
that the Boys which have stayed have taken no harm. An objection has been started-that if the New System obliged Children to come in close contact with one another, it would be necessary to abandon it in Schools where Boys of different castes assembled but this is chiefly the case with the Lancasterian Plan, whereby Boys are obliged to stand close together near one card, the letters on which are perhaps printed close and small: in Bell's,this inconvenience is avoided, by placing a small card in the hand of each Boy.


Sept. 17, 1821.-Attended the Pettah School with Br. Rhenius, and-in

troduced the cards there. Br. Rhenius afterward catechized the Children, and preached outside to a crowd of people, where he had to refute the objections made to our religion by Heathens, Roman Catholics, and Mahomedans. I do not doubt but that what they heard gave them plenty of matter for after-thought.

Sept. 23.-Commenced holding a Sunday-afternoon Prayer Meeting. Several of our people, with the three Boys from the villages, who display

wish for Christian Instruction, attended. I adopt my former plan, and repeat to them the Morning Sermon.

(See Page 151.)


Extracts from the Report of the Madras Corresponding Committee, on the Translations, Clergy, College, and Schools.


THE Translation of the Scriptures (Mr. Bailey writes), which is of the first importance, occupies much of my time; and to which some things of less importance, such as the translation or composition of useful Tracts and Treatises, must, at present, give way. I usually spend four or five hours a day on the Translation; except when my friends and I meet at the College, or when I am from home. When that time is elapsed, I do not feel capable of attending to a great deal more. In the last nine months, I have gone through, with my assistant Waidya Nathoryen, another revision of the Four Gospels. The Gospel of St. Luke we have looked over twice. The first ten chapters of this Gospel I have had the pleasure to forward to the Madras Auxiliary Bible Society, at the request of the Committee, as a specimen of the translation which we

have in hand here; and I shall be very glad to know the opinion of those learned Gentlemen and Natives, to whom it is the intention of the Committee to submit it.

I have had six or seven copies of each of the Gospels written out and distributed, besides some small portions of a Gospel. I hope we shall soon realize the expectation of seeing a press at Cotym, when the difficulty, as well as the delay and incorrectness, which must necessarily occur iu copying, will be obviated. Numbers apply for copies of the Gospels; and thankful should we be, were we able to supply them: but that cannot be, until a large number of copies be printed. May the blessing of God attend the reading of those few which

have been distributed!


Since our last Report (Mr. Bailey continues) Ten Students have been

ordained Catanars, all of whom are married in addition to which five or six Catanars have been married.

In the month of December last, Mr. Baker and I accompanied the Rev. Mr. Hough to some of the Churches, south of Cotym: viz. Neranum, Chenganoor, Callucherri, Puttencave, and Mavelicari; but since Mr. Hough has given the Committee so full an account of that journey, any remarks of mine would be superfluous.

Toward the close of February, I had likewise the pleasure to accompany Major Mackworth to some of the Syrian Churches, south of Cotym. The first which we visited was Neranum. We had some conversation with the Catanars who were present, on religious subjects: we pointed out to them the necessity of reading and expounding the Scriptures to the people, every Sabbath; particularly of preaching: and the good effects which would, under the blessing of God, result from their labours in so important a work; for, so long as the Catanars neglect the duty of preaching the blessed Gospel of Christ to the people, they would remain ignorant of its sacred and holy precepts, neglect the ordinances of God's House on the Sabbath, and continue to lead immoral lives, the result of not being told the duties of Christians as contained in the Bible: moreover, as faith cometh by hearing, the people could not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour of Sinners, unless He was preached to them, and His character and offices as a Saviour explained to them: coming to Church to SEE the Service, as the people invariably term it, was not sufficient: besides, the Service being in Syriac, a language totally unknown to the Laity, it could not be expected that they would derive any spiritual advantage from it. To the truth of this statement, the Catanars assented; and promised, in future, to read and expound the Word of God according to their ability: but, as it regards preaching, they did not at present feel capable of attempting it.

The next Church which we visited, was Chenganoor. Here all the Catanars, and a great number of the people belonging to the Church, were present. There had lately been a dispute between the Catanars and the Elders, which I believe had been occasioned by the former. These Catanars, except one who is engaged at Cotym as a writer, possess far less knowledge and information than any of the Catanars whom I have yet seen. The oppressions which the Christians belonging to this Church had lately suffered, from the principal people belonging to the Pagoda near the Church, had ceased, and we hope to hear no more of them.

We proceeded to Puttencave Church, where we remained some hours. On our arrival, we found all the Catanars present, and a number of the people. The inhabitants, I am happy to say, are all Syrians. We visited the houses of two of the Catanars, with which we were much pleased.

