
man, Henry Cochrane departed this life. The week before his death, when Mrs. Thwaites visited him, he told her that he had been looking back, and calling to mind seasons when he had been surrounded with temptations to sin; and how he had been enabled, by the grace of God, to resist and overcome-so that, from the time when he had begun to serve God, which was from his youth, he had been kept to old age; and that all his trials, which were not a few toward the close of his life, had been made the means of bringing him to cleave more to God. He was brought to the knowledge of the truth, by the blessing of God on the care of Mr. Nathaniel Gilbert, who devoted himself to the instruction of his Negroes; many of whom, he was the means of turning from darkness to light: on the death of Mr. Gilbert, these were as sheep without a Shepherd, till Missionaries arrived. A pious old man, named Quacou, belonging to the same Owner, but living on another estate, became the friend and counsellor of Henry, and offered to teach him to read: he was rejoiced at the offer; and, though he had very little time, he learned to read well enough to enjoy his Bible and Prayer-Book: one of his aged Sisters, who set out in the good way with him, says, that so great was his love for his book, that he used to carry it to the field in his bosom, and look into it at every opportunity:* when he had no candle, he would make a fire on purpose to read by; and his profiting soon appeared to all.

Henry laid himself out to be useful to his fellow-slaves; teaching several to read, as far as he was himself able: when Mr. Gordon sent out a Schoolmaster to teach the Young Slaves on his estates, Henry was induced to undertake the like work among the children on the estate on which he lived. It was his care of

This is very common, in the present day among the children of the Sunday Schools.

the little Negro Children, which first
struck us so forcibly, as caused us at
once to embark in the work of col-
lecting and teaching the Young
Slaves; and we now look back with
pleasure to the time, when we com-
menced with the hearty co-operation
of this good old man. Henry was
also the most active in raising up
Bethesda School-House, when first
built with wattles and mud, and co-
vered with thatch: at every oppor-
tunity, he would go into the woods,
and cut materials for the purpose,
and bring them home: he became a
gave his
Teacher in this School,
attendance as long as he was able.

He was remarkable for Patience under sufferings, and Forbearance and readiness to forgive injuries. On one occasion, when he had suffered wrongfully, he met his Daughter-in-law, who wept on his account: he bade her not to weep-that his Saviour had suffered the same for him; and declared he felt nothing but pity toward his injurer, and sincerely prayed that the Lord would have mercy on him.

Another striking trait in his character was Charity. He was industrious and frugal; and always had a little, wherewith to help the distressed: when any of the Slaves, on his or other estates near, were in trouble or want, he would visit them, and administer comfort to their minds; and, at the same time, put some small money into their hands. Since his death, some of the Slaves to windward have told Mrs. Thwaites, that, though they lived at a distance, they used to go to him to settle their disputes, and ask his counsel.

June 17, 1821. Sunday.-As soon as the children were dismissed at Bethesda, two Coloured Young Women (Slaves), who had been excluded for forming illicit connections, came to Mrs. Thwaites, bewailing their departure from the paths of virtue, and expressing a sincere desire to save their souls. The instructions which they had received, had been like

bread cast upon the waters: they were never at ease in sin. On inquiry, it was found that one of them had not left the man's house with whom she had lived, though she was anxious to do so: her relations, unwilling that she should lose her sinful gains, were all up in arms against her; and her own Mother, of whom we had hoped better things, refused her a home! We have often cause to be thus grieved and discouraged, with respect to the rising generation.

June 18, 1821.-Another of our poor outcasts (Coloured) from Bethesda School, came to us early in the morning, deeply convinced of her sin. She shed many tears. She was encouraged to bring her load of guilt and trouble to a compassionate Saviour, who would have mercy on her. She was a very interesting girl; and was once much attached to us and to the School, and was very promising but, alas! she was situated as a lamb among tigers, who had absolute power over her.

June 19. Mrs. Thwaites and I went to see the relations of the Young Woman mentioned on Sunday last. On assembling them, they all were shameless enough to avow their wish that the girl should continue with the man, who had said he would purchase her freedom when it should be in his power. The young woman had mentioned this to Mrs. Thwaites; adding, that though liberty was sweet, she did not wish to have her's upon such terms. We took such steps as we trust will help her effectually out of her present embarrassments.

June 24, Sunday.- Mrs. Thwaites having heard that a Young Couple, who grew up and married at Bethesda, had disagreed, requested all the married people belonging to the School to attend, that she might give them a little advice, which she hoped would tend to promote conjugal affection. She took them into the Visitor's house: some of these truly fear God: several lovely little ones were in their mothers' arms. These,

we trust, will be a seed to serve Him, in their day and generation. The scene excited our grateful feelings.

June 30.-On making particular inquiry among the Young People, this evening, into the state of their minds, we found much cause for thankfulness. They seemed alive to their spiritual concerns. Involuntary tears ran down the cheeks of some, whose hearts seemed full of feeling.

