

NOVEMBER, Eleventh Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.

's Declination.

m. Days. d. m.

[blocks in formation]

Full Moon, 4th day, 11h. 4m., morning, W.

Last Quarter, 11th day, 8h. 4m., evening, E.

• New Moon, 19th day, 10h. 52m., evening, W.
*D First Quarter, 27th day, 3h. 28m., morning, W.

[blocks in formation]

333 29 Sa. 7

84 29

9 215 55 11 10 6 7 h'd

135 8 18

NOVEMBER hath 30 days.




With grateful hearts, with joyful tongues,
To God we raise united songs;

Here still may God in mercy reign,
Crown our just counsels with success,
With peace and joy our borders bless,

And all our sacred rights maintain. - KIPPIS.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

Farmer's Calendar.

1 Sa. All Saints Day. 2 E 21st S. af. Tr. in Peri. swedes, and to snug up and get ready for winter. There is noth3 Mo. 6. 4th. State Election in Mass. ing gained by letting cattle run 4 Tu. 5th. ecl. invis. at Boston. over the mowing lots so late in 5 W. Very high tides. Fine the fall. They do more harm Rev. E. P. Lovejoy, editor of an anti- than all the good they get. Grass slavery paper, killed in a riot at Alton, needs the shelter Illinois, 1837.

Length of night 13h. Now is the time to harvest the 4lm.

6 Th.

7 Fr.

8 Sa.ru. high.


of the fall growth against the hard frosts of winter. gr. hel. lat. S. If it is fed close, it will have a gr.hel.lat.N hard chance, and the next year's

9 E 22d S. af. T. 10 Mo. gr. elong. E. 6 11 Tu. St. Martin.

12 W.

14th. Richter, celebrated

›ter, died, 1825.

(. crop will be a great deal less. for the Late fall feeding hurts the land, German wri- and kills out the grass roots. Better use fodder corn, pumpseason. kins, round turnips, anything to

13 Th. 14th. 640. 14 Fr. 15 Sa. 16th. & in Peri. 16 E 23d Sunday after Trinity. top-dressing of compost will pay colder, better than to feed the ground

in Apo. Very low tides. save the best mowing lots, even

17 Mo. 18 Tu.

19 W.

› lawyer, died,

Grows if you have to draw a little on
the winter stores of hay. A good

17th. Lord Erskine, celebrated English bare. Top-dressing shields the
eclipsed, invis. in U. S. grass roots. Hard feeding leaves
with them exposed. Don't the build-
ings need a little fixing? A shin-
gle here and another there will
often keep out the rains and the

20 Th. ff.stat.

21 Fr. High tides. 6. 22 Sa. St. Cecilia. ( runs low. 23 E 24th Sunday after Trinity, cold. A coat of paint would do

24 Mo. 6 h৫.684.

25 Tu.


of 26 W. Oliver Ellsworth, Chief Justice of the › United States, died, 1807.

27 Th.in.

28 Fr. Low tides.

29 Sa. Cin Per. 80th.

them good, perhaps. And there are the tools that need mending. snow Get a little time to read and study. A well-stored mind is the or rain. first step to a happy and useful life. Knowledge is power, and a inf. well-read man ought to be able

to find within himself resources

30 E 1st Su. in Advent. St. Andrew. of enjoyment, and an increased

capacity to benefit mankind.


's Declination.

DECEMBER, Twelfth Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.



1 21S.55 7 22 42 13 23
2 22

[blocks in formation]

8 22 48 14 23

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Full Moon, 3d day, 11h. 36m., evening, E.
Last Quarter, 11th day, 5h. 10m., evening, W.

• New Moon, 19th day, 2h. 5m., evening, W.
D First Quarter, 26th day, 11h. 20m., morning, W.

[blocks in formation]


m. h.






[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

343 9 Tu. 7 18 4 27 9967720 20 3 h'rt


4 22

344 10 W. 7 19 4 27 9 86 87 21

33 4 bel. 10 55


345 11 Th. 7 20 4 27 976 9 622 42 5 bel. 11 56

5 49

[blocks in formation]

6 28

347 13 Sa. 7 22 4 27


56 11

524 6

6 rei.

056 78

348 14 S. 7 22 4 27


56 11

5 25


72 rei.

158 748

349 15 Μ. 7 23 4 28


56 11

426 84 84 sec.


350 16 Tu. 7 244 28


46 12

427 9 9 sec.

4 6 9 14

35 17 W. 7 254 28



328 92 104 thi.

5 13 10 2

352 18 Th. 7.254 28


3 Inc.

329 102 10 thi.

623 10 55

353 19 Fr. 7 264 29


[blocks in formation]

354 20 Sa. 7 26 430

9 40 12111- kn.

sets 052

355 21 S. 7 26 430 9.40 11.200kn.

