
VOL. XXVI. No. 25.] LONDON, SATURDAY, DEC. 17, 1814. [Price 1s..

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A COMMON COUNCIL, holden in the Chamber of the Guildhall of the City of London, on Friday, the 9th day of December, 1811;

Resolved unanimously, That it appears to this Court that the Tax upon Income, commonly called the Property Tax, was, under circumstances of peculiar national difficulty, resorted to as a War Tonly, and its enactment accompanied with the ost solemn provisions that the -game should finally cease at a limited period, after the termination of the then existing hostiliLivs.

Resolved unanimously, That this Court has nevertheless strong reasons to apprehend that it is in the contemplation of his Majesty's Ministers to attempt the continuation or renewal of the said Tax, after its legal expiration, on the 6th day of April next.

-[770 such a system, it is evident that, rather than un-dergo such an exposure of their affairs, persons in ap embarrassed or insolvent state will nécessarily submit to any assessment, however unjust, to the great injury of their credners, and the utter ruin of themselves and families.

Resolved unanimously, That the nature and character of such an Inquisition cannot be better described than on the authority of the Author of the Wealth of Nations, who observes, that “an inquisition into every man's private circumstances, and an inquisition which, in order to accommodate the Tax to them, watched over all the fluctuations of his fortune, would be a source of snch continuand endless vexation as no people could sus port."

Resolved unanimously, That experience has sufficiently evinced the truth of this opinion, and such has been the vexation, injustice and oppression, resulting from the arbitrary and rigorous exactions under this novel and hateful system, that it has at length become altogether insupportable.

to the people.

Resolved unanimously, That a Petition be presented to the Hon. the House of Commons, praying them to reject any proposition that may be introduced for the purpose of continuing or renewing, quder any modification, the said Tax on Property.

Resolved unanimously, That the continuance of such a system, under any modifications, more especially at a time when the people are anxiously looking for relief from the burthens and privations of war, and with equal anxiety anticipating reform and retrenchment in the national expenditure, would, in the opinion of Resolved unanimously, That this Court did, this Court, be highly irritating, and no less dinupon the first introduction of the Tax, declare,gerous to the State than harassing and oppressive and has since repeatedly expressed their abhorrence of a system which appeared to them no less partial and oppressive in its operation, than repugnant to the free principles of the British Constitution-partial and oppressive, inasmuch as no distinction is made between Annuities, the precarious and fluctuating incomes arising from Trade and other uncertain sources, and the lu Resolved unanimously, That this Court de comes derived from fixed and permanent pro-earnestly recommend that Meetings be held in perty-repugnant to the free principles of the the several Wards throughout this city, for the British Constitution, inasmuch as it establishes purpose of petitioning Parliament against the an odious and inquisitorial tribunal of Commis- continuance or renewal of the said Tax. sioners, before whom individuals are compelled Resolved unanimously, That this Court do al to submit to the most degrading exposure of recommend that Meetings he held in all the dif their private concerns and circumstances, and ferent counties, cities, and town: throughout the against whose arbitrary decisions, however un-kingdom, for the same purpose. just, they have neither remedy nor appeal.

And a draft of a Petition, prepared agreeably Resolved unanimously, Tharthout attempt-to the foregoing Resolutions, was read, agreed to detail the numerouss resulting from } tó,

fairly transcribed, and

signed by the Town Clerk, and presented to the Honourable House of Commons by the Sheriffs, attended by the Remembrancer.

Resolved unanimously, That this Court doth request the Representatives of this City, and such other Members of this Court as have seats in Par liament, to support the prayer of the said Petition in the Honourable House of Commons. WOODTHORPE.




MY LORD, The Resolutions in the Common Council were moved by Mr. Waithman, who, in a very clear and strong manner, described the principle and practice of the Property Tax; and Mr. Alderman Wood gave a horrid instance of its operation. But it was not 'till Mr. Alderman Heygate spoke that the right string was touched. He said that the American war was the cause of the continuation of the tax; and that the pcople ought to petition against that continuation. He was deceived as to the new objects of the war. He does not appear to know any thing about those "maritime rights," of which he talked. The Americans have denied us no maritime right; that is to say, nothing that any writer on public law; nothing that any usage of nations; nothing that any principle, any maxim, any practice even of our own, at any, former period, has held forth as a right. Therefore, the object of the war is as good, at least, as it ever was; and, indeed, it is now not in opposition to any principle of public law, it being clear, that we have a right to make conquests in America, if we have but the might. The Whigs," then, must not think to shuffle off to the other side, and to be thought consistent in opposing the war (which they at first pledged themselves to support), upon the ground, that its object has been changed. If it has been changed, it has been changed for the better; from the right of impressment to the right of on


