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KING ALFRED'S REMAINS (4th S. i. 555.)—MR. PIGGOT should consult the Liber Monasterii de Hyda, edited for the Master of the Rolls by Edward Edwards, Esq., p. lxxvii. and The Archalogia, vol. xiii. p. 309. K. P. D. E. MORTLAKE POTTERIES: TOBY JUGS (3rd S. xii. 523; 4th S. i. 160.)—There were two potteries at Mortlake. The older one was established by William Saunders, who made delfware about 1742. This date is taken from Lysons' Environs, 1792, i. 387, and seems (because Wm. Saunders married in that parish on March 25, 1748,) to be more correct than "about 1749), which is the period mentioned for the same event in Rees' Cyclopædia, 1819. The business of making delf and earthenware was continued by his sou; afterwards by Wagstaff & Co., who were there in 1819; then by Prior, and finally by Gurney. This occupied the site of the present Maltings built about 1817, being on the waterside, somewhat to the northwest of the church. In 1759 Benjamin Kishere was one of the leading hands in the factory belonging to Saunders, and his son Joseph was apprenticed there. This Joseph built on the road, but on the side opposite to the older pottery, a manufactory for white stoneware, which was in existence (when the Supplement to Lysons was written) about 1810, and in his hands in 1819. His son William succeeded to him, and the pottery was in work in 1831; a row of houses now occupies its site.

The "Toby" jug was not made only at Kishere's (evidently established after 1792), but also at Saunders's. Your correspondent must be in error in thinking that any person named Searles worked a pottery at Mortlake between the years 1740 and 1830. Another writer must also be in error in ascribing the name "Toby" to the song which he mentions, which surely could not have been written so early as even 1796, before which year the jugs had, I believe, ceased to be novelties. A. S.

NOYE AND NOYES (4th S. i. 566.)-In reply to W. N., I beg to say that my authority for the statement that the last of the Noyes of St. Buryan had emigrated to America was a communication to that effect (but without any such details as are desired by W. N.) received from the incumbent of St. Buryan, to whom I had written for information. In reply to T. M., I can only say that if he will state what further information he desires I shall be happy to furnish him with any that I possess.

I should be glad to know what authority can be found for the statements on the subject of the Nove and Pendre families quoted from Hals, Gilbert, and Lysons; and if no more detailed information can be derived from the same sources ? Unsupported statements in county histories are not to be relied on implicitly.


PETER BURCHET, AN AVENGER OF THE GOSPEL (4th S. i. 509, 564.)—By an odd coincidence I had just made a note about Peter Burchet when your number with another note about him arrived.

Camden (Hist. of Queen Elizabeth, p. 199) speaks of him as one of those queer religious maniacs who were persuaded that it was lawful to kill those who opposed the Gospel. He wounded Admiral Hawkins with a dagger in the public heard to be an enemy of the Innovators." street, mistaking him for Hatton, "whom he had Being sent to the Tower, he killed one of his gaolers with a billet of wood. Thus he avenged "the gospel" of Puritanism.

Hun hanged himself in the Lollards' Tower at St. Paul's. I say he was felo-de-se, after having carefully read every word extant about him.


J. H. B.

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ALLUSION IN "HERNANI" (4th S. i. 534.)— L'allusion que votre correspondant n'a pu pénétrer dans le vers de Hernani se rapporte à un passage du Romancero espagnol et à la légende des Sept Enfans de. Lara. Il pouvait d'autant mieux se renseigner qu'il a été dernièrement publié à Londres un excellent ouvrage sur la littérature espagnole que M. Mérimée cite dans son livre sur Don Pedro. Je ne puis être plus précis, n'ayant pas le livre sous la main. CH. A. M. THIBEAU.

The presence in Oxford at the present time of the distinguished French scholar and antiquary, M. Francisque Michel, has enabled me to obtain from him a solution of the difficulty in the lines from Hernani, in reply to H. de C. The allusion is to the Spanish ballads on the Seven Lords of Lara, who lived in the time of Garcia Terrandez, the son of Fernan Gonzalez. Ticknor says that some of these ballads are beautiful, and the story they contain is one of the most romantic in Spanish history. The Seven Lords of Lara, in consequence of a family quarrel, are betrayed by their uncle into the hands of the Moors, and put to death; while their father, by the basest treason, is confined in a Moorish prison, where by a noble Moorish lady he has an eighth son, who at last avenges all the wrongs of his race. On this story there are about thirty ballads, some very old, and

exhibiting either inventions or traditions not elsewhere recorded, while others seem to have come directly from the "General Chronicle." J. MACRAY.


