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(Chiefly from "Hearth and Home.")

To Renovate a Silk Dress. - -Cut an old kid glove into shreds, and boil it in a pint of water until the water is reduced to half a pint; sponge the silk on the right side with the liquid, and iron it on the wrong side. It restores the gloss and stiffness of the silk.

To Wash Lace in the Best Manner. - Take a common wine bottle, and cover it neatly with the cut-off leg of a stout cotton stocking, securing it firmly at the top and bottom. Wind the soiled collar or lace smoothly around the covered bottle without overlapping the lace, and sew the outer edge with a fine needle and thread. catching each loop of lace to the stocking. Then move the bottle up and down in a pailful of hot soap-suds, occasionally rubbing the soiled portions lightly with a soft sponge. Rinse by pouring clear hot water upon it; then apply a very, very weak solution of gum-arabic, and stand the bottle in the sunshine. When dry, rip off the laces. If they require pressing, lay them smoothly between the lower fly-leaves of a heavy book, and let them remain some hours.

Spirits of Ammonia. — To wash paint, put a tablespoonful of ammonia into a quart of moderately hot water, dip in a flannel cloth, and with this simply wipe off the wood-work; no scrubbing will be necessary. For taking grease spots from any fabric, use the ammonia nearly pure; then lay white blotting paper over the spot, and iron it lightly. In washing laces, put about twelve drops in a pint of warm suds. To clean silver, mix two teaspoonfuls in a quart of hot soap suds, put in your silver ware, and wash it, using an old tooth-brush for the purpose. clean hair-brushes, &c., shake the brushes up and down in a mixture of one teaspoonful of ammonia to one pint of hot water; then rinse in cold water, and dry in the wind or sun. To remove finger-marks from windows, wet with a few drops of ammonia on a moist rag. If you wish your house plants to flourish, put à few drops of the spirits in every pint of water used in watering.


The Uses of Paper. After a stove has been once thoroughly blacked, it can be kept looking perfectly well for a long time by rubbing it with paper every morning. Rubbing with dry paper is said to be the best way of polishing knives, spoons, and tin ware after scouring. If a little flour be held on the paper in rubbing tin ware, it will shine like silver. For polishing windows, mirrors, lamp chimneys, &c., paper is preferable to a dry cloth.

For Burns or Scalds. Apply fresh lard (if salted lard is used, the salt may be removed by washing the lard in cold water). Spread the lard on pieces of old linen rag or lint, and apply to the parts affected, keeping them in their places by means of bandages. Another excellent remedy for burns is a mixture of linseed oil (sweet oil will answer) and lime water. Mix them in equal portions, - say_a tablespoonful of each for a small burn, — and apply in the same way as above. If no other remedy is at hand, smear on molasses; then put on a thick coating of flour, and bind up.

Earache. - Cotton wool wet with sweet oil and paregoric, it is said, will relieve earache. Warm the sweet oil in a spoon, then add half as much paregoric. Graham Gems, Iron-clads, or Fadge. Stir Graham flour into soft cold water, making a batter a trifle thicker than for griddle cakes; add a pinch of salt; beat it up for a few minutes; heat the iron roll-pans or iron-clads (oval cups of sheet iron set in a frame) very hot on top of the stove; put into each a small bit of butter, and drop a large spoonful of the batter into each cup; bake twenty minutes in a hot oven.

Wheat Puffs. These are baked in precisely the same manner. Stir together a pint of cold milk and a pint and a quarter of flour, with a little salt.



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[In all cases of poisoning, send for a medical man at once. Do not wait for him, but be as prompt as possible in your treatment, as a delay of a few minutes may be. fatal. The rules below are taken from several sources, chiefly from a little book, called "Till the Doctor Comes."]

Acids- Oxalic, Sulphuric (Oil of Vitriol), Muriatic, but not Prussic Acid.Drink, as soon as possible, strong soap-suds made from hard or soft soap. Meantime, some prepared chalk, or magnesia, or whiting should be mixed with water. Of magnesia, put an ounce into a piut of water, and give a wineglassful every two or three minutes. If the soap does not produce vomiting, give, some time after the chalk, a mustard emetic (a teaspoonful or more of mustard in a tumbler of warm water).

Alcohol, in any form, if swallowed in large quantities, requires a prompt emetic; and afterwards water, as much as can be taken.

Arsenic-Scheele's Green, Ague Drops Rat Poison, &c. Give large quantities of milk and raw eggs (milk alone if you haven't the eggs). If milk is not at hand, give wheat flour and water mixed instead; then a mustard emetic.

