MARCH hath 31 days. 1873. Fair seem these winter days, and soon Shall blow the warm west winds of spring And hither urge the bluebird's wing. Aspects, Holidays, Events, 1 Sa. St. David. 6°C. { 7 Fr. Perpetua-Martyr. runs high. in 8. 8 Sa. in Perihelion. 10 Mo. 9th. 6. 11 Tu. WHITTIER. Farmer's Calendar. Now the cows will be coming in. Do not feed them too high for two or three weeks before calving. Just before the time is up give them a warm pen, free from cold drafts of air, and see that all State elec. time. 624. in Apo. { 12 Per. 13 Th. 14 Fr. Jared Sparks died, aged 77, 1866. 15 Sa. Andrew Jackson born, 1767. Ridge. goes right. After calving, give a pailful of water a little warm, after stirring into it a pint of rye meal, and give it often for the first day, warm as at first, but never more than a pailful at a Don't give much to eat in N. H. the first twenty-four hours, and uncomfortable give no grain of any kind, or in weather. any form, for a week. A few roots will be a good thing. If A blus- the cow is all right the calf may 16 E 3d Sun. in Lent. tering stay with her a day or two; but that it suckles from all the 17 Mo. St. Patrick Dayun Days and nights nearly teats. At first it is apt to stick 18 Tu. 68. gr.elon. E. Hi. ti. to one teat, suckling and bunting 19 W. 18th Insurrection ("the Commune") so as to hurt the udder. At the end 20 Th. ent.. SPRING BEGINS. of a week, if all is right, the feed of the cow may be given freely. 21 Fr. St. Benedict. & stat. storm If the bag is swelled and very hot, 22 Sa.runs low. Low tides. don't let the calf suck; keep the 23 E 4th Su. in L. gr. hel. 1. N. cow in the barn, give her warm 24 Mo. 23d. ১২৫. about drink, feed sparingly, and bathe 1st of year in Old Style, the udder with 25 Tu. Lady Day. shared hot soapsuds to Jan. 1. every two hours, rubbing gently. 26 Perigee.stat. this Never put cold water upon a 27 Th. Vera Cruz surrendered to the Americans, caked and feverish udder. It 28 Fr. Very high tides. [gr. bril, ought never to be done, for there 29 Sa. 6. gr. hel. I. N.Qat is great risk of injury and loss 30 E 5th Sun. in Lent. Passion Sun. plication of the hot soapsuds will 31 Mo.69 C. in Paris, 1847. of the glands. The prompt ap died, 1850. time. bring the bag all right. 1873. APRIL, Fourth Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. 's Declination. ▷ First Quarter, 4th day, 1h. 52m., evening, E. Full Moon, 12th day, 5h. 7m., evening, E. Last Quarter, 20th day, 1h. 4m., morning, E. New Moon, 26th day, 5h. 58m., evening, E. 91 1 Tu. 5 426 26 12 44 3 414 42 92 2 W. 5 41 6 27 1246 343453 214/arm/11373 44 34 arm morn. 4 38 93 3 Th. 5 39 6 28 1249 346 36 33 44 br. 94 4 Fr. 5 376 30 1253 3 50 37 40 541 br. 95 5 Sa. 5 35 631 1256 3533854 6 br. 96 6 S. 5 34 6 32 12 58 3 55 29 64 7 h'rt 97 7 Μ. 5 326 33 13 1358 210 748 hr't 98 8 Tu. 5 306 34 13 441211 82 9 bel. 999 W. 5 29 635 13.64 3112993 bel. 100 10 Th. 5 27636 13946113 104 101⁄2 bel. 101 11 Fr. 5 25 6 37 13124.9 11411 111 rei. 102 12 Sa. 5 24 6 38 13 14 4 111 112 112 rei. 103 13 S. 5 22 6 39 13 17 4 14 016 01 sec. 104 14 Μ. 5 21 6 41 13 20 417 017020 sec. 105 15 Tu. 5 19 6 42 13 23 4 20 F. 18 1 106 16 W. 5 17 6 43 13 264 23 019 13 2 thi. 107 17 Th. 5 16 6 44 13 28 4 25 120 24 041 5 32 138 6 24 226 7,15 3 68 3 339 848 46 9 31 4 28 10 13 450 10 54 5 10 11 35 rises morn. 7 38 0 17 8471 1 14 sec. 9 56 1 49 11 6 2 40 23 thi. 108 18 Fr. 5 14 6.45 13 31 428 121 34 32 kn. 012 434 109 19 Sa. 5 12 6 46 13 34 4 31 122 4 4 kn. 1 11 5 34 110 20 S. 5 116 47 1836 433 123 5 61⁄2 legs 242 7 31 11222 Tu. 5 86 49 13 41438 225 775 feet 316 8 25 113 23 W. 5 6651 13 45 442 2268 8 feet 3 45 9 18 114 24 Th. 5 5 6 52 1347 444 227 9 9 h'd 4 910 8 115 25 Fr. 5 46 53 13 49 446 2 28 10 10 h'd 433 10 57 116 26 Sa. 5 2654 1352 449 211 113 n'k 457 11 47 117 27 S.5 16 55 13 54 4 51 3 1112 - n'k sets 0.38 118 28 Μ. 4 596 56 13 57 454 320101 arm 119 29 Tu. 4 586 57 13 594 56 331 14 arm 10 26 2 25 916131 1873. 's Declination. MAY, Fifth Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. 15N.15 7 16 58 13 18 31 19 19 53 25 21 m. 3 14 18 46 20 20 6 26 21 14 15 19 0 21 20 18 27 21 24 19 14 22 20 30 28 21 33 27 23 20 41 29 21 43 6 16 42 12 18 17 18 19 41 24 20 53 30 21 52 123456 4 16 D First Quarter, 4th day, 7h. 49m., morning, E. 121 1 Th. 4 556 59 14 45 135 24 3 br. morn. 4 14 132 12 Μ. 4 42 7 11 14 29 5 264112 sec. rises morn. 01 thi. 855 0 33 1 thi. 10 5 128 12 kn. 11 6 2 27 morn. 3 28 00428 043 5 27 1. 24 34 24 kn. 34 legs 44 legs 51 feet 133 13 Tu. 4 41 7 12 14 31 5 28 417 0 - arm 04 arm 1 br. 119 6 21 147 7 13 213 82 236 851 30939 3 2610 28 3 55 11.19 sets 012 9 12 17 10 10 14 br. 10 59 24 h'rt 11 37 22 256 3 48 |