His Procurator, who followed in a certain district of that country the destructive maxims upon which the insurrection general Government was conducted, condemned several noble youths to the payment of a fine which must have exhausted the greater part of their estates. They petitioned for a delay of three days, to enable them to raise the sum which the iniquitous sentence of the judge had imposed upon them. But instead of collecting money, they assembled from their respective lands a large Body of trusty slaves, whom they armed with clubs and axes, and other rustic weapons, which they instructed them to conceal under their garments until the moment of action should arrive. The chiefs of the conspiracy made their way into the presence of the Procurator, as if to discharge the claims of their penalty, whom they immediately stabbed with their daggers, and then threw themselves upon the protection of their tumultuary train. The multitude soon oppressed the irresolute attempts of the Soldiers, avowed their determination to throw off the intolerable yoke of the Thracian tyrant, and already mingled with their shouts of victory and defiance the name of their venerable Proconsul, Marcus Antonius Gordianus."

Gordianus chosen

This distinguished Senator belonged to one of the most illustrious families in Rome. By the father's Emperor. side he was descended from the Gracchi, by the mother's from the Emperor Trajan; and his wife, Fabia Orestilla, could boast the blood of the Antonini. His great wealth was decorated by a love of Literature and of the Arts, by a virtuous character, and by a benevolent and peaceful disposition. He had been twice Consul, and had even seen one of his sons invested with that high office. The magnificence with which he lived at Rome excited the envy even of Caracalla. The Palace which formerly belonged to the great Pompey had already been several generations in the family of Gordianus, now ornamented with the trophies of naval victories, and beautified with the finest specimens of Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting. But the qualities of his mind endeared him to the African provincials still more than his high lineage and his great riches. They compared him to Scipio, to Cato, to Rutilius, to Scævola, and to Lælius, and they even maintained that every thing which was esteemed most excellent in the characters of these renowned Warriors and Statesmen, was revived in his single person.†

It is not surprising that Gordianus should have declined the dangerous honour to which the partiality of the Colonists had raised him. When the leaders of the insurrection entered his house, they found him enjoying the repose which the heat of an African climate renders necessary about the middle of the day, and altogether unacquainted with the events which had just taken place at the tribunal of the Procurator. Upon hearing their proposal to set him on the Throne, he entreated that they would consider his great age, his

*Herodian. lib. vii. Capitolin. in Maxim. c. 14. + Capitolin. in Gordian. c. 1, 2; in Maxim. c. 15.

Marcus Antoninus Gordianus, Senior and Junior.


A. D.235.



reluctance to engage in the weighty cares of Government, the hazards with which they were about to surround him, and above all, his earnest desire to close his brief career without staining his hands with the blood of his countrymen. But his expostulations were uttered in vain. Menaces were used to overcome his hesitation; and he was assured, that if he did not immediately accept the Purple, his life would be made to atone for his indifference to the safety of the Empire. Another motive was suggested to remove his scruples and to strengthen his resolution. He was reminded, that to have been thought worthy of the Crown, would be regarded by Maximinus as a crime not less heinous than that of actual rebellion. The danger, therefore, if he persisted in his refusal, was certain and inevitable. These considerations fixed the decision of Gordianus. He was instantly proclaimed Emperor, with power to His son associate his son in the Government. The multitude associated gave a free expression to their zeal and delight, by pulling down the statues of Maximinus, effacing his name from the public monuments, and by transferring all his honours to the new Sovereigns, into whose hands they had thrust his Sceptre.*

with him.


The two Gordiani removed from Tysdrus to Car- Election thage, whence they wrote to Rome, informing the confirmed Senate of the proceedings which had placed them on by the the Throne, stating the principles on which affairs were thenceforth to be administered, and soliciting the confirmation of the National Council to the unanimous act of the whole African Province. The popular voice in› the Capital was not less decided in favour of the new accession, than was that of the Colonists on the opposite shores of the Mediterranean. Every demonstration of hatred and contempt against Maximinus was indulged in without the smallest disguise or restraint. His person and authority were denounced in the streets; and every emblem that could perpetuate the recollection of his savage manners or boastful pretensions, was thrown down and destroyed. The Senate acted with more: deliberation, though not with less vigour. Having met in the Temple of Castor, they declared the Gordiani Emperors, with one voice, and the most hearty acclamations; and, at the same time, pronounced Maximinus and all his adherents to be enemies to their Country. The Prætorian Cohorts followed the example of the Senate and People. The Provinces, too, declared their acquiescence in the new state of things; and the African Proconsul might have congratulated himself upon the ease and safety of his elevation to the Supreme power, had not the malice of a personal enemy defeated his plans, and disappointed the hopes of the Roman People.


