[blocks in formation]

Full Moon, 20th day, 9h. 9m., morning.

[blocks in formation]

183 1 Μ.

Last Quarter, 27th day, 2h. 35m., morning.

Rises. Sets. of Days. Decre.




m. h.

m. m.

[blocks in formation]

4 277 40 15130 3426 84 84 n'k

184 2 Tu. 4 27 7 39 15 1204427 94 9 arm 185 3 W. 4 287 39 15 110 5 428 104 105 arm 186 4 Th. 4 29 7 39 15 100 6 429 11 114 br. 187 5 Fr. 4 30 7 39 15 9074 112 12 br.

D Souths.

h. m.

1328 46

2 19 33

235 10 22

3 16 11 12





[blocks in formation]



sets 02

[blocks in formation]

196 14 S. 4 36 7 35 14 59 0 17 69546

sec. morn.

6 49

197 15 Μ. 4 37 7 34 14 57 0 19

610 61 7 sec.

012 7 39

198 16 Tu. 4 387 33 14 55 0 21

611 74 7 thi.

041 834

199 17 W. 4 397 33 14 54 0 22

612 84 82 thi.

1199 34

200 18 Th. 4 397 32 14 53023

613 94 9 thi.

2810 39

201 19 Fr. 4 40 7 31 14 51 0 25 6 14 101 10 kn. 202 20 Sa. 4 41 7 30 14 49 0 276 114 114 kn.

203 21 S. 4 42 7 30 14 48 0 28 616

204 22 Μ. 4 43 7 29 14 46 0 30 617 0 1 feet 927 150

205 23 Tu. 4 44 7 28 14 44 0 32 618 14

206 24 W. 4 45 7 27 14 42 0 34 619 24

207 25 Th. 4 46 7 26 14 40 0 36 620 31

208 26 Fr. 4 47 7 25 14 38038 621 44

3 9 11 45

rises morn.

[blocks in formation]

853 050

[blocks in formation]



AUGUST, Eighth Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.

's Declination.


[blocks in formation]

• New Moon, 4th day, 5h. 1m., morning.

First Quarter, 12th day, 1h. 8m., morning.
Full Moon, 18th day, 4h. 9m., evening.
Last Quarter, 25th day, 3h. 51m. evening.

[blocks in formation]

214 1 Th. 4 53 7 19 14 260 50 627 94 104 br. 215 2 Fr. 454 7 17 14 23 0 53 628 10-11 br. 216 3 Sa. 4 55 7 16 14 21 0 55 6 29 114 114 h'rt 217 4 S. 4 56 7 15 14 19 0 57612

218 5 Μ. 457 7 14 14 17 0 596104 0 hr't

219 6 Tu. 4 58 712 14 14 12620

220 7 W. 4 59 711 1412 1 4 5 3 12


20959 257 10 49


3 48 11 38 sets 025

821 110

14 bel.

846 154

12 bel.

9 9 236

221 8 Th. 5 0710 141016 5 42

24 rei.

931 3 18

[blocks in formation]

230 17 Sa. 5

9 657 1348 128

4 13 10 10 legs

3 9 11 31

231 18 S. 5 10 6 56 13 46 130311 11 legs

232 19 Μ. 5 12 6 54 13 42 134 315 11월- feet

rises morn.

[blocks in formation]

236 23 Fr. 5 16 6 48 13 32 144 237 24 Sa. 5 17 6 46 13 29 1 47 238 25 S. 5 18 6 45 13 27 1 49 239 26 Μ. 5 19 6 43 13 24 1 52 240 27 Tu. 5 20 6 42 13 22 1 54 123 6+ 64 arm 115574 241 28 W. 5 21 6 40 13 19 1 57 124 74 73 br. 242 29 Th. 5 22 638 13 16 2 0 125 84 84 br. 243 30 Fr. 5 23 637 13 14 2 2026 9494 h'rt

morn. 754 045 8 44 1409.34 AUGUST hath 31 days.


[blocks in formation]

Away from the dwellings of care-worn men,
The waters are sparkling in grove and glen:
Away from the chamber and sullen hearth,
The young leaves are dancing in breezy mirth.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.


Farmer's Calendar.