POEM ON A SLEEPING CHILD (4th S. i. 535.)The vast knowledge of M. Michel on all subjects connected with his own literature, and that of the South of Europe in general, obligingly furnished me with a reply to send to you when I showed him "N. & Q." M. Michel says that the short poem in question is from the poems that pass under the name of Clotilde de Surville, but which are now, by the best critics, pronounced to be forgeries. The verses commence

"O cher enfantelet, vrai pourtraict de ton père," and are headed "Verselets à mon premier né." A great resemblance has been traced between them and the romance of Berquin, "Dors, cher enfant, clos ta paupière." J. MACRAY. Oxford.

ST. SIMON: LETTRES D'ÉTAT (3rd S. xii. 414; 4th S. i. 281, 448, 521.)-In the Mémoires complets et authentiques du Duc de Saint Simon (published by M. Chéruel), Paris, Hachette, 1856, p. 155 of the first volume, I find the following


"Les lettres d'état étaient accordées aux ambassadeurs, aux officiers de guerre et à tous qui étaient obligés de s'absenter pour un service public. Elles suspendaient pour six mois toutes les poursuites dirigées contre eux. Ce délai expiré, elles pouvaient être reprises."

It is almost identically the definition I gave, quoted from the Dictionnaire de Bescherelle.

Thus far for the meaning of the lettre d'état. Let us now turn to St. Simon himself for an answer to your correspondent's last questions.

Page 155, the duke says:

"L'embarras devint grand et notre affaire se regardait comme déplorée, lorsqu'un des gens d'affaires, élevant la voix, demanda si personne de nous n'avait de lettres d'état, chacun se regarda et pas un d'eux n'en avait. Celui qui en avait fait la demande dit que c'était pourtant le seul moyen de sauver l'affaire; il en expliqua la mécanique et nous fit voir que quand elles seraient cassées au premier conseil de dépêches, comme on devait bien s'y attendre, la requête de Mr de Richelieu se trouverait cependant introduite et l'instance liée au conseil en règlement de juges. Sur cette explication je souris, et je dis que s'il ne tenait qu'à cela, l'affaire était sauvée, que j'avais des lettres d'état et que je les donnerais, à condition que je pourrais compter qu'elles ne seraient cassées qu'à l'égard de Mr de Luxembourg."

The above exposes the case: the object was to gain sufficient time to allow the signification (serving) of the Duke de Richelieu's requête to be


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prendre des lettres d'état pour me donner le temps de les arranger."

This shows clearly how, why, and when St. Simon, who was then in the army, had himself taken these lettres d'état.

Lastly, at p. 157, I find: :

"Il fut conclu que le lendemain jeudi, veille du jour que nous devions être jugés, mon intendant et mon procureur iraient à dix heures du soir signifier mes lettres d'état au procureur de Mr de Luxembourg et au Suisse de son hôtel et que le même jour je m'en irais au village de Longues, à huit lieues de Paris, où était ma compagnie, pour colorer au moins, ces lettres d'état de quelque prétexte."

This explains how, with a sham absence, & legal use could be made of the letters.

I trust D. S. and L. H. L. will be satisfied with St. Simon's own words, and I am at their disposal to clear up any other obscurity. This I should, however, prefer doing in French, which is more familiar to me than English.



BALIOL FAMILY (4th S. i. 189.)-ANGLO-SCOTUS, in his note on "the Robber Earl of Mar" (ante, p. 471), speaks of the Baliol family as "Seigneurs de Bailleul" in French Flanders.

In a history of St. Valery-sur-Somme (which I have) and the neighbouring cantons, by M. Ernest Prarond, Member of the Society of Antiquaries of Picardy, under the title of Mons-Boubert, formerly two villages now united into one, situated near the left bank of the Somme between Abbeville and St. Valery, M. Prarond speaks of Jean de Bailleul Roi d'Ecosse, whom some of the historians of Ponthieu supposed to have been born at the château of Mons. After giving a sketch of his life, M. Prarond goes on to say

Le Père

"Jean de Bailleul alors obtint la liberté de revenir avec son Fils dans son pays natal, où il mourut. Ignace fixe la date de sa mort en 1305.

"D'un autre côté un titre, dont nous avons trouvé la copie nous-même dans les papiers de M. Traullé et que M. Louandre a cité dans sa biographie d'Abbeville, établirait que Jean de Bailleul vivait encore en 1313. Ce titre commence ainsi :-Nous Jehans par la grâce de Dieu Roi d'Escosse et Sire de Bailleul en Vimmeu'... et finit par ces mots :-'che fust faist l'an de grâce мOCC et treze le quart jour du mois de March.' Dix-sept villages, dit M. Louandre, relevaient de la puissante châtellenie de Bailleul, selon les gens du pays, mais aucun d'eux ne sait qu'elle fut le domaine d'un Roi."

