

OCTOBER, Tenth Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m.

's Declination.

[blocks in formation]

• New Moon, 2d day, 10h. 46m., morning.
D First Quarter, 9th day, 4h. 20m., evening.
Full Moon, 16th day, 10h. 50m., morning.
Last Quarter, 24th day, 4h. 10m., morning.

[blocks in formation]

282 8 Tu. 6

55 29 11 24 3 521363134kn.

929 53

283 9 W. 6

284 10 Th. 6

65 27 11 21 3 55 13 74 44 kn. 10 34 6 4

75 26 11 19 3 57 13 85 5 kn. 11 46 75

285 11 Fr. 6

8524 1116 4

0 139664 legs morn. 8 3

286 12 Sa. 6 10 5 22 11 124

414 10 7474 legs


287 13 S. 6 11 5 21 11 10 4

61411 84 82 feet

218 950

288 14 Μ. 6 12 5 19 11 74

914 12 94 92 feet

335 10-40

289 15 Tu. 6 13 5 17 11 4 4 12 14 13 10 10 h'd
290 16 W. 6 14 5 16 11 2 4 14 15

[blocks in formation]

291 17 Th. 6 15 5 14 10 59 4 17 15 15 12


559 0 16

292 18 Fr. 5 17 5 13 10 56 4 2015-16

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

293 19 Sa. 6 18 5 11 10 53 4 23 15 17


14 arm

7 2 155

294 20 S. 6 19 5 10 10 51 4 25 15 18


2 arm

741 246

295 21 Μ. 6 20 5

8 10 48 4 28 15 19


24 arm

827 337

296 22 Tu. 6 22 5

7 10 454 31 16 20


34 br.


[ocr errors]

297 23 W. 6 23 5

5 10 42 4 34 16 21


44 br.

10 16 5 20

298 24 Th. 6 24 5

4 10 40 4 36 16 22

[ocr errors]

54 h'rt

11 17 6 10

299 25 Fr. 6 25 5

2 10 37 4 39 16 23

564 hr't

morn. 657

300 26 Sa. 6 265

1 10 35 441 16 24

64 74 hr't

019 7 43

301 27 S. 6 28 4 59 10 31 4 45 16 25

72 81 bel.

122 8.26

302 28 Μ. 6 294 58 10 29 4 47 16 26 829 bel.

225 99

Total 303 39 Tu. 6 30 4 57 10 27 4 49 16 27 91 10 rei. 3 29 9 52

304 30 W. 6 31 4 55 10 24 4 52 16 28 104 104 rei.

434 10-35

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NOVEMBER, Eleventh Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m.

's Declination.


148.42 7 16 32 13 18 12 19 19 40 25 20



15 1 8 16 44 14 18 27


19 53 26



3 15 20

[blocks in formation]

4 15 38 10

17 23 16 18 15 56 11 17 40 17 19 12 16 14 12 17 56 18 19 26 24 20 44 30 218.48



20 19 28 21 28

23 20 32 29 21


308 3 S. 6 36 4 50 10 14 5 2162

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

306 1 Fr. 6 344 53 10 194 57 16

しっあぁん 307 2 Sa. 6 354 51 10 165 0 16 1

[ocr errors]


309 4 Μ. 6 38 4 49 10 11 5.5 16 3 11
310 5 Tu. 6 394 48 10

45 12 16 6 34 44 legs 10 52 5 58

15 15 16 7 445 legs morn. 654

Morn Even Place. n



[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]


02 thi.

632 157

14 thi.

723 257

95 7 16 4 2

24 kn.

8 26 359

75916 5 2월


936 50

314 9 Sa. 6 44 4 43

9 59 5 17 16 8 54 64 feet 077 45

315 10 S. 6 45 4 42

9 57 5 19 16 9773 feet

119 834

316 11 Μ. 6 474 41

9545 22 16 10 8

84 h'd

232 9 21

317 12 Tu. 6 48 4 40

9 525 24 16 11 9

94 h'd

343 10 8

318 13 W. 6 494 39

9505 26 15 12 10

101 n'k

4 54 10 56

[ocr errors]

319 14 Th. 6 50 4 38

9 485 28 15 13 104

11 n'k

6 211 44

320 15 Fr. 6 52 4 37

9 45 5 31 15


112 n'k

rises morn.

