
MASS. AGRICUL. COLLEGE, AMHERST, MASS. - Three tms, 13 w. each; begin 2d Th. Sept., 4th Th. Jan., and 1st Th. May. LAWRENCE SCIEN. SCHOOL (HARV. COLL.), CAMBRIDGE, MASS. - The year is the same as Harvard College.

MASS, INS, OF TECHNOLOGY, BOSTON. -Acad. yr 1st. Mon. Oct. to Ist Mon. Jun. WORC. CO. FREE INSTIT. OF INDUST. SCIENCE, WORCESTER, MASS.-2tms; 1st, fm 2d Tu. Sept. to last Fri. Jan.; 2d, from 3d Tu. Feb. to 1st Frid. July.

SHEFFIELD SCIEN. SCHOOL (YALE COL.) NEW HAVEN, CT. - Terms same as Yale College.


EASTERN NORMAL SCHOOL, CASTINE, ME.-3 terms, fm 3d Wed. in Aug. 13 w., fm 1st Mo. in Dec. 12w., fm 1st Mo. in Mch. 12w.

STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, JOHNSON, VT. - Fall tm. 11w., beg. last Wed. Aug.; winter term, 10 w., beg. last Wed. Nov.; spring tin 11 w., beg. 3d Wed. Feb.; summer tm, 10 w., beg. 2d Wed. May. Exam. for admis., first day of each term.

STATE NORM. SCHOOL, RANDOLPH CENTRE, VT. - Fall term, 11 w., beg. 4th Wed. Aug., followed without vaca. by tm of 10 w.; spring tm, 11 w., beg. 2d Wed. Feb., followed, without vaca., by a term of 10 w. Exam. for admis. Tues. before and Mon. after Spring and Fall terms.

STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, NEW BRITAIN, CONN. - School year consists of 40 w., beg. in Sept.

NORMAL SCHOOLS OF MASS. In each of these the course of study occupies 2 years, or 4 tms, each tm including 19 ws. study and 1 w. rec. Exam, for admis., at beg. of each term, will take place:

WESTERN NORMAL SCHOOL, FARM- At Salem, Tu. Feb. 14 and Tu. Aug. 29; INGTON, ME. Sch. yr. beg. last Th. Westfield, Th., Feb. 16, and Th. Aug. 31; Aug., ends ist. Th. July; 2 terms., 20 w. Bridgewater, Tu., Feb. 21, and Tu. Sept. 5; each; recess, one week in each term. Framingham, Th., Feb. 23, and Th. Sept. 7.


ESSEX, at Ipswich, on the 2d Tues. of April; at Salem, on the 2d Tues. of July; at Newburyport, on the 2d Tues. of Oct.; and at Lawrence, on the last Tues. of Aug.; and on the 4th Tues. of Dec., at Ipswich, Salem, or Newburyport, as they shall order at their next preceding term. MIDDLESEX, at Cambridge, on the 1st Tues. of Jan., and the 1st Tues. of June; and at Lowell, on the 1st Tues. of Sept.

WORCESTER, at Worcester, on the 4th Tu. of March, the 3d Tu. of June, the 2d Tu. of Sept., and the 4th Tu. of Dec. HAMPSHIRE, at Northampton, on the 1st Tues. of March, Sept., and Dec., and on the Tues. next after the 2d Mon. of June.

FRANKLIN, at Greenfield, on the 1st Tues. of March and Sept., and the 2d Tues. of June and Dec.

HAMPDEN, at Springfield, on the 2d Tues. of April, the 1st Tues. of Oct., and the 4th Tues. of June and Dec.

BERKSHIRE, at Pittsfield, on 1st Tu. of Apl., July, and Sept., and last Tu. Dec. NORFOLK, at Dedham, on the 3d Tues. of April, the 4th Tues. of June and Sept., and the last Wed. of Dec.

PLYMOUTH, at Plymouth, on the 1st Tues. of Jan., the 3d Tues. of March, and the 1st Tues. of Aug.

BRISTOL, at Taunton, on the 4th Tues. of March and Sept.

BARNSTABLE, at Barnstable, on the 2d Tues. of April and Oct.

DUKES COUNTY, at Edgartown, on the
Wed. next after the 3d Mon. of May, and
the Wed. next after the 2d Mon. of Nov.
(Corrected 1870.)

(Corrected 1870.)

[blocks in formation]


JANUARY, First Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m.

's Declination.

[blocks in formation]

5 5 Th. 730441

Full Moon, 6th day, 4h. 39m., evening.

Last Quarter, 14th day, 2h. 13m., morning.
New Moon, 20th day, 7h. 48m., evening.

First Quarter, 28th day, 8h. 30m., morning.

Length Day's

Rises. Sets. of Days. Incre.
h. m.lh. m. h. m. h.

11 SU7 30438

22 Μ. 730438

3 3 Tu. 7 30 439





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[blocks in formation]

225 822

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5 26 10 40

6 23 11 31

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JANUARY hath 31 days.


[blocks in formation]

Winter, still I see

Many charms in thee,

Love thy chilly greeting,

Snow storms fiercely beating,

And the dear delights

Of thy long, long nights. From the German.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

Farmer's Calendar.

