ECLIPSES FOR 1872. There will be four Eclipses, this year: two of the SUN and two of the MOON. treme north-western part of North America. III.-A PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON, Nov. 14 and 15, visible in the United States. At Boston it begins at 0h. 15m. A. M., Nov. 15, and ends at Oh. 55m. IV.-AN ANNULAR ECLIPSE OF THE SUN, Nov. 30, visible in the southern part of South America. Not visible in the United States. A PLANETS-1872. MAY. rises 5 4 12 Α.Μ. JUNE. rises 5 4 19 Α. Μ. AUGUST. d. h. m. sets 47 33 Р. М. rises 10 3 2 Α. Μ. 24 rises 19 4 11 Α. Μ. h sets 26 1 19 Α.Μ. VENUS will be Morning Star till July 15, then Evening Star the rest of the year. Star the rest of the year. SATURN will be Morning Star till July 9, then Evening Star the rest of the year. NAMES AND CHARACTERS OF THE ASPECTS. Conjunction, or in the same degree. Sextile, 60 degrees. Quartile, 90 degrees. Trine, 120 degrees. 8 Opposition, or 180 degrees. or Ascending Node. Dragon's Tail, or Descending Node. NAMES AND CHARACTERS OF THE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. A COLLEGES, PROFESSIONAL AND NORMAL SCHOOLS COLLEGES. IN NEW ENGLAND. THEOLOGICAL SCHOOLS. BATES, LEWISTON, ME. - Com., last THEO. SEM. BANGOR, ME. (Or. Cong.) Wed. June. Vac., 8 w. fm Com.; 6 Thurs. af. 1st Wed. in June; vac. Wed. bef. last Th. Nov.; 1 w. in Spring. BOWDOIN, BRUNSWICK, ME. - Com., 2d Wed. July. Vac., 7 w. from Com.; 6 w. from Wed, before last Th. Nov. Spring Vac., 1 w. COLBY UNIVER., WATERVILLE, ME. Com., 1st. Wed. Aug. Vac., fm com., 4w.; fm 2d w. Dec. 8 w.; fm 1st Wed. May, 1 w. MAINE WESLEYAN SEM. AND FEMALE COLL., KENT'S HILL, ME. -Three terms 13 w. each. Com., 2d Mon, Aug.; last Mon. Nov.; 2d Mon. March. MAINE STATE COLL. OF AGRIC. AND THE MECHANIC ARTS, ORONO, ME. Sp. tm beg. Feb. 8, clo. May 1; 1 w. vac.; Sum. term beg. May 9, clo. Aug. 7; 3 w. vac; Fall term beg. Aug. 29, clo. Nov. 27; 10 w. vac. DARTMOUTH, AT HANOVER, N. H. Com., last Thurs. in June; vac. 9w.from Com. 1st tm ends Jan. 17; vac. 3 w; 2d tm beg. Feb. 8, clo. last Thurs. in June. MIDDLEBURY, MIDDLEBURY, VT.Com., Th. aft. 2d Wed. Aug. Vac.4w.; 8 last Wed. Nov.; fm last Tu. Ap, 2 w. NORWICH UNIVERSITY, NORTHFIELD, Ѵт.- Com., 2d Th. in July, Vac., 7 w. Christmas term, 16 w. Vac., 5 w. Easter term, 24 w. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT, AND STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, AT BURLINGΤΟΝ. -Com., 1st Thurs. in Aug. Vaca., Com. 4 w.; from Wed. before Thanksgiving, 8 w., and 1 w.from 2d Wed. in May. AMHERST, AMHERST, MASS. - Com., 2d Th. July. Vae., 9 w. following; 2 w. last of Dec., and 2 w. in spring. BOSTON COLLEGE, BOSTON, MASS. Two sessions, beginning on 1st Mon. of Sept., and 1st Mon. of Feb. COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS, WORCESTER, MASS. - Com., latter days June; 2 terms 21 w. each; year begins ist Mon. Sept. HARVARD, CAMBRIDGE, Mass.- Acad. year begins Thurs. after last Wed. Sept., ends at Com., last Wed. June; recess fm 24 Dec. to Jan. 6, inclusive. TUFTS COLL. COLLEGE HILL (MEDFORD), MASS.- First tm beg. Sept. 7, 171, ends Jan. 31, 72, vac. 2 w.; 2d tm beg. Feb. 15. Com. June 19; vac. 11 w. WILLIAMS, WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS. -Com., last Th. Jun. Vac., 9 w. af. Com.; 2 w. fm Tu.bef. Chr., last Tu. Mch. BROWN, PROVIDENCE, R. I.