
their mast-heads? Did not the Guerriere | submission; and, if our fleets and armies sail up and down the Americap coast, with should not finally succeed in bringing a her name written on her flag, challenging Property Tax from America into his Mathose fir frigates? Did not the whole majesty's Exchequer, the far greater part of tion, with one voice, exclaim, at the affair the people will be most grievously disapof the Little Belt, " only let ROGERS pointed. So that this contempt of the come within reach of one of on frigates?" Yankees have given your Lordship and If, then, such was the opinion of the whole your colleagues a good deal to do, in order nation; of all men of all parties, with to satisfy the hopes and expectations which what justice is the Board of Admiralty have been excited, and which, I assure blamed for not thinking otherwise; for you, are confidently entertained. not sending out the means of combatting Of the effects of this contempt I know an extraordinary sort of foe; for not nobody, however, who have so much reason issuing a privilege to our frigates to run to repent as the officers of his Majesty's away from one of those fir-built things with navy. If they had triumphed, it would a bit of triped bunting at its mast-head? only have been over half a dozen of fir friIt has always been the misfortune of gates, with bits of bunting at their mustEngland, that her rulers and her people have heads. They were sure to gain no reputaspoken and have thought contemptuously tion in the contest; and, if they were deof the Americans. Your Lordship and I feated, what was their lot? The worst of were boys, and, indeed, not born, or, at it is, they themselves did, in some mealeast, I was not, when our King first was sure, contribute to their own ill-fate; for, involved in a quarrel with the Americans. of all men living, none spoke of "poor But almost as long as I can remember any "Jonathan" with so much contempt. To thing, I can remember, that this contempt read their letters, or the letters which our was expressed in the songs and sayings of newspaper people pretended to have rethe clod-hoppers, amongst whom I was ceived from them, at the out-set of the war, bora and bred; in doing which we con- one would have thought, that they would ducted down to the earth that we delved hardly have condescended to return a shot the sentiments of the 'Squires and Lords. from a buating ship. And now, to see The result of the former war, while it en- that bit of bunting flying so often over the lightened nobody, added to the vindictive- British Flag! Oh! it is stinging beyond ness of hundreds of thousands; so that we expression! The people in the country have entered into this war with all our old cannot think how it is. There are some stock of contempt, and a vastly increased people, who are for taking the American stock of rancour. To think that the Ame-Commodores at their word, and ascribing can Republic is to be a great power is in their victories to the immediate interven supportable. Some men, in order to keep tion of Providence. Both Perry and her down in their language, and, at the M'Donough begin their dispatches by same time, not use harsh expressions, ob- saying: "Almighty God has given us a serve, that she is only another part of our-"victory." Some of their clergy, upon selves. They wish her to be thought, if this ground alone, call them Christian he not dependent upon us, still to be a sort of roes, and compare them to Joshua, who, by younger child of our family, coming in after the bye, was a Jew. I observe, that, when Ireland, Jamaica, &c. I met a very any of them get beaten, they say nothing worthy Scots gentleman, a month or two about any supernatural agency; yet, there ago, who wished that some man of ability is still a victory, on one side or the other; would propose a scheme that he had, and and, if they ascribe their victories to such without which, he said, we never should agency, why not ascribe our victories, and have peace again. Well, Sir," said I, of course, their own defeats, to this same and, pray, what is your scheme?" over-ruling cause? If Mr. Madison had "Why, sail he, "it is very simple. It told the Congress, that "Almighty God "is to form an UNION with the Ameri-"had been pleased to enable the enemy to can States." It was raining, and I wanted to get on; so that I had not time ta escertain what sort of Union he meant. This gentlema, however, was remarkably moderate in his views. The far greater part of the nation expect absolute Colonial

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burn their Capitol," how they would have stared at him! Yet, surely, he might have said that with as much reason as Commodore M'Donough ascribed his victory to such interposition. If Commodore Perry, who captured our fleet on Lake Erie, had





to examine. But the gallantry displayed by the Republicans, in particular cases, appears to surpass any thing on record in the history of mankind, if the accounts can be relied on. General Drummond's report of his action with their land forces cannot be questioned, and the resolute onset, on that occasion, cannot be read with