623 152

356 22 Μ. 7 27 4 31 9 40 113 0 14 legs 739 2 51 357 23 Tu. 7 28432 9 40 1041 2 legs 855 3 47

359 25 Th. 7 29 4 33 9 40 1163432 feet 11 26

[blocks in formation]

364 30 Tu. 7 30436 9 60 3311 819 arm

DECEMBER hath 31 days.


[ocr errors][merged small]

What thanks, O God, to Thee are due,
That Thou didst plant our fathers here;
And watch and guard them as they grew
A vineyard to the Planter dear.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

gress meets.

1 Mo. in Perih. United States Con2 Tu. Length of night 14h. 43m. Hohenlinden, 1800; Moreau defeats the

3 W.

› Austrians.


Farmer's Calendar.

It is a bad plan to go into the

winter without a sharp look after the wood-pile. A plenty of dry and well-seasoned wood is a good A thing on a cold day. You don't north-east save anything by trying to get snow storm along from hand to mouth, and 2d Sunday in Advent. you don't save anything by try

4 Th. Very high tides. runs high.

5 Fr.

6 Sa. St. Nicholas.

7 E

8 Мо.

9 Tu.

10 W.

11 Th.

ing to burn green wood. All may now stock ought to be well bedded,

Father Father, Mathew, Mathe the Apostle of Temper- kept clean, carded every day at

in Apo. gr. hel. lat. N. by the clock. Cattle are crea-

be this season of the year, and fed

12 Fr. Very low tides. 824৫.

13 Sa. 14th. Washington died, 1799.

14 E 3d Sunday in Advent.

15 Mo.

16 Tu. Great fire in New York, 1835.

17 W. 6.



18 Th. 6. {Shortest

19 Fr.

20 Sa.


gr. elong. W. 21st Pilgrims

landed, 1620.

tures of habit. An animal like

the cow or ox, fully fed, will chew the cud, if left quiet to itself, for six hours, when all the

rough food taken into the stomach will be ground over. You see it isn't best to feed too often.

Adopt a fixed system as to time,

and then stick to it. The round

Cr.l. 21st. Very hi.tides. if you haven't any, begin on the

turnips come in well now, and swedes. The mangolds will be 21 E 4th Su. in Adv. St. Thomas. growing better till March, and 22 Mo. 21st. Oent. V. WINTER BEGINS. they keep well till spring. Feed C.Washington resigned mand of the army, 1783. roots once a day just after the

[blocks in formation]

(Corrected 1872.)

SUPREME COURT. -At Washington, to commence on the first Monday in December, annually.

The Supreme Court of the United States consists of one Chief and eight Associate Justices. There are nine judicial circuits, and to each of these is assigned one of the justices. By a law passed in 1869, there are also nine Circuit Judges, each of whom is to reside in his Circuit. The Circuits and Justices are as follows:

First Circuit (Maine, N. H., Mass., R. I.), Nathan Clifford, of Portland, Me., Asso. Justice. Second (Vt., Conn., N. Y.), Samuel Nelson, of Cooperstown, N. Y., As. J. Third (Penn., N. J., Del), Wm. Strong, of Philadelphia, Pa., As. J. Fourth (Md., Va., W. Va., N. C., S. C.), Salmon P. Chase, of Cincinnati, O., Chief Justice. Fifth (Geo., Fla., Ala., Miss., La.. Tex.), Joseph P. Bradley, of Newark, N. J.. As. J. Sixth (Ohio, Mich., Ken., Tenn.), Noah H. Swayne, of Columbus, O., As. J. Seventh (Ind., Ill., Wis.), David Davis, of Bloomington, Ill., As. J. Eighth (Min., Iowa, Mo., Kan., Ark., Neb.), Samuel F. Miller, of Keokuk, Iowa, As. J. Ninth (Cal., Oregon, Nev.), Stephen J. Field, of San Francisco, Cal., As. J.; Clerk, D. W. Middleton, Washington, D. C.

UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURTS IN In MAINE - at Portland, 1st Tues. in Feb. THE FIRST AND SECOND EASTERN CIR- and Dee.; at Bath, 1st Tues. in Sept.; CUITS. - IN MAINE - at Portland, 23d at Bangor, 4th Tues. in June. In NEW Apr. and 23d Sept. In N. HAMPSHIRE - HAMPSHIRE - at Portsmouth, 3d Tues. at Portsmouth, May 8, and at Exeter, Oct. in March and Sept.; at Exeter, 3d Tues. 8. In MASSACHUSETTS - at Boston, May in June and Dec. In MASSACHUSETTS 15 and Oct. 15. In CONNECTICUT - at N. at Boston, 3d Tues. in Mar., 4th Tues. Haven, 4th Tues. in Apr., and at Hartford, in June, 2d Tues. in Sept., and 1st Tues. 3d Tues. in Sept. In RHODE ISLAND-at in Dec. In CONNECTICUT - at Hartford, Providence, June 15, and Nov. 15. In 4th Tues. in May and Nov.; at N. Haven, VERMONT - at Windsor, 4th Tu. in July, at Rutland Oct. 3d., and at Burlington, 4th Tues. in Feb.