Cupelianus, the Governor of Numidia, was a creature The of Maximinus, and as such had never studied to render Gordiani himself agreeable to his superior Officer in the Province. When this last was raised to the Empire, he sent orders to the former to resign his command. Cupelianus not only refused to comply, but made preparations to march at the head of his troops against the usurpers, as he deemed them, of his master's Throne. The younger Gordianus proceeded from Carthage with such a force as he could raise, to oppose the Numidian Commander; but the soldiers whom the latter brought into the field being greatly superior, as

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A. D. 235.


Biography. well in numbers as in discipline, to the tumultuary bands which followed the other, gained an easy victory over them, and drove the fugitives back to the city in confusion, with the loss of their Imperial leader, who had fallen in the action. The father of this unfortunate Prince, upon finding that the troops of his victorious enemy had forced their way through the gates, and had already begun a massacre of the inhabitants, put an end to his life, after having borne the name of Augustus during the short period of only six weeks.



Terror at

No sooner was this event made known at Rome, than grief and consternation seized all classes of the People. The Senators, aware that by their concurrence in the election of the Gordiani, they had provoked the resentment of Maximinus, perceived the necessity of adopting decisive measures, in order to defend themselves against its effects; but they appear to have been at the first so much paralyzed by their fears of the tyrant, or by their want of confidence in one another, that some time passed before any one could be found bold enough to propose an expedient to extricate them from their perilous situation. Convoked for the ordinary business of the State in the Temple of Concord, they betrayed by their unwonted reserve the hesitation which oppressed their minds, as well as their sense of the great difficulties with which they were surrounded. At length Victius Sabinus, who inherited the honours which belonged to the name and kindred of Trajan, claimed permission to speak before his turn, on a crisis at once so important and alarming. He reminded the distinguished body whom he addressed, that delay would be attended with the most frightful consequences; for that the Monarch whom they had deposed, and who at all times thirsted for the blood of the higher Orders of Roman Citizens, would, now that he was supplied with a legitimate motive, vent his hatred and revenge upon every Member of the Senate, and extend his barbarity even to their wives and children. "We have lost," said he, "two excellent Princes; but if we prove true to ourselves, the hopes of the Empire will still be found to rest on a stable foundation. There are many individuals amongst us, whose virtues and talents give them a claim to our suffrage, and hold out to us the best security for a wise and temperate administration of our public affairs. Let us make choice of two Emperors; one of whom may conduct the war with which we are threatened on the part of Maximinus, while the other shall remain at Rome to take charge of the Civil Government. I therefore propose, that we instantly invest with the Election of Imperial dignity Marcus Clodius Pupienus Maximus, and Decimus Caelius Balbinus." The acclamations of the assembly approved the wisdom of the nomination which was thus made by Sabinus: the merit of the candidates was universally acknowledged; and as no one objected to their elevation, or recommended any other in their place, they were proclaimed Sovereigns of the Roman Empire, and forthwith adorned with the usual ensigns of office.*


and Balbi


Character of Maximus.

The former of these personages owed to his valour and abilities as a soldier, his rise from the mean condition in which he was born. From his infancy he was devoted to the profession of arms, in which he afterwards served his country with much distinction and His victories over the Sarmatians and the


* Capitolin. in Maxim. c. 15, 16.


