

Ichthyocólla (xvoxoxha, from 1xbus a fish, and xora glue). Ifinglafs; a glutinous fubftance prepared from fishes.

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Ichthyolithus (xvoxidos, from ixus a fish, and aidos a stone). A ftone having the figure of a fifh upon its furface.

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Icofándria (enoravopia, from Eixori twenty, and amp a man). A (εικοσανδρια, εικοσι clafs of plants, fo named because they have twenty or more chives or male parts of fru&tification.


Ilérias (InTepias, from Tapos the jaundice). A stone so called from its dull yellow colour.


"Ictéricus (InTepinos, from ixTEpos the jaundice). Jaundiced. Applied to fevers accompanied with the jaundice.

'Iteritia (from icterus the jaundice). An eruption of yellowish fpots. A yellow discoloration of the skin without fever, called chlo


• I&teródes (integwons, from iTepos the jaundice). The fame as Idericus. P. 386.

The chief fault in the work is, that fome of the definitions are too concise for those medical students who have made little progrefs either in claffical learning or in profeffional studies..

Experiments on the Infenfible Perfpiration of the Human Body, shewing its Affinity to Refpiration. Published originally in 1779, and now republished with Additions and Corrections. By William Cruikshank. Svo. δυο. 35.


Thefe experiments were originally offered to the public in 1779; and Mr. Cruikshank's attention feems to have been fince called to them by the different conclufions which Dr. Priestley has drawn from them. The ingenious trials and deductions of Mr. Abernethy on the fame subject may, however, have had some share in bringing our author again to the confideration of these points.

A minute description is firft given of the cuticle; and the opinions that have been maintained by anatomifts concerning its nature, are stated. Mr. Cruikshank is inclined to believe that pores really exift either in the cuticle or the rete mucofum; but the arguments by which he endeavours to prove that these pores are organised. and connected with the extremities of the exhalant arteries, and, though invifible in the dead separated cuticle, still exist, and are fufficiently dilated in the erected ftate of the extremities of the vessels of the living and perfpiring fkin, are not entirely fatisfactory, though apparently forcible.

On the white filaments paffing between the cuticle and cutis, as defcribed by Dr. Hunter, our author has made fome obfervations; and he concludes, that, if they be really proceffes of the cuticle and rete mucofum, he can demonftrate three claffes of proceffes in thefe membranes.

The first line the pores, through which the hairs pass; these are the longest, and generally have the largest diameter. The fecond clafs are easily diftinguifhed on the infide of the cuticle

which covers the palms of the hands or foles of the feet, or indeed on any part of cuticle; they line thofe pores defcribed by Grew, and which Winflow calls the ducts of glands; they are short, compared to the former, are tranfparent on the fides, and have a white line in the centre, which he does not well understand; they appear, in regular order, on thofe parts of the cuticle which correfpond to the parallel, or fpiral ridges of the cutis. The abovementioned filaments, perhaps conftitute the third clafs, are longer than the last, and more flender than any of the former,'

P. 26.

The writer afterwards informs us, that, although he has not feen veffels in the cuticle or rete mucofum, he has with fuccefs injected a membrane, between the rete mucofum and the cutis, in the skin of those who have died of the small pox. He therefore confiders the membranes lying on the furface of the true skin as amounting to five, each of which is a real or incipient cuticle.

From feveral of the experiments, it appears, that the size of the body, the quantum of food received into it, the vigour with which the fyftem is acting, the paffions of the mind, and the external heat or cold, may produce confiderable variation in the quantity of the infenfible perspiration.

Some of the conclufions in the pamphlet are not, in our opinion, fatisfactory; and we are furprised that Mr. Cruikshank fhould have fuffered fuch obfervations to remain, after the princi❤ ples and reasoning of that science on which they chiefly depended, had undergone fuch important changes. In many respects, however, the tract is ingenious and valuable.


Hiftorical and Familiar Effays, on the Scriptures of the New Teftament. By John Collier, Author of Effays on the Jewish History and Old Teftament. 2 Vols. 8vo. 14s. Boards. Scarlett.


