

was, it secms, in close consultation and to France; they have, in our newspaper correspondence with the persons hold- style, called him the "tool of Napoleon," ing the reins of Government in Massa- they too, have dared to assert, that he chusetts, upon the subject of such separa-made war upon us, without the slightest tion, and who pretended that he was em- provocation, for the purpose of aiding Naployed by Sir James Craig, Governor of poleon in destroying England, "the bul Canada, for that purpose. Your Lordship, wark of their religion." They have held. I believe, disclaimed him and his intrigues, public feasts and rejoicings at the entrance and, therefore, I must believe, of course, of the Cossacks into France, and at the rethat he was not employed by our Govern- storation of the ancient order of things. ment nor by our Governor. But the peo- You will bear in mind, that these people ple of America have been led to believe, are staunch Presbyterians; and it would that there must have been something in his amuse your Lordship to read the orations, story. preachings, and prayers of these people; to witness their gratitude to heaven for restoring the Pope, whom they used to call the Scarlet Whore, the Whore of Babylon; for the re-establishment of the Jesuits; and for the re-opening of the dungeons, the re-sharpening of the hooks, and the rekindling of the flames of the Inquisition. Their opponents, the Republicans, say, we never were the friends of Napoleon, as a despot, nor even as an Empeior; we never approved of any of his acts of oppression, either in France or out of France; we always complained of his acts of injustice towards ourselves; but he was less burtful to our country than other Powers; and, as to mankind in general, though we regretted to see him with so much power, we feared that that power would be succeeded by something worse; and we cannot now rejoice, that the Pope is restored, that the Jesuits are re-established, the Inquisition re-invigorated; that Monkery is again overspreading the fair face of Europe; and that the very hope of freedom there, seems to be about to be extinguished for ever. And this, your Lordship may be assured, is the language of nineteen twentieths of the people of America.

This State of Massachusetts contains a great number of men of talents; many rich men, become so chiefly by the purchasing, at a very low rate, of the certificates of soldiers avho served in the late war, and by procuring acts of Congress to cause the sums to be paid in full, which, indeed, was thought, and openly said, to be their main object in pressing for a Federal Government with large powers. These men, now disappointed in all their ambitious hopes; seeing no chance of becoming petty noblemen; seeing the offices and power of the country pass into other hands, without the smallest probability of their return to themselves, unless they be content to abandon all their high notions of family distinction; these men have become desperate; and, if am to judge from their proceedings, would plunge their country into a civil war, rather than yield quiet obedience to that very Government, which they had so long been in the practice of censuring others for not sufficiently admiring. But, my Lord, though there is a majority of voices in Massachusetts on our side; for on our side they really are, there is a thumping minority on the other side; and what is of great importance in the es- There are, it is to be observed, Fetimate, that minority consists of the nerves, deralists in all the States, which you will the bones, and sinews of the population of easily believe, when you consider how nathe State; so that the sum total of our tural it is for men, or, at least, how prone ground of reliance, as to a separation of men are, to wish to erect themselves into the States, is the good will of the most nu- superior classes. As soon as a man has merous but most feeble and inefficient part got a great deal of money, he aims at of the people' of the State of Massachu- something beyond that. He thirsts for setts; and even these, I am fully persuaded, distinctions and titles. His next object is are, by this day, awed into silence by the to hand them down to his family. It will determined attitude of the rest of the require great watchfulness and great resocountry. lution in the Americans to defeat this The same charges, which our vile news-propensity. You have not leisure for it, or papers have been preferring against Mr. it would amuse you to trace the workings Madison, have been preferred against him of this would-be nobility in America. They by their Serene Highnesses of Massachu- are very shamefaced about it; but they let setts. They have accused him of a devotion it peep out through the cranpics of theis

by pocrisy.

of Napoleon himself, with this great difference, however, that his name and the fame of his deeds will descend to the latest posterity, while their projects of enobling themselves at the expence of their country's freedom and happiness, will be forgotten and forgiven before one half of them are eaten by worms.