321 16 Sa. 6 53 4 36

9 435 33 15 15

01 arm

5 34 0 35

322 17 S. 6 54 4 36

9 425 34 15 16

[ocr errors]

0 arm

6 19 1 26

thon 323 18 Μ. 6 55 435

9 405 36 15 17


[blocks in formation]

324 19 Tu. 6 57 4 34

9375 39 14 18


2 br.

8 4 3 11

325 20 W. 658 434

9 36 5 40 14 19

326 21 Th. 6 59 4 33

9345 42 14 20

327 22 Fr. 7 0432

932544 14 21

come home 328 23 Sa. 7 2432

9 305 46 13 22

329 24 S. 7 3431

9 28 5 48 13 23

330 25 Μ. 7 4 4 30

9265 50 13 24

There 331 26 Tu. 7


4 30

9 25 5 51 12 25 74

332 27 W. 7 6429







32 h'rt 10 5 450

44 hrt 11 7536

5 bel. morn. 6 20

6+ bel. 010 73

923553 12 26 84 94 rei.

24 h'rt 9442

[blocks in formation]

84 rei.

2 15 8 27

321 9 11

333 28 Th. 7

7 4 29

9 22 554 12 27 9410 sec.

4 29 9 58

334 29 Fr. 7

84 28

9 20 5 56 11 28 104 10 sec.

5 41 10 49

[merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small][merged small]

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

1 Fr. All Saints' Day. 6 ۶۰

2 Sa. High tides.
3 F 230 Su. af. Trin.


Farmer's Calendar.

THE harvest by this time ought to be nearly done. It gladdens the heart to see the barns and

6. the cellars and the garrets, the

4 Mo. 3d.
5 Tu. runs low. 6 h๔.

gr. hel.lat. N. Fine corn bins and the root-pits, fill up

9 Sa.

Prince of Wales born,

11 Mo. St. Martin.

12 Tu. 6C.


13 W. Remarkable meteoric display, 1833.

till they swell with fatness at the


6 W.in Per. 5th State election in end of the summer's growth. 7 Th. 5th. Presidential election in all the States. is the result of faithful toil and 8 Fr. Low tides. 6th. Admiral Charles endeavor, and he must be cold inStewart died, 1869. deed who isn't getting ready for but cool. a joyful Thanksgiving. If the 10 F 24th Sund. after Trinity. weather is mild the swedes will High winds continue to grow. Most root with crops that are raised for cattle make the largest part of their growth in the fall months, and so it is best to let them stay in the ground as long as it is safe, but be on the watch for cold weather. frosty nights. Cows fall off rapidly in milk if left out, and young Fine for the calves should have been taken season. up before this, if you want them to thrive. Pumpkins are an exgr. hel. lat. S. cellent feed for stock of all kinds 210.824 C. this month. After the corn and

14 Th.

15 Fr.

16 Sa.

eclipsed, visible in U. S.
in Aph. High tides.

cold rain.

17 F 25th Sund. after Trinity.

18 Mo.

19 Tu.

runs high.

20 W. 6.

York, 1783.

Don't fail to stall the cattle these

21 Th. in Per. 22 Fr. St. Cecilia. 23 Sa. Very low tides. Coid other crops are well gathered, 24 F 26th Sund. after Trinity, it will be time to start the plough. 25 Mo.6৫. British evacuated New If you've a lot that you want to sow with oats or other spring increases. grain, it is a good plan to plough gr. elongation East. it now, so as to have it ready Rough, earlier in April. The team is with rain or snow. stronger now than it will be then, and you can make better work. eclip., invis. Trim the grape vines as soon as [in U. S. the leaves have fallen.

26 Tu. 27 W.

28 Th.

29 Fr.

Washington Irving
died, 1859.

30 Sa. St. Andrew.

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