been niet at New York with looks of perfect indifference, instead of being feasted and toasted as he was, and had been told, that the cause of this was, that he had gained no victory, even according to his own official report; how silly he would have looked! And yet, he could have had no reason to complain. I perceive also, many other instances of this aping propen-out a shivering kind of astonishment, sity in the Americans. It is the "He- which leaves little power of analysing the" "nourable Wm. Jones, Secretary of the feelings of the mind, struck, aghast, trans"Navy" the "honourable the Mayor of fixed, and recoiling. But the account "New York ;""his Honour the Chief which you gave of the naval action, at Justice," and, even the Members of Fayal, exceeds that and every thing which Congress call one another "honourable | man has ever heard of; and I am, I own, gentlemen," and their "honourable led to doubt the correctness of the statefriends;" I was not, 'till of late, aware, ment. Whether our force was employed that this sickly taste was become so preva- regularly or not, must be left to future lent in America. This is, indeed, con- elucidation. I believe, from the character temptible; and England will have, in a few of our naval officers, it will be found that years, a much better ground of reliance for no impeachment of them will, finally, be success, in this change of the national cha- proved. But taking the account which racter in America, than in the force of our you have published to be, in other respects, arms. When once the hankering after exact, I must confess that no parallel titles becomes general in that country; transaction has ever come to my knowledge. when once riches shall have produced that What to admire most, the deliberate coneffect, the country will become an easy duct, or the desperate valour, of these men, prey to an old, compact, and easily-wielded becomes a question of difficulty. Government like ours. When men find, commander first makes inquiry of the Por that they cannot obtain titles under the tuguese authorities as to his safety. He form of Government now existing, they then abstains from hostility till he is actuwill, as soon as they have the opportunity, ally attacked, and the aggression becomes sell the country itself to any Sovereign, undoubted. Now, having repulsed the who will gratify their base ambition. This assailants, he rows his tiny vessel under is the slow poison that is at work on the the neutral fort, that his station may be no American Constitution. It will proceed, problem. When called upon there to act, unless speedily checked, to the utter de he and his brave crew, seemingly well prestruction of that which it has assailed.-pared for the worst, deal destruction on the Our best way is to make peace with them now; and leave this poison to work. By the time that they get to "Right Honour"ables," we shall be ready to receive their allegiance. When the bit of bunting comes to be exchanged for some sort of armorial thing, the fellows, who now "fight like "blood-thirsty savages," as our papers say, will become as tame and as timid as sheep. I am, &c. &c. WM. COBBETT.


SIR,As the American contest is hecome remarkable, and begins to excite considerable interest, allow me to make some desultory remarks upon it, which may have a beneficial influence on some, at least, of your readers. Whether the advantage is or is not in our favour, at this stage of the contest, it is not my purpose,

enemy, with almost supernatural good fortune and success. As long as resistance could be made, with hope of glory, for there could have been none of final safety, they remain at their post, to encounter, after every struggle, a ship of superior force, which could not want a superabundance of hands for offence and defence, and beat her off. Not seeing any good from prolonging a contest, in which they destroy more than twice their own number, they render their cock-boat unserviceable, and retire. Yet pursued and demanded, they resolve, with their small numbers, to brave danger to the last, and occupy a position on land, determined to render as dear as possible their eventual fall before such superior force. This last determination is the essence of heroism; it drives one wild with admiration.

