
the object being to enable counties and boroughs to establish such schools out of county and borough rates.


(LORDS.) The Lord Chancellor stated his intentions with respect to certain measures referring to the jurisdiction of the 10. ecclesiastical courts, especially as to the testamentary jurisdiction of the existing prerogative courts, the law of divorce, and the law for the correction of clerks. On the motion of the Lord Chancellor the report of the Statute Law Commission was referred to a Select Committee.

(COMMONS.) In answer to Mr. J. Ewart, Lord Palmerston said the Crimean Commissioners, Sir John M'Neill and Colonel Tulloch, had performed their duty entirely to the satisfaction of Her Majesty's Government, to their own credit, and with great ability, perseverance, and minuteness. At the same time, it did not appear to the Government that their services were of such a nature as to call for the extraordinary course of conferring upon them honours from the Crown. Mr. Disraeli made a statement, affirming that, in recent negociations, France had guaranteed to Austria the possession of her Italian dominions. Lord Palmerston said that Mr. Disraeli must have been imposed upon by his informants; the only foundation for the statement was, that at an early period of the late war assurances had been given by France to Austria that no encouragement would be given to any rising or disturbances in Italy; and if Austria joined the Allies, and such disturbances broke out, the French force would act in concert with the Austrian. These engagements were embodied in a convention, which was entirely different from a guarantee. Sir S. Northcote obtained leave to bring in a Bill to make better provision for the care and education of vagrant, destitute, and disorderly children, and for the extension of industrial schools. This Bill was similar to that which had been passed for Scotland. Mr. Hardy obtained leave to bring in a Bill to amend the laws relating to the general sale of beer by retail, and to regulate certain places of public resort, refreshment, and entertainment.

Feb. (LORDS.) The Marquis of Salisbury moved for a Select Committee to inquire into the subject of secondary punish12. ments. Lord Granville, Lord Stanhope, and Lord Campbell objected to the motion, on the ground that Government were now endeavouring to deal with the subject, which was confessedly a very difficult The motion was negatived without a division.


(COMMONS.) Mr. Baines stated that Government did not intend to interfere with the Charitable Trusts Act of 1853. Sir Robert Peel made some explanations in reference to a recent speech of his, spoken at Saltley, near Birmingham, respecting his visit to St. Petersburg in the suite of the British Ambassador. Mr. Napier moved an address to the Queen for the formation of a separate and responsible department for the affairs of public justice. The Attorney-General, Lord John Russell, Lord Palmerston, and others, having spoken generally in favour of the principle involved in the motion, the resolution was agreed to. Sir W. Clay obtained leave to bring in a Bill for the abolition of churchrates. The Committee on the Bank Charter was appointed.



(COMMONS.) Mr. Layard complained that Parliament had not been consulted either when war was proclaimed against Persia, or now when peace was about to be established with that country. Lord Palmerston declined entering into any discussion of the question in the present state of the negociations. The Chancellor of the Exchequer made his financial statement. He stated the amount of the debt, funded and unfunded, created by the war, at 41,041,000. The expenditure of the ensuing year he estimated at 65,474,000l. He

proposed to abolish the war duty on malt, and to fix the income tax at the original rate of 7d. in the pound, on incomes above 150l. a-year, for three years, and at 5d. in the pound on incomes between 1007. and 150%. He also proposed some reductions on the duties on tea and sugar. whole amount of taxation thus remitted would be about 11 millions. Feb.


(LORDS.) Lord Stanley of Alderley mentioned the conditions on which Mr. Sheepshanks' munificent gift of pictures 16. to the nation had been presented, one of the conditions being that they should be exhibited at Kensington Gore. Lord Brougham presented a petition from the proprietors of The Leeds Mercury,' complaining of the present state of the law of libel. A similar petition was presented by Lord Campbell, from Mr. Duncan, defendant in a recent case, Davidson v. Duncan,' the petitioner complaining that he had been punished for publishing a report of a public meeting, such report containing a libel.

(COMMONS.) Lord Castlerosse brought up Her Majesty's reply to the Address of the House relative to the establishment of a separate department of justice, intimating that the question should receive Her Majesty's early and serious attention. The Attorney-General for Ireland brought forward a resolution which set forth that James Sadleir, a Member of the House, had been charged with various cases of fraud, and had failed to attend the order of the House, and concluded with the motion, that therefore James Sadleir be expelled. After some discussion, the resolution was unanimously agreed to. In Committee of Supply, on the motion of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, a vote of 2,000,000l. was passed to cover Exchequer bonds falling due this year. (COMMONS.) Mr. McMahon obtained leave to bring in a Bill to assimilate the law relating to the Sea-Coast Fisheries 17. of Ireland with that of England. A motion by Mr. Scobell for a Select Committee on Naval Administration was rejected by a majority of 97 to 76. On the motion of Lord Palmerston it was agreed to appoint a Committee to inquire into the operation of the Act against bribery, treating, and undue influence at elections. Sir J. Pakington obtained leave to bring in a Bill for the promotion of Elementary Education in corporate cities and towns.



