
Having acknowledged that Denis is unworthy of her love, and having indeed conceived a contempt for him, her mind leaps to the contemplation of the future where she sees him married to another woman, who does not know of his dishonor.

"And with this deception between them their child would be born; born to an inheritance of secret weakness, a vice of the moral fiber, as it might be born with some hidden physical taint which would destroy it before the cause could be detected. Well, what of it? Was she to hold herself responsible? Were not thousands of children born -vith some such unsuspected taint? . Ah, but if here was one that she could have? What if she, who had had so exquisite a vision of wifehood, should re.onstruct from its ruins this vision of protecting maternity - if her love for her lover should be, not lost, but transformed, enlarged, into this passion of charity for his race?

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Now this straining of the maternal instinct into prophecy is not characteristic of any maiden woman, but it is characteristic of Mrs. Wharton's psychic method for generating "crucial instances." This larger "sanctuary of the feminine consciousness exists only in theory. Whatever may be said of men, the marrying woman only comes to love the race through the child she really has. That is the hypothesis of her maternal relation to the whole world; and it is a hypothesis which does not in the nature of things occur to the maiden mind. The Sanctuary that women like Kate Orme affords to tempted men is founded upon ro such Quixotic notions of sacrifice, but it consists in their telepathy of goodness. There are many righteous women wi.o never are sanctuary for any tried soul, because in them virtue is not vital. It is a form of moral selfishness which actually separates them from the needs of others. But Kate saves her son at the crucial moment from dishonor because for years he had been sheltered in the holiness of her love, and dominated by the sternness of her integrity. He was constrained to act honestly by the power of goodness that was rarely lodged in another. And to the discerning reader it is an open question whether he young man stood on his own legs or upon his mother's

when the test came. And if he did not save himself, the maternal sanctuary is an ethical institution of questionable value.

On the whole, this is the kind of book a woman writes when she conceives her characters all walking upon moral margins too narrow to be quite comfortable. And it does not demonstrate the growth of principles and manly stamina so much as does a beautiful, tender sentimentality peculiar to women, whether they are writers, mothers or missionaries. The Independent.


HATELY, RICHARD, an English theologian; born at London, February 1, 1787; died at Dublin, October 8, 1863. He finished his studies at Oxford, and had a fellowship there, after which he was rector of Halesworth in Suffolk, principal of St. Albans Hall, Oxford, and, in 1830, professor of political economy. In 1831 he became Archbishop of Dublin. He did much to forward the cause of general education, and to promote liberal views in the English Church. Among his numerous works are: Historic Doubts Relative to Napoleon Bonaparte (1819), a burlesque aimed at the "destructive school" of criticism; Essays on the Peculiarities of the Christian Religion (1825); Elements of Logic (1826); Elements of Rhetoric (1828); Difficulties in the Writings of St. Paul (1828); Political Economy (1831); Introduction to the Study of St. Paul's Epistles (1849); English Synonyms (1851); Scripture Doctrine Concerning the Sacraments (1857); Lessons on Mind (1859); Lessons on the British Constitution (1859); Lectures on the Parables (1860); Lectures

on Prayer (1860); Rise, Progress, and Corruption of Christianity (1860); Miscellaneous Lectures and Reviews (1861); Remains (1864).


Though Bacon dwelt on the importance of setting out from an accurate knowledge of facts, and on the absurdity of attempting to substitute the reasoning process for an investigation of nature, it would be a great mistake to imagine that he meant to disparage the reasoning process, or to substitute for skill and correctness in that a mere accumulated knowledge of a multitude of facts. And anyone would be far indeed from being a follower of Bacon who should despise logical accuracy, and trust to what is often called experience; meaning by that an extensive but crude and undigested observation. For, as books, though indispensably necessary for a student, are of no use to one who has not learned to read, though he distinctly sees black marks on white paper, so is all experience and acquaintance with facts unprofitable to one whose mind has not been trained to read rightly the volume of nature and of human transactions spread before him.