Being defcated, and totally pu to the route in the open field by the general good sense of the people, they have resorted to the most contemptible devices for: eflecting, by degrees, that which they were unable to carry at a push. They have esblished what they call "Benevolent -Sties," to which they have prefixed, by way of epithet, or characteristic, the name This is my view of the matter. Your of Washington. The professed object of Lordship will probably think it erroneous; these societies, who have their periodical but, if it prove correct, how long and how orations, preachings, prayings, and toast-bitterly shall we have to deplore the exis tence of this bloody contest. I am, &c. WM. COBBETT.

DESPERATE NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. I observe it stated in the Halifax papers of the 2d instant, that the Prince of Neufchatel, an American armed brig, had arrived at Boston, after sustaining a gallant action of twenty minutes, with five boats fuil of men belonging to our ship of war the Endymion. The account says, that one of our boats was sunk during the engagement, "which had on board at first

ings, was to afford relief to any persons who might be in distress. The real object appears to have been to enlist idlers and neody persons under their political banners. These little coteries of hypocrites appear to have assembled, as it were by an unanimous sentiment, or, rather, by instinct, to - celebrate the fall of Napoleon, and the restoration of the Pope, the Jesuits, and the Inquisition. But unfortunately for this affiliation of hypocrites, they have little or no materials to work upon in America, where a man can earn a week's subsistence in less time than he can go to apply for and obtain it without work; and, accordingly, the affiliation seems destined to share the fate of the Serene Highness's“ killed, and 20 wounded." The Endyproposition of 25 years ago. mion is said to have had lost in all 100

43 men, of whom two only were saved; "and another, which had 36 men, was "taken possession of after having eight

The fall of Napoleon, so far from weak-men killed, wounded and prisoners, among ening, will tend to strengthen the general Government in the hands of the Republicans. It has deprived its enemies of the grand topic of censure; the main ground of attack. The "Cossacks," as they are now sometimes called, of Massachusetts, can no longer charge the President with being the tool of Napoleon;" they no longer stand in need of England as "the bulwark of religion," seeing that they have the Pope, the Jesuits, the Benedictines, the Franciscans, the Carthusians, the Dominicans, and, above all, the Inquisition, to supply her place in the performance of that godly office.

which the first Lieutenant and a Master's Mate were killed, and three Lieutenants and two Master's Mates wounded. The Prince of Neufchatel had only “31 men "at quarters, including officers, and 37 "prisoners on board. Six of her men were "killed, 15 severely wounded, nine slight"ly, and eight remained unhurt." It is true, that nothing has been published here in an official shape respecting this naval disaster; but this circumstance can no more invalidate the truth of the statement, than the silence which has been kept up as to the fate of the Avon, will lead us to doubt that that vessel was sunk by her They will no longer, they can no longer, American opponent. The repulse and disreproach the President for his attachment, aster attending the Endymion, is not, howto France; for France has now a king, a ever, the only naval triumph of the enemy, legitimate sovereign, who regularly bears which has been carefully concealed from mass. They are now, therefore, put in the public eye. The following article ap this dilemma: they must declare openly for pears in the Paris Papers, received to the England against their country; or, by petty 22d inst.:- "Extract of a Letter from cavilling, must make their opposition con- " Mr. Joln B. Dabney, Consul for the temptible. The former they dare not do;" United States of America, Fayal, Oct. 6. and, they are too restless and too full of "Our countrymen have had a brilliant spite not to do the latter. So that their "affair. Despising the rights of nations and doom, I imagine, is sealed; and their fall" violating neutral territory, three English will not be much less complete than that " vessels, the Plantagenet, the Rota, and




