
Date wanting.


SINCE Judgement hath beene given against Mr. Hampden, my deare Husband hath had divers Conferences with the Lords Say and Brooke, respecting their leaving the Country. One Mr. Oliver Cromwell they speak of, as much stirr'd by the unhappy state of Affaires, and they have found him to be a man of shrewd Judgement, and possessing greate Energy and Determination.

The King at Yorke and has required the Nobility and Officers to take an Oath that they do abhorr all Rebellions, and especially such as do arise out of Religion. The Lords Say and Brooke refusing to take the same, have been dismiss'd to their homes. The King proceedeth to Berwick, there to meet the Scotch Deputies.

Much Discontent that the King calleth no Parliament.


My first thoughts are due to thee, O Heavenly Father, who hast mercifully permitted the past Yeare to close and the January 1, present to open upon us, a thankfull and happy FaWednesday. mily: Graciously accept my imperfect Thanksgiv

ing, and the Adoration of a Heart which I with unfeigned humility anew dedicate to thee. By the Aide of thy Holy Spirit lead me every day I live to love thee more worthily and serve thee more acceptably. May I truly repent of my manifold Transgressions, my Pride, my rebellious Spirit which hath too often struggled against the just Appointments of thy Providence do thou, O God, renew a right Spiritt within me. Lord, thou hast made mee to be a Mother, O yet spare the sweet Children thou hast given unto me: and may I never lose sight of the Duty which is entrusted to me; but so train them that they may be all gathered into thy Fold, at the greate Day of Account. May thy Blessing rest upon them, upon my Husband, and on all deare unto us. And to thy fatherly Care, thy Wisdom, and thy Love, may we trust all that concerns us, in unshaken Faith, and in the blessed Hope of eternal Life, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

Went to the Nurserie: little Fanny yet asleep. Took Di by the hand and went down to Prayers: she was very quiet and well-behaved, and as she knelt down betweene her Father and me, my Mind was brought into a state of much Sweetnesse and Repose as the gracious Invitation of the blessed Saviour to bring our little Children unto him, was brought to my remembrance.

Methought the Chaplain's discourse savoured somewhat of pharisaical gloom and austerity, and we were therefore in no little perplexity when Armstrong came into the Hall after breakfast, to say the Domestics petition'd for a Dance and Christmasse Games to-night according to old Usage. We gave our consent. The Chaplain expressed his Dissatisfaction, neverthelesse the Evening passed merrily: a goodly Assembly were gather'd together of our Neighbours, and to show our Good-will we look'd on for a while, and my Lord led off the firste Dance with the Bailiff's Daughter: the young Men of our Party followed his Example, and chose out the prettiest looking Damsels, my favourite Cicely being one of them; and they went down a long Country Dance, well pleased therewith. Old blind John and his Son play'd the viol and pipe: Games followed, bob-apple and the like: and Alice had taken good care for the Supper. Sounds of Laughing and Singing

reach'd us long after we left them.

Newes hath reached us that the King has dissolved the Parliament though so lately mett, he being offended by the May 7, Commons passing a resolution that the Discussion and Thursday. Redresse of Grievances should precede the Vote of Supply. They complained that the interference of the Lords was a Violation of their Priviledges. An eloquent Speech by Mr. Waller: such a House suited not the King.

My Husband writes me word that Mr. Belasis and Sir John Hotham are sent to the Tower, onely Offence alleged, May 9, their Speeches. The House of the Lord Brooke Saturday. searched for papers, his Study and Cabinets broken open. A Convocation of Clergy hath bene held, the Canons issued by them, such as to throw the whole Nation into a ferment. Writs of Ship-money in greater number than ever, and

Bullion seized, the property of Merchants, and kept by them in the Tower for Safety.

No News for some days. The Chapter of the Morning greatly impress'd my Mind with the Goodnesse of God toMay 25, wards his feeble and ignorant Children: the Holy Monday. Scriptures do abound with Words of Consolation and Encouragement to the poore and lowly, the hewers of wood and drawers of water; the meek will he guide in judgement. Learning and great Ability, blessed be God, are not needed to the right Understanding of the Good Tydings of the Gospel.

The poore blind Widow pondering in her Heart the Words of Jesus, her Memory stored with the Readings of her younger days, her Spirit rich in Love and Faith, findeth the true Bread of Life, and is perhaps more capable of receiving the Enlightening of the Holy Spirit in the Study of Divine Truth, than the Learned who trust in their own reason and scholastic attainements. Also in looking for what is God's Will concerning them, I oft think the poor simple minded People have a wise Judgement given to them in the Businesse of Life. A Visit to old Betty's Cottage seldom faileth to give me such Sense of her truely virtuous and pious Life, as to make me looke upon this paterne of Goodnesse with sincere desire to follow the same. She hath lost Husband and Children, save one Son onely who left her years agoe: she knoweth not if he be yet living: and she hath been totally blind more than fifteen yeares. Truely hath Patience here her perfect work.

The Mayor and Sheriffe of London have beene brought be-
May 27,
fore the Starre Chamber for Slacknesse in Levying
Wednesday, the Ship-mony.

Both Children ill the past week: through Mercy recovering. Little Fanny but just saved: my onely Experience in a child's illnesse having been so unhappy, Wednesday. I found it hard to keep my feares in subjection; yet was it very needfull. What shall I render

June 17,

unto the Lord for all his benefit ?

Have much comfort in the serious and feeling way in which little Di says her Prayers: she is too young to understand much, but the Habit is important, and wee know not at how earlye an age the Holy Spirit communeth with the tender Heart of the young. And a Child's Mind stops not at Difficulties as ours does: when told that God heareth Prayer from his Throne in Heaven, the belief is entire, and she questioneth not. I verily believe, the doctrine that we should walk by Faith and not by Sight, is easier to a young Child than to us, whose Affections have become engrafted upon earthly Objects, and the first Simplicity of Faith obscured. And surely we should consider it a sacred Trust given to us, to direct this inborn Trust and ready Belief of the little Child to Him who implanted it.

June 27,

Nursery prospers: Di vastly stronger, and Saturday. hungry as Nurse can desire. Fanny's cheeks too are somewhat more plump and rosy.

July 24,

The young Prince hath beene christen'd Henry, the ceremonie perform'd at Oatlands by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The Birth of this my third Baby now living, occasion of renewed Thanksgiving and Praise : though I doubt Sept. 1, not duly thankful, yet my deare Husband had Tuesday. hoped another Sonne would have beene given him; and this proving otherwise, hath brought some Dis

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