But the features of the contest, which

throw the most brilliant lustre on it, are their having their full share of it; yet, it the imposing force that surrounded the un-is not always right to blazon, to our forces, daunted Republicans, and the high quali-how much we rate the skill and courage of ties of the enemy whom they had to en- our antagonists, though it is both cowardly counter. A privateer, Sir; yes, a priva-and ill policy to deny that he possesses teer, of 7 or of 14 guns, no matter which, them, after meeting us in a way to content sees, at anchor by its side, an English 74, the most ambitious of fame. But I am an English frigate, and an English brig tired of these inconsistencies and contraof war, and even the last of superior force; dictions, and shall go on with my remarks. and yet it resists! Would any man have The inequality of force that we have expected that they would not have scuttled sometimes seen on the side of the Ameri their canoe, on the slightest appearance of cans, and their extraordinary efforts at all hostility, taken to their boats, and made times, new to war themselves and opposed the best of their way to land, which they to the English, and to the English inured would have been fully justified in doing to warfare for twenty years by land and Tell me, when the English have ever met sea, lead us to inquire into the cause of a with an enemy such as the Americans had phenomenon, that is, to say the least, rare to tag with in them. When, where and singular. I am apt to think that someunless in this war; and the Republicans thing must be attributed to corporeal force. are, at last, allowed to be antagonists The Yankees are, surely, possessed of worthy of us. But an observation forces more bodily power, more muscular strength, itself on me at this place, and I do not firmer stamina, sterner nerves, than the study method. How inconsistent with the English. It is probable that there may be national honour, and how contradictory in something in this. Food, in America, is them. Aves, are our words and actions with at the command of every human being, in respect to the Americans! At one moment superabundant quantity, from his youth. it would seem that they are cowardly, base, Has not this a tendency to bring man up and cruel; but even our great men, at with that force of limb which gives him the same moment, speak of their humanity the pre-eminence in manhood over such as as so extraordinary, as to indicate a secret have not the same advantage? In this inclination to place themselves under our country, food has been, to the poor, & protection; while our prints, with the sil- scarce commodity for many years. May liest reluctance, are forced to give such not this circumstance cause a degree of accounts of their noble daring, as alone nervelessness and impotence, which cannot can justify our forces when worsted by be removed by the abundant fare supplied them. This reluctance I call silly, be- when they enter into his Majesty's sercause it is even more silly than it is en-vice-And, by the bye, if this be admisvious and grudging: for unless they admit sible, may not an argument be deduced the superior gallantry of the victor, what hence against Corn Laws, if their effect is the conquered, in the name of British be to render food dearer, for that would renown? And yet I cannot think it less render our defenders feebler, which is by silly to give such unequivocal marks of no means a desirable result? Besides, on acknowledgment of the gallantry of our account of the pressure for men in our foe, as we have done, in the waywardness late extensive warfare, many of the feeblest of the mixed admiration and scoffing with of the English population have been adwhich we have loaded him. Such a con-mitted into our naval and military service, duct may have an ill effect on the morals of and the hardships of our manufacturers our gallant seamen and soldiers, and make drove them to seek that or any mode of them suspect that success is equivocal, keeping body and soul together. These may than which nothing can be more injuri-be considered as the puniest of our people. ous to it. Therefore, I cannot say that I Whereas, the Americans have men who think Captain Broke should have been have spent their lives in plenty, and free made a Baronet, or that he should have from excessive labour in the country, or accepted the distinction, for it is proclaim-in all the abundance which their flourishing ing, that to capture an American ship of commerce supplied. But as the above equal, or nearly equal, force, is some great cause may be disputable, and can, but in achievement. Perhaps the enemy may part only, account for the fact, if it be have merited this compliment; for, surely, fact, that the Republicans are stronger it is no compliment to any one else without men than our brave defenders, I will

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state what appears a more unequivocal rea-¡ on a Monument smiling at Grief, it is daily son for the superiority which they have seen, sitting on certain benches, not merely sometimes shewn, and the efforts which, smiling, but eten laughing loud at the im though raw and new, they have, at all petence of its accusers. But the public times, made. The history of the world, having accused it, let it be fairly placed at from the creation, to say nothing of the na- the bai, and allowed counsel. First, then, ture of the thing, shews that there is some- it must be granted, that a name given thing in Republicanism that gives extraor- does not make any alteration in the thing dinary energy to those who possess it, whe- itself; for example, all is not charity or ther a Republic be a good or a bad insti- patriotism that pass under those denominatution. We will not go to ancient times, tions; corruption may designate pay, and because it is sufficient to appeal to the pay is an act of the strictest justice; just last American war, and to the war of the as a ROTTEN OLIO* is the best dish in SpaFrench Revolution, to prove the point. nish cookery, and no one refuses to regale The Americans were successful to the end, himself therewith on account merely of the and it will not be denied that they conti- disgustful name. Nearly the same may be nued Republicans. The French Republi- said of corruption: it may possibly be the cans were also always successful. Indeed, most savoury dish at a Minister's table. such a career of success scarcely ever fell Which of the well-bred guests, then, would to the lot of any other people. We well shew himself so fastidious as to refuse tastrecollect the events of that day. No man, ing it, solely because of its name? Next, that has memory, can forget the universal your Reformers clamour about paying their impression, that it was Republican energy Representatives. Is it not tantamount if that crowned that nation, every where, corruption is employed to pay such Reprewith victory, over all Europe armed against sentatives? Were the public actually to it. The conclusion of the Continental war pay their Representatives, it must go adds all its force to this observation. through some regular channel, and be perWhen the sublimation, the soul, which formed by some regular oflicer, appointed strung up Republican Frenchmen to deeds for the purpose. Now the Kingly authoof imperishable renown, ceased to animate rity we term the Executive, and Ministers the French, though they had the memory derive their power from the King. Who, of their triumphs as a temporary stimulus, then, can have so great a right to pay the yet they were conquered, conquered by a people's Representatives? Here again is force far less than had been repeatedly another argument in favour of corruption : brought against them in the days of their were it to employ its own money, nothing Commonwealth. If there is any thing in could be said in its defence; but it this, let it arise itself from what cause it is not yet so void of principle: it draws may, I will venture to say that the Ame- from the public purse, and no one will ricans possess it, in its fullest measure; presume to deny that the contents of that for no nation on earth ever existed more purse are drawn from the pockets of the thoroughly Republican than the people of people.The people, therefore, may be the United States. If you like the above, justly said to pay their Ropresentatives! it is at your service and that of your What would Reformers desire more.-I acreaders; but I must now take my leave. knowledge they complain that they are not HORTATOR. fairly represented; that the majority of the nation have no yotes, &c. Here let me DEFENCE OF CORRUPTION. ask, in what does the majority of the nation MR. COBBETT,It surely is neither consist? Is it composed of virtues or of generous nor fair for the multitude to run vices? Let the public look around.-Each down an individual, although a supposed will find that, excepting with himself, and enemy; neither is the accused to be pro- a very few of his acquaintances, virtue and nounced guilty without having been heard honesty do not exist; but that all the vices in his own defence, by himself or his coun- reign triumphant, and overspread the land. sel. Much has been said against corrup--Each having made this remark, will tion, yet its defence has never been properly attended to. Accusations from all quarters have been poured in, yet, conscious of its integrity, it has maintained a dignified silence; and, like Patience sitting