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which jeu d'esprit exhibits pretty correctly the view which the Americans will take of the matter; I will, therefore, though no admirer of doggerel, insert it by way of note*. But, my Lord, this was no act of folly in the Baronet. He knew well what he was about. Sir William Curtis is no fool. He is, perhaps, as much the opposite of a fool as any man in England. He knew, that this seeminglyblundering phrase was the very thing to hit the taste of the far greater part of his audience; and, while they were “laughing" (as it is said) at it, he was, in his sleeve, laughing at them. He sees, as. clearly as you and I, that there is very little chance of our beating the Yankees; but he sees, that it is the folly of the day, to speak of them with contempt, and it answers his purpose to indulge the sentiment as much as he can without prejudice to his future election. That man, who gives his support to the Property Tax, even at this day, and yet contrives, that those who so bitterly complain of it, shall call him "honest Will Curtis," is no fool, my Lord; but, on the contrary, an uncommonly discerning and adroit fellow.

It is now said, that we have relaxed in our demands on America, and that peace is at hand. I hope it is, with all my heart; but we must not only relax; we must give up all demands, before we shall have peace. I foresce the likelihood of our attempting to claim the accomplishment of the object of the war, if peace be made without our formally giving up our claim of right to impress people on board of American ships on the high Our putting this claimed right into practice was the sole cause of the war; and, therefore, if peace be made, and this question be passed

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over in silence, we shall, as to the result of the war, claim unqualified success; and, I think, I shall hear those same venal writers, who have long told us, that the war was, on our part, a war for reducing the Americans to unconditional submission; for deposing Mr. Madison; for extinguishing anarchical Government. I think, I shall hear these same writers assert, that all we wanted was to maintain this maritime right; and that as the Americans had made peace, without our making any stipulation on the subject, we had won the object of the war; and, of course, that the war had been just, necessary, and successful.


without any stipulation on the subject.Neither party will have given up the point, and yet the war will be at an end, the European peace having taken out of existence the ground of quarrel.

What a pity, then, my Lord, that you my adand your master had not followed vice, and made peace the moment the European war was at an end! Come, my Lord, be candid towards me, and confess, that, for once, I gave you good advice. By not following that advice, you have got into what is vulgarly called a hobble. You now perceive clearly, that to continue the war, is to incur a certain enormous expence, and to expose the country to great danger of further disgrace; while to make peace, as the conflict now stands, is really to be beaten; and, what is still worse, to have created, by this very war, a most formid- able naval rival.

Let me now take another article from the Times newspaper, that oracle of all the fools in England, whether high or low. It is full of matter for observation, refutation, or ridicule: it is a complete picture of the mass of the public mind upon this subject a mixture of folly, spite, error, and falsehood; and is well worthy of close attention.


Foreseeing this; foreseeing that they will attempt to creep out this way, I, as is the custom with vermin-catchers, shall now beforehand, stop up their hole. The ease is this, we stopped American ships on the high seas, in order, as we alleged, to impress our seamen from on board of them; and we not only impressed British subjects but many Republicans along with them. Mr. Madison said we had no right to take any persons whatever out of American ships on the high seas; and, after complaining, for years, in vain, he declared war against us, in order to compel us to cease this our practice. We were then "If we could give credit to reports at war with France, and he was a neutral. "circulated yesterday with much conOur war with France has since ceased;"fidence, we should believe that Miand, of course, our impressments would now "nisters had sacrificed the glory and the "best interests of the country by a premahave ceased, though he had not gone to with the Americans, at the ture peace Our character of belligerent and his character of neutral ceasing with our war "moment when the latter are on the very against France, our impressments would" verge of bankruptcy. Unfortunately, also have ceased. If we make peace with "however, for the credit of this assertion, him now, and are at war with nobody else, we at the same time learn, that most acwe shall, of course, not impress. The prac- "tive measures are pursuing for detaching tice will have ceased. That is all that he "from the dominion of the enemy an im wants. That is all that he went to war portant part of his territory. Accounts for. He needs no stipulation upon the" from Bermuda to the 11th ult. inform us, subject. He has resisted the practice by "that all the disposable shipping in that force of arms. The practice ceases, and quarter have been sent off to the Missis he makes peace. It may be said, that we sippi. Sir Alexander Cochrane left Ha"lifax at the latter end of October for the shall, under like circumstances, revive the practice; and, if we do, he will revive his same destination: and a large body of resistance, He is not at war to obtain from us any acknowledgment that our practice was unjust; for he does not admit the point to be matter of doubt; and, besides, he knows, that such acknowledgment would be of no use. So that, if we had made peace with him, the moment the French peace had caused the excuse for impressments to cease, the matter would have stood just as it will now stand