Feb. (LORDS.) The Marquis of Clanricarde proposed a resolution on the subject of the administration of our Indian Empire, which was opposed by the Duke of Argyll on the part of the Government, and negatived without a division.

(COMMONS.) In reply to Mr. Hankey, Sir George Grey said it was the intention of Government to introduce a Bill soon after Easter for the reform of the Corporation of London. Mr. Locke King moved for leave to bring in a Bill assimilating the County Franchise to the Borough Franchise in England and Wales, by giving the right of voting to all occupiers of tenements rated at the annual value of 10l. Lord Palmerston opposed, and Lord John Russell and Sir James Graham supported, the motion, which was lost by 192 to 179. Mr. Fagan obtained leave to bring in a Bill to abolish the tax imposed in lieu of Ministers' Money on eight corporate towns in Ireland. Mr. Spooner moved a resolution against the continuance of the grant to Maynooth College. After debate, the motion was negatived by 167 to 159.

Feb. (LORDS.) Earl Stanhope moved for a Select Committee on the Printing of the House.


(COMMONS.) Mr. Disraeli moved a resolution in favour of adjusting the estimated Income and Expenditure before sanctioning the proposed financial arrangements of Government, The debate was adjourned,


(LORDS.) The Lord Chancellor moved the second reading of the Testamentary Jurisdictions Bill. Objections were raised by Lords St. Leonards, Lyndhurst, and Campbell, after which the Bill was read a second time.


(COMMONS.) The debate on the budget was continued, and Mr. Disraeli's resolution was negatived by 286 to 206.

(LORDS.) Earl Derby moved:

First-That this House

Feb. has heard with deep regret the interruption of amicable rela


tions between Her Majesty's subjects and the Chinese authorities at Canton, arising out of the measures adopted by Her Majesty's Chief Superintendent of Trade to obtain reparation for an alleged infraction of the supplementary treaty of October 8, 1843; Second-That in the opinion of this House the occurrence of differences upon the subject rendered the time peculiarly unfavourable for pressing upon the Chinese authorities a claim for the admission of British subjects into Canton, which had been left in abeyance since 1849, and for enforcing the same by force of arms; Thirdly—That in the opinion of this House operations of actual hostility ought not to have been undertaken without the express instructions, previously received, of Her Majesty's Government, and that neither of the subjects adverted to in the foregoing resolutions afforded sufficient justification for such operations.' The Earl of Derby spoke at length, severely censuring the precipitancy of Sir John Bowring in commencing hostilities. The Earl of Clarendon defended the conduct of Consul Parkes and Sir John Bowring. Lord Lyndhurst and Earl Grey supported the resolutions of Lord Derby, and the Duke of Argyll spoke in favour of the Government, after which the debate was adjourned.


(COMMONS.) Sir Joshua Walmsley moved for a Select Committee to consider the inequalities in the representation of the people. Palmerston opposed the motion, which was lost by 190 to 73. On the motion of Mr. Bentinck, it was agreed to appoint a Select Committee to inquire into the Causes of Accidents on Railways. Mr. Napier proposed a motion in favour of a further and final search for the remains of the Franklin expedition, but the Government opposed the motion, and Mr. Napier declined to press it to a division. On the motion of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the House went into Committee, and adopted a resolution on which a measure for the management of savings' banks is to be founded. The amount of deposits is to be limited to 1007.


(COMMONS.) The Irish Fisheries Bill, on the question of the second reading, was thrown out by 185 to 10. In Com25. mittee on the Judgments Execution Bill, an amendment, materially affecting its principle, was carried by 99 to 77. The Attorney-General for Ireland obtained leave to bring in a Bill to consolidate and amend the Laws relating to Bankruptcy and Insolvency in Ireland.

Feb. 26.

(LORDS.) Lord Campbell moved for a Select Committee to inquire whether the privilege now enjoyed by reports of law might not be safely extended to reports of proceedings of other public bodies. The adjourned debate on the Earl of Derby's resolutions was resumed, and the House divided, when there appeared-for the resolution, present 53, proxies 57-110; against, present 71, proxies 75—146; majority against the motion, 36.

(COMMONS.) The following resolution was moved by Mr. Cobden :'That this House has heard with concern of the conflicts which have occurred between the British and Chinese authorities in the Canton river, and, without expressing an opinion as to the extent to which the Government of China may have afforded this country cause of com→

plaint respecting the non-fulfilment of the Treaty of 1842, this House considers that the papers which have been laid upon the table fail to establish satisfactory grounds for the violent measures resorted to at Canton in the late affair of the Arrow; and that a Select Committee be appointed to inquire into the state of our commercial relations with China.' Mr. Milner Gibson seconded the motion. Mr. Labouchere, Sir J. Ramsden, and Mr. Lowe spoke in defence of the Government; Sir E. B. Lytton, Sir E. Perry, and Lord John Russell in support of the resolution. The debate was adjourned.

Feb. (LORDS.) The Committee on the Law of Libel was nomi27. nated.

(COMMONS.) Lord Palmerston stated, that Sir John M'Neill and Colonel Tulloch had both refused the sum of 1000l. which had been offered to each in acknowledgment of their Crimean services. The debate on Mr. Cobden's resolution was continued, and again adjourned.



