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The mountains that enfold

In their wide sweep the colored landscape round,

Seem groups of giant kings in purple and gold,
That guard the enchanted ground.

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69. in Apogee.

4 W. Battle of Germantown, 1777.

5 Th.

6 Fr.

7 Sa.

8 A.

11 W. 12 Th. 13 Fr.

gr. hel. lat. N.


Farmer's Calendar.

It is a good plan to take a little time at this season to attend the fairs. They are social as well as educational institutions. They bring people together who are interested in the same pursuits. Continue the harvest.

runs high. Grows much They give a chance to compare 624D. Very low tides. notes. Roots grow rapidly through the 18th Sun. af. Trin. cooler. early part of this month, but it 9 Mo. 8th. United Franklin States, Pierce, died, ex-President 1869. of the is best to be on the safe side, and 10 Tu. John Wesley born, 1733. A storm pull the mangolds by the end of is near. the month, or you run the risk of a severe freezing, which injures them a little, so that they do not Sainte Beuve, celebrated French author, keep quite so well. Swedes will 14 Sa.stat. [16th. Din Peri. endure cold well, and they can 15 A. 19th S. af. Trin. Unsettled be left in the ground longer. It is best to be getting ready for 16 Μο. 8. Very high tides. winter, by putting the fences, 17 Tu. 68 D. for a day or buildings, and roads in order. 18 W. St. Luke, Evangelist. two. Let the inside work go for rainy 19 Th.

runs low. fhD. days. Clear out the barn yards
Cool and disagreeable, and haul in absorbents, such as

20 Fr.
21 Sa. Battle of Trafalgar: Nelson
killed, 1805.
22 A. 20th S. af.
23 Mo. Low tides.
24 Tu..

25 W. St. Crispin.

26 Th.

loam or peat, in sufficient quantity to soak up and retain the Trin. 240. urine. Can't you make the cowEarl of Derby, ex-Prime yard a little more dishing, so that Min. of Eng. d., 1869. High winds, it will hold water better, and not with some send it off through the gutter? It is a great waste to have a leak in rain or snow. the barn-yard. If you have any spare time from the harvesting,

27 Fr. 6D. {Servetus burned at Gene- 1553. 28 Sa. St. Simon and St. Jude. go on with the fall ploughing. It 29 A. 21st S. af. Tr. High tides. is well to plough all stiff or clayey land in the fall. Hurry on the 30 Mo. Finer for some fattening animals of all kinds. 31 Tu. All Hallows Eve. days. Pick winter apples carefully.


NOVEMBER, Eleventh Month.
Astronomical Calculations.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.

s Declination.

m. Days. d. m.

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Last Quarter, 5th day, 8h. 11m., morning.

New Moon, 12th day, Oh. 25m., evening.

First Quarter, 19th day, 4h. 3m., morning.

Full Moon, 26th day, 9h. 9m., evening.

of Days. Decre.

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333 29 W. 78429

929547 13 12 94 94 n'k

9285 48 13 13 104 105 n'k

926 5 50 13 11 114 n'k
925 551 12 15 112 112 arm
9 235 53 12 16 01 arm
921 555 1217 01 br.

5 39 0 42

423 10 24

5 25 11 8

rises. 11 55

50 morn.

625 1 31

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Yet one smile more, departing, distant sun,

One mellow smile through the soft, vaporing air,

Ere o'er the frozen earth the loud winds run,
Or suows are sifted o'er the meadows bare.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

Farmer's Calendar.

