
me." I asked, "Will your Children save you also from Hell?" I shook the dust off my feet, and departed from them; and coming to the boat, had family worship: four or five people came with me to the boat, and remained till after worship.

Dec. 19, 1820.-The boat reached Ghazeepore. I went to the house where I had formerly held a long conversation, and found not one of the people at the door of the house. I said to my servant, "Set down the chair." He set it down. A conjuror was shewing tricks, and many people were collected. I directed Suadut Messech to ask me questions aloud, and I would answer them; if perhaps, in this way, good might come to any soul. Suadut asked," Aged Brother, why sit you here?" I answered, "I wish to shew these people the true way. I have pity on miserable ignorant souls, who know not the True God." Several questions, after this manner, I answered in easy language, such as common people speak; and a great crowd collected, and began to listen, and to say to one another in a scoffing way, "If you become Christians, the English will shew you much favour!"


Sunday.-Arrived at Benares. had mistaken the date, and supposed that Christmas Day would fall on Sunday. After worship, rode to Seerole. On arriving there, I learnt that Christmas Day would be on Monday. I was happy to meet Messrs. Greenwood, Adlington, and Dutton : they shewed me much love.

In my way to the city, I met with several Mahomedan Weavers. When I told them my history, they were at first very angry. I asked them if they believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. They said, “We believe in him.” I then said, "Do you then deny the Pentateuch, and Gospel, and Psalms?" One of them, who could read a little, said, "We believe that these books are true and certain." I said, “Well, why do you not read the books?" They said, "Our Spiritual Guide,

whose disciples we are, forbids us to receive or read those books." I said, "You people are endowed, through God's goodness, with understanding. When you go into the market to buy bread, are you deterred from purchasing the best, because a shopkeeper, who wishes to sell you his own, speaks ill of that which you approve?" One of them said, 66 By no means." I then, taking occasion from this concession, said, "This is all I mean. I tell you truly, that God has given information, in the Law, and in the Psalms, and in the Gospel, that Jesus Christ is God over all blessed for ever, and all the Prophets bear witness to his Godhead and his Divine Glory; and you also acknowledge him to be a Prophet, and the authority of all the books of the Pentateuch, the Law, and the Gospel. Your leaders neither read themselves, nor let you read them; and do not give Jesus the honour due to him: so what answer will they give to God? The Lord Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all, and through faith in whom forgiveness is alone to be found-what sentence will He pass upon you!" One began to say, "What! is there no mention of our Prophet in the Law and in the Gospel" I said to him, It is on this account that I say to you, read or hear for yourselves, and judge for yourselves; or believe my words: I say truly, that no mention is made of him;" when several of them becoming angry said, "What! do our Religious and Learned Men teach us lies?" I answered, "You say the truth yourselves-I need not repeat it." Another said, in anger, "What! are you people mad? This person owns himself, that he was a Mussulman, and has become a Christian-to hear the words of such an one is sin. Is he worthy to be attended to, or thought of? Go to your own homes." They all went away.


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Mirza Juzee, who was in company with the Dorogat of the Ordnance Department and several Moguls, &c. He received me with great kindness. When those who were present heard me speak of subjects referring to Christianity, they appeared surprized; and some of them said to Mirza Juzee, "We know this man's relations, and that he was in the service of the late Nowaul: what a strange thing it is, that he should have renounced Is lam, and now become a deceiver of others! God preserve us from his society!" Mirza Juzee smiled; and on my coming away, asked for an Oordoo Testament, which I gave him, together with a Book of Common Prayer.

Feb. 2, 1821. While in the act of Family Prayer, three or four Molwees, disciples of Molwee Dildar Allee, called; and, with them, several of their pupils: and entered the room though the door was closed. They stood observing the manner in which Service was conducted: several of them laughed; and others said, "Here there is nothing to excite laughter, for the prayers are excellent." After prayer, I begged them to be seated, and entered into conversation with them until noon, respecting the religious rights observed by Christians: they appeared pleased, and two of the Molwees expressed their intention of remaining with me: after partaking of refreshment, they retired.


Feb. 3.-Having conducted worship and partaken of refreshment, I went to the Horse Market, in order to purchase a horse to ride on, and poney to carry my baggage. There, a number of people had assembled together. When they saw me, they began to say to one another, "This is he!" .. This is be!" and wherever I went, a crowd surrounded me.

Having purchased a poney, I went to the Cantonments, and saw Mr. Saladar, who was formerly a Major in John Baptist's Army, and is now employed by the King of Oude; he received me kindly, and took an Oordoo

Testament, a Prayer Book, and twocopies of the Catechisms. He said, "You are much talked of in the markets and lanes; and, yesterday, you were mentioned to Nawob Aitmad ud Dawlah." From hence I went to the College of Ramzaun Allee Khan: afterward called on the Son of Mohu Dildar Ullo.