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troops from Jamaica was expected to "assemble at the same point. The Ame "rican Government has openly manifested "such extravagant views of aggrandise


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ment, that our eyes ought to be opened "to its measureless ambition; and we ought to curb its excesses in time. It is "doubtless with a view to this just and necessary policy, that Government has "incurred the expence of such extensive BB 2


military and naval preparations: and it "blockaded in Sackett's Harbour by Sir can hardly be supposed, that whilst they "James Yeo; but it was not understood that "are so largely sacrificing the national re- " any attack would be made on that place sources with one hand, they will render" by land or water before the winter set in. the object of the sacrifice altogether null" Having mentioned our Naval Com"with the other. Nevertheless, policies, "mander on Lake Ontario, it is but right "that peace with America would be signed "to notice that he is to be succeeded in "before the end of the current month, were "command by Commodore Owen, as Sir "yesterday done in the city so high as 30 "George Prevost is, at the same time, to guineas to return 100. It was even as- be by Sir George Murray. The compaserted, though without foundation, that "ratively, small magnitude of our Lake "the Preliminaries had been aiready di-" squadrons may, perhaps, afford a reason "gested, and received the signatures of " (or at least an official argument) for noe the Commissioners on the 3d instant. " employing one of our first Admirals on "We have, however, some reason to be-" that service; but why one of the first "lieve that the speculations on this sub." Generals that we possess is not charged "ject are influenced, in some measure, by" with the management of 30 extremely, "secret information, issued for the most important a land war, it is difficult to "unworthy purposes, from the hotel of the guess, The Officer thus mentioned may, "American Legation at Ghent. After" for ought we know, be a person of ability: "what has been seen of the total want of" certainly his name, to those who remem* principle in American statesmen of the "ber Ferrol and Tarragona, cannot but be "Jeffersonian school, the world would not "rather ominous; but the nation at large ❝ be much astonished to learn that one of" is really indignant at the sort of apathe the American negociators had turned his "situation to a profitable account, by spe-"higher rank and celebrity, who ought, "culating both at Paris and London on "not to have declined the American com"the result of the negociation. Certain it mand, merely because it did not promi-e "is that letters received yesterday from "to be so lucrative as some others. Na the French capital, relative to the pro- tional gratitude has perhaps been display"ceedings at Ghent, contain intimations "ed with premature liberality, if those who "like those which have been circulated" have received honours and rewards for here on American authority, viz. that the" former services are to hold back, in 66 new proposals of the British will be ac- "proud indifference, when their country "ceded to on or before the beginning of the" once, more needs their presence in the 68 new year, provided that no better terms "field of honour. The American navy "canere then be obtained.―The Liverpool frigate is arrived at Portsmouth, from" "the coast of America, as is his Majesty's ship Penclope, from Halifax, By these conveyances various and contradictory intelligence has been received: On the one hand, it was reported that an armis-" "tice had taken place between the troops on.



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displayed on this occasion by Generals of

grows under the pressure of a contest with the greatest naval power that c "isted Paradoxical as this appears, ie is a simple fact; and it proves more "than a thousand arguments the absolute impossibility there is of our concluding e. peace at the present moment, without rendering ourselves the contempt of our both sides in America: on the other, that antagonists, and the ridicule of all the “General Drummond had defeated Brown" world besides. Shall we ALLOW the "and Izard with great loss, and forced" Guerriere to get to sea with impa"them to blow up Fort Erie, and retire"nity; and to bear to every

