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SOTHEBY, WILKINSON, & HODGE, Auctioneers of Literary Property and Works iliustrative of the Fine Arts, will SELL by AUCTION, at their House. 13, Wellington Street, Strand, W.C., on SATURDAY, July 11, at 1 o'clock precisely, a very Important and Extensive Series of UNPUBLISHED POLITICAL PAPERS of the KEIGN of GEORGE III; consisting of the officially Private and Confidential Correspondence of Francis Godolphin Osborne, Marquis of Carmarthen and Duke of Leeds, "s Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, including many hundred highly-interesting Letters from King George III. and his Ministers, English and Foreign Ambassadors. Members of the Royal Family, Literary and other Distinguished Persons; the Original Manuscript of the celebrated Letters of Lucius; extremely valuable Memorandum Books, Diaries, and miscellaneous Autograph Letters. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of two stamps. The First Portion of the Valuable and Extensive Library, formed by the Rev. Thomas Corser, M.A., F.S.A., of Stand Rectory, near Manchester. ESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON, & HODGE, ME Auctioneers of Literary Property and Works illustrative of the Fine Arts, will SELL by AUCTION, at their Ilouse, No. 13, Wellington Street, Strand, W.C., on TUESDAY, July 28. and two following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, the FIRST PORTION of the valuable and extensive LIBRARY formed by the REV. THOMAS CORSER, M.A., F.S.A.. of Stand Rectory, near Manchester, Who. from age, ill-health, and bodily infirmity, is precluded from the further enjoyment of his books; comprising a large assemblage of rare and unique works of our early English Poets and Dramatists, several volumes by Caxton and other early English Printers, Manuscripts, Block-book, &c. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of twelve stamps. The exceedingly choice Library of the late Felix Slade, Esq. [ESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON, & HODGE ME will SELL by AUCTION, in the month of JULY. the exceedingly choice and valuable LIBRARY of the late FELIX SLADE, ESQ.; comprising most magnificent Specimens of Ancient and Modern Bindings, Book of Prints in the finest state, Early Typography, Service Books, recherché Copies of the best Works in English and French Literature in fine old Morocco, including exquisitely beautiful Examples of the Bibliopegistic skill of Roger Payne, Kalthoeper, M_ntague, Lewis. Clarke, Bedford, De Roma, Padeloup, De Seuil, and other celebrated Binders, mostly enriched with elaborate tooling in the finest possible taste. Further notices will be duly given. THE SCIENTIFIC WONDER. This Instrument has a clear magnifying power of 32,000 times, shows all kinds of Animalcula in Water, Circulation of the Blood. &c. &c.. Adulteration of Food, Milk, &c.. and is just the Microscope that every Surgeon, Dentist, Schoolmaster, Student, and Working Man should have. It is pronounced by the Press (and all scientific men who have seen it), to be the best, cheapest, and most simple microscope ever invented. It has twenty times the power of the Coddington or Stanhope Microscope, and is twice as good as the celebrated Rae Microscope (which has been awarded so many prize medals), as may be interred from the following letter received from Mr. Rae himself: "CARLISLE, DECEMBER 12th, 1867. "To Mr. McCulloch, Philosophical Instrument Maker. "Sir, Having seen some of your Diamond-Plate Lenses, I write to ask your terms for supplying me with the same per 20 gross, as I consider them superior to mine. Yours, &c., "RAE & CO., Opticians, Carlisle." I beg to inform the public that I have no Agent anywhere, and all pretended Agents are impostors. The above instrument can only be had from me, in Birmingham. Those at a distance who care for instruction and amusement, can have it safe and free by sample post, with book of full instructions, on receipt of 32 Postage Stamps. Samples sent abroad 2 extra Stamps. All persons wishing further particulars and testimonials, must send stamped and addressed envelop. Address, A. McCULLOCH, Philosophical Instrument Maker, 18, Blucher Street, Birmingham. CHWEPPE'S MINERAL WATERS - By Wales. Every bottle is protected by a label having name and trade mark.