NEW-YEAR'S DAY calls to mind

1 A. Ist Sun. af. Chr. Circum. 2 Mo. in Perigee. Very low ti, that good old rule, "Pay as you 3 Tu. [1st. gr.el. E. Din Apo. go." It's good advice for a farmer to follow. Debt hangs like 4. D. Mass. and Maine Legisla- a cloud over the life of some 5 Th. Signs of snow men. It is not easy to shake it 6 Fr. Epiphany.) runs high. 7 Sa. 6HD.

Fenclon died, 1715.

off. It is better to do without a thing till we are able to pay for it than to run in debt to others, 8 A. Ist Sun. after Epiphany. as a general rule. So try and 9 Μο. ΟΨΟ. 8th.stat. H. ti. pay up those little bills now. If

10 Tu. in Aphel. in Perihel. 11 W. Very cold day in New England, 1859.

they can't be paid off, don't fail to have a reckoning, so as to know or rain. just where you stand. You will sleep all the better for it. Noth2. Fine for the ing like facing an evil. Look the

12 Th. 68 D.

13 Fr.

14 Sa. 8. Low tides.

15 A. 2d Sun. after Epiphany.

16 Mo. 21st. Louis XVI. beheaded, 1793.

17 Tu.

18 W.

19 Th.

20 Fr.


lion straight in the face. Get your bearings, and then go ahead. How is it about the stock this cold weather? Are the cows season. well cared for, well sheltered, well fed? A few turnips every

D. in Aphelion.

21 Sa. & in Aphelion. 8QD. 22 A. 3d Sun. after Epiphany. 23 Mo.

[22d. Very high tides.

D. in Perigee. ru. low. Signs of snow. day will be a grateful change from dry hay. How about the pigs? A few raw mangolds every day will keep them healthy and in good condition. Pigs are fond of mangolds. They seem to have 24 Tu. Much more pleasant. a "sweet tooth." All the beets 25 W. Conversion of St. Paul. are full of sugar, you know. 26 Th. 6. 25th. Rob't Burns born, 1759. they laying as they ought to? If 27 Fr. [29th.stat. in Apo. you feed a hen right, and keep 28 Sa. Peter the Great died, 1725. A storm her warm, dry, and clean, she will lay in winter well as

How is it about the hens? Are

29 A. 4th Sun. after Epiphany. spring. Eggs are high now: 30 Mo. Very low tides. is near. make the most of them. How 31 Tu. & D. Cold Tuesday, 1815. is it about the wood pile?


FEBRUARY, Second Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m.

's Declination.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Full Moon, 5th day, 9h. 18m., morning.

Last Quarter, 12th day, 10h. 16m., morning.

● New Moon, 19th day, 9h. 5m., morning.

First Quarter, 27th day, 5h. 54m., morning.

Length Day's

Rises. Sets. of Days. Incre.





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CHEERED by the presence of God, I will do at the moment, without anxiety, according to the strength which He shall give me, the work that His Providence assigns me. I will leave the rest; it is not my

[merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small][merged small]

4 Sa.

Leave God to order all thy ways,
And hope in Him whate'er betide;
Thou'lt find Him in the evil days
Thy all-sufficient strength and guide.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

6 Mo.
7 Tu. Charles Dickens born, 1812.

From the German.

Farmer's Calendar.

1 W. 2d. Druns. high. Very You might as well have a plan 2 Th. Purifica. of V. Mary. Can-about everything as not. In the first place do up the chores. The 3 Fr. 6 HD. [dlemas Day. cows and the young stock need a high winds and stormy. close watch this cold weather. 5 A. Septuagesima Sunday. An animal well wintered is half Rather finer well summered, you know. The roots go fast nowadays. You feed some roots, don't you? It's a good plan to have a lot of turnips and mangolds on hand. Cooler, They help out the hay better than with rain or snow. anything that I have found. A good root-cutter is one of the things that a farmer ought not to be without. It slices up the tur

8 W.

9 Th.

10 Fr.

11 Sa.

High tides.

for a

68 D. few days.

2/ stationary.

12 A. Sexagesima Sunday. 13 Mo. in 8. in Perigee. 14 Tu. Low tides. St. Valentine, nips at a great rate. Better be Cold. without a hay-cutter enough

15 W.

16 Th.

17 Fr.

runs low. Grows finer, with sight. Feed roots to cows just after milking, and they won't D. snow or make the milk taste badly. Don't 18 Sa. Luther died, 1546. rain. begin on the mangolds till after 19 A. Quinq. or Shrove Sunday, the turnips are all gone. They 20 Mo. 6. 19th. Galileo born, 1534. are apt to scour the cattle early in the winter. They grow better 21 Tu. Shrove Tuesday. Hi.tides. as the season advances, just as 22 W. Ash Wed. {WASHINGTON born, some other things do in growing 23 Th.D. in Aphelion. older. To cure lice on cattle let 24 Fr. St. Matthias. {died, Q. Adams them stand and lie in air-slaked 1848. lime. 25 Sa. Revolution in Paris, 23d, 24th, & 25th, 1848. Sprinkle it over them also, and rub it into their hair. 26 A. Ist Sunday in Lent. High It will cure foot-rot, or foul in the 27 Mo. 624 D. Great th at Lis- foot, also. Give all cattle a good 28 Tu. 26th. in Apo. winds. carding every day. It will do them good. That wood pile needs looking after. Chopping wood is good exercise, and it won't hurt anybody. Can't you find a little time for reading and study this dull weather? Then there's the Farmer's Club. Learn something every day.

Great Earthquake

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