Bite of Snake, or of any Animal supposed to be Mad. -Tie a string tightly above the wound; wash the bite well; let the person bitten suck the wound if he can. If you can get lunar caustic (nitrate of silver), rub it well in to the bottom of the wound; or take a small poker or steel used for sharpening knives, make the point red-hot (white-hot is better), and press it for a moment into the wound. In case of a rattlesnake's bite, give freely whiskey or other alcoholic stimulants; also spirits of ammonia, if at hand.

Copper-Copperas, Verdigris, Food cooked in foul Copper Vessels, Pickles made green by Copper.-Give large quantities of milk and white of eggs; after wards stong tea.

Corrosive Sublimate. — Swallow immediately the raw whites of at least six eggs, the more the better. Fifteen minutes after, take a strong mustard emetic. Laudanum - Opium, Paregoric, Soothing Syrup, &c.-Empty the stomach at once by a powerful emetic. After vomiting, take plenty of strong coffee. The patient must now be kept awake if you would save his life. Sleep is death. Walk him about; dash water in his face; beat the soles of his feet; keep him roused by any means.

Phosphorus- Lucifer Matches. Give large quantities of warm water with magnesia, chalk, or whiting, or even flour stirred in it. Encourage vomiting, but give no oil or fat of any kind.

Poisonous Plants or Seeds. - Empty the stomach at once. If there is no purging, give a good dose of castor oil or olive oil. If the patient is faint or sinking, give stimulants.

Prussic Acid- Oil of Bitter Almonds, Laurel Water, Cyanide of Potassium.If the quantity taken is large, death ensues at once; but smaller quantities produce giddiness, loss of sight, and fainting. Give sal volatile and water, and apply a bottle of smelling salts to the nose, dash cold water on the face, and give stimulants. Strychnine. Try to empty the stomach by an emetic; then give linseed oil or barley water, and to an adult, thirty drops of laudanum, occasionally, to relieve the spasms.


OUR teeth decay; hence, unseemly mouths, bad breath, imperfect mastication. Everybody regrets it. What is the cause? I reply, Want of cleanliness. A clean tooth never decays. The mouth is a warm place, ninety-eight degrees. Particles of meat between the teeth soon decompose. Gums and teeth must suffer. Perfect cleanliness will preserve the teeth to old age. How shall it be secured? Use a quill pick, and rinse the mouth after eating. Brush and castile soap every morning; the brush with simple water on going to bed. Bestow this trifling care upon your precious teeth, and you will keep them, and ruin the dentists. Neglect it, and you will be sorry all your lives. Children forget. Watch them. The first teeth determine the character of the second set. Give them equal care. - DIO LEWIS.


For one adult, from one place to another within the city proper (except as hereinafter provided), 50 cents. Each additional adult, 50 cents.

For one adult, from any place in the city proper, south of Dover Street and west of Berkeley Street, to any place north of State, Court, and Cambridge Streets, or from any place north of State, Court, and Cambridge Streets to any place south of Dover Street and west of Berkeley Street, One Dollar. For two or more adults, 50 cents each.

Children under four years, with an adult, no charge.

Children between four and twelve years old, with an adult, 25 cents each.

From twelve at night to six in the morning, the fare for one adult is double the preceding rates, and 50 cents for each additional adult.



(Corrected Sept., 1872, by Wm. M. Kendall, from documents furnished by the P. O. Department.) Domestic Letters. The rate of postage on all domestic letters not exceeding one half oz. is 3 cts.; and an additional rate of 3 cts. for each additional_half oz., or fraction thereof, to be in all cases prepaid by postage stamps. DROP or LOCAL LETTERS, 2 cts. per each half oz., at offices where free delivery by carrier is established; at other offices 1 ct., prepaid by stamps. IRREGULAR MATTER.- Letter rates are to be charged on irregular matter, except as hereinafter provided. REGISTERED LETTERS. The fee for registered letters is 15 cts. per letter in addition to the regular rate of 3 cts. for each half oz., or fraction. POSTAL CARDS, 1 ct. each. CIRCULARS, in an unsealed envelope, 1 ct. for each 2 oz. or fraction.