How shall I express my gratitude to Christ! Those I feared most, are intimate with me, and visit me! They now usually call me by the name of Padre! The maimed, blind, &c. usually come to me; and I endeavour to aid and benefit them, by giving medicines: my house is generally filled with guests. In the morning, Worship is generally conducted with the Men: and, in the evening, with the Females; at which time, many Females attend as spectators.

Feb. 4, Sunday.-Mr. Saladar was desirous that worship should be conducted at his house; which accordingly took place: a number of people assembled.

Feb. 5.-Thrée Patans came, with the intent of doing me some injury. Brother Joseph gave notice to Fakeer Mahomed Khan, a Risaldar (Captain of a Troop) with whom he is intimate; upon which he sent two of his Peons to my place, saying, "If any person should insult him, I will take notice of it." By the blessing of God, on account of the interference of Mahomed Khan, they were prevented accomplishing their purposes.

By the favour of God, such is the influence that Europeans have obtained here, that not one of them, however low, is injured. All the Nobles are anxious to be acquainted with Europeans. God grant that all may know Christ as the Mediator! I am convinced that soon there will be one fold and one Shepherd. Several of the Begums dress as European Females; and read, with much attention, the Oordoo Testament: and the time is approaching when they will put on. Christ.

Feb. 6.-Prayer being ended, I set

out for Mahumdabad, which is 12 coss from Lucknow, and is the village of Mushahib Ullee Khan: at night I remained in Kursee, and had much conversation with several individuals. May God grant that the conversation may prove beneficial!

Feb. 7, 1821.-Arrived at Mahumdabad. Masabib Ullah Khan died without issue; but his adopted Son, who was formerly a Hindoo, has become a Mahomedan, and is now the proprietor of Mahumdabad. With him I remained until twelve at night. I found him well inclined to Christianity. I gave him an Oordoo Testamentand inquired after Molwee Enauyet. He said that Enauyet was 40 miles distant, with his Father-in-law; so that an interview would be attended not only with difficulty, but with much personal danger.

Feb. 8.-Prayer being concluded, I set out, on horseback, at sunrise; and arrived at midnight at Lucknow, having travelled two stages.

Feb. 9.-I was riding out, by the Horse-Market, being anxious to call on Fakeer Mahomed Khan, in order to thank him for his kindness mentioned on the 5th; but, while on the way, I saw Seeb Deen galloping toward me he recognised me, and congratulations took place. Shortly after, his Majesty, with a carriage and European Coachmen, together with a number of his Nobles and 200 horsemen, caine near us. Several of his retinue called out, "Padre Sabib, go on one side:" I got off; and with the greatest reverence, as is the custom to the Monarchs of the East, paid my, respects. His Majesty turned round, and viewed me for a long time: the people began to say, "His Majesty eyed this man with attention; perhaps he may send for him."

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Called on Rajah Seeb Deen. Before I could relate my history, he began to mention what be knew respecting me. I said that I had seen his Majesty, and asked bim if his Majesty had said any thing respecting me he said, "I am con

vinced that his Majesty recognised you, but you need not suppose that he will send for you: he is no longer of the same mind, nor does he manifest any animosity to Christians as formerly." On hearing this, I praised God; and, leaving him, I went to several of the Courtiers whom I knew, and made known the glad tidings of Salvation: some ridiculed; and others said, "We hate the very sight of you!" others again said, "Jews will be saved by Moses, and Christians by Christ;" implying that all would be saved in every persuasion. I answered, "O friends! Moses was one of the elect servants of Christ." When they heard of the Divinity of Christ and his office as Mediator, they appeared in doubt.

Feb. 11, Sunday. Worship was conducted in the morning, at Nise Khanum's house. The Native Wives of several of the Europeans were present; and cried much, during the singing of the Hymn of the Incarnation, and several of them shewed great attention. I stayed here the whole day; and, conducting Service in the evening, returned home, and had prayers with the family.

Feb. 12. Called on several European Gentlemen, in His Majesty's Service. They were very kind, and expressed themselves much displeas ed with the customs of the Romish Priests. They, and some Christians who were assembled, said, with great affection, "We are all pleased with you: if you will build a Church here, we promise you, and will give you the promise in writing, that we will not go near the Romish Church."

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Feb. 13. A person came, and told me that Lallbage, the Disciple of Sahabut Ulle, had gathered together a number of Patans, and that they were coming to quarrel. My Brother Joseph went to the Bagam's Son-in-Law, who sent a Chobedar to Molwee Sahabut Ulle's Disciple, and said, "Formerly your Master caused much unpleasantness in this city bes tween the Shuahs and Soomes, and

men were murdered; and now you wish to injure a stranger: this circumstance I shall make known to my Mother, who will acquaint the Resisident, and you will be dismissed the King's Service; and if you are elated with martial power, know that my Mother's female slaves will remove it." On the arrival of the Chobedar, they were prevented carrying their design into execution. How shall I describe the Bagam, who is the sister of Nawab Saadut Ullah-She is of a heroic disposition. His Majesty and the people of the city are all afraid of her; for her female slaves occasionally clothe themselves in armour, and have put to death several persons, and at times have plundered the market. By the grace of God, these people are kind to this Sinner, and there is a great friendship between her Son-in-Law and my Brother Joseph.

