1873. JUNE, Sixth Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. 's Declination. D First Quarter, 3d day, 1h. 35m., morning, W. • New Moon, 24th day, 4h. 28m., evening, W. 157 6 Fr. 4 24 7 33 15 96 6 211 8 8 rei. 157 8 48 2 19 9 34 2 43 10 23 1 2 22 313 11 16 351 morn. 1.17 rises 015. 954 11⁄2 kn. 10 42 24 legs 11 20 34 legs 11 52 44 feet morn. 5 feet 64 h'd 2 19 3 20 4 17 5 10 0.19 60 158 7 Sa. 4 24 7 34 15 10 6 7 112 82 94 sec. 159 8 S. 4 23 7 34 15 11 6 8 113 93 10 sec. 160 9 Μ. 4 23 7 35 15 12 69114102 103 thi. 161 10 Tu. 4 23 7 35 15 12 6 910114 114 thi. 162 11 W. 42373615 13 6 10 116 0 kn. 163 12 Th. 4 23 7 36 15 13 6 10 017 00 kn. 164 13 Fr. 4 23 7 37 15 14 6 11 0 18 165 14 Sa. 4 23 7 37 15 14 6 11 0 19 166 15 S. 4 23 7 38 15 15 6 12 S. 20 167 16 Μ. 4 23 7 38 15 15 6 12 021 32 168 17 Tu. 4 23 7 38 15 15 612 122 4 169 18 W. 4 23 7 39 15 16 6 13 123 5 170 19 Th. 4 23 7 39 15 16 Dec. 124 63 7th'd 171 20 Fr. 4 23 7 39 15 1600 125 781 n'k 172 21 Sa. 4 24 7 39 15 1501 126 87 9 n'k 173 22 S. 4 24 7 39 15 15 01227 91 10 arm 174 23 Μ. 4 24 7 39 15 15 0 122810211 arm 175 24 Tu. 4 25 7 40 15 15 0 12 114 114 br. 176 25 W. 4 25 7 40 15 15 0 121 0 br. 177 26 Th. 4 25 7 40 15 15013201 0 br. 178 27 Fr. 4 26 7 40 15 14023314 12 h'rt 10 8 2 29 179 28 Sa. 4 26 7 40 15 14 0 23 12 24 h'rt 10 37 3 16 180 29 S. 4 26 7 40 15 140235 24 24 bel. 11 08.59 167.36 130 8 24 156 9 13 226 10 4 3 4 10 58 sets 11 53 851 0 47 934 1 39 All fringed with festal gold the barberry stands; Aspects, Holidays, Events, 1 E Whit-Sun., Pentecost. Nicomede. MRS. H. B. STOWE. Farmer's Calendar. GOOD Corn weather is good also for the weeds. How they grow! It is a little cheaper to keep them down than to let them alone. They take the heart out Very of the land; and I think you'd 68. stationary. better put in some crop that will 7 Sa. 6th. Chia Count Cavour, great Italian fine, give you more winter feed for stock. There's green fodder corn. 8E Trinity Sund. & in Perih. It is hard to cure, to be sure, but 6 Fr. 9 Mo.sup. 10 Tu. gr. brill. 11 W. St. Barnabas.. 12 Th. Corpus Christi. ( runs low. in England, 1801. Occasional just think what a load of it to showers the acre! and then, if you sow it with now, you can cure it early, while the sun is hot. And there is the Hungarian grass. It can be sown now. It isn't worth while to sow it earlier, for it needs warm weather and a warm soil. It waits till the warm nights come before it starts ahead; but then 17 Tu. Battle Bunker Hill, 1775. thunder how it grows, as if the very spir18 W. Lo.ti. gr. hel. l. N. {Longest its of hartshorn were after it. 19 Th. D. 18the Grote, historian, But don't fail to cut it in the 20 Fr. 21st. 6৭৫. and "blow," for then it makes the best hay. And there are the 21 Sa. ent.. SUMMER BEGINS. swedes. They always pay