D. C.

A. D.

Germans gave him a title to the highest honours which M C. P. Rome conferred upon the military eminence of her Maximus cessively Proconsul of Bithynia, Greece, and Gaul, Balbinus sons; and we find that, besides having been sucthere is reason to believe that he was colleague in the Consulship to Numius Albinus, who held that high From office in the reign of Alexander Severus. The pursuits gravity of his character an austere and commanding and habits of a warrior's life had added to the natural air, which was thought more suitable to the Camp than 238 to the Palace; and hence, perhaps, arose the reason why the Senators who placed him on the Throne wished to severity of his manners with the attractive mildness of blend in the government of the Empire the useful Balbinus.



his fortune affluent. His luxurious mode of living, Balbinus. The birth of the Prince just named was noble, and And of indeed, would have been regarded by the more rigid Republicans as violating that austerity upon which the admitted, at the same time, that in him the love of virtues of the earlier Ages were supported; but it was pleasure was corrected by a sense of dignity, and that the habits of ease had not deprived him of a capacity for business. He was, besides, an Orator and a Poet, and not only cultivated Learning in his own person, but encouraged it in all others. His public employments, having twice filled the office of Consul, and repeatedly too, had been worthy of his descent and reputation; governed Provinces in Africa, and in various parts of Asia Minor. Historians have imagined, that in the could discover a renewal of the contrast which Sallust two Imperial colleagues, Maximus and Balbinus, they attempted to establish between Cato and Cæsar. The one was severe, the other was indulgent; the one commanded esteem by his firmness, the other attracted love by his goodness; the former valued himself upon the rigid impartiality of his justice, the latter took pleaand liberality.* sure in exercising towards all an unbounded kindness


The tranquillity of the new reign was disturbed by Soldiers engaged in the usual rites of sacrifice, the multitude young an unforeseen accident. While the Emperors were demand the assembled around the Capitol, and with loud and seditious accents demanded that a member of the family Sovereigns. Maximus and Balbinus, at the head of of the Gordiani should be added to the number of their their Guards, attempted to disperse the People, and even to cut their way through them; but the latter, chance supplied, drove the former back into the Temarmed with clubs, stones, and such other weapons as ple, and insisted that their proposal should be considered with attention. A boy, thirteen years of age, the grandson of the elder Gordian, was at length produced to the eyes of the multitude, and invested with the satisfied all parties, and confirmed the accession of the ornaments and title of Cæsar; an arrangement which second pair of Emperors, who had undertaken to dispute with Maximinus the possession of the Roman Empire.†

It might have been imagined, that as soon as the Conduct of news of the African rebellion reached the camp on the Maximinus. his Army into Italy, and adopted the most expeditious Danube, the impetuous Maximinus would have thrown means for punishing the ambition of the Gordiani. He

Capitolin. in Maxim, et Balb. c. 2—5.

† Herodian. lib. viii. Capitolin. in Gord. Tert. c. 1; in Maxim.

From A. D.




Biography. is said, indeed, to have received the intelligence with the most frantic rage; but before he could take any step to retrieve his affairs in the South, his mind was relieved by the information that his competitors had already fallen, and that the insurgents at Carthage had in consequence returned to their duty. When he heard, however, that the Senate, regardless of his displeasure, or determined to brave its effects, had placed other two Emperors on the Throne, he vowed to inflict upon them the most signal chastisement; and yet, if we can put any confidence in the imperfect chronology of the Augustan History, not fewer than nine or ten months elapsed before he appeared with his Legions on the frontiers of Italy.*


Maximus Maximus, after giving to the People of Rome the prepares for usual shows and gratuities, proceeded towards the Julian Alps, to make preparations for checking the advance of the fierce invader. He placed his headquarters at Aquileia, the walls of which were fortified with suitable care, its magazines well supplied with provisions, and its garrison strengthened by the addition of a large body of troops. He gave orders, at the same time, to remove all the corn and cattle from the surrounding country, to break down the bridges, and to destroy every thing which might afford shelter or protection to an enemy's army.