M. Prarond then gives a sketch of the life of K. Edward de Bailleul, son of K. John, quotes a manuscript note of M. Louandre to the effect that John de Bailleul was not Seigneur of Mons en Vimeu, but that he took the titles of "Sire

d'Hélicourt et de Bailleul en Vimeu;" and con

cludes his notice thus:-

"Ce qu'il y a de certain, c'est que Jean de Bailleul Roi d'Ecosse retint toujours le cri de sa maison, Hellicourt. "Voir d'ailleurs M. Louandre, Histoire d'Abbeville, t. i. p. 209, et pour quelques difficultés relatives à Jean de Bailleul M. Le Ver, Revue Anglo-Française, t. iii.; voyez

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Lymington, Hants.

THE PILLORY (4th S. i. 570.) — Permit a subscriber to "N. & Q.," ab initio, to protest against the suggestion of a correspondent that you should print "a list of the names of persons subjected to this punishment in London from 1700." What purpose could this serve other than to gratify something worse than a morbid curiosity? Persons have been subjected to this degrading punishment (some perhaps wrongfully), whose descendants may now be living in positions of respectability and honour, and, moreover, may be readers of "N. & Q.," and why should unnecessary and undeserved pain be inflicted upon them? What would be thought at Sydney, N. S. W., of a proposition to print in its most popular periodical a list of all the persons who have "left their country for their country's good," for a voyage to Botany Bay? It may be as well that I should state that I have no personal interest in this matter.

D. S.

WALTER PRONOUNCED AS "WATER "(4th S. i. 519.)-I am sorry I cannot agree with MR. DECK's explanation of the rebus on Bishop Walter Lyhart. I should interpret the symbol as suggested by the surname alone. Lye, the first syllable, is a kind of water used for washing. It may probably come from λouw, Latin luo; Bailey says, from the Saxon læ3, Belg. loogh. In the days when anagrams, rebuses, and conceits of all kinds were in vogue, and the remotest allusions eagerly cast about for, the particular would be readily taken for the universal; thus water, used for a special purpose, would be understood as water simply. Hence lye, washing water, and hart, a stag, would, without much strain of the imagination, suggest the notion of that animal "lying in EDMUND TEW.


QUARTERINGS (4th S. i. 460, 570.)—P. P. may well ask when certain correspondents of "N. & Q." will learn something of the rudiments of heraldry before they commit themselves to putting absurd questions. I have, over and over again, heard gentlemen talk about "quartering" their wives' armorial bearings with their own. Heraldry, like every art or science, is guided by its rules; and I really think that, before

people venture to address themselves to these pages, they ought at least to make themselves acquainted with some of the first and easiest of the laws of blazonry. It is not intended, I conceive, that these columns should be devoted to teaching the elements of the arts and sciences. That is done by books for beginners, compiled for the purpose. "N. & Q." is "A Medium of Intercommunication for Literary Men, General Readers," &c., and this title presupposes that correspondents know something of the subjects of which they treat. There are few people free from the vanity of thinking that they possess armorial bearings (though they do not know what); at the same time, it is remarkable how few there are who have made themselves acquainted with even the commonest principles of science. And as long as their vanity and their ignorance conduct them to those quacks, the advertising sealengravers, to have their arms "found," it is not to be expected that they should ever acquire any sound knowledge on the subject. They ought to know that there is only one place in England where a coat of arms can be obtained, and to go to any other place is to get what is merely fictitious, and consequently worthless. But they are whether their ancestors bore arms, for fear of afraid of applying to the right place to know getting an unfavourable answer; and consequently they would rather go to a quack, whose interest it is to humour their weakness, and pay a few shillings (a good many shillings sometimes) to obtain a pretty picture, which they hope they can palm off upon their friends as something genuine. Whenever I detect any of my own friends falling away in this manner, I generally tell them to their faces that I pity them for allowing themselves to be duped by advertising humbugs. It is not until people will learn a little of the history, origin, purposes, and nature of heraldry, and the laws by which it has always been regulated, that they will cease to make such fools of themselves.


SIR JOHN DENHAM, THE POET (4th S. i. 552.)— The extracts from the Egham burial registers are very interesting as relates to the Denham family (only one, however, has reference to the poet himself), and they do not appear to have been before quoted.

