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Pure Air for Children. - Children are much more susceptible than grown people to all noxious influences. That which, above all, is known to injure children seriously is foul air, and most seriously at night. Keeping the rooms where they sleep tight shut up is destruction to them; and if the child's breathing be disor dered by discase, a few hours only of such foul air may endanger its life, even where no inconvenience is felt by grown persons in the same room. - FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE.

Breathing Night Air. What air can we breathe at night but night air? The choice is between pure night air from without, and foul night air from within. Most people prefer the latter; an unaccountable choice. What will they say if it is proved to be true that fully one half of all the disease we suffer from is occasioned by people sleeping with their windows shut? - FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE.

Dark Houses. A dark house is always an unhealthy house, always an illaired house, always a dirty house. Waut of light stops growth, and promotes scrofula, rickets, &c., among the children. People lose their health in a dark house; and if they become ill, they cannot get well again in it. — FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE.

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Soothing Syrups. Opium should be used with great caution for childrennever unless prescribed by a physician. A single drop of laudanum has been known to cause the death of an infant at the breast. It should be used sparingly, even in external applications; it is easily absorbed through the skin, especially by infants. Beware of soothing syrups. If a baby needs anything of the sort, it should be prescribed only by a physician, and discontinued as soon as possible. Soothing syrups vary so much in strength that a dose of the usual size may be dangerous. If it does not always endanger life, the habit of taking such medicines seriously injures a baby's digestion and general health, and has a stupefying effect upon the brain, which may be permanently injured.

Cottage Cheese. Take sour skimmed milk, scald it, and when the whey rises to the top, pour it all into a colander; press out the whey lightly with a spoon, turn it into a bowl, and let it cool. When cold, cut it up with a knife, or crumble it with your fingers; then, to a quart bowl of curd, add one teaspoonful of salt, a sprinkling of pepper, and two large tablespoonfuls of hard butter; work this in well, tie it up loosely in a cloth, put it on a plate with another plate over it, and set a weight on it. It is better the third and fourth nights than the first. — COUNTRY GENTLEMAN.

Scalloped Oysters. - For a quart of oysters, allow a pound of crackers, half a pint of milk, a quarter of a pound of butter, one lemon, pepper and salt to taste. Roll the crackers, put a layer of oysters on the bottom of a deep dish, then a layer of crackers, with butter, pepper, salt, and small chips of the lemon; then oysters again, and so on until all are in the dish. Pour the milk over the whole, and bake forty minutes. MRS. HUNNIBEE, Hearth and Home.

Sweet Potato Buns. - Boil and mash two potatoes; rub in as much flour as will make it like bread; add a little nutmeg and sugar, with a tablespoonful of good yeast. When it has risen, work in two tablespoonfuls of butter cut finely; then form it into small rolls, and bake on tins a nice brown. Serve hot; split open, and butter. - COUNTRY GENTLEMAN.

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Pototoes baked with Cream. Wash and peel some potatoes, and slice them as if for frying; fill a dripping pan with them, sprinkle with salt and pepper, put on bits of butter, and pour over all a coffee cup of sweet cream; set it in the oven, and cook from half to three quarters of an hour; stir once while cooking.

Fried Tomatoes for Dinner. Peel half a dozen or more large tomatoes, cut transversely in large slices, salt and pepper them well; beat three or more eggs with a fork until very light; dip the tomatoes, each slice separately, into a little wheat flour, then into the egg, and fry immediately in hot lard.-HEARTH AND


Graham Apple Pies, or Apple Cakes. Take good, juicy dried apple sauce, thoroughly cooked and properly sweetened; then stir into a pint, or any quantity of it, enough Graham flour to make a rather stiff batter, but not too stiff. Dip a spoonful of this into dry Graham flour, and mould it with your floury hands into a round, flattish biscuit. Fill your baking pans with these, and bake very thoroughly in a hot oven without turning them. Fresh apple sauce, stewed peaches, or huckleberries, can be used in the same way. It makes a good, nourishing lunch for children. - MASS. PLOUGHMAN.

Puff Balls. One pint of sweet milk, two eggs, three and a half cups of sifted flour, and a little salt. Must be beaten thoroughly smooth. Bake in well-buttered roll pans, or in puff cups half filled, in a hot oven. - COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. Cream Muffins. One teacup sour cream, two eggs, one half teaspoon soda; thicken with flour, bake in a quick oven.