When complaints are made-often not altogether without reason - of the prevailing ignorance of facts on such and such subjects, it will often be found that the parties censured, though possessing less knowledge than is desirable, yet possess more than they know what to do with. Their deficiency in arranging and applying their knowledge, in combining facts, and correctly deducing, and rightly employing, general principles, will be perhaps greater than their ignorance of facts. Now, to attempt remedying this defect by imparting to them additional knowledge to confer the advantage of wider experience on those who have not skill in profiting by experience is to attempt enlarging the prospect of a short-sighted man by bringing him to the top of a hill. Since he could not, on the plain, see distinctly the objects before him, the wider horizon from the hill-top is utterly lost on him. If Bacon had

lived in the present day, I am convinced he would have made his chief complaint against unmethodized inquiry and careless and illogical reasoning.- Lecture on Bacon's Essays.



ANDREW CARPENTER ("NYM CRINKLE"), an American journalist, critic and novelist; born at New York, June 4, 1835; died at Monsey, N. Y., March 10, 1903. He was connected with the New York Times and World, Milwaukee Sentinel, and other journals — and was also a war correspondent. He wrote: The Chronicles of Milwaukee (1861); The Twins: A Comedy (1862); The Primrose Path of Dalliance, A Theatrical Tale (1868); Easter in a Hospital Bed (1869). Later he wrote under the pseudonym of "J. P. Mowbray," and published A Journey to Nature (1901); The Making of a Country Home (1902); Tangled up in Beulah (1902), and The Conquering of Kate (1903).

Mr. Wheeler's fame rests largely upon his work as a dramatic critic, and for many years he was regarded as the leader among critical writers for the New York press.

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Loyal Love is an old-fashioned style of drama, wrought in blank-verse, employing a love-lorn maiden and a pursuing villain, with the traditional prince in plumes, who fondly, madly loves, and at the last moment nobly rescues.

It is a theme we used to thrill over in our boyhood days at the "Old Drury." It comes now feathered with idyllicism, garnished with the moonbeams of sentiment, and pre

senting Kyrle Bellew as the Prince and Mr. Haworth as the villain.

I need not tell you that there is a hard-hearted father who seeks to force his son into a marriage of convenience, and that the plumed son, with his azure way, looks into the empyrean and reriains true to Poll.

Mrs. Potter as the love-lorn maiden was very dainty and very pretty. She wore a love-lorn dress of spotless white, a la Bernhardt in cut, very long in the waist and low in the girdle. She has to portray the innocent devotion of a maiden living in a honey-suckled cottage, and whose heart clings to a honey-suckled prince with a sword. She did it with a negative rather than a positive fervor.

I don't know of any love-lorn maiden on the stage who can so embody the conventional notion of chaste devotion. She loved her Prince with a well-bred sincerity and a cool equilibrium that was starry and stagy at the same time. She was enfolded in his arms with a perfectly delicious naïvete. There was none of the hot feverishness of animal passion about it. You felt that she loved her Prince with her well-poised cerebrum, not with a sensuous and impulsive ardor. He kissed her on the forehead with a wellbred and respectful consideration and talked long and vaguely of the golden highway of the sea, and the orbs of heaven, and the empurpled future, and the deep mysterious bond that made her his forever. She listened to it with the clear rapt vision and disciplined mind of one who listens to a page of Bulwer. It took us back to the morning of life, when the Beautiful wed the Good and low music burst forth in the midst of roses, and the perfume of the alabaster lamps lifted our souls to the divine truth that yesterday can never be to-morrow.

She sank upon his shoulder as if the Lake of Como were there with its tranquil depths. She murmured, with her teeth shut, the soft voluptuous responses to his rhapsody, and he toyed with the rose that clung upon the brink of her low-necked dress without a moment's fear of falling over into the chasm of poetry that spread its pearly descent under his chastened eyes.

There is no doubt about it this picture of two hearts

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