1 W. All Saints Day. Qat gr. br. CLOSE up the fall work now as

2 Th. runs high. 6
3 Fr. 1st. Din Apo.

4 Sa. 624D. Very low
5 A. 22d Sun. af. Tr.
6 Mo.stat.4th. 6 D.


7 Tu. State election in
8 W. John Milton died, 1674.

9 Th.

10 Fr.


of rain

in 8. Martin Luther born, 1483.

sup.ould have been drawn the last fast as The mangolds Cooler, of October. The Swedes should tides. be harvested before the ground but fine. freezes, though they will stand in 8. more cold than mangolds. Pull and dry them in the sun before Now expect storing. Do not cut the tops too a storm short. It isn't a good plan to store too many roots in the cellar of the house. Can't you fix up a root-cellar under the barn? If not, a pit near by will be better than to run the risk to the health Quite of the family by storing in the tides. house cellar. It ought to be easily accessible from the barn. If roots are piled too deep they heat, and are very apt to rot; and fine decaying vegetation is very injufor the season. rious to health, causing fevers 19 A. 24th Sunday after Trinity, and other diseases. Don't let the

11 Sa. St. Martin.

12 A. 23d Sun. af. Cr. 6

13 Mo.

14 Tu.

in Perigee.

or snow.

in Aph. Very high
runs low. 68D.

15 W.
16 Th. 68 h. 24 stationary.

17 Fr.

18 Sa.

Canal 108
Celebration of opening of


snow or rain.

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21 Tu.

22 W.

St. Cecilia. Low tides.

Cool for

24 Fr. John Knox died, 1572.

23 Th. 6D.


cattle run too long on the pastures and the mowing lots. Nothing is gained by too close feeding. If grass is in a high state of cultivation, and the second crop is heavy and uncut, it may do to feed it off to some extent, but it season. is bad policy to feed too close. 26 A. 25th Sunday after Trinity. It lessens the crop of hay the 27 Mo. Now look for a next year, and the grass will run 28 Tu. 29th. in Apogee. out all the sooner. Fix up things 29 W. D runs high. High tides. generally, and get ready for win

25 Sa. St. Catharine.

30 Th. St. Andrew.

ter. Don't let everything slide storm. till winter sets in. Be ready for

a joyful Thanksgiving.


DECEMBER, Twelfth Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.

's Declination.


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Last Quarter, 5th day, 2h. 2m., morning.

New Moon, 11th day, 11h. 18m., evening.
First Quarter, 18th day, 3h. 57m., evening,

Full Moon, 26th day, 4h. 51m., evening.

Length Day's

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338 4 Μ. 7 13 4 27

9146 210 22

44 44 bel. 11 21

5 33

339 5 Tu. 7 14 4 27 91363923551⁄2 bel. morn.
340 6 W. 7 15 4 27 91264924 66 bel.
341 7 Th. 7 16 4 27

6 19


7 4

9116 5 825 771 rei.


7 50

243 8 38 3 57 9 29


342 8 Fr. 717 427 91066 826 8 84 rei.
343 9 Sa. 7 18 4 27 9 967 727 8 9 sec.
344 10 SU7 19 4 27 9868 728 92 104 sec.
345 11 Μ. 7 2042797696

102 114 thi.

346 12 Tu. 7 21 4 27 9 66 10 6 1112 12 thi.
347 13 W. 72142796610 62 Okn.
348 14 Th. 7224 28 96610 531

349 15 Fr. 7234 28 95611 542

5 14 10 25

6 32 11 25

sets. 0 29 69 135

1kn. 723 239 24 legs 8 38 3 40

350 16 Sa. 7 24 4 28 9 46 12 45 24 31 legs 951 4 35
351 17 SU7 244 28 9 461246344 feet 11 15 26
352 18 Μ. 7 25 4 29 9 4612 37 45 5 feet morn. 6 13
353 19 Tu. 7 26 429 93613 3854 6 h'd 08657

354 20 W. 7 26429 93613296164h'd
355 21 Th. 7 27 430 9 36 13 210 74 73 n'k
356 22 Fr. 7 27 430 9 3 Inc. 1118 84 n'k
357 23 Sa. 17 28431 9 30 0 1129 91 n'k
358 24 SU7 28 431 930001393 10 arm
359 25 Μ. 7 28 432 9 40 1 S. 14 10 10 arm
360 26 Tu. 7 29 433 9 40110 111 112 br.
361 27 W. 7 29 434 9 50 2 116 118
362 28 Th. 7 29 434 9 50 2217 04 02 br.
363 29 Fr. 7294359603 218 1
364 30 Sa. 7 30436 9 60 3319 14

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