if 22 E 2d Sunday after Trinity. sown this month and well taken 23 Mo. High tides. lightning, care of. They save a heap of 24 Tu. Nativ. of St. John Baptist. {Midsu Midsummer hay, they are so handy to feed › died, 1871. day. 25 W. runs high. and out early in the winter. No farmer can afford to get on with26 Th. 6. ist. Selboutei Rev. G. White, auth. Nat. out the swedes. Cut grass early 27 Fr. 6. perhaps hail. for hay. The cows like it, and 28 Sa. in Aphelion.thed He 29 E 3d S. af. Tr. St. Peter. 621 C. 30 Mo. in Apo. in Apo. (29th. Henry Clay thrive all the better for it. hope you've a good mower. I It will do the work of ten men in the same time, and do it well. Don't forget the weeds. 1873. JULY, Seventh Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. 1 's Declination, 2 23 1 8 22 26 14 21 23N. 5 7 22 33 13 21 46 19 20 46 25 19 34 20 20 35 26 19 20 37 ► First Quarter, 2d day, 6h. 26m., evening, W. 182 1 Tu. 4 27 7 40 15 13034744 bel. 1141 5 21 183 2 W. 4 28 7 39 15 110 548454 rei. morn. 61 184 3 Th. 4 287 39 15110549546 rei. 016 42 185 4 Fr. 4 29 7.39 15 1006410627 sec. 0 21 7 25 186 5 Sa. 4 30 739 15 90 74 11 747 sec. 0 43 8 11 709513997 thi. 40125 114- kn. 00 16 519 14 21 feet 10 21 187 6 S. 4 307 39 15 907 412 848 sec. 110 9 2 188 7 Μ. 4 31738 15 191 10 Th. 4 337 37 15 192 11 Fr. 4 34 7 36 15 193 12 Sa. 4 34 7 36 15 194 13 S. 4 357 35 15 143 9 59 227 11 0 3 21 morn rises 03 917 16 33 3 56 h'd 11 10 4 46 197 16 W. 4 38 7 34 14 56 0 20 622 44 5 h'd 11 34 5 34 198 17 Th. 4 387 33 14 55 021 623 546 n'k morn. 6 22 199 18 Fr. 4 39 7 32 14 53 0 23 624 64 7 n'k 007 10 200 19 Sa. 4 40 7 31 14 51 0 25 625 74 73 arm 03081 201 20 S. 4 417 31 14 50026 626 8184 arm 138 53 144946 234 10 40 195 14 M. 4 36 7 35 14 59 0 17 620 22 3 feet 10 46 196 15 Tu. 4 37 7 34 14 57 0 19 621 344 202 21 Μ. 4 427 30 14 48 0 28 627 94 93 arm 203 22 Tu. 4 43 7 29 14 46 0 30 628 104 104 br. 204 23 W. 4 44 7 28 14 44 0 32 629 11 114 br. 205 24 Th. 4 45 7 27 14 42 0 346 11월- h'rt 206 25 Fr. 4 46 7 26 14 400366104 04h'rt 207 26 Sa. 4 47 7 25 14 380386203 14 h'rt 208 27 S. 4 48 7 24 14 36 0 40 6314 12 bel. 209 28 Μ. 4 49 7 23 14 34 0 426 42 2 bel. 210 29 Tu. 4 507 22 14 32044 6523 3 rei. 211 30 W. 4 517 21 14 30 0 46663 34 rei. 3 35 11 33 sets 024 839 1 11 93156 925 2 38 945 10 4 3 58 10 24 3 18 4 38 umphal entry into Rome, 1871. O. W. HOLMES. Farmer's Calendar. 1 tri- HERE we are in the midst of 2 W. Very low tides. [8h. 49m. haying, and the weeds not all killed yet. Can't stop for hoeing 3 Th. 6. Length of night now. Fix up the knives of the 4 Fr. INDEPENDENCE DAY. mowing machine, oil the bear5 Sa. 4th. 68 ৫. Intensely ings, jump on, and go ahead. 6 E 4th Sunday after Trinity. 