The poet was born at Dublin in 1615: the only son of Sir John Denham, of Little Horsely in Essex, then Chief Baron of the Exchequer in Ireland, and of Eleanor, daughter of Sir Garret More, baron of Mellefont. This lady was Sir John's second wife. His first was the widow of Richard Kellefet, of Egham, chief groom in Queen Elizabeth's "removing gardrobe of beddes," and yeoman of Her Majesty's standing gardrobe at Richmond."



The first extract, quoted by your correspondent F., relates to the last-named lady; the third to the mother of the poet; the fourth extract refers to a son of the poet, who died young.

Sir John Denham made his will in March, 1637, leaving his estate "wholly and freely" to his son. He died on the 6th of January, 1638, and was buried at the church at Egham, where his monument, with his effigy in a winding-sheet, is, I believe, still to be seen. Query, were the almshouses endowed by the old lawyer or the poet?


COTTELL OR COTTLE FAMILY (3rd S. xi. 376, 529; xii. 78.) At these references come queries have been proposed relative to the ancient family of Cottell, but without, so far as I know, much result. Can any one give me information respecting the baptism, marriage, or death of a Symon Cottell, who went from one of the western counties, or Wilts, to Furland near Crewkerne, Somerset, in the year 1700? He was born, probably, between 1670 and 1680, married before 1799, and was living in 1722. Any parish clerk sending to the writer a certificate of either of these events shall receive a liberal gratuity. JOHN MACLEAN.


PAINTER WANTED (4th S. i. 446.)—The source of the quotation which your correspondent B. H. C. makes, is evidently to be looked for in Shakespeare, though the lines themselves were probably constructed, as is commonly the case, by some friend of the engraver:

"What is here?
Gold? yellow, glittering, precious gold? No, gods,
I am no idle votarist. Roots, you clear heav'ns!
Thus much of this will make black, white; fair, foul;
Wrong, right; base, noble; old, young; coward, valiant.
You gods! why this? what this, you gods? Why, this
Will lug your priests and servants from your sides:
Pluck stout men's pillows from below their heads.
This yellow slave

Will knit and break religions; bless th' accursed;
Make the hoar leprosie adored; place thieves,
And give them title, knee, and approbation,
With senators on the bench."

Timon of Athens, Act IV. Sc. 3.

HURNE (4th S. i. 483.)-I wish to add a rider to my reply. It occurred to me, after writing, that a reference to the aquatic bird called the heron does not fully answer your correspondent's query: certainly the heron might formerly have been found in such marshy places as the districts mentioned; but the drainage of the Bedford level has, no doubt, altered all that.

There is an A.-S. root that will answer much better. In Piers Plowman's Crede we read, 1. 182: "Housed in hirnes." This word is said to be equivalent to the modern horn, in the sense of a

corner or angle: corner is therefore, as I think, the word GRIME requires, but they all seem to me to be very closely related. Thus, in the old nursery rhyme, when we read that "Little Jack Horner, Sat in a corner,"

we find that the alliteration amounts to a pun; in other words, that John Horner is only another name for John Corner. A. H.

EGYPT AND NINEVEH (3rd S. vi. 514.)-In spite of the well-known (in England, at least,) priority of Dr. Young in discovering a partial key to the mysterious hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians, some French writers, apparently in utter ignorance of Dr. Young's labours in this field of research, continue to represent Champollion as the sole interpreter of the enigma: "Le point de départ des découvertes vient tout entier de Champollion." (See Revue des Deux Mondes, 1 Juin, article "Un Mot sur l'Archéologie Orientale." In the whole course of the article (by M. Vitet, a distinguished art-critic), Dr. Young's name is not once mentioned. German writers are either better informed, or more impartial:

"Champollion's Hauptverdienst besteht jedoch darin, dass er die von dem Engländer Young aufgestellte Hypothese über die Natur der Hieroglyphen einestheils berichtete und ergänzte, anderntheils für die Lesung der altägypt. Inschriften fruchtbar machte." (See Conversat Lexikon.)

The same work describes Dr. Young's attempts to form a hieroglyphical alphabet as on the whole successful, although incorrect in some of their applications; and as having undoubtedly been the cause of Champollion's renewed investigations, which proved so fruitful of happy results. J. MACRAY.


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The very

LYCH GATE (4th S. i. 394, 423.) Saxon term, I think, proves them to be erections of a pre-reformation period. Dr. Johnson gives the following definition:

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The far-fetched, fantastical term "hagioscope," besides its newness, has the disadvantage of quite misguiding the liturgical student. Though harmless, the term "Low side window" is of recent coinage. O. DRINKLAKE.