-1st term beg. Sept. 8, 1871, ends Jan. 18, 1872, vac. 3 w.; 2d tm beg. Feb. 16. Com., last Wed. June. TRINITY, HARTFORD, CONN. - Com., 2d Th. af. July 4th. Vac., 9 w. fm Com.; 4 w. fin Th. bef. Christmas. WESLEYAN UNIV. MIDDLETOWN, CT. -Com., 3d Th. of Jul. Va., 8 w. fm Com., and 2 w. fm Dec. 20; 3 w. fm Mch 21. YALE, NEW HAVEN, CONN. - Com. last Th. but 2 in Jul. Vac., Com.; 2w. bef. 1st Wed. in Jan.. 2 w. bef. last Wed. 15 w. from anni. VT. EPIS. INSTITUTE, BURLINGTON, VT. - Acad. yr. 44 w. fm Sept. 1. THEO. SEM. (Ortho. Cong.) ANDOVER, MASS.- Anni. Thurs. bef. July 4; vaca. 9 w. after anni., and 3 w. in spring. BOSTON THEO. SEM. (Metho.), BOSTON. -Sem. year beg. Sept. 13; Com. May 30. EPISCOPAL THEO. SCHOOL AT CAMBRIDGE, MASS. - Year begins 3d Wed. in Sept., ends 3d Wed. in June. NEWTON THEO. INST., NEWTON CENTRE, MASS. (Bapt.) - Ann., 2d Wed. Jun. Vac. fm ann. to 1st Wed. Sept., and 1 w. from last Wed. Jan. THEO. SCHOOL, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. (Unitar.) -Terms, same as Harv. Coll. TUFTS COLLEGE DIV. SCHOOL, COLLEGE HILL (MEDFORD), MASS. (Univ.)School year same as that of the College. BERKELEY DIV. SCHOOL (Epis.), MIDDLETOWN, CONN. - Year beg. 1st Wed. Oct.; ends about the 1st June. Recess Christmas and Easter. DIV. SCH. of YALE COLL., NEW HAVEN, CONN. (Ortho. Cong.)-Year beg. Sept. 13; cont. till 3d Thurs. May. THEO. INST. OF CONN., HARTFORD. -Acad. yr fm 1st Th. Oct. to 2d Wed. Jun. MEDICAL SCHOOLS. MED. SCH. OF ME., BOWDOIN COLL., BRUNSWICK, ME. - Beg. Feb. 15, lasts 16 w. MED. DEP. DART. COLL., HANOVER, N. H.-Beg. 1st Th. Aug., cont. 14 w. VT. MED. SCH., BURLINGTON, VT.Medical lect. beg. 1st Th. Mch., con. 16w. N. E. FEMALE MED. COLL., BOSTON. -Com. 1st Wed. Nov., and con. 17 w. MED SCH. OF HARV. COLL., BOSTON.The year beg. Th. af. last Wed. in Sept.; ends last Wed. in June. It is divided into two equal terms, with vac. of 1 w. between them. MED. INST. OF YALE COLLEGE, NEW HAVEN, CONN. -Course beg. 2d Th. Sept., cont. 17 w.; summer sess. beg. 2d Thurs. Feb., continues till July 10. DENTAL SCHOOL, HARV. COLL., BOSTON. - Beg. last Th. Sept. and cont. 19 w. LAW SCHOOLS. LAW SCHOOL, AT CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Terms same as Harvard College. LAW SCHOOL, NEW HAVEN, CONN. - Terms begin Feb. 14, and Sept. 11. SCIENTIFIC SCHOOLS. CHANDLER SCIEN. DEPT., AND N. Η. COLL. OF AGRIC. AND THE MECH. ARTS, DARTMOUTH COLL., HANOVER, N. H. Terms of both same as Dart. Coll., except that Agric. Coll. closes April 10. UNIVER. OF VT., BURLINGTON, has also a scientific and agricultural course. MASS. AGRICUL. COLLEGE, AMHERST, MASS. - Three tms, 13 w. each; begin 1st LAWRENCE SCIEN. SCHOOL (HARV. COLL.), CAMBRIDGE, MASS. - The year is the same as Harvard College. MASS. INS, OF TECHNOLOGY, BOSTON. -Acad. yr Ist. Mon. Oct. to Jun Ist. WORC. CO. FREE INSTIT. OF INDUST. SCIENCE, WORCESTER, MASS-2tms; 1st, fm 2d Tu. Sept. to last Fri. Jan.; 2d, from 3d Tu. Feb. to 1st Frid. August. SHEFFIELD SCIEN. SCHOOL (YALE COL.) NEW HAVEN, CT. - Terms same as Yale College. NORMAL SCHOOLS. EASTERN NORMAL SCHOOL, CASTINE, ME.-Three terms-fm Aug. 17, 14 w., fm Dec. 4, 12 w., fm Mch. 8, 12 w. WESTERN NORMAL SCHOOL, FARMINGTON, ME. - Sch. yr. beg. last Tues. Aug., ends last. Fri. in June; 2 terms., 20 w. each; recess, one w. in each term. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, JOHNSON, VT.