Soap for Chapped Hands. -In half a pint of boiling water dissolve a pound of white soap cut in shavings; add six ounces of olive oil and one drachm of pulverized camphor, and then pour it into moulds. HEARTH AND HOME.

Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry

One of the oldest and most reliable remedies in the world for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Influenza, Croup, Whooping Cough, Hoarseness, Liver Complaint, Pains or Soreness in the Chest or Side, Bleeding at the Lungs, and every Affection of the THROAT, LUNGS, and CHEST, including CONSUMPTION.

From the Station Agent at South Royalston, Mass. GENTLEMEN: Although unsolicited by you, I cannot refrain from adding my testimony to the many already given in fayor of your WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. In the spring of 1858, I was most severely afflicted with a hard, dry cough, with its usual accompaniments of night sweats, completely prostrating my nervous system, and producing such a debilitated state of health that, after trying medical aid to no purpose, I had given up all hopes of ever recovering, as had also my friends. At this stage of matters, I was prevailed upon, through the influence of a neighbor, to try WISTAR'S BALSAM, though with no belief whatever in its truly wonderful curative properties; and before using two bottles, the effect was almost magical. My cough entirely left me, the night sweats deserted me, hope once more elated my depressed spirits, and soon I had attained my wonted strength and vigor. Thus has this Balsam, as has often been remarked by persons conversant with the above facts in this vicinity, literally snatched me from the yawning grave. You are at liberty to use this for the benefit of the afflicted. Very respectfully yours, BENJ. WHEELER.


In order to supply in a measure the immense demand for a low-priced Cough Remedy, the proprietors of this well-known and reliable preparation are now putting it up in four-ounce bottles, which are sold at FIFTY CENTS each. By this means, this sterling remedy is placed within the reach of all. The large bottles are still put up in the same style as heretofore; and as they contain ten ounces, and are sold for ONE DOLLAR, they are much the cheaper to use. The small bottle, with its label and wrapper, is an exact fac-simile of the other.

Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, 86 Harrison Avenue, Boston, and sold by Dealers generally.


Vitalizes and enriches the blood, tones up the system, makes the weak strong, builds up the broken down, and cures

Dyspepsia, Debility, Dropsy, Chills and Fevers, Chronic Diarrhoea, Nervous Affections, Boils, Humors, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, &c., &c.

Being free from alcohol in any form, its energizing effects are not followed by corresponding reaction, but are permanent, infusing strength, vigor, and new life into all parts of the system, and building up an



Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy from weak, sickly, suffering creatures to strong, healthy, and happy men and women; and invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial.

A Case of Thirty Years Standing.

EAST AURORA, N. Y., May 22, 1872. GENTLEMEN: I was troubled with Dyspepsia for thirty years, and tried several medicines advertised for the cure of this distressing complaint without deriving any benefit from them. About a year ago I commenced taking the PERUVIAN SYRUP, and after using altogether twelve bottles, I find myself entirely cured. I consider my case one of the worst I ever heard of, and I take great pleasure in recommending the PERUVIAN SYRUP to all Dyspeptics, believing that it will be sure to cure them. Yours respectfully, J. T. BOWEN.


A thirty-two page pamphlet, containing a history of the PERUVIAN SYRUP, a valuable paper on progress in medical science, a treatise on iron as a medical agent, testimonials from distinguished physicians, clergymen, and others, will be sent FREE to any address. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietors, 86 Harrison Avenue, Boston. SOLD BY DEALERS GENERALLY.






Blank Book Manufacturers.

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For Banks, Railroad, Insurance, and Manufacturing Co.'s, Merchants and Traders, made to order, to any pattern desired.

Our stock of Blank Books is very large, and comprises all the kinds in use.

We have and shall keep a full assortment of Mabie, Todd & Co.'s Gold Pens, which are the best in the world. Every oen WARRANTED to give satisfaction.

Photograph, Tintype, and Autograph Albums,

In all styles and qualitics, and at the Lowest Prices.

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Our stock is now very large, and it is our aim to keep a full assortment of all goods in this line.


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