July 3.- At Lynch's, we received 37 New Scholars, making about 80 Adults. The house becoming too small, we found it necessary to remove the men to another place. When the children were dismissed, many of them came in search of their mothers and grandmothers, who seemed delighted at the idea of being taught in their leisure hours by their own little ones. The meeting was very pleasing: the women appeared in earnest to learn to read; and joined heartily in singing, and in prayer for God's blessing upon the undertaking.

None are admitted to the Adult School, but those who are moral and married. Some of the men think the terms of admission hard; but we are determined not to relax. We see and feel the necessity of discountenancing, in every possible way, the reigning vices of the country: even at Lynch's, where the Slaves are in general more enlightened, are men living in polygamy.

July 14.-Had a meeting, in the evening, with those of our Young People, whom we have reason to believe have a work of grace begun in their hearts. The mother of one of them, who herself 'has lately been brought to know her Saviour, told Mrs. Thwaites, to use her own expression, "He often counsels with me about God's Word." Most of the others present appeared to be earnestly seeking the salvation of their souls.

Aug. 9.-We visited a sick Young Woman, belonging to the School at

Lynch's; who has, for some time, been under deep concern for her soul. We found her earnestly desiring the pardon of her sins; and directed her therefore to the atoning blood of Christ. She had been reading the fourteenth Chapter of St. John, and had derived some encouragement from the first verse. As she was not expected to recover, she was asked whether she felt any anxiety on that account: she replied that she had no trouble, but for her soul. She was much in earnest during the time of prayer.

said "

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We afterward called to see another of our Scholars, who had been taken very ill the night before. His parents had informed us that his pains were so violent, that they did not expect he would live till the morning; and that he had called for his Testament, and opened at the Third Chapter of St. John, which he began to read aloud, and when he came to these words, Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God, he burst into tears, and Lord, am I born again? Am I a Christian? Make me a Christian!" He read no more; but continued praying and begged he might be spared till next day, when he hoped to obtain mercy. He is recovering, and we trust his good impressions will last. Aug. 12, 1821, Sunday.-At Bethesda, Mrs. Thwaites heard an affecting account of one of our Young Women. On Thursday last, we had visited her father, a pious old man, who told us that his daughter was at variance with her husband, and that he had endeavoured in vain to make peace between them he was much grieved, as was his wife; and begged we would speak to her. We did so, but she seemed implacable; and we left the place much disappointed with respect to her. Last night, her father called a few of his praying friends (communicants) together, to pray for this daughter, that it would please God to soften her heart. She did not join


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them; but, her house being near, she heard what passed-that her father prayed and wept, till he had fallen on his face in the agony of his grief. She could bear up no longer, but ran into the house, raised him up, and fell upon her knees, and with many tears asked pardon of God and of him.

Aug. 19, Sunday.-After the meet: ing at Lynch's to read the Scriptures, I visited Judy Quack, who is very ill with the measles. On Friday night, she thought herself near her end; and, being too sick to read herself, she seni for two of her school-fellows who lived near, to read the Testament to her. I found her very ill; but in a happy state of mind, and her mouth filled with the praises of God. Wishing to know the ground of her rejoicing, I asked her whether she had felt herself a sinner: she replied, she had; but that God, for Christ's sake, had pardoned all her sins, and that His love was shed abroad in her heart. She expressed much thankfulness to God for placing her under religious instruction; and prayed for His blessing upon her Teachers, and that they might see much fruit of their labours. She went on in such a pleasing strain, that I would have stayed longer, but she seemed in much pain. I therefore offered up a short prayer, during which she was very fervent, and took my leave. Judy has been mentioned before: see June 16, 1818*. She has grown up modest and chaste, and much esteemed by all. We cannot but rejoice over her: she has been but a poor field girl. She was made a Sub-teacher, some time ago.

Aug. 29.-Received a Letter from St. John's, which gave us an account of Eliza Williams's death. Eliza joined the Hope School about six years ago; but, having been hired by a Lady residing in St. John's, she removed to that place. As her mother and the rest of the family belong to Lynch's estate, she generally visited them once a fortnight, and had her

Se p. 355 of the Proceedings of the Nineteenth Year.

name still among our Children. She attended whenever she could, and shewed great attachment to the Schools, and her Teachers. She . could read the Testament, which she greatly prized; with a few Religious Tracts, received on reward days. The writer of the Letter says Eliza was honoured in her death, and many shed tears of affection for her. Among her Mistress's friends and acquaintance, she brought honour to God and her Christian profession: they all speak her praises. I look upon her as the firstfruit of your labours, and, without doubt, she will welcome you to the abode of bliss. Let us praise God for His Grace, manifested in this poor girl!