"the Carnation, attacked the brig General "Armstrong, American privateer, of 14 guns, commanded by Captain Reed, at "anchor in these Roads. They succeeded "finally in destroying her, but paid dearly "for it, for they had 120 killed, and 90 of "their best marines wounded, including "the flower of their officers. Captain "Reed, with his brave crew, consisting only of 90 men, had only seven men slightly wounded.". -About ten days ago I received the following letter from an English gentleman at Fayal, which he transmitted by a vessel bound for Lisbon, giving the full particulars of the above affair. It speaks volumes, and must reach conviction to the minds of those who are so far deluded, as to think that it is in the power of this country to subdue a people | who fight with so much undaunted resolution as the Americans:

privateer close in alongside of the fort, within half cable's length, where he moozed her, head and stern, with four lines. The | Governor now sent a remonstrance to the Van Lloyd of the Plantagenet against such proceedings, and trusted that the privateer would not be farther molested; she being in the dominions of Portugal, and under the guns of the castle, was entitled to Portuguese protection. Van Lloyd's answer was, that he was determined to destroy the vessel at the expence of all Fayal, and should any protection be given her by the fort, he would not leave a house standing in the village. All the inhabitants were gathered about the walls, expecting a renewal of the attack. At midnight, 14 launches were discovered to be coming in rotation for the purpose. When they got within clear, or gun shot, a tremendous and effectual discharge was made from the privateer, which threw the boats into confusion. They now returned a spirited fire, but the privateer kept up so continusi a discharge, it was almost impossible for the boats to make any progress. They finally succeeded, after immense loss, to get alongside of her, and attempted to board at every quarter, cheered by the officers with a shout of no quarter, which we could distinctly hear, as well as their shrieks and cries. The termination was

Fayal, Oct. 15, 1814. WM. COBBETT, Esq.-Sir,-The American schooner privateer General Armstrong, of New York, Captain Samuel C. Reid, of seven guns, and ninety men, entered bere on the 26th ult. about noon, 17 days from that place, for the purpose of obtaining water. The Captain, seeing nothing on the horizon, was induced to anchor. Before the elapse of many hours, his Majesty's brig Carnation came in, and anchored near her. About six, his Majes-near about a total massacre. Three of the ty's ship Plantagenet, of 74 guns, and the Rota frigate, came in and anchored also. The Captain of the privateer and his friends consulted the first authorities here about her security. They all considered her perfectly secure, and that his Majesty's officers were too well acquainted with the respect due to a neutral port to molest her. But, to the great surprise of every one, about nine in the evening, four boats were dispatched, armed and manned from his Majesty's ship, for the purpose of calling her out. It being about the full of moon, the night perfectly clear and calm, we could see every movement made. The boats approached with rapidity towards her, when, it appears, the Captain of the privateer hailed them, and told them to keep off several times. They, notwithstanding, pushed on, and were in the act of boarding before any defence was made for the privatcer. A warm contest ensued on both sides. The boats were finally dispersed with great loss. The American, now calculating on a very superior force being sent, cut his cables, and rowed the

boats were sunk, and but one poor solitary officer escaped death in a boat that contained fifty souls; he was wounded. The Americans fought with great filmness, but more like blood thirsty savages than any thing else. They rushed into the boats, sword in hand, and put every soul to death as far as came within their power. Some of the boats were left without a single man to row them; others with three and four. The most that any one returned with was about ten. Several boats floated on shore full of dead bodies. With great reluc tance I state that they were manned withpicked men, and commanded by the first, second, third, and fourth Lieutenants of the Plantagenet; first, second, third, and fourth ditto of the frigate, and the first officers of the brig; together with a great number of midshipmen. Our whole force exceeded 400 men. But three officers escaped, two of which are wounded.-This bloody and unfortunate contest lasted about forty minutes. After the boats gave out, nothing more was attempted till day-light the next morning, when the Car

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committed by our vessels on this occasion. The vessel that was dispatched to England with the wounded, was not permitted take a single letter from any person.→ Being an eye-witness to this transaction, I have given you a correct statement as it occurred. With respect, I am, &c.