Feb. 14, 1821.-Mirza Bunda Ullu, Son-in-Law to the Bagam, sent for me; and, by the blessing of God, my interview with him was the occasion of the Bagam's accepting an Oordoo Testament, with which she appeared much pleased. She spake to me from behind a curtain, and said, "Come to Lucknow, whenever you please, as no man shall be permitted to injure you and if any person shall insult you, give my Son-in-Law notice, and he will protect you; and should you find it uncomfortable at your own abode, I will order apart ments here for you, and will give my Son-in-Law notice." I expressed my thankfulness, and took my leave, and called on Meer Shaw Ulla, the Son of a Mahomedan Peer, and continued arguing with him and his Disciples until evening,

Feb. 15. A disciple of Zahbit Ulla came alone, and remained arguing respecting the Divinity of Christ, till he became quite displeased. While we were arguing, a Peon of Mirza Bunda Ullu carried an account of what was going on to his Master, as he was apprehensive I might be insulted on account of my principles,

The Christians here have shown much affection, and desired to receive Christian instruction and to have an English Church erected.

Feb. 18. Sunday. Conducted Di vine Service, morning and evening, at a friend's house: between 200 and 300 people were present.

Feb. 19.

After prayer with the family, I went to Amatee, where I remained the whole day conversing with the Molwees. Some sided with me, and some manifested a spirit quite hostile; so that there was a great division among them. I remained there all night, and returned to Lucknow the next day; and had much conversation on the road with a Brahmin, whom I found attentive to what was said, and who promised to come to me to know the truth.

Feb. 23.—Mirza Morum Beg sent me word that several people, in order to see me, would attend at his house; and desired me to take the New Testament with me, and pass the day at his house: which I accordingly did, and had much conversation with the people who came.

Feb. 24. Shake Mohummud Buksh and Hukum Kulloo gave me an invitation to a feast. I passed the day with them and their guests, with much profitable discourse.

Feb. 25, Sunday. Had Worship twice at home. At the time of Evening Prayer, near 200 people, men and women, were present; many of whom were only spectators.

Feb. 26. — I took leave of my friends at Lucknow, purposing to proceed to Furmokabaud. Came to Kursee, and sent my baggage on.

Feb. 27.- Came to Mahumdabad, We passed the day in discoursing on the nature and peculiarities of the Christian Religion. They received six copies of the New Testament and ten of the Catechisms, and manifested great attention. I learned that Molwee Enauyet had gone to Lucknow: being desirous to see Molwee Enauyet, I returned to Lucknow, where I sought for him.

·Feb, 28, 1821. Saw the Molwee, and was much disappointed. His case reminded me of the Lord Jesus Christ's Parable of the seed being sown among thorns. His former love for serious things had left him: not only so, but I discovered much avarice. I was much grieved: he was like a drum, the sound of which is well at a distance.

Feb. 29, 1821.-I came to day to Nowl Gunge, there I saw Hukum Sackumlah Khaum, and Meer Ullah Bukhsh, with whom I had much conversation. The Hukum received two copies of the Psalms in Persian, and two of the Persian Testament, for himselfand his Master, who is Nowaul of Hydraubaud. He left in the morning, shewing much attachment.


(See Pages 132 & 138.)


do not contemplate the separate prosecution of them; on the contrary, while each regulates the affairs of his own department, we doubt not that the most free and cordial consultation and communication one with another, will be attended to: and, to insure this concurrence, it is the request of the Committee, that all your communications to them and the Society, on the general affairs of the Mission, be signed in common: except when a different judgment prevails, when each party will, of course, be free to state his own.

Letters of the Corresponding Committee to the Missionaries. Some topics in these Letters which bear generally on the Mission are first noticed, and are followed by extracts which refer to the respective Stations. THE Committee trust that you will have derived, from the perusal of the last Report, encouragement to pursue, with renewed diligence and hope, the important labours in which you are engaged. At every Station of the Society in the South of India, as else where, the Committee see, with satisfaction and thankfulness, some progress making toward the accomplishment of the benevolent designs of the Society for the moral and religious improvement of the people within the sphere of the several Missions: and the Committee unite with the devout Members of the Society at large, in supplicating an increased measure of Divine Influence on all their Missionaries and their Native Assistants; that each, in his proper place, may be endowed with the wisdom that is profitable to direct, and, the love which is required to constrain each to give himself, with full purpose of heart, to the prosecution of the great and arduous work to which the Providence of God has called him.

In making any division of duties between Missionaries, the Committee

After having recently taken measures, in reference to the state of all the Missions of the Society connected with them, to render them as efficient in point of establishment as the circumstances of each seemed to require, the Committee have found it necessary, in consequence of their greatly increased expenditure, to resolve upon undertaking no new measures involving any expense, till the wishes of the Society shall be known. I am requested to state this circumstance for your general guidance; and to fur

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