
dowed each sex with certain mental energies greater than the other in order that each of them should be able to fully perform the functions for which the Creator designated them. For instance, woman was endowed with more mental power to stand and endure pain; a great deal more than man.

Physically: Man has been given many physical privileges more than woman, which no one can gainsay, for they are universal and established facts.

Man and woman are both one race, one kind, one family; and all are equally treated by the just laws of God and His ordinances. At the same time they are two sexes, distinct from each other, and each sex has different functions to perform which the other cannot do at all. Consequently it is impossible to reason, that both are equal to each other and the thought of equality is out of the question.

Civilization after civilization passed away thousands of years ago, and each one realized and considered that the prerogative of man is over that of woman. It shall continue to be the same because true civilization is that which takes hold of facts and practices them rightly and rejects all untruths and superficial knowledge.

Notwithstanding that which was aforesaid, woman is exalted by the Manifestation of the Everlasting Father in His Kingdom. Woman is the mother of man, his wife, his daughter and his sister. His plain duty is, to honor, respect and love her, and devote his energies for her happiness and protection. This is the law of God which the Father decreed in His Book.



This Most Sacred Book was revealed by Beha 'U'llah in the Arabic language answering various questions asked by different followers in different countries. Its laws and commandments were combined into a complete body systematically in accord with the times in which the answers were revealed. It contains the essential spiritual laws and requisitions, whereby mankind can uplift themselves into a lofty and Divine Station and become like our Father in heaven. Also the highest and most sound principles of morality are inserted therein. Besides these Beha 'U'llah gave us the edicts and decrees covering the ground upon which the Godly man can tread safely and live according to the Will of God and His ordinances with reference to treating himself and his fellow creatures in justice and righteousness. Criminal, civic and social laws are likewise established and fixed therein. Moreover, there are various warnings and informations concerning important pending events, some of which have been accurately fulfilled, and others will soon be fulfilled as we shall see. For instance, Beha 'U'llah foretold the change of the government of Persia from a despotic into a constitutional government ruled by the people

having a parliament. On p. 49, he said: "Affairs shall be changed in thee (Capital of Persia) and a republic of people shall govern thee. Rely upon the favor of God, as thou shalt never be bereft from His Gracious Regards. Peace shall dwell amidst thee after disturbance. Thus it was ordained in a Wonderful Book." This took place and was fulfilled while no one of the civilized nations of the world believed that Persia, which is behind in civilization, would change its tyrannical rule for hundreds of years to come. Furthermore, He decreed that the laws and ordinances of this book are eternal and unchangeable and that if anyone should claim a mission, i. e., add or omit any of that which was decreed therein, he would be a lying impostor. But He gave the House of Justice the authority to pass laws which are convenient to the customs and conditions of their countries, and which conflict not with nor violate the laws of the Book.

Dr. Wilson's attacks on the system and teachings of Kitabul Ackdas show lack of understanding of how great and wonderful are these revelations and how useful are they and elevating to mankind! He wrote on p. 38, as follows:

"Its contents are confused and unsystematic.

The book is a medley, and bears internal evidence of the truth of the tradition that it was written piecemeal in answer to various questions from believers. The fragments were jumbled together without order."

The words of Dr. Wilson bear witness that Kitabul Ackdas is in a perfect natural system and order; for everything whatsoever written therein, was combined into a complete body mathematically according to the

times in which the answers were revealed. Perhaps, he used the word system in the place of the word. classification; classification is not a natural system, but an artificial one, and it is neither useful nor needed in such a Sacred Book.

Also he wrote on p. 48: "Let us give a few of Baha's 'revelations' on morals, philosophy, and science. His ethics permit bigamy and tagiya, dissimulation regarding one's faith; his Law punishes habitual theft by branding, and arson by burning, and compounds adultery with a small fine; his philosophy affirms the eternity of matter and the emanation theory of divine Manifestation; his science decides the purity of water by three points-'color, taste, and smell'-but knows nothing of analysis." On page 144 also he wrote: "For example, in the 'Kitab-ul-Akdas,' the punishment for theft is prescribed: for the first offense, exile; for the second, imprisonment; for the third, branding 'thief' on the forehead, 'lest other countries accept him.' For adultery

a fine is to be paid to the House of Justice, and for the second offense, double the fine. Arson is made punishable by burning, etc." On p. 166, “The penalty for adultery is slight. A fine of nineteen miscals of gold, equal to fifty or sixty dollars, is imposed for the first offense and this is doubled for the second offense."

In Kitabul Ackdas, Beha 'U'llah said, "Think ye not, that We have caused the laws to descend unto you, but rather opened the seal of the sealed nectar by the fingers of Might and Power. And unto this, that which was written by the Pen of Revelation beareth witness. Ponder over it O thinkers."

I suppose Dr. Wilson is a thinker, and can swim in the ocean of knowledge; but I am certain that he did. not ponder over the Revelations of Beha 'U'llah and thus he was unable to become a diver in order to dive into the depths of that Ocean and get the Gems treasured in the texts of Kitabul Ackdas.

Also Beha 'U'llah said: "Those who were given the keen sight from God see that the ordinances of God are the greatest foundation of the organization of the world and preservation of nations; and he, who disregardeth them, is of those who are debased and low."

If we ponder with keen perception over the laws and commandments given by Beha 'U'llah, we realize their greatness, usefulness, and superiority over all other laws given by others. For most of them were given not only to punish the criminal for his guilt but to remove that which caused the guilty to commit the crime; and at the same time their special purpose is, to prevent the culprit from repeating his misdoings. They are indeed "The sealed nectar" which was unsealed by the Hands of Might and Power.

To avoid diversion and loss of time, let us take up besides those which have been already repelled and vindicated, a few others of the above mentioned censures, as adultery and theft, for instance, and find out if they were true or false accusations.

The following texts concerning adultery, were written by the Supreme Pen of Beha 'U'llah in Kitabul Ackdas, as follows:

"Verily ye are prohibited from committing murder and adultery, and also from slandering and backbiting. Restrain ye from doing what was forbidden in the

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