If the days happen on Sunday the Court comes in the Monday following. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS.

4th Tues. in Feb. and Aug. In RHODE ISLAND - at Newport, 2d Tues. in May and 3d Tues. in Oct.; at Providence, 1st Tues. in Feb. and Aug. In VERMONT Windsor, Mon. after 4th Tu. July; Rutland, Oct. 6th; Burlington, 4th Tues. Feb.


(Corrected 1872.)

SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. LAW ver, last Tu. Feb. and 2d Tu. Sept. SagTERMS. - Augusta, 4th Tues. May. Port- adahoc Co., at Bath, 1st Tu. Ap. and 3d land, 3d Tu. July. Bangor, 3d Tu. June. Tu. Aug. and Dec. (Dec. term for Civil

SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. CIVILAND CRIMINAL ACTIONS. - Androscoggin Co., Auburn, 3d Tu. Jan., Ap., and Sep. Aroostook Co., Houlton, last Tu. Feb., 3d Tu. Sep. Cumb. Co., Civil only, Portland, 2d Tu. Jan., Apr., and Oct. Franklin Co., at Farmington, 1st Tu. Mar.and 4th Tu.Sept. Hancock Co., at Ellsworth, 2d Tu. Ap. and Oct. Kennebec Co., at Augusta, 1st Tu. Mar., 1st Tu. Aug., 3d Tu. Oct. Knox Co., at Rockland, 2d Tu. Mar. and Dec., 3d Tu. Sept. Lincoln Co., at Wiscasset, 4th Tu. Ap., 4th Tu. Oct. Oxford Co., at Paris, 2d Tu. Mar., 3d Tu. Sept., and 1st Tu. Dec. Penobscot Co., at Bangor, Civil Actions, 1st Tues. Jan. and Apr., and ist Tues. Oct.; Criminal Actions, 1st Tues. Feb. and for civil and criminal cases, Ist Tues. and 2d Tu. Aug. Piscataquis Co., at Do- of Jan., May, and September.

Actions only.) Somerset Co., at Skowhegan, 3d Tu. Mar., Sept., and Dec. Waldo Co., at Belfast, 1st Tu. Jan., and 3d Tu. in Ap. and Oct. Washington Co., at Machias, 1st Tues. of Jan. and 1st Tues. of Oct.; and at Calais, 4th Tu. Ap. York Co., Saco, 1st Tu. Jan.; Alfred, 3d Tu. May, and 3d Tu. Sept.

THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR CUMBERLAND COUNTY has exclusive jurisdiction in civil actions from $20 to $500, and concurrent jurisdiction with S. J. Court in actions exceeding $500, and criminal jurisdiction in all actions. Court sits for trial of civil actions exclusively, 1st Tu. of Feb., Mar., Apr., Oct., Nov., and Dec.;

(Corrected 1872.)


Tues. in June, and Bennington, 1st Tues. in Dec. Newfane, 2d Tues. in April and Sept. Woodstock, 4th Tues. in May, and

SUPREME COURTS. - Middlebury, 1st COUNTY COURTS. - Middlebury, 1st Mon. after 3d Tues. in Jan. Rutland, 1st Tues. in June, and 2d in Dec. Rutland, 2d Mon. after 4th Tues. Jan. Bennington Tues. in Mar. and Sept. Manchester, 1st and Manchester, alternately, 2d Tues. aftr 4th Tues. in Jan. Newfane, Mon. follow ing 2d Tues. aft. 4th Tues. in Jan. Wood stock, 1st Thurs. aft. 4th Tu. next aft. 4th 1st in Dec. Chelsea, 1st Tu. in June, and Tu. in Jan. Chelsea, 6th Tu. aft. 4th Tu. 3d in Dec. Burlington, 1st Tues. in April, in Jan. Burlington, 1st Tu. in Jan. St. and 4th in Sept. St. Albans, 2d Tues. in Albans, 1st Mon. aft. 2d Tu.in Jan. North April and Sept. North Hero, last Tues.in Hero 1st Fri. aft. 3d Tues. in Jan. Hyde Feb. and Aug. Hyde Park, 4th Tues. in Park, 3d Tues. in Aug. Montpelier, 2d May, and 1st in Dec. Montpelier, 2d Tu.

Tues. in Aug. Irasburg, 1st Thurs. next aft, 3d Tues. in Aug. St. Johnsbury, 1st Thurs. next aft. 4th Tues. in Aug. Guild

in Mar. and Sept. Irasburg, 1st Wed. after 1st Tues. in Sept. and 1st Tu. in Feb. St. Johnsbury, 1st Tues. in June and Dec.

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