

SEPTEMBER, Ninth Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.

's Declination.


m. Days. d. m.

[blocks in formation]

D First Quarter, 7th day, 4h. 53m., evening, E.

Full Moon, 15th day, 7h. 57m., morning, W.

Last Quarter, 22d day, 2h. 16m., morning, E. • New Moon, 29th day, 8h. 11m., morning, E.

[blocks in formation]

248 5 S. 5 29 6 28 12 59 2 17 16 3

34 sec.

8 53 4 12

249 6 Μ. 5 30 6 26 12 56 2 20 27 334 thi.

924 458

250 7 Tu. 5 316 24 12532 23284

42 thi.

10 25 48

251 8 W. 532 6 23 12 51 2 25 29 54

53 kn.

10 48

6 40

252 9 Th. 5 336 21 12 48 2 28310 6 253 10 Fr. 5 34 6 19 12 45 2 31

64 kn.

11 44 732

311 7

7 ku.

morn. 8 25

254 11 Sa. 5 35 6 18 12 43 233

312 84

82 legs

049 917

255 12 S. 5 36 6 16 12 40 2 36

413 94

94 legs

157 10 7

256 13 M. 5 37 6 14 12 37 2 39

414 10 104 feet

3 8 10 55

257 14 Tu. 5 38 6 12 12 34 2 42

415 102 11 feet

4 21 11 42

258 15 W. 5 39 6

11 12 32 2445 111 112 h'd

rises morn.

259 16 Th. 5 40 6

9 12 29 2 47

5 17

0 h'd

644 0 29

260 17 Fr. 5 41 6

7 12 26 2 50

618 04 On'k

791 17

261 18 Sa. 5426


619 1 1 n'k

736 27

[blocks in formation]

3 12 20 256 620 12 24 n'k

0 12 15 3 1722 34 4 arm

265 22 W. 5 47 5 58 12 113 5723 42

266 23 Th. 5 48 5 56 12 838824 5월

267 24 Fr. 5 49 5 55 12 6 3 10 8 25

[blocks in formation]

54 br. 1046 62

64 br. 1158 7 4

7 h'rt morn. 83

84 h'rt

94 bel.

270 27 Μ. 5 525 49 11 57 319 928 10 10 bel. 271 28 Tu. 5 535 47 11 54322 9 29 103 114 rei. 272 29 W. 5 545 46 11523 24 10 11 rei.

113 8 57

2269 46

337 10 32 447 11 16 sets 11 58


2 12 18 258 721 22 3 arm

848 3 58

942 4 59

[merged small][merged small][graphic]
[blocks in formation]

Did I not see the changing leaves,
Brilliant in coloring as the sky,

And the reapers binding their golden sheaves,
I should say the Summer had not gone by.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

1 W. Length of night 10h. 51m. 2 Th. 4th. French Republic proclaimed, 1870.

3 Fr. 640. Fine weather.

4 Sa. 5th. DOG DAYS END.

5 C 15th Sunday after Trinity. 6 Mo. C in Apogee.

7 Tu.

Signs of a storm. 8 W. Nativ. V. Mary. 9th. Cru.low. 9 Th. 68. Very low tides.

10 Fr. (9th. $15,500,000 paid to U. S. by British

11 Sa.

12 C

13 Mo.

14 Tu.

15 W.

16 Th.

17 Fr.

18 Sa.

19 C

20 Mo.

minister at Washington for ma" damages, 1873.

16th Sund. af. Tr.


in 8.

[blocks in formation]

21 Tu. St. Matthew. Fair and cool.

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Farmer's Calendar.

It is a good time now to seed down land to grass. On an avcrage of years fall seeding is better than spring. To be sure, we cannot be certain of success

at any time, but the danger from a drought is greater than that from winter-killing. If grass seed is sown early, so that it has

time to root strongly before the cold weather, it will yield a good crop the next year, and we gain time. As a matter of choice, August, perhaps, is better, but

the ground is often too dry, then, for seed to take well. For mowing lots sow only those grasses together that blossom at the same time.

Orchard grass, June

grass, and clover, blossom very early. Perennial rye grass blossoms nearly as early, and may be mixed with them. Timothy, red-top, and some others, blossom late, and they go together very well. If early and late grasses are sown together, the former flower and die before the latter are fit to cut. If we cut early, the crop will be light, because the late grasses are not ready. If we wait till the latter come on, the crop is worth less, because the early grasses are past their prime. Cut all grasses

while in the blossom, if you can. The hay crop lies at the basis of all our prosperity in farming.