'Twasn't so when I was a boy, hot but times change, you know. No use to hang back or kick in the weather traces. The world moves, and unless it's a pity farming shouldn't keep tempered up. So put the shoulder to the 8. collar, and lay to it. Don't let [in the grass get out of blossom. If bud can. {gust best time to fruit trees. 12 Sa. in Per. Very high tides. it gets too far gone it is little 13 E 5th Sun. after Trin. by better than straw. Begin early, 14 Mo.gr. elong. W. Middle of July and push ahead as fast as you 15 Tu. St. Swithin. We don't dry hay quite as much as they used to. One good 17 Th. Char Marat, Paris, 1798. good mower, a good tedder, and 18 Fr. 20th. 6१८. cooling a good horse-rake, it is fine work 19 Sa. 20th. gr. hel. lat. S. now, and the hay can go in the 20 E 6th Su. aft. Tr. St. Margaret. day it is cut. It makes a great deal in handling in a hot July 21 Mo..22d. 8h. Aph. sun. Hay ought to be trodden 22 Tu. St. Mary Magdalen. Low tides. solid and even on the mow. 23 W. 22d.ru. hi. keeps better for it. Don't keep 24 Th. 6 . winds the great barn doors open to let 25 Fr. St. James. DOG-DAYS) the wind draw through. No thinkCing farmer does that. The sifting 26 Sa. St. Anne. High tides. 6. wind carries off the fragrance of 27 E 7th Su. af. Trin. (in Apo. the hay. Keep the barn as close 28 Mo. Robespierre guillotined, from the as you can all through haying, 29 Tu. 6. stationary. and shut it up tight as soon as it is over. It is a good plan to topnorth. dress the mowing lots as soon as 16 W. gr. elong. E. 6C. Charlotte Corday executed for assassina-day is about enough. With a Roger Sherman 30 W. Low tides. 31 Th. BEGIN. [624 Signs of rain. the hay is taken off. It 1873. AUGUST, Eighth Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. 's Declination. m. 123456 17N.54 7 16 18 13 14 32 19 12 37 25 10 35 3 17 23 9 17 7 10 17 39 8 16 1 14 14 13 20 21 22 16 51 11 15 8 17 13 16 23 11 17 29 9 11 8 49 16 34 12 14 50 18 12 57 24 10 56 30 D First Quarter, 1st day, 9h. 45m., morning, E. 213 1 Fr. 4 53719 14 26050685 214 2 Sa. 4 54 7 18 14 24 0 5269 53 215 3 S. 4 55 7 16 14 21055 610 62 7 thi. morn. 7 43 216 4 M. 4 56 7 15 14 19057 6 11 758 thi. 217 5 Tu. 4 57 7 14 14 17059 612 849 kn. 21S 6 W. 4 58 7 13 14 15 1 1 6 13 9 10 kn. 219 7 Th. 4 59 7 12 14 13 1 3 5 14 101 102 legs 0 710 14 10 1650 11 11 legs 818 516 0 feet 233 21 Th. 5 13 6 52 13 391 37 328 104 11 h'rt 234 22 Fr. 5 14 6 50 13 36 1 403 11월 11월 h'rt 235 23 Sa. 5 16 6 48 13 321 44 2 1 0 bel. 236 24 S. 5 17 6 47 13 30 1 46 220 0 bel. 237 25 Μ. 5 18 6 45 13 27 1 49 23 1 11 14 rei. 238 26 Tu. 5 19 6 44 13 25 151 24 12 13 rei. 239 27 W. 5 20 6 42 13 22 1 5415242 rei. 240 28 Th. 5 21 6 40 13 19 157 16 22 34 sec. 241 29 Fr. 5 22 639 13 171 59 173+ 30 sec. 242 30 Sa. 5 23 637 13 14 220844 42 thi. 751 117 8 10 157 829 2 36 8493 17 9 11 3 59 9 37 4 44 10 10 5 33 3 25 11 8 sets 11 54 7 30 0 36 |