

Excessive indulgence prevalent from the earliest times
-The Ancient Britons-The Saxons-Drinking
healths-Temperance movement A.D. 570-King Ed-
gar, Dunstan, and drinking to pegs '-The Danes
and Normans-English beer in 1130-Early closing
in the thirteenth century-Complaints of excessive
number of taverns in 1330-Power given to justices
to suppress them in 1495-Licensing introduced in
1551 Camden on the increase of drunkenness-
Bacon and other writers in the Elizabethan age-
The liquor traffic at the beginning of the seven-
teenth century-Repressive Acts in 1603, 1607, and


Alleged increase—Distinction between upper and lower
classes-Increase among former-Its causes-
Feminine emancipation-Narcotic drugs-Lower

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Physiological effect of alcohol-People drink because
they like it-Its exhilarating effect-Most desired
in circumstances of depression-Hence influence of
climate-Drunken countries in North of Europe-

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