H. K. F..



The following Messige was yesterday sent to both Houses of Congress by the President of the United States. The sentiments it ex

cited in both Houses are purely national,

"To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States.

closing the grounds on which they were authorised to negociate and conclude a treaty of peace, will be the subject of another communication.


"JAMES MADISON." Mr. Monroe to the American Plenipotentiaries at Gottenburgh.

nation hauled in alongside, and engaged her. The privateer still continued to make a most gallant defence. These veterans reminded me of Lawrence's dying words, off the Chesapeake, "don't give up the ship."The Carnation lost one of her top-masts, and her yards were shot away; she was much cut up in rigging, and received several shot in her hull. This obliged her to haul off to repair, and to cease firing. The Americans now finding their principal gun (long Tom) and several others dismounted, deemed it folly to think of saving her against so superior a force; they therefore cut away her masts to the deck, blew a hole through her hot-and almost unanimous :— tom, took out their small arms, cloathing, &c. and went on shore. I discovered only two shot holes in the hull of the privateer, "I lay before Congress communications although much cut up in rigging.-Two just received from the Plenipotentiaries of boats' crews were soon after dispatched the United States, charged with negociating from our vessels, which went on board, peace with Great Britain, shewing the conditions on which alone that Government is took out some provisions, and set her on fire. willing to pat an ead to the war. The inFor three days after, we were employed instructions to those Plenipotentiaries, disburying the dead that washed on shore in the surf. The number of British killed exceeds 120, and ninety wounded. The enemy, to the surprise of mankind, lost only two killed and seven wounded.-We may well say, "God deliver as from our ene"mies, if this is the way the Americans "fight."-After burning the privateer, Van Lloyd made a demand of the Governor to deliver up the Americans as his prisoners, which the Governor refused. He threatened to send 500 men on shore and take them by force. The Americans immediately retired, with their arms, to an old Gothic convent; knocked away the adjoining drawbridge, and determined to defend themselves to the last. The Van, however, thought better than to send his men. He then demanded two men, which, he said, deserted from his vessel when in America. The Governor sent for the men, but found none of the description given. Many houses received much injury on shore from the guns of the Carnation. A woman, sitting in the fourth story of her house, had her thigh shot off, and a boy had his arm broken. The American Consul here, has made a demand on the Portuguese Government for a hundred thousand dollars for the privateer, which our Consul, Mr. Parkin, thinks in justice will be paid, and that they will claim on England.- -Mr. Parkin, Mr. Edward Bayley, and other English gentlemen, disapprove of the outrage and depredation

"Dispatch of State, 28th Jan. 1814. [The letter begins by acceding to the proposal of the British Government to treat directly with the American United States. Mr. Monroe then calls the attention of the Plenipotentiaries to the grounds of the war with Great Britain.]

United States to be exempted from it, I have "On Impressment, as to the right of the nothing new to add. The sentiments of the President have undergone no change on that important subject. This degrading practice must cease; our flag must protect sider themselves an independent nation. To the crew, or the United States cannot consettle this difference amicably the President is willing, as you are already informed by the former instructions, to remove all pretexis for it to the British Government, by excluding all British seamen from our vessels, and even to extend the exclusion to all only the few already naturalized, and to British subjects, if necessary, excepting stipulate, likewise, the surrender of all British seamen deserting in our ports in future from British vessels, public or private. It was presumed by all dispassionate persons, that the late law of Congress relative to seamen would effectually accomplish the object. But the President is willing, as you find, to ther. Should a treaty be made, it is proper, prevent a possibility of failure, to go furand would have a conciliatory effect, that

[After some further arguments relative to the Russian mediation, which the President laments was not accepted, the letter conJAMES MONROE." cludes.]