Gor through those wet meadon after the other haying is over. Why don't drain swales,

1 Th. Lammas Day. (runs high. 2 Fr. in Apo. 68.840.ows yet, eh? They always hang 3 Sa.gr. elong. E. 6. 4 F 10th Sun. af. Trin. Some and work them into English grass? 5 Mo. 4th. 6 2.62 C. Hi. ti. This filling up the barn with bog 6 Tu. Transfiguration. 6. hay every year won't pay, and my 7 W. 6th Battle of Woerth, rain, with advice is to spend a good part of

> 1870. 8 Th. Mrs. Abby Folsom died, 1867.

9 Fr. Dryden born, 1631.

10 Sa. St. Lawrence.

died, 1870.

this month in digging ditches and getting out muck. Isn't there a wind. dry pond-hole on the farm? Why not clean out that also, and get stuff enough for the compost? You seem to kill two birds with


15th. Sir Walter

11 F lth Sun. after Trin. 12 Mo. Low tides. 13 Tu. 15th. 6 ২৫. 14 W. Admiral David G. Far15 Th. Assump. of V. Mary. (r. 1. 16 Fr.stat.gr. hel. lat. N. 17 Sa. in Perigee. 15th. Bonaparte born, 18 F 12th Sun. after Trin. 19 Mo. Very high tides. Rather the boy a hoe, the girl the knitdull, ting needles. No work, no eating, is the rule, you know. Can't afford to keep drones on the with some rain. farm. Sow English turnips the first of the month. They go in Great after early potatoes or grain crops, short hay crop. If

one stone; not that I'd have you Scott born, 1771. kill birds any way, but that's what weather, they call it, for you drain the meadow, and so improve it, and make the muck pay for the work. That's what I call a big thing. Now that the dog-star rages, why don't you give the dog a bullet,

of Gravelotte, and 20 Tu. 18th Battle of Prussians, 1870. 21 W. Count Rumford, philosopher, died, 1814.

and help out a

22 Th. C . 23 Fr. 6.68. 24 Sa. St. Bartholomew. 25 F 13th Sun. after Trin. 26 Mo. Over 30 persons killed by a railway acci- you are going to seed down to grass this fall, why don't you do 27 Tu. 29th. (runs high. heat. it now, and sow in some round 28 W. St. Augustine. Very low ti, turnip seed with it? It doesn't 29 Th. Behead.of St. John Baptist. seem to hurt the grass, and you get something of a crop. If you 30 Fr.. in Apo. inf. sow now, the clover seed can go

dent at Revere, Mass., 1871.

31 Sa. 68.621.Jugan died. 1688. in with it as well as not.


SEPTEMBER, Ninth Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.

's Declination.

m. Days. d.


[blocks in formation]

• New Moon, 2d day, 8h. 9m., evening.

D First Quarter, 10th day, 9h. 19m., morning.
Full Moon, 17th day, Oh. 10m., morning.

Day of

Day of

Day of

Last Quarter, 24th day, 8h. 38m., morning.

[blocks in formation]

245 1 S.5 25 633 13 828028104114 h'rt 246 2 Μ. 5 26 6 32 13 6 2 10 111

Full Sea,

D's D


[blocks in formation]

112 bel.

sets 11 52

7 13 0 35

0 rei.

735 1 18

11 rei.

757 20

[blocks in formation]

247 3 Tu. 5 27 6 30 13 32 131 1 0 bel.
248 4 W. 5 280 28 13 02 16 12 월
249 5 Th. 5 306 27 1257 2 1923 1
250 6 Fr. 5 316 25 12 54 2 22 24 12
251 7 Sa. 5 326 23 1251 225 2524
252 8 S.5 336 22 1249 227 363

253 9 Μ. 5 346 20 1246 2303734 4 thi.

254 10 Tu. 5 356 18 124323338425 thi. 10 39

255 11 W. 5 36 6 16 12 40 2 36 495 6 kn. 11 37 7 10

256 12 Th. 5 37 6 14 1237239 410627 kn. morn. 8 12

[blocks in formation]

267 23 Μ. 5 48 5 55 12 73 9821 34
268 24 Tu. 5 50 5 53 12 33 13 822 44
269 25 W. 5 51 5 52 12 13 15 923 51 6 br.
270 26 Th. 5 525 50 11583 18 924 64 7 h'rt
271 27 Fr. 5 535 48 11553 21 925 71 8 h'rt
272 28 Sa. 5 545 46 11523 24 10 26 82 9 h'rt
273 29 S. 5 55 5 44 11 49 3 27 10 27 9 9 bel.

949 456 10 37 5 47

11 31 6 38

morn. 7 28

029 8 17

131 9 4

233 9 48

4ł arm

5 br.

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