ROMA: AMOR (4th S. i. 313.)-The New Monthly Magazine for August, 1821, at that time edited by the poet Campbell, contains an interesting article upon Palindromes. In it the line

"Roma tibi subito motibus ibit amor,"

is given, accompanied by the following hexame


"Si bene te tua Laus taxat, sua laute tenebis
Sole medere pede, ede, perede melos."

The three lines are said to be found in Quintilian. UNEDA.


GIST (4th S. i. 579.)—This law term is an abbreviation of agist, from the French giste, a lying place, from the verb gésir, to lie, and is applied to the lying, and consequently pasturing, of cattle. "If a man," says Blackstone (ii. ch. 30), “ takes in a horse or other cattle to graze and depasture in his grounds, which the law calls agistment.' The hare's form in French is giste d'un lièvre. By metaphor, gist means that on which a case or argument rests. The g is pronounced soft, as in ginger. T. J. BUCKTON.

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Gist is derived from old French giste, abode (also a bed), from gésir, Provençal jazer, Latin JOHN PIGGOT, Jun. jacere, to lie.

ALTAR LIGHTS AT ALL HALLOWS', THAMES STREET (4th S. i. 146.)—I suspect that for Thames Street should be read Tower Street. Altar lights were in use in the church of All Hallows Barking, in this street, up till about twenty years ago, when the handsome pair of candlesticks were stolen, together with other ornaments of the communion table. The lights would appear to have been retained here from the time of the Reformation in uninterrupted use, not for a symbolical purpose, but for utility, to give light to the upper part of the church at evening prayers, which were said daily in the chancel of this church during the early part of the last century. The stolen candlesticks were never replaced, and altar lights are consequently not now employed. A recent "ritualistic" publication includes this church in the list of those where such lights are retained, but this is a mistake. JUXTA TURRIM.

EALING GREAT SCHOOL (4th S. i. 588.)-To the list of Ealing men of mark allow me to add the name of Charles Josi, an animal painter of great talent, some of whose pieces are little, if at all, inferior to Paul Potter's. His brother was Keeper of the Prints at the British Museum for many years, and very eminent in his line. Charles

Josi died at Lisbon about the year 1853, it is to be feared in straitened circumstances, but with ever-increasing power of pencil, as his last sketches in colour amply prove. C. A. W. May Fair.

EMENDATIONS OF SHAKESPEARE (4th S. i. 576.) I send you my readings of the disputed passages adduced by DR. CARTWRIGHT, which you may perhaps think worth inser ug in the very valuable columns of "N. & Q.": :

1. Coriolanus, Act III. Sc. 2.

"But with such words that are but rooted in
Your tongue-so' but bastards and syllables
Of no allowance to your bosom's truth;
Now this no more dishonours," &c.

The reasoning strain throughout this passage speaks for my reading.

2. Hamlet, Act V. Sc. 2.

"As peace should still her wheaten garland wear, And stand at-one between their majesties."

For this sense of at-one, cf. the poet and contemporary poets passim; also "golden harvest," "golden crown." J. WETHERELL.

Melgate House, Slingsby York.

LANCASHIRE SONG (4th S. i. 390, 517.)-This song has long been printed, and I remember, when a boy, amusing myself and perhaps tormenting my friends by attempting to sing it from a printed sheet. The copy from which I quote is "No. 265, J. Harkness, Printer, 121 and 122, Church Street; office, North Road, Preston," and coutains a variation or two worth noting. The first stanza runs as follows:

"Good law, how things are altered now, I'm grown as fine as fippence ! But when I used to follow t' plough I ne'er could muster threepence: But now! Why who's so spruce as I When gooin to church o' Sundays? I'm not poor Will o' th' yate, by guy! But th' mon at Mester Grundy's." the fifth stanza of the song as printed by MR. The above avoids the repetition observable in AXON. 'By guy" is still a very common expletive in most parts of Lancashire. I think I have seen a copy of this song in the late Mr. Harland's collection, and I know that he contemplated issuing several more volumes of Lancashire Songs and Ballads had his life been spared.

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BURIAL SOCIETIES AMONGST THE ROMANS (4th S. i. 578.)-I have been unable to find any notice of Hadrian's patronage of a burial society in Spartian, Dion Cassius, Aurelius Victor, or Eusebius, the ancient authorities, or in the modern of F. Gregorovius, Geschichte des Kaisers Hadrian (Königsberg, 1851), and J. M. Flemmer De Itineribus et Rebus gestis Hadriani Imperatoris secundum numorum et inscriptionum testimonium (Hanniæ, 1836). Hadrian, as executor of the Roman law, had to enforce the

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