
Plume. I'll kneel, stoop, and stand, 'faith: most ladies are gained by platooning.

Wor. Here they come; I must leave you.


Plume So! now must I look as sober and demure

as a whore at a christening.

Enter BRAZEN and Melinda.

Brazen. Who's that, madam?

Mel. A brother officer of yours, I suppose, sir.
Brazen. Ay-my dear!

Plume. My dear!

[TO PLUME. [Runs and embrace.

Brazen. My dear boy! how is't? Your name, my dear! If I be not mistaken I have seen your face. Plume. I never saw you in my life, my dearbut there's a face well known as the sun's, that shines on all, and is by all adored.

Brazen. Have you any pretensions, sir?

Plume. Pretensions!

Bruzen. That is, sir, have you ever served abroad? Plume. I have served at home, sir, for ages served. this cruel fair, and that will serve the turn, sir.

Mel. So, between the fool and the rake, I shall
bring a fine spot of work upon my hands!
Brazen. Will you fight for the lady, sir?
Plume. No, sir, but I'll have her notwithstanding.

Thou peerless princess of Salopian plains,
Envy'd by nymphs and worshipp'd by the swains

Brazen. Oons, sir! not fight for her?

Plume. Pr'ythee be quiet-I shall be out

Behold how humbly does the Severn glide,
To greet thee, princess of the Severn side.

Brazen. Don't mind him, madam-if he were not 'so well dressed, I should take, him for a poet; but I'll shew you the difference presently. Come, madam,

we'll place you between us, and now the longest sword carries her.


Mel. [Shrieking.]


Oh, Mr Worthy! save me from these madmen!

[Exit with Worthy.

Plume. Ha! ha ha! why don't you follow, sir, and fight the bold ravisher?

Brazen. No, sir, you are my man.

Plume. I don't like the wages; I won't be your


Brazen. Then you're not worth my sword.
Plume. No! pray what did it cost?

Brazen. It cost me twenty pistoles in France, and my enemies thousands of lives in Flanders. Plume. Then they had a dear bargain,

Enter SYLVIA, in Man's Apparel.

Syl. Save ye, save ye, gentlemen!
Brazen. My dear, I'm yours.

Plume. Do you know the gentleman ?

Brazen. No, but I will presently-Your name, my dear?

Syl. Wilful, Jack Wilful, at your service.

Brazen. What, the Kentish Wilfuls, or those of Staffordshire?

Syl. Both, sir, both; I'm related to all the Wilfuls in Europe, and I'm head of the family at pre


Plume. Do you live in the country, sir?

Syl. Yes, sir, I live where I stand; I have neither home, house, or habitation, beyond this spot of ground.

Brazen. What are you, sir?

Syl. A rake.

Plume. In the army, I presume.


Syl. No, but I intend to list immediately. Lookye, gentlemen, he that bids the fairest, has me.

Brazen. Sir, I'll prefer you; I'll make you a corporal this minute.

Plume. Corporal! I'll make you my companion; you shall eat with me.

Brazen. You shall drink with me. Then you shall receive your pay, and do no duty.

Syl. Then you must make me a field-officer.

Plume. Pho, pho, pho! I'll do more than all this; I'll make you a corporal, and give you a brevet for serjeant.

Brazen. Can you read and write, sir?

Syl. Yes.

Brazen. Then your business is done I'll make you chaplain to the regiment.

Syl. Your promises are so equal, that I'm at a loss to chuse. There is one Plume, that I hear much commended in town; pray, which of you is Captain Plume?

Plume. I am Captain Plume.

Brazen. No, no, I am Captain Plume.

Syl. Heyday!

Plume. Captain Plume! I'm your servant, my dear!

Brazen. Captain Brazen! I'm yours-The fellow dares not fight.


Enter KITE.

Kite. Sir, if you please

[Goes to whisper PLUME.

Plume. No, no, there's your captain. Captain Plume, your serjeant has got so drunk, he mistakes me for you.

Brazen. He's an incorrigible sot. Here, my Hector of Holborn, here's forty shillings for you..

Plume. I forbid the bans. Lookye, friend, you shall list with Captain Brazen.

Syl. I will see Captain Brazen hanged first; I will list with Captain Plume: I am a free-born English man, and will be a slave my own way. Lookye, sir will you stand by me? [TO BRAZEN.'

Brazen. I warrant you, my lad.

Syl. Then I will tell you, Captain Brazen, [To PLUME.] that you are an ignorant, pretending, impudent coxcomb.

Brazen. Ay, ay, a sad dog.

Syl. A very sad dog. Give me the money, noble Captain Plume.

Plume. Then you won't list with Captain Brazen? Syl. I won't.

Brazen Never mind him, child; I'll end the dispute presently.Harkye, my dear!

[Takes PLUME to one Side of the Stage, and entertains him in dumb Shew.

Kite. Sir, he in the plain coat is Captain Plume; I am his serjeant, and will take my oath on't. Syl. What! you are serjeant Kite?

Kite. At your service.

Syl. Then I would not take your oath for a farthing.

Kite. A very understanding youth of his age: but I see a storm coming.

Syl. Now, serjeant, I shall see who is your captain, by your knocking down the other.

Kite. My captain scorns assistance, sir.

Brazen. How dare you contend for any thing, and not dare to draw your sword? But you are a young fellow, and have not been much abroad; I excuse that; but pr'ythee, resign the man, pr'ythee do: you are a very honest fellow.

Plume. You lie; and you are a son of a whore.
[Draws, and makes up to BRAZEN.


for the lady?

Brazen. Hold, hold; did not you refuse to fight [Retiring. Plume. I always do, but for a man I'll fight kneedeep; so you lie again.

[PLUME and BRAZEN fight a traverse or two about the Stage; SYLVIA draws, and is held by KITE, who sounds to Arms with his Mouth, takes SYLVIA in his Arms, and carries her off the Stage. Brazen. Hold! where's the man?

Plume. Gone.

Brazen. Then what do we fight for? [Puts up.] Now let's embrace, my dear!

Plume. With all my heart, my dear! [Putting up.] I suppose Kite has listed him by this time.

[Embraces. Brazen. You are a brave fellow: I always fight with a man before I make him my friend; and if once I find he will fight, I never quarrel with him afterwards. And now I'll tell you a secret, my dear friend! that lady we frightened out of the walk just now, I found in bed this morning, so beautiful, so inviting; I presently locked the door-but I'm a man of honour— but I believe I shall marry her nevertheless-her twenty thousand pounds, you know, will be a pretty conveniency. I had an assignation with her here, but your coming spoiled my sport. Curse you, my dear, but don't do so again

Plume. No, no, my dear! men are my business at present.


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