Messrs Adams, Bayard, Clay, and Russell, to
Mr. Monroe, Secretary of State, Aug. 12,


all our impressed 'seamen, who may be dis- Jon the future relations of the two countries, charged under it, should be paid for their if indemnity should be stipulated on each side, services by the British Government, for the for the destruction of all unfortified towns, time of their detention, the wages which and other property, contrary to the laws and they might have obtained in the merchant usages of war. It is equally proper that the service of their own country. negroes taken from the southern States "Blockade is the subject next in point of should be returned to their owners, or paid importance, which you will have to arrange. for at their full value. It is known that a In the instructions, bearing date on the 15th shameful traffic has been carried on in the of April, 1813, it was remarked, that as the West Indies by the sale of these persons British Government had revoked its Orders there, by those who professed to be their de in Council, and agreed that no blockadeliverers. Of this fact, the proof that has could be legal which was not supported by reached this department shall be furuished an adequate force, and that such adequate you. If these slaves are considered as nonforce should be applied to any blockade combatants, they ought to be restored; if, which it might hereafter institute, this cause as property, they ought to be paid for. fhe of controversy seemed to be removed. Fur-reaty of perce contains aa article which re ther reflection, however, has added great cognizes this principle. force to the expediency and importance of a precise definition of the public law on this subject. There is much cause to presume, that if the repeal of the Orders in Council had taken place in time to have been known here before the declaration of war, and had had the effect of preventing the declaration, not only that no provision would have been SIR-We have the honour to inform obtained against impressment, but that under the name of blockade the same extent of you, that the British Commissioners, Lord coast would have been covered by procla- Gambier, Henry Goulburn, Esq. and Wilmation, as had been covered by the Orders in liam Adams, Esq. arrived in this city on SaCouncil. The war which these abuses and turday evening, the 8th instant.-The day impressments contributed so much to pro-after their arrival, Mr. Baker, their Secretary, duce, might possibly prevent that conse- called upon us to give us notice of the fact, quence. But it would be more satisfactory, and to propose a meeting at a certain hour, if not more safe, to guard against it by a on the ensuing day. The place having been formal definition in the treaty. It is true, agreed upon, we accordingly met, at one. should the British Government violate again o'clock, on Monday, the 8th instant. the legitimate principles of blockade, in enclose herewith a copy of the full powers whatever terms, or under whatever pretext exhibited by the British Commissioners at it might be done, the United States would that conference; which was opened, on have in their hands a correspondent resort; their part, by an expression of the sincere but a principal object in making peace, is to and earnest desire of their Government, that prevent, by the justice and reciprocity of the negociation might result in a solid peace, the conditions, a recurrence again to war, honourable to both parties. They, at the for the same cause. if the British Govern- same time, declared, that no events which ment sincerely wishes to make a durable had occurred since the first proposal for peace with the United States, it can have this negociation, had altered the pacific disno reasonable objection to a just definition positions of their Government, or varied its of blockade, especially as the two Govern-views as to the terms upon which it was willments have agreed in their correspondence,ing to conclude the peace. We answered, in all its essential features. The instructions of the 15th April, 1813, have stated in what manner the President is willing to arrange

this difference.

"On the other, neutral rights, enumerated in the former instructions, I shall remark only, that the catalogue is limited in a manner to evince a spirit of accommodation; that the arrangement proposed in each instance is just in itself; that it corresponds with the general spirit of treaties between commercial powers; and that Great Britain has sanctioned it in many treaties, and gone beyond it in some.

On the claim to indemnity for spoliations, I have only to refer you to what was said in the former instructions. I have to add, that should a treaty be formed, it is just in itself, and would have a happy effect


that we heard these declarations with great satisfaction, and that our Government had acceded to the proposal of negociation, with the most sincere desire to put an end to the differences which divided the two countries, and to lay, upon just and liberal grounds, the foundation of a peace which, securing the rights and interests of both nations, should unite them by lasting bonds of amnity.

The British Commissioners then stated the following subjects, as those upon which it appeared to them that the discuss sions would be likely to turn, and on which, they were instructed:

of merchant vessels, and in connection with it, "1. The forcible seizure of mariners on board the claim of his Britannic Majesty to the alle giance of all the native subjects of Great Britain.

"We understood them to intimate, that the British Government did not propose this

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