
REVENUE, IRELAND.--The net produce of the Revenue in Ireland for) 1856 was 7,028,8571. 88. 11d.; of which 2,253,374l. 18s. 3d. was derived from customs, 2,801,000l. from excise, 435,271l. 18s. 4d. from stamps, 1,216,4211. 10s. 2d. from property and income tax, 10,000l. from post-office, 300l. from branches of hereditary revenue, and 312,489l. 2s. 2d. from miscellaneous sources, including repayment of advances.

INDIA. The gross total revenue of the Government of India for the year ending April 30, 1855, was 27,312,235l.; the total expenditure for the same period was 29,019,5991.; showing an excess of 1,707,3641.) of expenditure over income. The expenditure during the year on roads and other public works, exclusive of military works, was 1,328,1181.

DUCHY OF LANCASTER. -The total receipts, almost entirely arising from fee-farm rents and the renewal of leases, for the year 1856, amounted to 41,048l.; of this total 20,000l. were paid to the account of the Queen's Privy Purse, 7,9931. remained on balance of revenue account, and the remainder is expended in salaries for management, law expenses, payments of an eleemosynary nature (1,602l.), surveys, repairs, &c.

DUCHY OF CORNWALL. -The total receipts for the Duchy of Cornwall for 1856 were 66,846l., produced from royalties on minerals, rents, and profits of courts; of this 43,340l. were paid to the trustees for the Prince of Wales, 8,150l. in salaries for management, and the remainder in law-charges, surveys, repairs, and income-tax.

AMOUNT of CUSTOMS DUTIES received upon the Principal Articles of Foreign and Colonial Merchandise in the Year 1856.

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Glass Manufactures: - Window Glass, and Shades and



All Flint Cut Glass, Flint Coloured Glass, and Fancy

Ornamental Glass


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Shoes and Clogs

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Women's Shoes of Silk, Satin, Stuff, or Leather

Men's Boots and Shoes

1,984 1,373

Children's Boots and Shoes

Boot Fronts


5,826 56,810 254


[blocks in formation]

Manufactures of Leather not particularly enumerated

Linen Manufactures, wholly or in part made up



Silk Manufactures of Europe:-Broad Stuffs of all kinds

Silk Manufactures of India: -Bandannoes and other Silk

Spices: Cassia Lignea .

2,121 26,903








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Sugar, Unrefined, from the British Possessions in America :

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Of or from the Mauritius: -equal to White Clayed


Not equal to White Clayed


Not equal to Brown Clayed

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Of or from the British Possessions in the East Indies:

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Foreign:-equal to White Clayed

Not equal to White Clayed

Not equal to Brown Clayed

Total of Sugar, Unrefined








out of Europe



77,040 136,067




Sugar, Refined, and Candy, of or from British Possessions

Other Parts

Melasses, of or from British Possessions out of Europe
Other Parts


Timber and Wood:- Deals, Battens, Boards, or other Timber or Wood, sawn or split-Of British Possessions



Timber or Wood, not being Articles sawn or split, or otherwise dressed, except hewn, and not otherwise charged

with duty-Of British Possessions

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Woollen Manufactures wholly or in part made up
Other Articles

Total: : :

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CUSTOMS DUTIES. In 1856 there were 139 articles charged with customs duties, no one of which amounted to 10,000l. in the year, and some producing the most insignificant sums; such as almond paste, 21.; barley, pearled, 4l.; essence of spruce, 11.; nux vomica and oil of almonds, 31. each. The whole yearly produce of the 139 enumerated articles was 151,59€1.

STAMPS. In the year ending March 31, 1856, the amount of StampDuties collected was 7,292,252l., from the following items:

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EXCISE.--QUANTITIES of the several ARTICLES charged with DUTIES of EXCISE, the Quantities Exported, and the Quantities Retained for

Home Consumption, in the Year ended 31st December, 1856,

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Lbs. 55,868,624 1,562,834 54,305,790 Bushels 34,439,474 205,187 *34,429,860 Lbs. 139,752,062 12,812,475 126,939,587 Gallons 9,900,738 2,348,152 9,343,549 Barrels 372,720







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55,868,624 1,565,249 54,303,375

Bushels 36,980,041 212,374 36,970,427
Lbs. 187,716,575 14,798,979 172,917,596

Gallons 23,922,453 4,956,150

Sugar (Home made) Cwts.
Beer exported.