draw the natural conclusion, that the National Representation is complete, and while he circumscribes honesty and virtue

* Olla pod ida.

within the very narrow circle of himself is often as cruel as an innate malevolence, and friends, he will take comfort in knowing for it is frequently productive of the same that so comparatively small a portion of effects.When a gownsman has been national honour and virtue is represented in Parliament by at least an adequate number of Members. Away, then, with all unfounded plaint and prejudice. Deem it no longer corruption, but pay-and honestly acknowledge the nation to be fully and fairly represented, although no way flattered in the picture.


found in any of these houses, the proctor has been known to have ordered the Marshal to take the woman away in the middle of the night!However we may, as moralists, deplore the fact, it is to be feared that the existence of common prostitutes must be acknowledged to be a necessary evil, and one that can never be eradicated. As an immorality it is not to be defended; but, perhaps, it has the effect of preventing the UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. commission of greater ones; among which, SIR, A few months ago, some letters and particularly in such a place as Oxford, appeared in your paper relative to the great may be reckoned the habits of intrigue, and abuses which prevailed in the exercise of the arts of seduction. If this be the case, the procuratorial power at Oxford. I am and experience seems to confirm it, it is now happy to state, and for the credit of cruel to punish an unhappy woman for the University it should be made public, exercising an occupation, that generally that, in consequence of a change of officers, brings its own punishment with it; an oca very material alteration has taken place.cupation which, most probably, were it in With respect to the domiciliary visits, (which subject formed a great part of the above-mentioned letters), it gives me pleasure to say, that the present proctors, as far as I have been able to learn, have never put them into practice. Indeed, these visits are of so tyrannical a nature, and so contrary to the common law of the land, that unless in enses of riot, or any other breach of the peace that would authorize a similar exertion of power in any other place, they should never be put in execution. The act of searching the lodgings of unfortunate females, and (which has frequently been done) making them leave their beds in the night to open the doors of their apartments, and examining every corner of their rooms, is surely a degrada-board to exclude the air.The writer of tion of the procuratorial office. It must this letter is aware that it will expose him be observed, too, that the description of the to the censure of all those whose hypocrisy scenes which sometimes take place on these is greater than their humanity. He can occasions, as related by the proctors them- only say, that the censure of such men is, selves, and the consequent merriment in in his estimation, of little importance; and conversation to which such searches give that with every attention to a rational and rise, have frequently inclined us to attri- well-regulated discipline in the University, bute these domiciliary and nocturnal visits and a proper and becoming respect to his to motives less than those of the dis-superiors, he never has, and never will, be charge of an official duty. And all this deterred from noticing acts of cruelty and has been sometimes done by men who are oppression, by the frown of pedantry or generally considered as good-natured. The the threats of self-assumed authority. fact is, a prying and unmanly curiosity Oxford, Dec. 1814.



her power, she would be happy to relin quish; and which from necessity should be connived at, if carried on with an attention to public decency. Instances have occurred in Oxford of women of this description hav ing been imprisoned, merely for having been 30 unfortunate as to be found by the proc tors with gownsmen at their own houses, when there has been no noise or riot, for a longer time than persons who have been convicted of theft at the quarter sessions! Imprisonment for a month in the city prison is a very common, but a most severe punishment. In damp weather, the stone walls of the cells in which they sleep, literally run down with water. There is no glass in the windows, and only a sliding

Printed and Published by J. MORTON, 94, Strand.

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