(LORDS.) The Earl of Derby made some personal explanations denying the accuracy of a report in the Press' newspaper of a meeting of the Conservative party said to have been held at his house. (COMMONS.) The debate on Mr. Cobden's resolution was continued and again adjourned.

March (LORDS.) A discussion took place on the Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Bill, after which the second reading was 3. carried by a majority of 25 to 10.

(COMMONS.) The debate on China was resumed, and after a lengthened discussion a division took place, which resulted in the carrying of Mr. Cobden's resolution by 263 to 247.


March (LORDS.) Some conversation took place in reference to the naval operations at Canton. The Earl of Clarendon intimated that the treaty of peace between Persia and Great Britain had been signed on the 3rd instant at Paris. Earl Granville intimated that Parliament would be dissolved as soon as practicable.

(COMMONS.) Lord Palmerston informed the House that Her Majesty's Government, after the vote on Mr. Cobden's motion, had resolved to appeal to the constituencies by a dissolution of Parliament. Only those measures which were absolutely necessary would be proceeded with in the present session.


March (COMMONS.) In Committee of Ways and Means, Mr. Gladstone's amendment on the Budget that the duty on tea shall, after April 5, 1857, be 1s. 3d. per lb., was negatived by 187 to 125. The original resolution, fixing the duty at 1s. 5d., was then agreed to. Other resolutions relating to the duty on sugar and certain other customable articles were also agreed to. March (LORDS.) The Earl of Shaftesbury moved that certain queries be submitted to the judges relative to the legality of the opium traffic, but after remarks by the Lord Chancellor, Earl Grey, and others, withdrew the motion.


(COMMONS.) The Speaker intimated his intention of retiring from Parliament at the approaching close of the Session. On the order for the second reading of the Income-tax Bill, a discussion took place on the foreign policy of the Government.


March (COMMONS.) Lord Palmerston, in a warmly eulogistic speech, proposed a vote of thanks to the Speaker for his eminent and distinguished services and his exemplary conduct in the chair. Mr. Disraeli seconded the motion, which was likewise supported by Lord John Russell. Every member of the House uncovered when the

Speaker rose to reply, which he did in a tone of deep feeling, expressing his grateful thanks for this crowning mark of the favour and approbation of the House. Lord Palmerston further moved an address to Her Majesty, praying for some signal mark of royal favour to be conferred upon the right honourable gentleman. Sir J. Pakington seconded this motion, which was agreed to nem. con. Another motion by Lord Palmerston, that the thanks of the House be given to the Speaker for what he had said that day, and that it be entered on the Journals of the House, was also unanimously agreed to. In Committee on the Income-tax Bill, an amendment by Sir F. Kelly, substituting 5d. for 7d. in the pound in the Tax upon Incomes, was negatived. An amendment by Mr. Williams, exempting incomes below 150%., was negatived by 53 to 7. A resolution by Mr. Gladstone in favour of the revision and reduction of the expenditure of the State was negatived. March (COMMONS.) Numerous Bills were withdrawn in conse. 11. quence of the approaching dissolution of Parliament.


(LORDS.) The Earl of Ellenborough moved for returns connected with the execution by the British authorities in 12. China of the supplemental treaty of 1847. The returns related to prevention of smuggling and illicit trade.

(COMMONS.) Resolutions in reference to the two Crimean Commissioners, proposed by Mr. Palk, were withdrawn in favour of the following, proposed by Mr. Sidney Herbert :-"That Sir John M'Neill and Colonel Tulloch ably fulfilled the duty intrusted to them of inquiring into the arrangement and management of the Commissariat Department, and considering the able services rendered by them, and the high testimony in their favour by Her Majesty's Government, that an humble address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that some especial mark of approbation be conferred upon them.' After voting, in Committee of Supply, the Army Estimates for four months, and the number of men (126,796), the House, in Committee of Ways and Means, voted 21,049,7007. Exchequer bills towards making good the supply. After a brief discussion, the Income-tax Bill was read a third time, and passed.


(LORDS). The Earl of Clarendon stated the terms of the treaty with Persia, by which the independence of Herat and 13. of Afghanistan are recognised by Persia, commercial relations with England are to be on the footing of the most favoured nations, and Mr. Murray is to return to Teheran and to be received with certain ceremonial observances.

(COMMONS.) The Queen's answer to the address of the Commons in reference to the Speaker being brought up, a vote of 4,000l. per annum was proposed by Lord Palmerston, to be placed at the disposal of the Crown, for the purpose of making a retiring allowance to Mr. Shaw Lefevre. The motion was unanimously agreed to.


(LORDS.) The second reading of the Income-tax Bill having been moved by Earl Granville, the Earl of Derby took occasion 16. to review the policy of the Government and to enunciate that of the Opposition, and was followed by Earl Granville in defence of the Government.

(COMMONS.) The Speaker's Retirement Bill, the Exchequer Bills Bill, and the Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill were read a second time. The Chancellor of the Exchequer said, that Government had determined to co-operate in the establishment of a telegraphic line of communication with India by the route of Seleucia and the Persian Gulf.

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