We have here a complete view of the history of the chief perfons in the New Testament, and of the doctrines which they taught. The effays are written in an easy and familiar manner, and may prove useful to fuch families as employ their Sundays in religious ftudies. We could have wifhed, however, that the author had diftinguished between facts and relations of doubtful authority. Thus we have an account of the deaths of Peter and Paul, without any reference to the books on which this relation is supposed to be founded; and the uninformed reader may imagine that thefe circumftances are of equal authority with the history of our Saviour.

During Paul's fecond vifit (fays Mr. Collier) to the churches in Crete, fince his release from Rome, while he was bufily employed in rectifying the errors, and regulating the focieties in that ifland, news was brought of Nero's accufation of the Christians, and the

perfecution at Rome. The crime laid to their charge was no lefs than their being acceffaries to the late moft deftructive conflagration of the city. Paul, alarmed for his friends, their fufferings and danger, thought his prefence might be of ufe to the brethren, and he determined to fet fail immediately for Italy.

The magiftrates well knew the emperor's mind, his inveteracy and prejudice against the Chriftians, and of what was laid to their charge. As the head of the party, Paul's active zeal could not efcape their notice, and they foon filenced him by imprisonment fecured his perfon in a common jail, and loaded him with irons. The crime of which he was accufed was fedition an acceflary to

the conflagration of Rome.

Alarined at the rage of the Tribunes and the threats of the emperor, the brethren all fled, not one of them appeared in court on his trial, or when he made his defence, and gave in his answer.

Nero pafled fentence of death on Paul. Peter and this glorious confeffor were executed on one and the fame day. Peter was crus cified, and on the cross, at his humble request, his head hung down, wards.

Paul, as a Roman citizen, was beheaded. Three miles from Rome, at Aquæ Salviæ, in the thirteenth year of the reign of Nero, on the twenty-ninth of June, in the year 66, Paul laid his head on the fatal block. His body was given to his difciples, fome of whom, having taken courage, ftood forrowing near, and they paid it funeral honours, burying him in the Via Oftenfis, two miles' only from Rome,

The executioner, and two others who were fpectators, ftruck with the behaviour of Paul, became converts to Christianity, and all three of them fuffered martyrdom. The day of the death of Paul, one of the Fathers affirms, was far more memorable than thẹ day of the death of Alexander.-As venerable relicks, his chains are hung up in Rome, and in the year 318, Conftantine, the first Christian emperor, built over his fepulchre a magnificent church"Sacred to the memory of Paul." Vol. ii. P. 229.'

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All this is tradition; and why fhould we affect to be wife above what is written? The holy fcriptures will not be lefs true, becaufe little is known of the first teachers of Chriftianity after the performance of their miffion.

A Difcourfe preached before the Corps of Hampshire Fawley Volun teers, at the Church of St. Thomas, in the City of Winchester, on Sunday, March 19, 1797. By George Ifaac Huntingford, D. D. &c. 8vo. IS. Cadell and Davies. 1797.

From the fourth chapter of Nehemiah (ver. 14), Dr. Huntingford takes occafion to point out the duties of the affociation before which he preached, the fituation of thecountry, the nature of the hoftilities that are to be repelled, and the importance of the liberty

and property which we have to guard. The language is easy, fometimes elegant; and the sentiments are appofite and manly. On Benevolence and Philanthropy; an occafional Sermon: preached by the Author, in the Parish Church of Theddlethorpe, All Saints, upon the Lindsey Coaft, in the County and Diocese of Lincoln; at the particular Requeft of the Louth Independent Volunteer Yeomanry Cavalry, on the 21ft Day of May, 1797. By the Rev. Francis Burton, Vicar of Theddlethorpe. 8vo. 15. Johnson


The benefits that would accrue from univerfal benevolence to human beings, form the subject of this discourse, in which we discover more of pious intention than of ability. Mr. Burton appears to be unaccustomed to compofition; or perhaps he confiders its niceties as unneceffary in the fervice of the fanctuary; an error which cannot but be discovered when preachers are defired, as in this cafe, to publish.