-Manufactories at London, Liverpool, Derby, Bristol, Glasgow, Malvern. HE PRETTIEST GIFT for a LADY is one of one at 107. 108. Rewarded at the International Exhibition for "Cheapness of Production." Manufactory, 338, Strand, opposite Somerset House. Now ready, the Third Edition, I vol. imp. 4to, half bound red morocco gilt top, uncut, 67. 68. PUGIN'S GLOSSARY ОР ECCLESIASTICAL ORNAMENT AND COSTUME. Setting forth the Origin, History, and Mystical Signification of the various Emblems, Devices, and Symbolical Colours, peculiar to CHRISTIAN DESIGN of the MIDDLE AGES, with especial reference to the DECORATION of the SACRED VESTMENTS and ALTAR FURNITURE formerly used in the English Church. Compiled from Ancient Authorities and Examples, by A. WELBY PUGIN, Architect, Professor of Ecclesiastical Antiquities at St Mary's College, Oscott. Illustrated by Extracts from the Works of Durandus, Georgius, Bona, Catalani, Gerbert, Martene, Molanus, Thiers, Mabillon, Ducange, &C. Enlarged and Revised by the REV. BERNARD SMITH, M.A, of St. Mary's College, Oscott. Illustrated by SEVENTY-THREE PLATES, in Gold and Colours, and about 50 Woodcuts in the Letter-press, containing Examples of the Ecclesiastical Costume of the Roman, English, French, and German Bishops, riests, and Deacons : Frontals, Curtain-, and Dossells of Altars; the embr idering of the Orphreys and Hoods of Copes. Stoles, Maniples, and Chasubles Apparels of Albs; Patterns of Diapering for Ceilings, Walls, and precious Stuffs; Bordures and Powderings; Floriated Crosses; Emblems of the Holy Trinity; the Five Wounds and Passion of our Blessed Lord, the Four Evangelists, of our Blessed Lady, the Mysteries of the Rosary: Monograms of the Holy Name; Examples of the Nimbus; Conventional Forms of Animals and Flowers for Heraldic Decoration: Altar and Church Linen. Funeral Palls, &c. The whole drawn, coloured, adapted, and described from Ancient Authorities, by A. Welby Pugin, Architect. Copies have been sold by public Auction for 107, and upwards; a New Edition was therefore demanded both by Ritualistic Enthusiasts and Artists. London: B. QUARITCH, 15, Piccadilly. [NTERESTING RARITIES (which were printed TISH BALLADS, viz.:—1. A Ballad-Book.-II. A North Countrie Garland.-III. The Hallad-Book: and, IV. A New Book of Old Balas. Edited by Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, James Maidment, and George Ritchie Kinloch. A SET of these highly valuable Series of BALLAD POETRY is on SALE with THOMAS GEORGE STEVENSON, Frederick Street, Edinburgh. In the press, and shortly will be published, price 6d., the 110 thousandth of the MORISONIANA; or, Family Adviser of the Comprising Oigin of Life and true Cause of Diseases explained, forming a complete manual for individuals and families for everything, that regards p eserving them in health and curing their diseases. The whole tried and proved by the members of the British College of Health during the last forty years. May be had at the British College of Health, Euston Road. London, and of all the Hygeian Agents for the sale of Morison's Vegetable Universal Medicines throughout the world. 2s. JUST PATENTED 28 d. The ALEXANDRA Pricker, Frames, &c. including every necessary for printing Invitations, Programmes, Diaries, Notes, Cards, Labels, and every description of printing required in private life. It is cleauly and simple in operation, forms an elegant ornament of every-day usefulness; and can be worked with ease by a lady. Delivered in London, 28. 10. Packed in wooden box and booked to any address in the country, 38. Post Order or Stamp to J. and W. MURRAY, 21, Little Welbeck Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. IESSE and LUBIN'S HUNGARY WATER, to learn (says Humboldt) that orators, clergymen, lecturers. authors, and poets give it the preference, for it refreshes the memory." Emphatically the scent for warm weather, for hot and depressive climate. A case of six bottles, 108. 64.; single samples, 28. 