Foreign Letters (except to England and Ireland) should indicate on the outside the route by which they are to be sent, as the difference by various routes is very great. The rate given is for 1⁄2 oz. or under, unless otherwise stated. A star (*) against the rate denotes that prepayment is optional, except for registered letters; where there is no star, the postage must be prepaid. Great Britain and Ireland, *6c. France, including Algeria, via England, oz. or under, *10c.; 1⁄2 oz. or under, *16c.; oz. or under, *20c.; 1 oz. or under *26c.; by direct steamer, 10c. Belgium, *10c.; via Bremen and Hamburg, *11c. Holland, *10c. Portugal, via England, oz. or less, 16c.; 1⁄2 oz. or less, 28c. Spain, via N. Ger. Un, direct, *11c.; via N. Ger. Un., closed mail, via England, *12c. Italy, via N. Ger. Un. direct, *10c.; via N. Ger. Un. closed mail, via England, *11c.; closed mail, *10c. Prussia, Austria, and German States, via N. Ger. Un. direct, *6c.; via N. Ger. Un. closed mail, via England, *7c.; via. Stettin, *6c.; open mail, via England, *10c. Switzerland, via N. Ger. Un. direct, *8c., via N. Ger. Un. closed mail, via England, *12c.; closed mail, *10c. Norway, via N. Ger. Un. direct, prepaid, 11c., unpaid, *14c.; via N. Ger. Un. closed mail, via England, prepaid, 12c., unpaid, *15c.; via Stettin, 6c. Denmark, via N. Ger. Un. direct, prepaid, 9c., unpaid, *12c.; via N. Ger. Un. closed mail, via England, prepaid, 10c., unpaid, *13c.; via Stettin, 10c.; closed mail, *7c. Sweden, via N. Ger. Un. direct, prepaid, 10c., unpaid, *12c.; via N. Ger. Un. closed mail, via England, prepaid, 11c., unpaid, *13c; via Stettin, 10c. Russia, via N. Ger. Un. direct, prepaid, 10c., unpaid, *14c.; via N. Ger. Un. closed mail, via England, prepaid, 11c., unpaid, *15c. Greece, via N. Ger. Un. direct, *14c.; via N. Ger. Un. closed mail, via England, *15c.; vía England, *20c. Constantinople, via N. Ger. Un. direct, *10c.; via Ň. Ger. Un. closed mail, via England, *11c. Canada, including New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island, prepaid 6c., unpaid, *10c. Newfoundland, 10c. (15c. if over 3000 miles). West Indies, 18c. Mexico, Panama, Aspinwall, 10c. Brazil, by American packet, 15c.; via England, 28c. Sandwich Islands, 6c. East Indies, by British mail, via Southampton, 22c.; via Brindisi, 28c.; via N. Ger. Un. direct, *20c.; via. N. Ger. Un. closed mail, via England, *21c.; via San Francisco, *10c. China, by British mail, via Southampton, 28c.; via Brindisi, 34c.; via N. Ger. Un. direct, *20c.; via N. Ger. Un. closed mail, via England, *21c.; via San Francisco, 10c. Newspapers, Magazines, &c. - Newspaper, or second-class postage, is, for papers not over four ounces each, per quarter, weekly, 5 cts.; semi-weekly, 10 cts.; tri-weekly, 15 cts.; six times a week, 30 cts.; seven times a week, 35 cts.; paid quarterly or yearly in advance, either at the mailing office, or office of delivery. On newspapers and periodicals issued less often than once a week, not exceeding four ounces in weight, semi-monthly 6c.; monthly 3c.; quarterly 1c., to be paid quarterly or yearly in advance. Publishers of weekly newspapers may send to actual subscribers one copy only, within their county, free; but letter carriers are not required to deliver such papers unless the regular postage is paid upon them. BILLS AND RECEIPTS for subscription may be enclosed in papers, and go free; any other written enclosure imposes letter postage. Publishers may exchange papers and periodicals, one copy only, free, not exceeding sixteen ounces in weight.

Books.-Two cents for each two ounces or fraction, not to exceed four pounds in weight; prepaid by postage stamps.

Merchandise. — Samples of metals, ores, minerals, and small packages of merchandise, not exceeding twelve ounces in weight, can now pass through the mails at the rate of two cents for each two ounces or fraction.

Miscellaneous - Including pamphlets, occasional publications, transient newspapers, magazines, handbills, posters, prospectuses, book manuscripts, proof-sheets, corrected proof-sheets, maps, prints, engravings, blanks, flexible patterns, sample cards, phonographic paper, letter envelopes, postal envelopes and wrappers, cards, plain and ornamental paper, photographie representations of different types, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions, 1 ct. for each 2 oz. or fraction, prepaid by stamps. All matter of this class, excepting printed matter, book manuscripts, proof-sheets, and corrected proof-sheets, must not exceed 12 oz. in weight.

Money Orders - For any amount not exceeding $50 on one order, are issued in the principal offices, on payment of the following fees: Orders not exceeding $10, 5 cts.; over $10 and not exceeding $20, 10 cts.; over $20 and not exceeding $30, 15 cts.; over $30 and not exceeding $40, 20 cts.; over $40 and not exceeding $50, 25 cts. Three orders of $50 each may be issued the same day. Foreign Money Orders, for Great Britain and the content, are issued at rates and amounts varying with the different countries for which they are issued. The maximum to England is

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