-Fall tm. 11w., beg. last Wed. Aug.; winter term, 10 w., beg. last Wed. Nov.; spring tm 11 w., beg. 3d Wed. Feb.; summer tm, 10 w., beg. 2d Wed. May. Exam. for admis., first day of each term. STATE NORM. SCHOOL, RANDOLPH CENTRE, VT. - The year is divided into 2 terms of 21 w. each, and each term into 2 qrs. Fall term beg. 4th Tues. in Aug.; spring term beg. 2d Tues. in Feb. Exam. for admis. first day of each quarter. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, NEW BRITAIN, CONN. - School year consists of 40 w., beg. in Sept. NORMAL SCHOOLS OF MASS. In each of these the course of study occupies 2 years, or 4 tms, each tm including 19 ws. study and 1 w. rec. Exam. for admis., at beg. of each term, will take place:At Salem, Tues. Feb. 13, and Tues. Aug. 27; at Westfield, Thurs. Feb. 15, and Thurs. Aug. 29; at Bridgewater, Tues. Feb. 20, and Tues. Sept. 3: at Framingham, Thurs. Feb. 22, and Thurs. Sept. 5. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' MEETINGS IN MASSACHUSETTS. (Corrected 1871.) ESSEX, at Ipswich, on the 2d Tues. of | HAMPDEN, at Springfield, on the 2d April; at Salem, on the 2d Tues. of July; at Newburyport, on the 2d Tues. of Oct.; and at Lawrence, on the last Tues. of Aug.; and on the 4th Tues. of Dec., at Ipswich, Salem, or Newburyport, as they shall order at their next preceding term. MIDDLESEX, at Cambridge, on the 1st Tues. of Jan., and the 1st Tues. of June; and at Lowell, on the 1st Tues. of Sept. WORCESTER, at Worcester, on the 4th Tu. of March, the 3d Tu. of June, the 2d Tu. of Sept., and the 4th Tu. of Dec. HAMPSHIRE, at Northampton, on the 1st Tues. of March, Sept., and Dec., and on the Tues. next after the 2d Mon. of June. FRANKLIN, at Greenfield, on the 1st Tues. of March and Sept., and the 2d Tues. of June and Dec. Tues. of April, the 1st Tues. of Oct., and the 4th Tues. of June and Dec. BERKSHIRE, at Pittsfield, on 1st Tu. of Apl., July, and Sept., and last Tu. Dee. NORFOLK, at Dedham, on the 3d Tues. of April, the 4th Tues. of June and Sept., and the last Wed. of Dec. PLYMOUTH, at Plymouth, on the 1st Tues. of Jan., the 3d Tues. of March, and the 1st Tues. of Aug. BRISTOL, at Taunton, on the 4th Tues. of March and Sept. BARNSTABLE, at Barnstable, on the 2d Tues. of April and Oct. DUKES, at Edgartown, on the Wed. next after the 3d Mon. of May, and the Wed. next after the 2d Mon. of Nov. NANTUCKET, Ist Wed. of each month. REGISTERS IN BANKRUPTCY IN NEW ENGLAND. 1872. 's Declination. JANUARY, First Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. 1 m. Days. d. m. 23 25 19 0 6 22 32 12 21 41 18 20 35 24 19 15 30 17 43 12 Last Quarter, 3d day, 5h. 15m., evening. 1 Μ. 7 30 4 37 970 4420 24 3 bel. 10 15 4 15 2 Tu. 7 30 4 38 9805421 34 3월 bel. 11 20 4 59 33 W. 730439 990 6522 44 43 rei. morn. 5 43 4 Th. 7 30 4 40 9100 7 523 54 54 rei. 0 26 6 28 5 Fr. 7 30 4 41 911086246163 sec. 6 Sa. 7 304 42 91209625 7 73 sec. 2345678 7 S. 7 30 4 43 8 Μ. 7 30 4 44 99 Tu. 7 30 4 45 10 10 W. 7 29 4 46 II 11 Th. 7 29 4 47 12 12 Fr. 7 29 4 49 13 13 Sa. 7 28 4 50 14 14 S. 7 28 4 51 17 17 W. 7 27 454 9 130 10 626 8 8 thi. 134 7 16 246 8 7 4293 5 19 10 4 633 11 8 sets 015 6 8 1 19 03 legs 7 25 2 19 1 feet 841 3-14 21 feet 952 4 4 31 h'd 11 1 4 51 9300 27 11 8 54 61 n'k 9 32 0 2911 964 74 n'k morn. 5 36 0 7620 15 15 Μ. 7 28 4 52 9 240 21 105 22 16 16 Tu. 7 27 4 53 9260 23 10 6 44 h'd 51 h'd 18 18 Th. 7 26 456 111 74 19 19 Fr. 7 25 457 213 7 49 20 20 Sa. 7 25 458 9 330 30 11 10 784 arm 315 835 21 21 S. 7 24 4 59 9 350 32 1211 82 9 arm 414 9 23 |