2, New Bond Street. W. "Messrs. Gabriel are particularly successful in their system of Artificial Teeth, wh ch they fix firmly in the mouth by means of an Elastic Gum without springs, painlessly, and without any operation."-Herald. "Invaluable to clergymen, public orators, and invalids." Court Journal. Charges: Tooth from 5s.; Set from 4 to 20 guineas. Liverpool: 134, Duke Street. Escheator QUERIES:- Lord Byron - Wellins Calcott - - Disembowel. ment-Floating Corpses - The Monastery of Koenigsaal Monogram "A. E. Î."— Muster Rolls, &c. - Nying - A Prince of Wales's Brooch - Quotations wanted - Song, "Good Humour"- Whitmore's Heraldic Proposal, 9. QUERIES WITH ANSWERS: Old Taylor, the Artist Printing-Sykes: Thayer, &c.- Soug - Burials at Kensington, 11. REPLIES: Aerography, 12-Noy and Noyes, 13 - The Wedding-ring, 14— William Coddington, 16- Cigars and Segars, lb. -Tamala and Tâmrakuitaka, Sanskrit Words for Tobacco - Douglas Rings: the Douglas Heart, 17Discovery of an Old Medal, 18-St. Thomas à Becket Curious Orthographic Fact - Adrian's Address to his Soul Dido and Eneas-Charles II.'s Flight from Worcester -Parish Registers - Tombstone luscriptions - Cave of Adullam-Ceremonial at Induction - The Living Skeleton, Claude Ambroise Seurat-"The Jackdaw of Rheims" -Skelp Marvellous Stories of Sharks - The Prior's Pastoral Staff Rudee: Defame: Birre - Perverse Pronunciation Voltaire - Medal of James III. and Clementina Sobieski-The Cuckoo, &c., 18. "In the kingdom of Amhara is Gueron, the famous rock on which the sons and brothers of the Emperor were confined till their accession to the throne. This custom, established about 1260, hath been abolished for two ages."-Voyage to Abyssinia, London, 1735, p. 200. "The kingdom of Amhara is yet more mountainous [than that of Tigre]. The Abyssins call these steep rocks Amba: there are many of them which appear to the sight like great cities; and one is scarcely convinced, even upon a near view, that one doth not see walls, towers, and bastions. It was on the barren summit of Amba-Guexa that the princes of the blood-royal passed their melancholy life, being guarded by officers who treated them often with great rigour and severity."-1b. p. 204. 66 Anciently the princes who had any right or pretension to the crown were kept under a strong guard on Mount Guexon; which custom continued for two hundred years. Naod, the father of David, was the last who was raised from that prison to the throne. As this king was playing one day with a young prince about eight years old, a counsellor that stood by observed to him that this son was very much grown: the child immediately apprehending the meaning of his words, burst into tears, and lamented that he was grown only to be the sooner sent to Guexen. The king, touched at the reply, declared that the royal offspring should be no more confined in that manner: thus by this accident was an end put to the slavery of the princes of Abyssinia."— 1b. p. 261, cf. 259. Dr. Johnson perhaps got his account from Tellez, or some of the earlier Portuguese writers, but I have not any of these, or Ludolph, at hand to refer to. If there be no historical foundation for the "blissful captivity" which Johnson pictures, it is probable that he followed Milton in decking the dreary scene of royal imprisonment Hindoo geography unites Africa with the Indian Archipelago; and the Mount Meru of the Hindoo Paradise came to be identified with "Mount Amara, under the Ethiop line." Thence, Homer speaks of the Ethiopians as a happy and innocent race dwelling by the ocean stream, in a Paradise so delightful, that the gods often left Olympus to visit them and share in their festivities. Huet, in his treatise De la Situation du Paradis Terrestre, speaks of various writers who place Paradise in Africa under the equator, above the Mountains of the Moon, from which the Nile was said to take its rise. Tertullian says that, after the Fall, Paradise was girt about with the Torrid Zone, called in Scripture a flaming sword, and has been thus rendered unapproachable ever since, being separated from us and hidden as by a wall of fire. Huet is referred to by Le Grand in his appendix to Lobo, p. 207. with the traditions of "true Paradise.' The old |