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part of with the shattered remains of thei" the world a visible record of our shame, forces to Sackett's Harbour. The first of" in that defeat, which entailed on us s "these reports is altogether unfounded;" many subsequent disgraces? The new "the latter is at least premature. At the "frigate of that name, mounting 64 guns, "date of the last advices Fort Erié con- is at Philadelphia, nearly ready for sea. "tinued in possession of the enemy; but "The Washington, another new ship, "General Drummond, having received ad-carrying 90 guns, is fitting very fast for "ditional reinforcements, was expected "sea at Boston: and the Independence, of "soon to make an attack on the position. 98, has been recently constructed at "Commodore Chauncey's fleet was still" Portsmouth, in New Hampshire. The

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last mentioned vessel is considered to be "more than a match for the largest man of war ever built in England. She is manned with a full complement of 1,000 "prime sailors; and what is also of the "utmost consequence, her weight of metal “is far superior to that of any ship in our wry, since her heaviest shot are not less "than 48-pounders. When we have received so many melancholy proofs of the effect “produced by this superiority in weight of metal, and when we have had no less "than two years and a half to profit by "the painful lessons, it must indicate ab"solute infatuation, if we have not adopted some measures to place our seamen on an equality with those whom they have to oppose.

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large a size, that we may make peace with it without seeming to yield to an inferior force. If the words have any meaning, this it is.

But, my Lord, the description of the new Yankee ships is false, and wilfully false. It comes, it is said, from Halifax, our great naval rendezvous; and is well calculated to provide beforehand for the result of combats, which may take place, or, perhaps, may not take place, with the Washington, the Independence, and the Guerriere. I told your Lordship, that the American papers said, that the Washington was launched at Portsmouth, in New Hampshire; and that she was a 74. Why have these Halifax correspondents swelled her up to a 90 gun ship? I have seen, in the American papers, nothing at all about the Independences but I know, that the official report of the secretary of the Ame rican navy, last year, spoke of no larger ships than 74's being on the stocks; and if the American navy-board build 90's and 98's, and charge the people only for 74's, the practice there is widely different from ours. How many guns the Guerriere may carry I know not; but I believe the description of her to be as false as that of the other two. But it is but too easy for the

And now, my Lord, how different is this language from that of the speeches, in which the American naval force was described as consisting of "half a dozen fir "frigates, with bits of striped bunting at "their mast heads !" I always said, that this war, if continued for any length of time, would create a Nary, a formidable Navy, in America; and is not this creation going on at a great rate? Yet, while this empty fool is exciting our alarms about the Yankee Navy, he is crying out against peace, because Mr. Madi-world to perceive the motive for these exson's government is on the "very verge of aggerated descriptions of the force of the "bankruptcy." Without stopping to ob- American ships; and it cannot fail to proserve that this is a servile imitation of the duce a very bad impression, with regard language of “the great Statesman now no to us, amongst the people of America, more," in the year. 1794, as to the state of whose eyes are constantly upon us, and France, just 20 years before the war with who naturally and justly seize on all ather ended, how stupid must the man be totempts of this sort, as subjects of the most rely upon the financial difficulties of Ame-poignant ridicule.

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rica, one moment, and the next, represent As to what this foolish man says about her as creating a great navy quicker than the future command of our army, why navy was ever before created! Pray should he be so very anxious to see one mark the fool, my Lord. He says, that" of our first Generals” in Canada ?. He, "the American navy grows under the who spoke of the American army with so pressure of the greatest naval power that much contempt? And, besides, how does "existed." Well, and what is his remedy?he know, that we have a better than Sir To remove the cause? To take off that George Prevost? In a late number of his fecund pressure? No; but precisely the paper, this man observed, that a more facontrary; for, says he, the fact" proves mous commander was necessary to prevent more than a thousand arguments the our men from deserting. He said :"absolute impossibility there is of our" deeply have we felt the disgrace of being ""concluding a peace, at the present mo "beaten by land and water in the last ment, without rendering ourselves the campaign, to tolerate the chance of sicontempt of our antagonist, and the imilar indignities in the next. Besides, "dicule of all the world besides," which "we daily see stronger reasons for a hot and being interpreted, means, that the Ameri-"short war, when we contemplate the wastean navy having grown hitherto under our "ingeffect of dilatoriness. Our battalions suf pressure, we ought to continue the pressure," fer much from disease, but much more from in order, to be sure, to make it grow to so" desertion. The temptations to this crine



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