Maximinus besieges

After some delay, occasioned by the swelling of the rivers, the deposed Emperor made his way to the city Aquileia, just named; where he began his hostile operations by rooting up the vineyards in the neighbourhood, demolishing the suburbs, and employing the timber of the buildings for constructing the engines and towers by means of which he hoped to make himself master of that important place. But he was opposed in all his attempts, not less by the skill and bravery of the Soldiers than by the resolution of the Citizens, whose knowledge of his character impressed upon their minds, from the moment they shut their gates against him, the alternative of death or of victory. The sentiments of Religion, too, mixed with those of native courage in defence of their town. Crispinus, an experienced Commander, appointed by the Senate to superintend the preparations within the walls, inspired them with the most confident assurances of success; representing to them that the Gods had declared their will that Aquileia should not fall, and even that the tutelar Divinity of the place had already appeared amongst them in person, to secure the safety of his favoured dwelling. But they were not permitted to rely entirely upon the cooperation of Apollo Balanus. Instructed by the regular troops, they made frequent sallies upon the besiegers, of whom they slew a great number. They also showered down upon them from the wall large quantities of melted pitch, which destroyed their machines, and drove them from their trenches; until, at length, their confidence increased so much, that they insulted with loud taunts the ineffectual labours of the tyrant, and defied at once his power and his anger.†

repulsed, The Barbarian, accustomed to conquer, was filled with rage at the successive repulses which his troops had sustained, and which, in a burst of passion, he ascribed to their want of courage, or of ardour in his cause. The men, on their part, having already suffered a great deal from want, fatigue, and disease, were no

Capitolin. in Maxim. c. 17, 18. Ibid. c. 20, 21.


D. C.


A. D. 235.



longer disposed to tolerate the brutality of a leader M. C. P. who had proved himself destitute of every sentiment Maximus, but those of selfishness and revenge. The Prætorians in particular, whose families were at Rome, began to Balbinus. entertain fears for the safety of their wives and children, who might be visited with the resentment of the Senate, or fall victims to the fury of the multitude, who hated still more than they dreaded the character of Maximinus. Besides, they called in question the duty of fighting for a monster who was detested by Gods and men, and of laying waste their native country, merely to enable a Thracian adventurer to shed, in gratification of his personal revenge, the best blood of Rome. They accordingly resolved to put an end to the war by taking away his life. In pursuance of this object, they went in a Body to the Imperial tent, destroying in their progress through the camp the various images and inscriptions which denoted the supreme power of Maximinus; till at length, having upbraided And slain. him with his cruelty, and repelled every effort he made by his own to speak in his own defence, they killed him and his son, whom he had associated in the Empire, and carried back their heads in triumph through the ranks of their applauding countrymen.


the news of

The joy which this event created at Rome exceeds Joy at the power of description. The Senators crowded to Rome on the Temples to thank the Gods for their deliverance his death. from the most frightful tyranny with which their Order was ever threatened the common People filled the streets with acclamations, tore down every monument that appertained to the late Emperor, extolled the valour and wisdom of his successors, and congratulated their Country upon the return of happy times. There was only one class of subjects whose satisfaction was not complete. The Soldiers were offended that the Throne should have been filled without their voice or concurrence; and amid the shouts which met their ears as they approached the gates of Rome, they could distinguish the applauses bestowed upon the Senate for their considerate choice of persons to guide the helm of affairs. In such praise they listened to their own condemnation, for having raised to the Throne the rude warrior whom they had recently put to death, and they detected, at the same time, the grounds of a resolution on the part of the Civil authorities to deprive the Army of the dangerous privilege which it had so long usurped and exercised. Maximus, too, when he addressed the Legions under the walls of Aquileia, reminded them that by the original Constitution of the Roman Government the supreme power resided in the Senate and the People, and that the Commander of the Armies, whether he were called Emperor or Consul, was nothing more than the deputy of those two constituent bodies. Hence, he impressed upon them, as the first duty of armed Citizens, a constant observance of discipline, and a respectful attention to the orders of their superiors; and upon this basis, he assured them, they would meet with an entire forgiveness of every thing that was past, and merit the esteem of all classes of their countrymen, whether in Italy or in the Provinces.†


The Prætorians participated deeply in the feelings of tion of the resentment and suspicion which pervaded the Legions. Army, and They called to mind the conduct of Severus, who, to

*Capitolin. in Maxim. c. 22. Herodian. lib. viii.

† August. Hist. vol. ii. p. 21. edit. Bipont. 1782.

assassination of Maximus and Balbinus.

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