
known the different vicissitudes of health and sick ness, of affliction and joy.

With respect to my constitution, though I am subject to many little disorders, which at times make me feel uncomfortable, I have known but very little of the pains of acute diseases, and upon the whole have cause to be thankful for good health; and whenever it has pleased God to afflict me with sickness, I have had every means of relief, and every comfort I could possibly desire; and God has graciously endued me with patience and resignation, and sanctified my sickness to my soul's good. Indeed, I have been but very seldom confined to a sick-bed, but when I encreased my family; and under the pains of child-birth I was always supported by divine goodness, and rewarded by being made a joyful mother of a hopeful child. Twelve times has this mercy been bestowed upon me, and twelve times have I received the kind congratulations of the tenderest of husbands on the addition of what he always régarded in the light of a blessing. The pains of child-birth have been moreover amply rewarded by the delight which I experienced in seeing my dear family grow up in the nurture of the Lord, and, as I humbly trust, in favour with God and man. With regard to those evils which affect the mind, I certainly have known some very heavy ones: the loss of dear and kind relations, particufarly of three children, and of a husband such as

falls to the lot but of few women; but under each of these afflictions I was supported by the goodness of God; his tender mercies were displayed towards me, and I was enabled to rejoice in his loving-kindness in the depth of woe: other afflictions I have sustained in eonsequence of the cares and disappointments incident to human affairs; these I have greatly added to by my apprehensions just as the dreaded evil was expected to arrive, it was either averted, or by the goodness of God turned into a blessing.

Such has been the general course of my pilgrimage during the period of more than half a century; what ample cause then have I to be thankful! I cannot expect to live so many more years, nor does it appear to me desirable to live half the number, for I fear infirmities will come upon me long before that time, which will render my life then but labour and sorrow: however, I will be careful to live well, during the remainder of my days, be the allotment of them few or many. I will not think of fixing my tabernacle upon earth, but will look forward to my heavenly inheritance. How can I effectually secure this? only by faith, obedience, and repentance. My faith I trust is firm and lively, but my obedience must have been very defective.

O most gracious Father, with a full sense of my own transgressions, a hearty sorrow for sin, and an unfeigned repentance, I presume to implore thy forgiveness for Jesus Christ's sake. I beseech

thee to pardon me, and grant me the assistance of thy Holy Spirit, to enable me to do my duty for the time to come. O Lord, I pray thee to enable me to govern my thoughts and desires, that I may not entertain any that are contrary to thy holy wilk and commandments. I pray thee most earnestly to keep me back from sin, and to lead me in the way of righteousness. O heavenly Father, Lord God Almighty, I fear to offend thee; I love, I reverence, I adore thee; I worship thee; I honour thee with my whole heart. O divine Son of God, my blessed Saviour and Redeemer, I desire to approve myself thy true and faithful disciple. Lord, I pray thee, grant me grace to be what one professing thy holy religion ought to be, in all goodness and charity. Enable me to keep my hopes and affections fixed upon heavenly things. O divine Spirit, vouchsafe once more to purify


heart from the pollution it has contracted: renew me unto righteousness and purity. Adorable Trinity, I beseech thee to receive my prayers, and grant that as I have entered upon another year of my mortal existence, I may begin and finish it agreeably to thy divine will and command


O most gracious God, I humbly and heartily thank thee for the numberless blessings and mercies which thou hast bestowed upon me from my birth to the present hour, and I beseech thee to extend thy favour to me not only for the remain

der of this short life, but through the endless ages of eternity.

Jan. 30. By the death of my dear sister-inlaw I am placed in a new situation: I have a new character to support, that of a faithful executrix. There is not indeed much for me to do; but I will strive to do that little well. In the first place, I resolve to be very scrupulously true to the oath I am to take. I will also make a point of doing honour to the deceased, and I will act to the best of my power towards all with whom I shall be concerned in the management of these affairs, as I think she would have directed her executrix to act. I will also have a regard to the honour of my dear husband, whose representative I am in this business, by acting as I think he would have done; hitherto I have proceeded upon these principles; I have as yet nothing to reproach myself with in this matter.

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One more resolution I make in respect to my executorship, that I will not contend for my right beyond the bounds of equity: I will sooner submit to a loss than disappoint the reasonable expectations of a number of persons. Having made

these resolutions with a sincere intention of abiding by them, I will now address my heavenly Father, and pray for grace to fulfil them.

Feb. 7. Most gracious and merciful God, my



heart is open to thine all-seeing eye. O that it were fit for the inspection of an all-perfect Being! but at the infinite distance which I am from thee, the Author of all perfection, this cannot be, after it has been defiled as it often and repeatedly has been by sin! O my God, I do most truly abhor sin, and grieve that I have committed it; but I can never make myself any other than a sinner; yet I will not grieve and afflict myself beyond measure; I will comfort myself by the divine promises; I will flee to the cross of Christ; though I have no merits of my own to plead, I have through thine infinite mercy an interest in those of the Redeemer of the World, who died for me and all mankind. O Lord God Almighty, I pray thee for Christ's sake to pardon all my sins, and give me a comfortable sense of thy divine favour. Most gracious God, it is my fervent desire to please and obey thee, and my serious intention to endeavour to do so; may thy good Spirit help my infirmities!

The hour is just arrived for my instructing my servants; that duty must not be omitted. The sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving must be deferred, for my heavenly Father prefers mercy to sacrifice.

Most gracious and merciful Father, great God Almighty, I desire to close this holy day with supplication and thanksgiving. O my God, I hold

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