From Puttencave we proceeded to Maramanna and Covencherri. We went to the latter Church first, being a little farther than the former, and the farthest our time and the state of the river would permit us to see in this part: we reached Covencherri early in the morning, and found two of the Catanars performing Service in the Church: we waited till the Service was concluded, and then had some conversation with the Catanars. At Maramanna Church, one of the Catanars, named Abraham, is one of the principal Malpans of the Syrian Church: we had a very interesting conversation with him on religious subjects, the propagation of Christianity, and the duty of Ministers: he is a young man of talents, and anxious to improve himself; and should it please God to work on his mind by the power of His Spirit, there is reason to hope that he would be a useful character: he has an Uncle, who is one of the Catanars of this Church, whom the Syrians consider a good man and highly respect: he is now far advanced in years, and very

infirm, consequently incapable of much exertion.

We left this Church for Mavelicari, where we arrived on the Saturday Evening. Here we spent the Sabbath, which was a pleasant and an interesting one. Early in the morning, the Syriac Service was performed by Thoma, Catanar; at which Major Mackworth and I were present: we were much pleased to hear him read the principal part of it in Malayalim: we observed the people much more attentive, when he read Malayalim than when he read Syriac. Immediately after this Service was concluded, I had Divine Service and preached, in Malayalim; the number of people present were about 300, all of whom appeared very attentive: from the conversation which I had with some of the people afterward, I was glad to find that they understood the greater part of the Sermon: they observed, that they should be very thankful if they had preaching every Sabbath. In the afternoon, there were two marriages: we witnessed the ceremony; after which we had a long conversation with Thoma and another Catanar. We inquired if they were accustomed to perform Service in Malayalim every Sabbath, as we had witnessed that morning : they replied in the negative-it was merely done on account of our being present: we then remarked to them, how much more attentive the people were to the Malayalim than to the Syriac part of the Service: "Yes," replied they, "because the people understand Malayalim, but not Syriac" we asked if it would not tend more to the edification of the people, if their Services were always performed in Malayalim: they answered, "Undoubtedly, and it ought to be done; but only a very small number of the Catanars are able to translate from the Syriac when they perform Service, and those who are able neglect this important duty: it is not," said they, "contrary to the Canons of our Church to have the Service in Malayalim:" I told them the inability or

negligence of others would not avail as THEIR excuse for inattention to what they were persuaded was a duty. We then conversed on the subject of Christianity, in general: and strongly recommended to them a diligent study of the Bible, with earnest prayer to God, that they might be well acquainted with its sacred and precious contents; and the great necessity of preaching and expounding the Word of God to the people, and of shewing to them that they were anxiously concerned for the salvation of their immortal souls: they were appointed Stewards of the mysteries of the Gospel, must recollect the awful responsibility under which they were placed, and would one day have to give an account of their stewardship. The Catanars appeared interested, and conversed freely; and one of them, Thoma, manifested a tolerably good know ledge of the Scriptures, by his manner of quoting passages. They perfectly recollected Dr. Buchanan's visit to them, and spoke of him with great respect: they repeated many things which he had told them; and observed that what he said, respecting the assistance which they would receive from England, had all come to pass: we told them that many Christians in England felt very much interested in their welfare; and daily interceded for them, at the Throne of Grace, which interest had been first excited by Dr. Buchanan's publishing an account of his visit to their Churches.

From Mavelicari we went to Munro Island, and from thence returned to Cotym.

I intend, if it please God, in a short time, to visit all or most of the Syrian Churches, south of Cotym,. when I hope to give the Committee a fuller account.


Since the last Report (Mr. Fenu states) Eight Students have been admitted to full Orders. Two of them had learned a little English, but not sufficient to induce them to continue

the study of it: the others had devoted their attention exclusively to Syriac none of them had gone through the New Testament. Three other Students have also been admitted to the Orders as far as "Hypodiaconus:" these Orders are invariably conferred at the same time, and one Service answers for all.

The number of Students now in the College is forty-two, of whom nine have entered since the last Report. Marcus, of Cotym, aged 19, is the first Student; and by far the most promising of those, whom we found in the College at our coming: the Syriac Bible he can read with great ease, and is now reading Jeremiah: he can also read English, with great propriety and ease. He is the only Student who has begun Latin: he is quite perfect in the Rudiments, and in the first fourteen pages of the Syntax; and parses the few pages of his Delectus, which he has learnt, with great accuracy.

Three other Students have read the New Testament and Psalms in Syriac, and are now reading the Book of Genesis. They are all older than Marcus. They are well acquainted with what they have learnt; and, if so disposed, will have no difficulty in attaining considerable proficiency in the language. At present, they find great difficulty in reading any book but the Bible; a difficulty, which we hope will be surmounted in another year, if we can persuade the Metropolitan to withhold Ordination from them so long.

Twenty-five of the Students are Six of learning English Grammar. them have made some proficiency; and are as perfect in all the inflexions of the different parts of speech as can be desired. The most proficient, excluding Marcus, who devotes the greater portion of his time to Latin and Syriac, is Abraham, of Chenganoor, aged 13: the next is Abraham, of Tutupalli, aged 14.

In Sanscrit, Joseph, of CobrangaManceri, aged 12, and Abraham, of Chenganoer, are first.