Daniel's Seventy Weeks. A Sermon, preached at Sion-Chapel, on Sunday Afternoon, September 18, 1796, to the Jews. By Wil liam Cooper. Being his fecond Addrefs to that People. Svo. 6d. Chapman.

Our opinion of Mr. Cooper's firft addrefs to the Jews may be feen in our XVIIIth Vol. (New Arr.) p. 232; and the prefent effufion gives us no opportunity of retracting what might be deemed unfavourable. The caufe of real Chriftianity is greatly injured by the intrufion of thofe illiterate perfons who cannot, by a rational ufe of the Scriptures, compenfate their want of information in the fcience and hiftory of religion, and who amufe themselves with dogmas which neither they nor their auditors can comprehend. The Favour of God the only Security in national Danger. A Sermon preached at the Parish Church of St. Laurence Jewry, on Sunday, the 12th of Auguft, 1798, before the Guildhall Volunteer Affocia tion. By William Lucas, A. M. Chaplain to the Affociation. 4to. IS. Robinfons. 1798.

However we may difapprove the mixture of politics with theology, we cannot cenfure a minifter of the church for inculcating on his auditors the importance and the neceffity of the divine aid in all human operations*; and, however we may differ from the preacher whofe difcourfe is now before us, with regard to the ori ginal justice' of the war, or the generosity and honour' with which it has been profecuted on our part, we are ready to applaud the zeal with which he is animated, and which he endeavours to dif

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* The text of this fermon is, They got not the land in poffeffion by their own fword, neither did their own arm fave them; but thy right hand, and thine arm, and the light of thy countenance, because thou hadft a favour unte them.'

fufe around him, at a time when our country is endangered by the refentment and the menaces of a powerful enemy.

As fome perfons might be induced to think that a confidence in the favor of Heaven would enfure victory in war or great advantages in peace, without the exertions of individuals, Mr. Lucas properly combats this enthusiastic notion;' and not only urges the expediency of acting with prudence and vigor, but of pursuing a course of piety and devotion, that the bleffing of Heaven may attend our endeavours. He might have quoted a paffage from St. Paul in fupport of his arguments on this head: 'I have planted; Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.' The Almighty did not give the increase to thofe who, from a blind expectation of his favor, indulged in liftlefs inactivity, but to those who exercised their industry and were usefully diligent.

This fermon is well adapted to the occafion on which it was delivered. The observations are fuch as feem naturally to flow from the subject; and the whole is an artless and unaffected appeal to the patriotism of armed volunteers. The preacher has in general tempered his zeal with difcretion, and has not, like many of his brethren, poured forth virulent invectives against the enemy. His style is neat rather than elegant; it is fometimes too familiar, and not always accurate: but, upon the whole, we may recommend the discourse as worthy of public approbation. We cannot difmifs it without informing our readers, that it gave great fatisfaction to the gentlemen before whom it was preached, and that they not only requested their chaplain to print it, but prefented him with a fum of money adequate to the whole expenfe of publication.


Youth's Mifcellany; or, a Father's Gift to his Children: confifting of original Effays, moral and literary; Tales, Fables, Reflections, &c. intended to promote a Love of Virtue and Learning, to correct the Judgment, to improve the Tafte, and to humanize the Mind. By the Author of the Juvenile Olio, &c. &c. 12mo. 4s. Boards. Newbery. 1798.'

This mifcellany, we think, will answer the intention of the ingenious author. Curiofity is excited by the variety of topics introduced; and the ferious effays are fo happily relieved by lighter matter, that we may venture to recommend it as an acceptable prefent to the young of both fexes.

Tales for Youth, or the High Road to Renown, through the Paths of Pleafure; being a Collection of Tales illuftrative of an Alphabetical Arrangement of Subjects, the Obfervance of which will enable Young Men to arrive with Refpectability at the Pinnacle of Fame. Small 8vo. 35. Boards. Lane. 1797.

The vulgarity of this title is an earnest of the coarfe manner in

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