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* Since the 14th August, 1855, Malt has been made Duty Free for Distillery purposes, under the provisions of the Act 18 & 19 Vict. c. 94. The greater portion of the Malt made in Scotland is so used.

LOANS TO PUBLIC WORKS.-The total amount of loans advanced by the Government Commissioners in aid of Public Works, under the Act 57 Geo. III., cap. 34, and subsequent Acts, has been 13,034,4291. Of this there have been repaid 7,808,213l., and 3,195,650l. in addition for interest. The amount outstanding at the above date was 3,855,6801. for principal and 270,0681. for interest. The sum of 1,370,5341. advanced for the building of workhouses in Ireland was remitted.

PROBATE, LEGACY, AND SUCCESSION DUTY. -The amount received from these three duties in the year 1856 was 3,097,750l.; that on successions, which is not separated from legacies in the returns, is estimated at about 500,000l.

INCOME-TAX.-The total net amount of the Property and Income Tax for the year ending April 5, 1856, in the United Kingdom, was 16,545,5081.; of which 13,942,795l. were raised in England and Wales, 1,318,7271. in Scotland, and 1,283,9861. in Ireland. The total number of persons charged under Schedules D. and E. was 362,053, of whom 39,620 were assessed under 100l. a-year; 160,372 (the most numerous class) between 100l. and 150l. a-year; 54,355 between 150l. and 2001. a-year; 46,807 between 2001. and 300l. a-year; 20,896 between 300l. and 400l. a-year; 10,079 between 400l. and 500l. a-year; 7,051 between 500l. and 600l. a-year; 6,473 between 600l. and 700l. a-year; 2,656 between 700l. and 800l. a-year; 2,147 between 800l. and 9001. a-year; 1,061 between 900l. and 1,000l. a-year; 7,134 between 1,000l. and 2,000l. a-year; 1,169 between 2,000l. and 3,000l. a-year; 836 between 3,000l. and 4,000l. a-year; 454 between 4,000l. and 5,000l. a-year; 830 between 5,000l. and 10,000l. a-year; 472 between 10,000l. and 50,000l. a-year; and 40 above 50,000l. a-year. The amount under these two schedules was 6,149,994l.; under Schedule A. the amount was 7,755,0811.; under Schedule B. 921,873/.; and under Schedule C. 1,718,5601.

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STATEMENT of the AFFAIRS of the BANK OF ENGLAND, from the Weekly Returns of the undermentioned dates in 1856 and 1857.

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DR.-Notes issued
CR.-Government Debt.
Other Securities
Gold Coin and Bullion



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• 11,015,100 11,015,100 11,015,100 11,015,100 11,015,100 3,459,900 3,459,900 3,459,900 3,459,900 3,459,900 9,286,025 9,579,270 9,092,945 10,866,280 10,681,280

23,761,025 24,054,270 23,567,945 25,341,280 25,156,280

DR.-Proprietors' Capital.. 14,553,000 14,553,000 14,553,000 14,553,000 14,553,000


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3,263,571 3,525,742 3,328,676 3,410,811 3,924,524 5,106,831 7,087,607 5,163,146 7,863,550 3,464,993 9,735,455 9,774,058 10,081,864 9,658,616 9,190,690 858,122 790,641 749,046 678,610 789,114


33,516,979 35,731,048 33,875,732 36,164,587 36,922,321

CR.-Government Securities. 10,454,867 11,545,009 10,303,838 10,326,065 10,593,653

Other Securities Notes.

Gold and Silver Coin


18,232,446 18,247,794 18,630,357 19,315,201 19,719,700 4,218,055 5,257,855 4,226,355 5,872,745 6,014,160

611,611 680,390 715,182 650,576 594,808

33,516,979 35,731,048 33,875,732 36,164,587 36,922,321

NOTE CIRCULATION of the UNITED KINGDOM for the Months ending at the following dates in 1856 and 1857.

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Nov. 22,'56. Feb. 14,'57. May 9.
July 4. Sept. 26.
20,062,041 18,983,205 19,660,305 19,048,811 19,040,750
3,855,971 3,693,025 3,831,402 3,617,241 3,590,347
3,113,886 3,037,124 3,172,715 3,008,534 3,035,481
4,444,702 3,957,810 3,932,834 4,101,000 4,051,239
7,425,740 7,253,905 7,155,184 6,581,343 6,496,794

38,902,340 36,925,069 37,752,440 36,354,929 36,214,611

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