In manners, address, language, and regard to truth, the Students improve greatly.

The internal regulation of the College, except during the hours of study, has been left to the Metropolitan, who resides there; and perhaps the better plan will be to frame a rule as it becomes necessary, rather than to draw up a set of prospective regulations. Schools.

The Grammar School at Cotym is nearly completed: it is a large room, 50 feet by 30, with two small rooms

and a veranda in front.

The number

of Boys on the foundation of the Grammar School, has been, during the last month, only ten. We hope, in the course of a month or two, to complete the number intended for this


The Ten Seminarists, for whom an allowance of fourteen rupees per month is granted by the Committee, have made some little progress English, Sanscrit, and Malayalim. List of Schools, in November 1821.


Date. Masters.



1 Accha Paramba.1821 Maraghesa ...15 2 Ancumali...... .1821 Maraghesa...15 3 Cullata.........1819 Chandapilla..31 4 Culluncatare... 1820

[blocks in formation]


5 Cundanatt. ...1820 Cunjatenna...29 6 Curringacherri ..1820 Abraham



1820 Thoman.. 1820 Cochette ...1820 Mattai .1821 Jacob









18 Mamalacheri....1821 Yacob


19 Manercatt...

20 Maramanna.

.1820 Nelando.... 16 .1821 Cocanda


.1820 Shunkera....16




.1821 lttera


1820 Maraghesa...30

.1821 Jacob






.1821 Govinapilla..11



1821 Yohannam...12 .1821 Goveraghesa .20

21 Mavelicari..

22 Mulaculam......1821 Chresna
23 Mulanduratte...1820 Abraham
24 Nechchur.
25 Neranum.
26 Omalleer
27 Puttencave
28 Pallicari

29 Paravur....
30 Puttupalli.
31 Paruam......
32 Rani....

33 Terurvancatt....1821 Geveraghesa 14 34 Tumbonum...... 1820 Thoma.......30 35 Vatacari. 1821 Shunkarapilla 11

In the above Schools (Mr. Baker states) no alteration has been made in the native mode of teaching. The Catechisms translated by the Mission Translator have been introduced, and

Feb. 20.

are taught to the Children as soon as they are capable of learning them: in some Schools, a great part of them has been committed to memory.


Extracts from the Journal of the Rev. Joseph Fenn, at Cotym. Feb. 7, 1821.-Heard of a cruel torture used by the tax-gatherers: i. e. the placing of the two feet of the individual upon his two thighs, each foot upon his opposite thigh; he cannot loosen them himself, and the pain is excruciating. Sometimes they place a large weight, besides, on each foot. Accompanied Major Mackworth to the Syrian Church, the Commemoration Day of Gabriel Patriarch from Antioch, a Nestorian. Inquired the reason of the honour paid to him: the Metropolitan said that it was a custom, but not quite correct-that when he came from Antioch, they had no one to teach them. When we arrived at the Church, three Masses had been performed. The Church was crowded. The Metropolitan, at our request, directed the Catanar to read the Gospel in Malayalim.

March 20.

Moses Sarphaty expressed himself very strongly on the speedy destruction of Idolatry and the propagation of Christianity. He asked me to reconcile the two passages Lam. v. 21, and Mal. iii. 7. He made one remark, which leads me to think that there are feelings prevalent among the Jews, very different from those entertained by us; viz. that God must first return to them. His remark was, that, in a quarrel between Husband and Wife, the Husband says, "She must sue to me, and I will then receive her;" and the Wife says, "If he call me, I will come"-" and so,” he continued, “a middle one is needed between them."

March 26.-The Metropolitan argued strongly in favour of the celibacy of the Virgin Mary. I said, that, from the language of Scripture, it

was probable; but I could not decide. He asked me, Supposing two persons of equal holiness, one married the other unmarried, which would have the greatest honour in Heaven?" I said that St. Paul spoke in favour of a single state, but that regard should be had to the motive; and that, as we pray to God not to lead us into temptation, we should not needlessly run into it. On speaking of the great necessity of a holy imagination for such a state, and alluding to the case of David, where a glance was the inlet of sin, he listened deeply; and said, that, without the grace of Jesus Christ, it was impossible; but added "He will uphold!" I joined heartily in this feeling: and said, that, on this point, it was our and unbelief. duty and safety to banish all distrust

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In the evening, Moses Sarphaty said that the only doubts remaining among the Jews were those relating to Circumcision and the Sabbath. On Circumcision, I made him read Acts xv. and Eph. ii. 11, &c. then the passage relating to the rending of the Templevail, and then two or three passages from the Hebrews. He seemed amazed.

He said, "The time is come! Idols will be abolished, all will become of one faith!"

their homes. It is a laborious task, April.-My charge have gone to that of instructing them: some will never learn, I mean of those who are intended for the Priest's Office. All their desire is, to obtain full Orders, and to be sent to their Churches. I tried some of them as to their real them passages of authors which they efficient knowledge of Syriac. I set had never seen, to translate into Malayalim: two of them had passages

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