Oct. 16, 1821.-In the evening, Mrs. Thwaites and I, after previous notice, met a large company of our children at Bethesda. It was altogether a religious meeting. We conversed, with such as wished it, individually about ten of these seem to be desirous to save their souls. A Negro Girl, who has been kept, through many temptations, from falling into unchastity, was of the number: her case is peculiarly affecting.


Oct. 20.-In the evening, we held our Annual Meeting of the Parents, &c. at Lynch's, for the purpose of electing new Inspectors. When thanks were voted to the late Inspectors for having faithfully and diligently performed the duties of their office, some of the Parents not only held up both hands, but stood up, and spoke in terms of gratitude that such a plan had been adopted: they said, that the late Inspectors had done so well for their children, that they did not wish for a change. The Meeting concluded with singing and prayer. The whole scene, being among Slaves, was new and pleasing. Nov. 3. A coloured Girl, excluded from the School in June 1820, died to-day. This poor girl remained but a short time in the ways of sin she became truly penitent, and continued so till the time of her illness. We visited her during

her sickness, when she thus expressed herself "I am sorry, from the bottom of my heart, that I suffered sin and Satan to get the better of me. I wish I had stayed where I was; and suffered any thing, rather than sin against God. I hope God will forgive me. He only knows what I have undergone. I seldom awake of a morning, but I relieve myself by a shower of tears." We directed her to the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. We rejoiced to hear that her end was peace. She solemnly entreated her Sister to take warning by her, and to avoid falling into the like snares.

Nov. 27.-A pleasing Meeting was held at Bethesda. The place was full. Books, and Notes of Approbation, were given to the most worthy. We looked with heartfelt satisfaction upon those, who had commenced with us near nine years ago, when they were Children, who are now Parents fearing God.

[Mrs. Thwaites writes, in reference to a Meeting at the Hope School-]

Dec. 26. We felt our hearts warned with gratitude to God, when we beheld the New School-Room, which is twice as large as the former, crowded. The Children had made great improvement during the past year. Little creatures, who could scarcely speak, lifted up their voices in hymns of praise; and others, only half-a-head taller than the table, received the reward of a Testament, in which they could read. Above all, the hope that the greater part will be the children of God and heirs of eternal glory, was truly gratifying. Among the hundreds who stood before us, there were many, from fourteen to twenty-one years of age, turning their feet into the path of life; beside numbers of young men, grown up in the School, who, though they do not yet come forward as religious characters, have been so benefitted by the discipline in which they have been brought up that their demeanour is excellent.


(See Page 212.)


Extract of a Letter from the Rev. John West.

Red River Colony, June 4, 1821.

PLACED, as the Europeans have been, in a wild range of the Hudson's Bay Company's Territories an extent,not to be measured by Millions of Square Miles, but by Degrees of Longitude and Latitude-where no Protestant Church has hitherto existed, it cannot be a matter of surprise that they should generally have sunk into Heathenism themselves. While this is a melancholy fact, it is painful to consider the state of the numerous Tribes of Indians who wander through this vast territóry, hitherto unheeded, and strangers to British liberality and British Missionary exertions. If you cast your eye upon the Map, you will find, that, from the borders of the United States to the farthest known point of the Hudson's Bay Company's Territories toward the North, and from the line of Upper Canada to the Pacific Ocean, no Protestant Missionary is found, seeking to introduce the knowledge of Christianity among the Native Indians. What an additional call, then, is this, for the Christian Sympathy of Britons, and for further active exertions in the Cause of Missions!

From what I have seen of the general character of the Indians, I am not sanguine in my hopes of much IMMEDIATE religious impression being made on their minds. Though wandering through the woods and the plains, with all the wretched appearance of Gypsies in England, there is a high spirit of independence among them: so much so, that if a Missionary were found, who would zealously join any Tribe with a view to make known to them the inestimable

blessings of Christianity, he must necessarily become dependent upon them for provisions; which circumstance, however, would, I fear, lower his character too much in their estimation, and operate as a bar to any usefulness among them. Canadian Catholic Missionaries have indeed tried the experiment, with a view to propagate their Faith: they have habituated themselves to savage life; but have failed in their object, though their ceremonies may be supposed calculated to attract the attention of the Indians. In seeking to evangelize these perishing Heathen, other measures must be adopted, in the establishment of a School and Missionary Station for the religious instruction of their Children; and where they may, also, be shewn and partake of the advantages of agriculture.

You well know, in this benevolent and religious design, how necessary it is to take the Children from an


and the licentious indulgence of their Parents; and particularly so, when they are prejudiced in their ignorance and barbarous habits, by their intercourse with Europeans, through that common medium of barter and curse to the country, the RUM KEG. Until this is the case, it appears to me almost as reasonable to expect fruit before the tree is planted, as to look for much religious impression among the North-American Indians.

That eminent Christian Missionary, Brainerd, observed, that "instructing the Indians in the English Tongue will be more advantageous to the Christian Interest among them, than preaching to them in their own

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