OCTOBER, Tenth Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.

's Declination.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

D First Quarter, 7th day, 11h. 21m., morning, E.
O Full Moon, 14th day, 6h. 30m., evening, E.

Day of


Day of

Day of

Last Quarter, 4th day, 9h. 29m., morning, W.
New Moon, 29th day, Oh. 28m., morning, W.

Length Day's
of Days. Decre.

[blocks in formation]

274 1 Fr. 5 565 42 11 46 33010201⁄2 0 sec.

[blocks in formation]

630 1 4

m. m.

275 2 Sa. 5 57 5 40 11 43 333 11 3 14 15 sec.

653 25

276 3 S. 5 59 5 39 11 40 3 36 11 4 2

24 thi.

[blocks in formation]

277 4 Μ. 6

0537 11373391152

22 thi.

[blocks in formation]

278 5 Tu. 6

15 35 1134 3 42 12 6 31

34 thi.


4 31

279 6 W. 6

25 34 1132344 12 7 4

44 kn.


5 23

280 7 Th. 6

3532 11 29 347 128


54 kn.

10 32

6 15

281 8 Fr. 6

45 30 11 26 3 5012 9 5월

6+ legs

11 38


282 9 Sa. 6

55 29 11 243 52 13 10 7

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

84 legs

0 47 8 44

284 11 Μ. 6

85 25 1117 359 13 12


9 feet

158 9 31

285 12 Tu. 6

95 23 11 14 4 213 13


9 feet

311 10 18

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

2 1037 439 16 27 92 101 rei.

1 1034 4 42 16 28 103 11 rei.

59 10 31 4 45 16 29 114 11 sec.

302 29 Fr. 6 29 4 58 10 29 447 16 11월- sec. 303 30 Sa. 6 30 4 56 10 26 45016101 sec.

5 51 11 18

sets 01

5 24 0 47


448 10 37 OCTOBER hath 31 days.



1 Fr.

2 Sa.

3 C

4 Mo.

5 Tu.

6 W.

The spring-time longings are past and gone, The passions of summer no longer are known, The harvest is gathered, and Autumn stands Serenely thoughtful, with folded hands.

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8th and 9th. Great fire in Chicago, 1871. 20th Sun. af. Tr. & h C.

11 Mo. 8th. John Hancock died, 1793.

12 Tu. Gen. R. E. Lee died, 1871.

[blocks in formation]


Farmer's Calendar.

DIGGING potatoes, harvesting corn, and picking apples, come this month. Then there are the great yellow pumpkins. There is a joy in the work of the fall that the labor of no other season brings with it. In the spring it is a long time to look ahead. We plant and sow in faith and hope; now we see the end in the full fruition. Besides, the air is clear and sparkling, and sends the life bounding through every vein, and the Indian summer is the perfection of our northern climate. There is work enough left to do on the farm, to be sure, for the team is strong and fresh for the plough, and the fall is the best time to break up. there is an old run-down field,


that cuts less than a ton to the acre, put the plough in deep, turn it over flat, and let it lie till the spring. Put on the harrow or the horse-hoe every ten days, till the middle of June, and then sow Hungarian grass seed with


light top-dressing. This is a partial summer fallow, keeps partial

down the weeds and the couch grass, and mellows the surface. By the twelfth of August you

can cut two or three tons of fod

der, as good in quality as the half ton you cut summer. It has cost but little, and it gives a fine variety for winter feeding.

[blocks in formation]

307 3 W. 635 4 51 10 1650 165

D First Quarter, 6th day, 5h. 7m., morning, W.

Full Moon, 13th day, 4h. 46m., morning, W.

Last Quarter, 19th day, 7h. 53m., evening, E. • New Moon, 27th day, 6h. 59m., evening, W.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

305 1 M. 6 334 54 10 21455 16 3 1월 1월 thi.

306 2 Tu. 6 34 4 52 10 18 4 58 16 4



308 4 Th. 6 374 50 10 135 316 6 34

Sets. h.

[ocr errors]

D Souths.

h. m.

636 2 24

24 kn.

724 3 15

3 kn.

8 20 47

33 kn.

924 4 58

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333 29 Μ. 7 8429

9215 55 12 202 0 kn.

521 1 11

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